【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 J.3A 》

作者初學乍練實不該多講如何使用 librosa 程式庫之事,此處不過說說測試安裝時閱讀的文件而已。尚祈讀者求教方家也。


For a quick introduction to using librosa, please refer to the Tutorial. For a more advanced introduction which describes the package design principles, please refer to the librosa paper at SciPy 2015.




This section covers the fundamentals of developing with librosa, including a package overview, basic and advanced usage, and integration with the scikit-learn package. We will assume basic familiarity with Python and NumPy/SciPy.


The librosa package is structured as collection of submodules:

  • librosa
    • librosa.beat
      Functions for estimating tempo and detecting beat events.
    • librosa.core
      Core functionality includes functions to load audio from disk, compute various spectrogram representations, and a variety of commonly used tools for music analysis. For convenience, all functionality in this submodule is directly accessible from the top-level librosa.* namespace.
    • librosa.decompose
      Functions for harmonic-percussive source separation (HPSS) and generic spectrogram decomposition using matrix decomposition methods implemented in scikit-learn.
    • librosa.display
      Visualization and display routines using matplotlib.
    • librosa.effects
      Time-domain audio processing, such as pitch shifting and time stretching. This submodule also provides time-domain wrappers for the decompose submodule.
    • librosa.feature
      Feature extraction and manipulation. This includes low-level feature extraction, such as chromagrams, pseudo-constant-Q (log-frequency) transforms, Mel spectrogram, MFCC, and tuning estimation. Also provided are feature manipulation methods, such as delta features, memory embedding, and event-synchronous feature alignment.
    • librosa.filters
      Filter-bank generation (chroma, pseudo-CQT, CQT, etc.). These are primarily internal functions used by other parts of librosa.
    • librosa.onset
      Onset detection and onset strength computation.
    • librosa.output
      Text- and wav-file output.
    • librosa.segment
      Functions useful for structural segmentation, such as recurrence matrix construction, time-lag representation, and sequentially constrained clustering.
    • librosa.util
      Helper utilities (normalization, padding, centering, etc.)


Before diving into the details, we’ll walk through a brief example program

※ 註︰ 此處直接使用 jupyter-notebook ,而非 python3 好剪貼而已。






Librosa example gallery


Laplacian segmentation



This notebook demonstrates a simple technique for separating vocals (and other sporadic foreground signals) from accompanying instrumentation.

This is based on the “REPET-SIM” method of Rafii and Pardo, 2012, but includes a couple of modifications and extensions:

  • FFT windows overlap by 1/4, instead of 1/2
  • Non-local filtering is converted into a soft mask by Wiener filtering. This is similar in spirit to the soft-masking method used by Fitzgerald, 2012, but is a bit more numerically stable in practice.



想起當年卡拉 OK 晶片曾有此功能,只是效果不十分好哩!不知今日卻是如何的呦?


audioread 2.1.4

multi-library, cross-platform audio decoding

Latest Version: 2.1.5

Decode audio files using whichever backend is available. The library currently supports:


能在 raspbian stretch 裡讀 mp3 檔︰

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install libavcodec-extra-53 libavcodec-extra-56 libavcodec-extra57
sudo apt-get install libav-tools

