L4K ︰ Python Turtle 教具


Radio-controlled car

Radio controlled (or R/C) cars are battery/gas-powered model cars or trucks that can be controlled from a distance using a specialized transmitter or remote. The term “R/C” has been used to mean both “remote controlled” and “radio controlled”, where “remote controlled” includes vehicles that are connected to their controller by a wire, but common use of “R/C” today usually refers to vehicles controlled by a radio-frequency link. This article focuses on radio-controlled vehicles only.

Cars are powered by various sources. Electric models are powered by small but powerful electric motors and rechargeable nickel-cadmium, nickel metal hydride, or lithium polymer cells. There are also brushed or brushless electric motors. Most fuel-powered models use glow plug engines, small internal combustion engines fueled by a special mixture of nitromethane, methanol, and oil (in most cases a blend of castor oil and synthetic oil). These are referred to as “nitro” cars. Recently, exceptionally large models have been introduced that are powered by small gasoline engines, similar to string trimmer motors, which use a mix of oil and gasoline. Electric cars are generally considered easier for the novice to work with compared to fuel-driven models, but can be equally as complex at the higher budget and skill levels.

In both of these categories, both on-road and off-road vehicles are available. Off-road models, which are built with fully functional off-road suspensions, and a wide tire selection, can be used on various types of terrain. On-road cars, with a much less robust suspension, are strictly limited to smooth, paved surfaces. In the past decade, advances in “on-road” vehicles have made their suspension as adjustable as many full scale race cars, today.

A Traxxas T-Maxx nitro powered off-road monster truck with no body.









彭祖在歷史上影響很大。孔子對他推崇備至;莊子荀子呂不韋先秦思想家都有關於彭祖的言論;《史記》等史書也有關於他的記載;道家更把彭祖奉為先驅和奠基人之一,許多道家典籍保存著彭祖養生遺論。晉代醫學家葛洪撰 寫的《神仙傳》中還特別為彭祖立傳,當時的君王派人向他求道,他只說:「吾遺腹而生,三歲而失母,遭犬戎之亂,流離西域,百有餘年。加以少枯,失四十九 妻 ,喪五十四子,數遭憂患,和氣折傷,榮衛焦枯,恐不度世。所聞淺薄,不足宣傳。」晚年定居犍為郡武謀(今四川彭山縣東),病故後葬於此[5],碑撰「商大賢墓」,今四川彭山縣東不遠處有彭祖祠。一說錢鏐曾修建過彭祖墓、彭祖廟等。葛洪在《抱朴子》一書認為八百歲是彭祖出走時的年齡,得道成仙。又《釋滯篇》里說彭祖為大夫八百年,然後西適流沙。

先秦時期,彭祖在人們心中是一位仙人。到了西漢劉向列仙傳 》把彭祖列入仙界,並稱為列仙,彭祖逐漸成為神話中的人物。

唐朝人楊炯有《庭菊賦》:「降文皇之命,修彭祖之術,保性和神 ,此焉終吉。」《太平廣記》寫他:「遺腹而生,三歲而失母,遇犬戎之亂,流離西域,百有餘年。加以少枯,喪四十九妻,失五十四子,數遭憂患,和氣折傷。」「傳言千歲,色如童子,步行日過五百里,能終歲不食,亦能一日九食」。




An Introduction Python Programming with the GoPiGo

Dexter Industries has an extensive Python Programming language set of examples for the GoPiGo.  These are all up on Github.  If you are familiar with Python, these will be easy to start with and follow.


Python Programming API Functions:

Below is a more detailed description of the functions available with the GoPiGo with Python along with the usage and examples.

Click on the individual links below for more detail on their usage.

Motor control functions:

  • fwd(): Move the GoPiGo forward with PID (better control)
  • motor_fwd(): Move the GoPiGo forward without PID
  • bwd(): Move the GoPiGo back with PID (better control)
  • motor_bwd(): Move the GoPiGo back without PID
  • left(): Turn GoPiGo Left slow (one motor off, better control)
  • left_rot(): Rotate GoPiGo left in same position (both motors moving in the opposite direction)
  • right(): Turn GoPiGo right slow (one motor off, better control)
  • right_rot(): Rotate GoPiGo right in same position both motors moving in the opposite direction)
  • stop(): Stop the GoPiGo

Motor speed Functions:

Encoder Functions:

Ultrasonic ranger read:

  • us_dist(): Read distance from the ultrasonic sensor

LED control:

Servo control:

Status from the GoPiGo:
