GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《投影幾何》【五‧線性代數】《導引七‧變換組合 VII‧B 》


據煙波釣叟歌中記載,奇門遁甲起源於傳說時代,黃帝炎帝聯軍和蚩尤在涿鹿展開的一場大戰,蚩尤身高七尺,鐵頭銅身,刀槍不入 ,能呼風喚雨並在戰場上製造迷霧,使得炎黃聯軍陷入不利境地。黃帝於是向天祈禱,終於獲得九天玄女給的河圖洛書和彩鳳銜來的太乙、六壬、遁甲之書,黃帝以 此發明了指南車,逆轉了戰局,取得了勝利。黃帝令風后演繹天書,並最終演繹成三式之法:大六壬 、太乙神數、奇門遁甲一千零八十局(陽遁、陰遁各五百四十局) 。後來該術數為姜子牙所習得,由姜子牙刪減為七十二局(陽遁、陰遁各三十六局),再經過姜子牙傳給黃石公,再由黃石公傳給張良,最終由張良將其精簡為現今 的一十八局(陽遁、陰遁各九局) 。

天干首起『甲』,易曰︰用九,見群龍無首,吉。故『遁甲』也。在天有三光,日光乙乙萬物生,月光炳炳照大地,星光指向引路灯 ,乙丙丁三奇出矣。紫白飛星九宮八門,太上曰︰禍福無門,惟人自召。雖然,河圖洛書陰陽五行所以言生剋制化沖和之象,所以極其數,蓋揭露天地人三才生殺有 時乎??

─── 時間序列︰生成函數‧漸近展開︰歐拉的天空《遁甲》




Normal form

Möbius transformations are also sometimes written in terms of their fixed points in so-called normal form. We first treat the non-parabolic case, for which there are two distinct fixed points.

Non-parabolic case:

Every non-parabolic transformation is conjugate to a dilation/rotation, i.e. a transformation of the form

  z\mapsto kz\,

(k ∈ C) with fixed points at 0 and ∞. To see this define a map

  g(z)={\frac {z-\gamma _{1}}{z-\gamma _{2}}}

which sends the points (γ1, γ2) to (0, ∞). Here we assume that γ1 and γ2 are distinct and finite. If one of them is already at infinity then g can be modified so as to fix infinity and send the other point to 0.

If f has distinct fixed points (γ1, γ2) then the transformation  gfg^{{-1}} has fixed points at 0 and ∞ and is therefore a dilation: gfg^{{-1}}(z)=kz. The fixed point equation for the transformation f can then be written

  {\frac {f(z)-\gamma _{1}}{f(z)-\gamma _{2}}}=k{\frac {z-\gamma _{1}}{z-\gamma _{2}}}.

Solving for f gives (in matrix form):

{\mathfrak {H}}(k;\gamma _{1},\gamma _{2})={\begin{pmatrix}\gamma _{1}-k\gamma _{2}&(k-1)\gamma _{1}\gamma _{2}\\1-k&k\gamma _{1}-\gamma _{2}\end{pmatrix}}

or, if one of the fixed points is at infinity:

{\mathfrak {H}}(k;\gamma ,\infty )={\begin{pmatrix}k&(1-k)\gamma \\0&1\end{pmatrix}}.

From the above expressions one can calculate the derivatives of f at the fixed points:

f'(\gamma _{1})=k\, and  f'(\gamma _{2})=1/k.\,

Observe that, given an ordering of the fixed points, we can distinguish one of the multipliers (k) of f as the characteristic constant of f. Reversing the order of the fixed points is equivalent to taking the inverse multiplier for the characteristic constant:

{\mathfrak {H}}(k;\gamma _{1},\gamma _{2})={\mathfrak {H}}(1/k;\gamma _{2},\gamma _{1}).

For loxodromic transformations, whenever |k| > 1, one says that γ1 is the repulsive fixed point, and γ2 is the attractive fixed point. For |k| < 1, the roles are reversed.

Parabolic case:

In the parabolic case there is only one fixed point γ. The transformation sending that point to ∞ is

g(z)={\frac {1}{z-\gamma }}

or the identity if γ is already at infinity. The transformation  gfg^{{-1}} fixes infinity and is therefore a translation:

gfg^{{-1}}(z)=z+\beta \,.

Here, β is called the translation length. The fixed point formula for a parabolic transformation is then

{\frac {1}{f(z)-\gamma }}={\frac {1}{z-\gamma }}+\beta .

Solving for f (in matrix form) gives

{\mathfrak {H}}(\beta ;\gamma )={\begin{pmatrix}1+\gamma \beta &-\beta \gamma ^{2}\\\beta &1-\gamma \beta \end{pmatrix}}

or, if γ = ∞:

{\mathfrak {H}}(\beta ;\infty )={\begin{pmatrix}1&\beta \\0&1\end{pmatrix}}

Note that β is not the characteristic constant of f, which is always 1 for a parabolic transformation. From the above expressions one can calculate:

  f'(\gamma )=1.\,



Homothetic transformation

In mathematics, a homothety (or homothecy, or homogeneous dilation) is a transformation of an affine space determined by a point S called its center and a nonzero number λ called its ratio, which sends

  M\mapsto S+\lambda {\overrightarrow {SM}},

in other words it fixes S, and sends any M to another point N such that the segment SN is on the same line as SM, but scaled by a factor λ.[1] In Euclidean geometry homotheties are the similarities that fix a point and either preserve (if λ > 0) or reverse (if λ < 0) the direction of all vectors. Together with the translations, all homotheties of an affine (or Euclidean) space form a group, the group of dilations or homothety-translations. These are precisely the affine transformations with the property that the image of every line L is a line parallel to L.

In projective geometry, a homothetic transformation is a similarity transformation (i.e., fixes a given elliptic involution) that leaves the line at infinity pointwise invariant.[2]

In Euclidean geometry, a homothety of ratio λ multiplies distances between points by |λ| and all areas by λ2. The first number is called the ratio of magnification or dilation factor or scale factor or similitude ratio. Such a transformation can be called an enlargement if the scale factor exceeds 1. The above-mentioned fixed point S is called homothetic center or center of similarity or center of similitude

wo similar geometric figures related by a homothetic transformation with respect to a homothetic center S. The angles at corresponding points are the same and have the same sense; for example, the angles ABC and A’B’C’ are both clockwise and equal in magnitude.









1.判斷特徵值是否相等; 2.判斷行列式是否相等; 3.判斷是否相等; 4.判斷是否相等; 以上條件可以作為判斷矩陣是否相似的必要條件,而非充分條件。







pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3 Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11)  Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.  IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help      -> Python's own help system. object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.  In [1]: from sympy import *  In [2]: init_printing()  In [3]: γ1,γ2,k,z = symbols('γ1,γ2,k,z')  In [4]: 似位變換 = Matrix([[k,0],[0,1]])  In [5]: 似位變換 Out[5]:  ⎡k  0⎤ ⎢    ⎥ ⎣0  1⎦  In [6]: 保角變換 = Matrix([[1,-γ1],[1,-γ2]])  In [7]: 保角變換 Out[7]:  ⎡1  -γ1⎤ ⎢      ⎥ ⎣1  -γ2⎦  In [8]: 保角變換.inv() Out[8]:  ⎡     γ1           γ1  ⎤ ⎢- ─────── + 1  ───────⎥ ⎢  γ1 - γ2      γ1 - γ2⎥ ⎢                      ⎥ ⎢     -1           1   ⎥ ⎢   ───────     ───────⎥ ⎣   γ1 - γ2     γ1 - γ2⎦  In [9]: 相似變換 = 保角變換.inv()*似位變換*保角變換  In [10]: 相似變換 Out[10]:  ⎡  ⎛     γ1      ⎞      γ1           ⎛     γ1      ⎞    γ1⋅γ2 ⎤ ⎢k⋅⎜- ─────── + 1⎟ + ───────  - k⋅γ1⋅⎜- ─────── + 1⎟ - ───────⎥ ⎢  ⎝  γ1 - γ2    ⎠   γ1 - γ2         ⎝  γ1 - γ2    ⎠   γ1 - γ2⎥ ⎢                                                             ⎥ ⎢         k         1                  k⋅γ1       γ2          ⎥ ⎢    - ─────── + ───────             ─────── - ───────        ⎥ ⎣      γ1 - γ2   γ1 - γ2             γ1 - γ2   γ1 - γ2        ⎦  In [11]: 相似變換[0,0].simplify() Out[11]:  -k⋅γ2 + γ1 ──────────  γ1 - γ2    In [12]: 相似變換[0,1].simplify() Out[12]:  γ1⋅γ2⋅(k - 1) ─────────────    γ1 - γ2     In [13]: 相似變換[1,0].simplify() Out[13]:   -k + 1 ─────── γ1 - γ2  In [14]: 相似變換[1,1].simplify() Out[14]:  k⋅γ1 - γ2 ─────────  γ1 - γ2   In [15]:  </pre>    <span style="color: #666699;">或許『圖鑑』還有一張</span>  <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-75430" src="" alt="" width="800" height="600" />     <span style="color: #666699;">表白文字幾行︰</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">依上圖,三角形\Delta {\gamma}_1 {\gamma}_2} z^{'}與\Delta {\gamma}_1 {\gamma}_2} z面積比可以兩算︰</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">‧ 以z-{\gamma}_1}和z^{'}-{\gamma}_1}為底= \frac{z^{'} - {\gamma}_1}{z - {\gamma}_1}};</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">‧ 以z-{\gamma}_2}和z^{'}-{\gamma}_2}  為底</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">= \frac{|{\gamma}_1 {\gamma}_2| \cdot \sin(\angle \phi)}{|{\gamma}_1 {\gamma}_2| \cdot \sin(\angle \theta)} \cdot \frac{z^{'} - {\gamma}_2}{z - {\gamma}_2}} = k \cdot \frac{z^{'} - {\gamma}_2}{z - {\gamma}_2}}</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">\therefore k = \frac{ \sin(\angle \phi)}{ \sin(\angle \theta)} </span>     <span style="color: #666699;">既『角不變』,『角比』能變嗎★</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">故而 \frac{z^{'} - {\gamma}_1}{z - {\gamma}_1}} = k \cdot \frac{z^{'} - {\gamma}_2}{z - {\gamma}_2}},</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">且將兩邊乘上\frac{z - {\gamma}_1}{z^{'} - {\gamma}_2}$
