樹莓派相機︰ RaspiCAM 之軟件《二》

道德經 (王弼本)


知人者智,自知者明。知人者,智而已矣,未若自知者超智之上也。 勝人者有力,自勝者強。勝人者,有力而已矣,未若自勝者無物以損其力,用其智於人,未若用其智於己也。用其力於人,未若用其力於己也。明用於己,則物無避焉,力用於己,則物無改焉。 知足者富。知足自不失,故富也。 強行者有志 。勤能行之,其志必獲,故曰強行者有志矣。 不失其所者久。以明自察,量力而行,不失其所,必獲久長矣。 死而不亡者壽。雖死而以為生之道不亡,乃得全其壽,身沒而道猶存,況身存而道不卒乎。








金庸的《射鵰英雄傳》及《神鵰俠侶》中,周伯通被演繹為王重陽(書中為「天下五絕」之首,有「中神通」之號)的師弟,全真七子的師叔。為金庸小說中武功最絕頂的高手之一。 周伯通滿臉花影,髮鬚烏黑,雖然甚長,卻未見斑白。


周伯通天性純真, 又如孩童般任意妄為,常不看場面緩急狀況下胡鬧,故有「老頑童」之稱。他不拘小節,好武成癡,當被生平未見的武功吸引時,有甘願向施功者磕頭拜師求教的舉動。(如初見歐陽鋒施展的輕功、郭靖所練的降龍十八掌、楊過獨創的黯然銷魂掌等)。





周伯通之『空明拳』能『雙手互搏』,一心二用至忘我一人之境 ,是否為『自勝者』耶?因此說其得道家養生要旨,豈是全假呢! ! ??不講相機軟件,反倒先講起武俠,不會太無厘頭的嗎??!!祇為先提個醒, Linux 世界的


Video4Linux, V4L for short, is a collection of device drivers and an API for supporting realtime video capture on Linux systems.[1] It supports many USB webcams, TV tuners, and related devices, standardizing their output so programmers can easily add video support to their applications. MythTV, tvtime and TVHeadend are typical applications that use the V4L framework.

Video4Linux was named after Video for Windows (which is sometimes abbreviated “V4W”), but is not technically related to it.[2][3]

Version 1

V4L had been introduced late into the 2.1.X development cycle of the Linux kernel. V4L1 support was dropped in kernel 2.6.38.[4]

Version 2

V4L2 is the second version of V4L. Video4Linux2 fixed some design bugs and started appearing in the 2.5.x kernels. Video4Linux2 drivers include a compatibility mode for Video4Linux1 applications, though the support can be incomplete and it is recommended to use Video4Linux1 devices in V4L2 mode. The project DVB-Wiki is now hosted on LinuxTV web site.[5]

Some programs support V4L2 through the media resource locator v4l2://.



This document covers the Linux Kernel to Userspace API’s used by video and radio streaming devices, including video cameras, analog and digital TV receiver cards, AM/FM receiver cards, streaming capture and output devices, codec devices and remote controllers.

A typical media device hardware is shown at Figure 1, “Typical Media Device”.

Figure 1. Typical Media Device


The media infrastructure API was designed to control such devices. It is divided into five parts.

The first part covers radio, video capture and output, cameras, analog TV devices and codecs.

The second part covers the API used for digital TV and Internet reception via one of the several digital tv standards. While it is called as DVB API, in fact it covers several different video standards including DVB-T/T2, DVB-S/S2, DVB-C, ATSC, ISDB-T, ISDB-S,etc. The complete list of supported standards can be found at the section called “fe_delivery_system type”.

The third part covers the Remote Controller API.

The fourth part covers the Media Controller API.

The fifth part covers the CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) API.

It should also be noted that a media device may also have audio components, like mixers, PCM capture, PCM playback, etc, which are controlled via ALSA API.

For additional information and for the latest development code, see: https://linuxtv.org.

For discussing improvements, reporting troubles, sending new drivers, etc, please mail to: Linux Media Mailing List (LMML)..


苟非『忘己成癡者』莫輕入也。幸而樹莓派官方版 RaspiCAM 乃今只要

sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2

,就能掛載上應用軟體『相容性』滿高之 v4l2 的 linux 驅動程式。故而作者只需

sudo apt-get install luvcview



