STEM 隨筆︰古典力學︰轉子【三】


巳 蛇

來氏《 易 》易註︰


四變,中爻離巽,巽木離中虛,樽之象也 。坎,水酒之象也。中爻震竹,簋乃竹器 ,簋之象 也。缶,瓦器所以盛酒漿者。比卦坤土中虛,初變震,有離象,故曰缶。離卦鼓缶 ,此變離,故曰缶,《漢書》「擊缶而歌烏烏」。貳者副也,言樽酒而簋,即副之 也。言一樽之酒,二簋之食,樂用瓦缶,皆菲薄至約之物也。納約自牖者,自進于牖下,陳列此至約之物而納進之也。在墻曰牖,在屋曰囪。牖乃受明之處,變離, 牖之象也。此與遇主于巷同意 ,皆其坎陷艱難之時,故不由正道也。蓋樽酒簋二用缶,見無繁文之設 。納約曰自見,無儐介之儀。世故多艱,非但君擇臣 ,臣亦擇君,所以進麥飯者不以為簡,而雪夜幸其家,以嫂呼臣妻者,不以為瀆也 。修邊幅之公孫,述宜乎為井底蛙矣。



剛五柔四。際者相接際也。五思出險而下求 ,四思出險而上交。此其情易合,而禮薄亦可以自通也。

︰習 坎 坎,重 險 險也。孚, 信 信也。 信 信而能唯心習 教事 事,故可出 坎 坎。然而一己之 力 力微薄,更需要合 同 同志 同 同道合者,齊 行 行以濟重 險 險。當此之時也 ,樽酒簋貳 ,納約自牖,怡然 安 安特。


晨起無聊寄,明兒 同 樂 會 同樂會,亦悲亦是喜,喜大家鵬程萬里,悲今後或難再遇。須謹記,破 坎 坎突 險 險,還是有賴志 之 友與道 朋 朋。當懷念,同 學 學共 習 習之情誼。莫期望 ,倚靠 幸 幸 運 運。《 文 》 文說︰

幸,所以驚人也。从大从 辛 。一曰大聲也。凡幸之屬皆从幸。一曰讀若瓠。一曰俗語以盜不止爲幸,幸讀若籋。


或應知, 幸 幸,古義枷鎖也。得脫鐐銬,何其有幸! 運 運,本講遷軍。若能安泰!運何能不好?皆因不祥事耶!!??


─── 《M♪O 之學習筆記本《巳》文章︰【䷜】樽酒簋貳





寅 虎




派︰《 畫畫傳︰昔有『米勒』者繪作『拾穗』圖,──

拾穗一詞淵源於舊約聖經路得記-路得與波阿斯的記載,路得在波阿斯田裏撿麥穗,以供養她的婆婆拿俄米,指農民需讓貧苦人撿拾收割後遺留穗粒以求溫飽,而該畫除了描繪3名農婦在金黃色麥田撿拾麥穗情景外,其金黃陽光、彎腰等細節,另外呈現「英雄史詩般的崇高意境」。 畫面上三位年紀不同的女性,表現出勞動家庭的命運 ,且畫面遠處可看到農地監督者坐於馬背上觀看,反映出當時資本主義產生的貧富差距。 畫面因遠方地平線處的教堂而流露出一股近似宗教情操的崇高性。──



,觀之令人紅眼框。無巧不成書,無事難商量,想那《水滸傳》 ,真真是,官逼民反作強梁。

─ 摘自《M♪O 之學習筆記本《寅》井井︰【紅火夏】刈麥遺穗



The Physics of Quadcopter Flight

by | Apr 29, 2014 | theory | 22 comments

I believe that when embarking on any project, especially one as complex as multirotor construction and piloting, it is useful to have an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings involved. So, when building and flying multirotors, I think it is valuable to have at least a basic understanding of the physics of quadcopter flight. While it is certainly possible to simply follow a set of directions, like the ones on this site, for building and flying a multirotor, it will be much clearer, and more meaningful, if you can explain to yourself the rationale behind each step.

Now, I just want to give you one caveat before you read further:  there is a huge amount of physics involved in multirotor flight, and I am only going to skim the surface on this page. Here I am going to focus on the physics involved in maneuvering the multirotor which, as you will understand soon, involves adjusting the balance of forces acting on the craft. I am going to avoid talking about the physics of how the props generate lift, the physics involved in the multirotor’s power system, the physics of how brushless motors work, et cetera. If you are interested in getting really in-depth with the topic of multirotor physics, you will find many resources around the Internet (although information is a bit scattered, which  is one of the reasons I wrote this page).



Quadcopter Dynamics and Simulation


A helicopter is a flying vehicle which uses rapidly spinning rotors to push air downwards, thus creating a thrust force keeping the helicopter aloft. Conventional helicopters have two rotors. These can be arranged as two coplanar rotors both providing upwards thrust, but spinning in opposite directions (in order to balance the torques exerted upon the body of the helicopter). The two rotors can also be arranged with one main rotor providing thrust and a smaller side rotor oriented laterally and counteracting the torque produced by the main rotor. However, these configurations require complicated machinery to control the direction of motion; a swashplate is used to change the angle of attack on the main rotors. In order to produce a torque the angle of attack is modulated by the location of each rotor in each stroke, such that more thrust is produced on one side of the rotor plane than the other. The complicated design of the rotor and swashplate mechanism presents some problems, increasing construction costs and design complexity.

A quadrotor helicopter (quadcopter) is a helicopter which has four equally spaced rotors, usually arranged at the corners of a square body. With four independent rotors, the need for a swashplate mechanism is alleviated. The swashplate mechanism was needed to allow the helicopter to utilize more degrees of freedom, but the same level of control can be obtained by adding two more rotors.

The development of quadcopters has stalled until very recently, because controlling four independent rotors has proven to be incredibly difficult and impossible without electronic assistance. The decreasing cost of modern microprocessors has made electronic and even completely autonomous control of quadcopters feasible for commercial, military, and even hobbyist purposes.

Quadcopter control is a fundamentally difficult and interesting problem. With six degrees of freedom (three translational and three rotational) and only four independent inputs (rotor speeds), quadcopters are severely underactuated. In order to achieve six degrees of freedom, rotational and translational motion are coupled. The resulting dynamics are highly nonlinear, especially after accounting for the complicated aerodynamic effects. Finally, unlike ground vehicles, helicopters have very little friction to prevent their motion, so they must provide their own damping in order to stop moving and remain stable. Together, these factors create a very interesting control problem. We will present a very simplified model of quadcopter dynamics and design controllers for our dynamics to follow a designated trajectory. We will then test our controllers with a numerical simulation of a quadcopter in flight.

F3-DP-2016-Gopalakrishnan-Eswarmurthi-Quadcoptor flight mechanics model and control algorithms.pdf