【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 K.3-言語界面-7.2G 》






We can appreciate why we need additional intelligence in our systems — heuristics don’t go very far in the world of complex audio signals. We’ll be using scikit-learn’s implementation of the k-NN algorithm for our work here. It proves be a straightforward and easy-to-use implementation. The steps and skills of working with one classifier will scale nicely to working with other, more complex classifiers.




A Python library for audio feature extraction, classification, segmentation and applications

This doc contains general info. Click [here] (https://github.com/tyiannak/pyAudioAnalysis/wiki) for the complete wiki


pyAudioAnalysis is a Python library covering a wide range of audio analysis tasks. Through pyAudioAnalysis you can:

  • Extract audio features and representations (e.g. mfccs, spectrogram, chromagram)
  • Classify unknown sounds
  • Train, parameter tune and evaluate classifiers of audio segments
  • Detect audio events and exclude silence periods from long recordings
  • Perform supervised segmentation (joint segmentation – classification)
  • Perform unsupervised segmentation (e.g. speaker diarization)
  • Extract audio thumbnails
  • Train and use audio regression models (example application: emotion recognition)
  • Apply dimensionality reduction to visualize audio data and content similarities

