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FreeSandal | 輕。鬆。學。部落客 | 第 227 頁

W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰通往樹莓派 3 之 Hearsay 著火

據聞在結冰的湖面上『打水漂』,鳥鳴聲啾啾!一篇在 Make: 雜誌上的癹文 POST ,能叫樹莓派 3 著火

The Raspberry Pi 3 Does Not Halt and Catch Fire

March 2, 2016, 11:25 am PST


Thermal image of the Raspberry Pi 3. (Credit: Gareth Halfacree)

Earlier today Gareth Halfacree, author of the Raspberry Pi User Guide, posted some really interesting thermal images of the new Raspberry Pi 3 board on Reddit. However worryingly, not only was Gareth measuring temperatures in excess of 100°C (212°F) under load for the BCM2837, but also measuring an offset of a full 17°C between his own measurements and the readings generated by the internal temperature sensor on the chip.

“The new BCM2837 system-on-chip gets far, far hotter than its predecessors. This image was taken using a calibrated Flir thermal camera while the Pi 3 had been at 100% CPU load – but no GPU load – for five minutes, and registered nearly 100°C (212°F). I confirmed the temperature with a K-type contact probe, and also by poking the chip. Don’t poke the chip. It hurts.” — Gareth Halfacree




by ItsMurf » Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:27 pm

I read this article on Make: today that stated, that the Pi 3 was getting to temperatures as high as 87.6 Celsius! I don’t have my Pi 3 yet does anyone have this problem?

“Make: Article”



嗆的樹莓派教主趕快在 ZDNet 上滅火

No, your Raspberry Pi 3 won’t overheat in everyday use, says its creator

The Raspberry Pi Foundation founder says most users will never see their board reach anywhere near the 100C reported by some running heavy duty benchmarks on the Pi.

Eben Upton at a factory in Wales where Raspberry Pi boards are made. Image: Nick Heath / ZDNet


The Raspberry Pi 3 will not overheat in regular use, the board’s co-creator has said, following reports of the newly released $35 computer hitting close to 100C during tests.

When benchmarking the board, some owners reported the Pi 3 heated up to the point where it reduced its speed in order to keep its temperature in check.

However, co-creator of the board Eben Upton has said that – outside of synthetic tests that place the board’s processor under prolonged strain – the Pi 3 is highly unlikely to behave in this way.

“In everyday use I would say ‘never’,” he said in response to a question about how often boards would reach temperatures where they need to throttle their speed.

He points out that the spikes in temperature reported by these users stem from benchmarks where the Pi’s processor is put under sustained heavy load – in this case using the benchmark sysbench to calculate prime numbers.

The strain placed on the board during these benchmarks – where the CPU is subject to prolonged heavy demand – isn’t representative of workloads that will be placed on the processor in everyday use.

While a typical workload for the Pi might see the demand on the CPU spike momentarily, in the vast majority of use cases these periods of high CPU utilisation will not be sustained for long periods, he said.

“In most use cases you see a very spiky performance profile. So what you’re looking at is ‘Can I run very fast for a second?’ or ‘Can I run very fast in bunches of 50ms?’.”

And while putting a case on the board will increase the temperature, again for the typical user it will not drive the board to become hot enough to throttle its speed – he said.

Upton explains the throttling behavior as being a consequence of making the Pi’s hardware more powerful.

“It’s the difference between Raspberry Pi 1, with a relatively small amount of processing power, and Raspberry Pi 3 with 10x that amount of processing power. As we get towards laptop levels of performance we have to apply the same sort of techniques you apply for managing the thermals [in a laptop].”



偏偏講的不清不楚似有若無,彷彿樹莓派 3 有十倍速,所以…… 才火紅??!!


【Raspberry Pi Model B】



【Raspberry Pi Model 2B】




【Raspberry Model 3B】








Thermal management (electronics)

All electronic devices and circuitry generate excess Heat and thus require thermal management to improve reliability and prevent premature failure. The amount of heat output is equal to the power input, if there are no other energy interactions.[1] There are several techniques for cooling including various styles of heat sinks, thermoelectric coolers, forced air systems and fans, heat pipes, and others.

In cases of extreme low environmental temperatures, it may actually be necessary to heat the electronic components to achieve satisfactory operation.[2]


60×60×10 mm straight-finned heat sink with a thermal profile and swirling animated forced convection flow trajectories from a tubeaxial fan, predicted using a CFD analysis package.




Introducing turbo mode: up to 50% more performance for free

Since launch, we’ve supported overclocking and overvolting your Raspberry Pi by editing config.txt. Overvolting provided more overclocking headroom, but voided your warranty because we were concerned it would decrease the lifetime of the SoC; we set a sticky bit inside BCM2835 to allow us to spot boards which have been overvolted.

We’ve been doing a lot of work to understand the impact of voltage and temperature on lifetime, and are now able to offer a “turbo mode”, which dynamically enables overclock and overvolt under the control of a cpufreq driver, without affecting your warranty. We are happy that the combination of only applying turbo when busy, and limiting turbo when the BCM2835’s internal temperature reaches 85°C, means there will be no measurable reduction in the lifetime of your Raspberry Pi.

You can now choose from one of five overclock presets in raspi-config, the highest of which runs the ARM at 1GHz. The level of stable overclock you can achieve will depend on your specific Pi and on the quality of your power supply; we suggest that Quake 3 is a good stress test for checking if a particular level is completely stable. If you choose too high an overclock, your Pi may fail to boot, in which case holding down the shift key during boot up will disable the overclock for that boot, allowing you to select a lower level.

What does this mean? Comparing the new image with 1GHz turbo enabled, against the previous image at 700MHz, nbench reports 52% faster on integer, 64% faster on floating point and 55% faster on memory.






NOTE: Setting parameters other than that available by ‘raspi-config’ will set a permanent bit within the SoC, making it possibly to detect that you Raspberry Pi has been overclocked. This was meant to void warranty if the device has been overclocked. Since 19th of September 2012 you can overclock your Raspberry Pi without affecting your warranty[2]

The latest kernel has a cpufreq kernel driver with the “ondemand” governor enabled by default. It has no effect if you have no overclock settings. But when you do, the arm frequency will vary with processor load. Non default values are only used when needed according to the used governor. You can adjust the minimum values with the *_min config options or disable dynamic clocking with force_turbo=1. [3]

Overclock and overvoltage will be disabled at runtime when the SoC reaches 85 °C to cool it down. You should not hit the limit, even with maximum settings at 25 °C ambient temperature. [4]

Overclocking options


over_voltage ARM/GPU core voltage adjust. [-16,8] equates to [0.8 V,1.4 V] with 0.025 V steps. [5] Default is 0 (1.2 V). Values above 6 are only allowed when force_turbo or current_limit_override are specified (which set the warranty bit).
force_turbo Disables dynamic cpufreq driver and minimum settings below. Enables H.264/V3D/ISP overclock options. Default 0. May set warranty bit.




Dynamic frequency scaling

Dynamic frequency scaling (also known as CPU throttling) is a technique in computer architecture whereby the frequency of a microprocessor can be automatically adjusted “on the fly,” either to conserve power or to reduce the amount of heat generated by the chip. Dynamic frequency scaling is commonly used in laptops and other mobile devices, where energy comes from a battery and thus is limited. It is also used in quiet computing settings and to decrease energy and cooling costs for lightly loaded machines. Less heat output, in turn, allows the system cooling fans to be throttled down or turned off, reducing noise levels and further decreasing power consumption. It is also used for reducing heat in insufficiently cooled systems when the temperature reaches a certain threshold, such as in poorly cooled overclocked systems.

The dynamic power (switching power) dissipated per unit of time by a chip is C·V2·A·f, where C is the capacitance being switched per clock cycle, V is voltage, A is the Activity Factor[1] indicating the average number of switching events undergone by the transistors in the chip (as a unitless quantity) and f is the switching frequency.[2] The voltage required for stable operation is determined by the frequency at which the circuit is clocked, and can be reduced if the frequency is also reduced.[3] Dynamic power does not account for the total power of the chip, however, as there is also static power, which is primarily because of various leakage currents. Due to static power consumption and asymptotic execution time it has been shown that the energy consumption of a piece of software shows convex energy behavior, i.e., there exists an optimal CPU frequency at which energy consumption is minimal.[4] Leakage current has become more and more important as transistor sizes have become smaller and threshold voltage levels lower. A decade ago, dynamic power accounted for approximately two-thirds of the total chip power. The power loss due to leakage currents in contemporary CPUs and SoCs tend to dominate the total power consumption. In the attempt to control the leakage power high-k metal-gates and power gating have been common methods.

Dynamic voltage scaling is another power conservation technique that is often used in conjunction with frequency scaling, as the frequency that a chip may run at is related to the operating voltage.

The efficiency of some electrical components, such as voltage regulators, decreases with increasing temperature, so the power used may increase with temperature. Since increasing power use may increase the temperature, increases in voltage or frequency may increase system power demands even further than the CMOS formula indicates, and vice versa.[5][6]




CPU power dissipation


There are several factors contributing to the CPU power consumption; they include dynamic power consumption, short-circuit power consumption, and power loss due to transistor leakage currents:

P_{cpu} = P_{dyn} + P_{sc} + P_{leak}

The dynamic power consumption originates from the activity of logic gates inside a CPU. When the logic gates toggle, energy is flowing as the capacitors inside them are charged and discharged. The dynamic power consumed by a CPU is approximately proportional to the CPU frequency, and to the square of the CPU voltage:[5]

P = C V^2 f

where C is capacitance, f is frequency, and V is voltage.

When logic gates toggle, some transistors inside may change states. As this takes a finite amount of time, it may happen that for a very brief amount of time some transistors are conducting simultaneously. A direct path between the source and ground then results in some short-circuit power loss. The magnitude of this power is dependent on the logic gate, and is rather complex to model on a macro level.

Power consumption due to leakage power emanates at a micro-level in transistors. Small amounts of currents are always flowing between the differently doped parts of the transistor. The magnitude of these currents depend on the state of the transistor, its dimensions, physical properties and sometimes temperature. The total amount of leakage currents tends to inflate for increasing temperature and decreasing transistor sizes.

Both dynamic and short-circuit power consumption are dependent on the clock frequency, while the leakage current is dependent on the CPU supply voltage. It has been shown that the energy consumption of a program shows convex energy behavior, meaning that there exists an optimal CPU frequency at which energy consumption is minimal.[6]




















W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰通往樹莓派 3 之 Hearsay 電源


雖然今天樹莓派已廣為流行, 賣了數百萬台. 你依然需要注意選用的電源供應器. 考察 樹莓派的原始設計:  如 Raspberry-Pi-R2.0-Schematics-Issue2.2_027.pdf , 512M Rev.B  上所說,  F3 保險絲的電阻大約 是 0.28 Ohms, 一般典型使用約為 700mA, 那壓降為 0.196V. 正如網路上曾說好的樹莓派電源供應器,  輸出電壓為 5.25V, 事實是正為了補償壓降損失而來, 才能使 TP1-TP2 間的電壓接近 5V.  如果再考慮供應電線的阻抗, 以及USB其它裝置的供電, TP1-TP2 間的電壓或許將在 5V +- 5% 區間之外, 以致引發某些 USB 裝置的工作不正常.


─── 引用《欲善其事, 先利其器: 樹莓派的電源


雖說其後 B+ 『電源』的設計已經改善,然而還有人使用『充電器』這類的『電源』,由於線材電阻對充電器而言比較不重要,通常都在容許範圍裡。但是電阻過高,使用的電流越大,這個『壓降』會導致樹莓派工作不正常。更不要講又有 USB 埠供電 600 mA 或 1.2 A


config.txt 組構所引起的麻煩︰

Testing & Setting the USB current limiter on the Raspberry Pi B+

One of the features of the new Raspberry Pi B+ is improved power handling – particularly round the USB interfaces. There is a device connected to the power to the USB ports that is quite clever – it controls the power and “soft starts” the peripherals plugged in. This helps to reduce any brown-outs on the main Pi supply, so reducing the chance of the Pi rebooting when you plug in a USB peripheral with the Pi turned on.

Additionally, it can also limit the total current drawn by the USB peripherals. This is 600mA by default, but can be increased to 1.2A via software.

Warning: DO NOT do this on a whim. Only do this if you are absolutely sure that you need to do it!

But if you do need it, then “How?” I hear you ask… Well, simple… There are 2 ways.

The first way is via a new option in /boot/config.txt. Currently you can add:


but note that this will become:


in subsequent updates.



by barnabear » Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:29 pm

I have the following lines in /boot/config.txt

# uncomment to increase maximum usb current from 600mA to 1200 mA

However I cannot effectively power even an SSD in an external usb drive caddy even with a 2A power supply and 2 USB connections.

This setup works just fine on a B+. Could this be to do with the GPIO software incompatibility problem?





by mahjongg » Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:41 am
is simply equivalent to
and was used as a stop-gap solution before they re-wrote the code that parses config.txt and added the max_usb_current as a valid variable.
Using either one of them should work, but possibly the mis-use of the safe_mode_gpio variable has been reverted in newer versions that support the official syntax.
P.s. The B2 uses a little more current than a B+ for itself, so leaving less current for anything else, (when powered from a probably current limited supply and through a current limiting polyfuse).
Thats the only reason I can come up with why turning the USB current up doesn’t seem to matter. The circuitry is (i am 99.99% sure) exactly the same, and is working.




Pi 3 power supply & USB cable

by Petingo » Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:32 pm
I’m a beginner and going to buy a Pi 3
The introduction says that it needs at least 2.5A@5V
However, I get only a 1.5A cellphone charger… will it works fine?
Another question is that if I got a 2.5A@5V adapter, will a general USB cable like my cellphone using works fine?
Any reply will be appreciate, thanks a lot 



by jamesh » Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:35 pm

It might work, 2.5A is for extreme conditions – USB hard drive, lots of USB peripherals attached. 1.5A may be enough. I’m using a Pi2 supply with no issues.

But official power supplies are relatively cheap…



by W. H. Heydt » Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:38 pm

chrisoh wrote:An article, on Hackaday I think, reported Pi 3 using 720mA as “maximum power consumption at boot” IIRC, so a 1.5A supply should, in theory, be ample for general use I would have thought. I’ll dig out my voltmeter later and have a play with some peripherals and find out some numbers.

Hackaday article: … e-is-true/
Amended 750mA to 720mA and “idle” to “maximum power consumption at boot”

The 1.5A charger is probably still marginal. The “power budget” for Pi3B was posted as: 1A for the SoC/RAM, 0.3A for WiFi/BT, and 1.2A for full powered to USB. If the increased USB power is NOT selected, then the expected max current would be 1.9A and a good 2A supply would cover it. At 1.5A, it’d be a good idea to disable the WiFi and BT modules as well as not trying to drive the SoC all out, or only use very low power USB devices. Alternatively, leave BT active for wireless keyboard and mouse and don’t use *any* USB devices.

It would be an interesting exercise to see how low you can hold the input current without imposing outrageous limits on what you can do with the system.



此處典型的開機實測結果 ── 只接 USB 鍵盤、滑鼠 ── ,類似 MagPi 雜誌文本內容一般︰

Raspberry Pi 3 is out now! Specs, benchmarks & more


Power draw

You can’t get extra performance without a few sacrifices. The Pi 3 draws the most power of the test group, but its extra performance means it spends more time at idle. Those looking for maximum battery life should look at the Model A+ or the Pi Zero as an alternative.



作者不知樹莓派官網建議的 5V/2.5A 是否分配為傳聞所說的


0.3A WiFi/BT

1.2A USB ※ max_usb_current=1


假使遭遇『不開機』的狀況,首先拔除所有 USB 的裝置,使用預設的組構檔 config.txt ,確認是否能夠開機?若是不行,那麼大概就是『電源』的問題了!若是說『電源』的 V/A 標示值應該沒有問題,那麼就可能是『電源線』之『材質』、『線徑』、『線長』引起的『壓降』產生的!!這時若想要確認只有實際『量測』一途。就像在《音樂播放器之 CD 轉成 mp3《三》上》文本中所說之嘗試驗證 USB DVD 讀寫裝置的電源需求一樣︰

軟體測試』 software testing 的典型定義是:在特定的環境條件下對指定『程式』進行『種種操作』,藉以發現『程式』的『錯誤』,用此衡量它的『軟體品質』,同時對其是否能夠滿足『設計要求』進行『評估』的一套整體程序。



A Bug’s Life


也許可以說『測試』就是用『程式』所允許的『輸入』 Input ,打敗該『程式』之『程序』 Process 之『工藝』。進一步『除錯』,就是嘗試《打開黑箱!!》,找到『原因』並且解決『錯誤』的『活動』。因此於『設計程式』之前,我們需要先『確定』那些使用在『音樂播放器』之『原型機』上的『設備』和『軟體』都『正確無誤』,以及為將來可能的『變更』預做打算。舉例來說,我們如何測試『 USB DVD 讀寫裝置』呢?從這個裝置有兩個 USB 連接頭來看,它是一種耗電量大於 5V 500mA 的裝置,所以才需要兩個『 USB 埠』來供電。其實這也是作者選擇 B+ 而不是 B 的最主要原因, B+ 有四個 USB 埠以及改良過的供電迴路設計。因此只用

Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0411:01dc BUFFALO INC. (formerly MelCo., Inc.)

dmesg | grep sr0
[216848.833462] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 8x/24x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
[216848.838233] sr 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0

,雖然能夠知道 raspbian 認識這個裝置,並不代表它就能夠正常工作。然而確定一個『裝置』或『系統』的【電源需求】,一般需要長時間以及各種操作樣態下的『消耗功率』量測。事實這是十分困難而且麻煩的事情,所以人們多半僅參考產品之『功率規格』來『確認』這件事。有時當系統發生『時好時壞』的狀況時,這個【電源問題】就成了最難診斷的『疑難』之一,更不要講那些用『電池』供電的系統的了。

Adafruit USB Power Gauge Mini-Kit

USB TTL RS232 轉換器

後來作者發現 Adafruit 有一款 TTL RS232 界面之迷你的『 USB 埠傳輸功率量測』裝置,如果再加上『USB TTL RS232 轉換器』可以構成一套既便宜又好用的『功率量測』系統。假使輔之以『測試軟體』,可以『自動紀錄』任何一個『 USB 裝置』在各種『工作樣態』下的『功率消耗』。由於它的『量測範圍』可以及於『5V 2A』,因此即使一整個『樹莓派系統』的『消耗功率』大體也可以這麼度量。再者,這個裝置的『資料』輸出格式十分簡單易讀,也就很容易寫『程式』來作『量測數據』處理。在此列出兩種『 USB DVD 讀寫裝置』之『操作狀態』下的消耗功率︰

裝置自起始到閒置 StandBy 量測
cat /dev/ttyUSB0

V: 5.1 I: 491 mA Watts: 2.5

V: 5.1 I: 533 mA Watts: 2.7

V: 5.1 I: 463 mA Watts: 2.4

V: 5.1 I: 521 mA Watts: 2.7

V: 5.1 I: 485 mA Watts: 2.5

V: 5.1 I: 483 mA Watts: 2.5

V: 5.1 I: 479 mA Watts: 2.5

V: 5.1 I: 507 mA Watts: 2.6

V: 5.1 I: 473 mA Watts: 2.4

V: 5.1 I: 515 mA Watts: 2.6

V: 5.1 I: 471 mA Watts: 2.4

V: 5.1 I: 454 mA Watts: 2.3

V: 5.2 I: 351 mA Watts: 1.8

V: 5.3 I: 152 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 155 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 148 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 156 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 150 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.2 I: 152 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 150 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 156 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 146 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 158 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 160 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 154 mA Watts: 0.8


裝置從閒置到播放 CD 量測
cat /dev/ttyUSB0

V: 5.3 I: 155 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 156 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 146 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.3 I: 153 mA Watts: 0.8

V: 5.1 I: 441 mA Watts: 2.2

V: 4.9 I: 826 mA Watts: 4.0

V: 5.1 I: 445 mA Watts: 2.3

V: 5.1 I: 493 mA Watts: 2.5

V: 5.1 I: 461 mA Watts: 2.4

V: 4.9 I: 461 mA Watts: 2.3

V: 5.1 I: 469 mA Watts: 2.4

V: 5.1 I: 493 mA Watts: 2.5

V: 4.8 I: 971 mA Watts: 4.7

V: 4.8 I: 1022 mA Watts: 4.9

V: 4.8 I: 1022 mA Watts: 5.0

V: 5.0 I: 749 mA Watts: 3.8

V: 4.9 I: 814 mA Watts: 4.0

V: 4.9 I: 837 mA Watts: 4.1

V: 4.9 I: 761 mA Watts: 3.8

V: 5.0 I: 755 mA Watts: 3.7

V: 5.0 I: 821 mA Watts: 4.1

V: 4.9 I: 749 mA Watts: 3.7

V: 5.0 I: 769 mA Watts: 3.8

V: 4.9 I: 797 mA Watts: 3.9

V: 5.0 I: 769 mA Watts: 3.8

V: 4.9 I: 799 mA Watts: 3.9

V: 4.9 I: 814 mA Watts: 4.0

V: 5.0 I: 785 mA Watts: 3.9

V: 5.0 I: 761 mA Watts: 3.8

V: 5.0 I: 701 mA Watts: 3.5

V: 4.9 I: 751 mA Watts: 3.7

V: 4.9 I: 755 mA Watts: 3.7

V: 5.0 I: 725 mA Watts: 3.6

V: 5.0 I: 784 mA Watts: 3.9

V: 4.9 I: 705 mA Watts: 3.5

V: 5.0 I: 769 mA Watts: 3.8

V: 4.9 I: 763 mA Watts: 3.8

V: 4.9 I: 717 mA Watts: 3.5

V: 4.9 I: 804 mA Watts: 4.0

V: 5.0 I: 715 mA Watts: 3.6

V: 4.9 I: 811 mA Watts: 4.0

V: 4.9 I: 789 mA Watts: 3.9

由此我們可以知道,這一個『 USB DVD 讀寫裝置』的消耗功率『變化很大』,假使思考『可靠性設計』的問題,我們需要明白『最大瞬間功率』 ── 紅色數據 ── 的需求,否則可能的系統『不穩定性』就會暗藏其中,日後當系統出狀況時,也許很難追查『原因』。讀者自當可以發現 『 USB 埠傳輸功率量測』裝置的『資料輸出格式』真很『簡潔清楚』的吧!
















W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰通往樹莓派 3 之 Hearsay □○


Hearsay evidence is “an out-of-court statement introduced to prove the truth of the matter asserted therein.” In certain courts hearsay evidence is inadmissible (the “Hearsay Evidence Rule”) unless an exception to the Hearsay Rule applies.

For example, to prove Tom was in town, the attorney asks a witness, “What did Susan tell you about Tom being in town?” Since the witness’ answer will rely on an out-of-court statement that Susan made, Susan is not available for cross-examination, and it is to prove the truth that Tom was in town, it is hearsay. A justification for the objection is that the person who made the statement is not in court and thus is insulated from cross examination. Note, however, that if the attorney asking the same question is trying to prove not the truth of the assertion about Tom being in town but the fact that Susan said the specific words, it may be acceptable. For example, it would be acceptable to ask a witness what Susan told them about Tom in a defamation case against Susan because now the witness is asked about the opposing party’s statement that constitutes a verbal act.[1][2]

The hearsay rule does not exclude the evidence if it is an operative fact[clarification needed]. Language of commercial offer and acceptance is also admissible over a hearsay exception because the statements have independent legal significance.

Double hearsay is a hearsay statement that contains another hearsay statement itself.

For example, a witness wants to testify that “a very reliable man informed me that Wools-Sampson told him.” The statements of the very reliable man and Wools-Sampson are both hearsay submissions on the part of the witness, and the second hearsay (the statement of Wools-Sampson) depends on the first (the statement of the very reliable man). In a court, both layers of hearsay must be found separately admissible. In this example, the first hearsay also comes from an anonymous source, and the admissibility of an anonymous statement requires additional legal burden of proof.

Many jurisdictions that generally disallow hearsay evidence in courts permit the more widespread use of hearsay in non-judicial hearings.



傳聞證據排除法則,是刑事訴訟法上,判斷是否應排除傳聞證據的理論,即不採「傳聞證據」之法則。應與之區別者,為「傳聞法則 」。傳聞法則是指「規範傳聞證據資料使用與否之法則」,其中以排除為原則,使用為例外,因為「法則」當中,一定包含「原則」與「例外」。因此,傳聞證據排除法則,其實是「傳聞法則」的一部分,也就是傳聞法則的「原則」而已。所謂傳聞證據,原指「傳聞供述證據」,即內容為證人之陳述,供述者僅轉述證人之陳述,現泛指「證人之書面傳聞」與「證人之證人傳聞」。



自從之前編輯《時間線︰樹莓派發展簡史》以來,已過了五、六百個日子的了?也許早該重新修繕的吧!然在如何重編一事,卻一直沒有好想法 ,這其間每次樹莓派基金會『新發行』之時常有各種『傳聞』 Hearsay 。回想自己幾年來因好奇貪玩,故常接觸『☆★之火』說法,何不說說幾則『經驗』,雖算不得『 □ ○ 傳聞』 之思辨,或可傳達『科學』誠該建立在『實證』基礎上的乎?!


【樹莓派 3 到底是 哪裡生產的??】

依據『 』之整理列表︰

Revision Release Date Model PCB Revision Memory Notes
Beta Q1 2012 B (Beta)  ? 256 MB Beta Board
0002 Q1 2012 B 1.0 256 MB  
0003 Q3 2012 B (ECN0001) 1.0 256 MB Fuses mod and D14 removed
0004 Q3 2012 B 2.0 256 MB (Mfg by Sony)
0005 Q4 2012 B 2.0 256 MB (Mfg by Qisda)
0006 Q4 2012 B 2.0 256 MB (Mfg by Egoman)
0007 Q1 2013 A 2.0 256 MB (Mfg by Egoman)
0008 Q1 2013 A 2.0 256 MB (Mfg by Sony)
0009 Q1 2013 A 2.0 256 MB (Mfg by Qisda)
000d Q4 2012 B 2.0 512 MB (Mfg by Egoman)
000e Q4 2012 B 2.0 512 MB (Mfg by Sony)
000f Q4 2012 B 2.0 512 MB (Mfg by Qisda)
0010 Q3 2014 B+ 1.0 512 MB (Mfg by Sony)
0011 Q2 2014 Compute Module 1.0 512 MB (Mfg by Sony)
0012 Q4 2014 A+ 1.0 256 MB (Mfg by Sony)
0013 Q1 2015 B+ 1.2 512 MB  ?
a01041 Q1 2015 2 Model B 1.1 1 GB (Mfg by Sony)
a21041 Q1 2015 2 Model B 1.1 1 GB (Mfg by Embest, China)
900092 Q4 2015 Zero 1.2 512 MB (Mfg by Sony)
a02082 Q1 2016 3 Model B 1.2 1024 MB (Mfg by Sony)


應該是『 Mfg by Sony 』,再考之以『歷史』之『名詞解釋』︰

Fresh Model B stock in production

When we announced the launch of the Model B+ back in July, we emphasized that we’d be keeping the Model B in production. Since then, we’ve been (pleasantly) surprised by the ongoing demand for Model B from industrial customers, and a couple of weeks ago some tens of thousands of new units started to roll off the line at the Sony plant in Wales.

Boards going through automount

Boards going through automount



當然是『 U.K. 』英國的咯!!但是這真的很重要嗎??就像很多人都知道『蘋果手機』是『鴻海大陸廠』製造的,這難到是『傳聞』嗎??!!還是說如此它就會有『品質疑慮』的呢!!??……


『樹莓派 3 』上實際驗證『版本碼』如下︰

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'Revision' | awk '{print 3}' | sed 's/^1000//'</pre>   <pre class="lang:default decode:true ">pi@raspberrypi ~ cat /proc/version 
Linux version 4.1.19-v7+ (dc4@dc4-XPS13-9333) (gcc version 4.9.3 (crosstool-NG crosstool-ng-1.22.0-88-g8460611) ) #852 SMP Mon Mar 7 14:39:14 GMT 2016
pi@raspberrypi ~ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'Revision' | awk '{print3}' | sed 's/^1000//'
pi@raspberrypi ~ </pre>    <span style="color: #666699;">因此有關『資訊』之事,首要考察『來源』。對樹莓派來講,首先自然就是『官方說法』的嘍︰</span> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-10 intro"> <h1><span style="color: #666699;"><a style="color: #666699;" href="">Raspberry Pi 3 is out now! Specs, benchmarks & more</a></span></h1> <span style="color: #808080;">Get the low down on the brand new Raspberry Pi 3 and see how its new features compare to previous Raspberry Pis</span>  </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-1 bcolumn"></div> <div class="col-md-9">  <a href=""><img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="" /></a><span style="color: #808080;">The <a style="color: #808080;" href="">Raspberry Pi 3</a> is here! Hopefully some of you were still surprised by the announcement today. Over the past four years, the Raspberry Pi has sold eight million units - three million in the last year alone - and now on its fourth birthday a brand new upgraded Pi has been released. You can read absolutely everything you'd want to know about it in issue 43 of the magazine coming out on Thursday but for now we thought we'd give you the hard facts about this brand new Raspberry Pi.</span>  <span style="color: #808080;">And yes, it has wireless internet.</span> <h3><span style="color: #808080;">Specifications</span></h3> <span style="color: #808080;"><strong>SoC:</strong> Broadcom BCM2837</span> <span style="color: #808080;"> <strong>CPU:</strong> 4× ARM Cortex-A53, 1.2GHz</span> <span style="color: #808080;"> <strong>GPU:</strong> Broadcom VideoCore IV</span> <span style="color: #808080;"> <strong>RAM:</strong> 1GB LPDDR2 (900 MHz)</span> <span style="color: #808080;"> <strong>Networking:</strong> 10/100 Ethernet, 2.4GHz 802.11n wireless</span> <span style="color: #808080;"> <strong>Bluetooth:</strong> Bluetooth 4.1 Classic, Bluetooth Low Energy</span> <span style="color: #808080;"> <strong>Storage:</strong> microSD</span> <span style="color: #808080;"> <strong>GPIO:</strong> 40-pin header, populated</span> <span style="color: #808080;"> <strong>Ports:</strong> HDMI, 3.5mm analogue audio-video jack, 4× USB 2.0, Ethernet, Camera Serial Interface (CSI), Display Serial Interface (DSI)</span>  </div> </div> <span style="color: #808080;">……</span>    <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-10 intro"> <h1><span style="color: #666699;"><a style="color: #666699;" href="">Issue 43</a></span></h1> <span style="color: #808080;">Mar 2016</span>  </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-9"> <div class="issue-text standfirst">  <span style="color: #808080;">Raspberry Pi 3 is here! Learn all about the new features and functionality and see how it compares to previous models…</span>  </div> <img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="" />  </div> </div> ───     <span style="color: #666699;">同樣重要的就是人人可以『獨立驗證』︰</span>  『<strong><a title="黑傑克的咔嗎!!明暗之交" href="">黑傑克</a></strong>』果然風格不變,這則簡訊只有幾個字【 <span style="font-family: LinBiolinum_K;">BMK</span> ㄊㄟㄙㄉㄡ˙】,想來大概是指『 <span style="color: #808080;"><strong>B</strong>ench<strong>m</strong>ar<strong>k</strong>ing Test</span>』,說來已經多年很少聽到這個詞的了。據聞『<strong>標桿分析法</strong>』 Benchmarking 起源於『<strong>全錄</strong>』 Xerox 公司,這家公司曾經是『<strong>影印機</strong>』的代名詞,市場佔有率高達八成,但在日本公司強力的競爭下,只剩下了 13%。於是『<strong>全錄</strong>』 在一九七九年率先執行『<strong>標桿分析法</strong>』企圖力挽狂瀾,總裁柯恩斯於一九八二年赴日學習競爭對手,…重拾競爭優勢。也許這就是 PC 市場早年流行用『 <strong>BMK</strong> 』來行銷所謂之第一流的產品之原因的吧!  既然黑傑克這麼說的了,作者想想或許沒有先好好『<strong>驗證</strong>』 B+ 的『<strong>效能</strong>』,這顯然對『<strong>音樂播放器</strong>』發展用的『<strong>原型機</strong>』不能夠『<strong>知己</strong>』的吧!故此改過,介紹讀者『<strong>樹莓派</strong>』之『<strong>標桿分析法</strong>』軟體集成︰  <strong><a href="">Roy Longbottom's Raspberry Pi Benchmarks</a></strong>  <span style="color: #808080;">comprises numerous <span style="color: #ff9900;"><strong>FREE benchmarks and reliability testing programs</strong></span>, for <strong>processors</strong>, <strong>caches, memory</strong>, <strong>buses</strong>, <strong>disks</strong>, <strong>flash drives</strong>, <strong>graphics</strong>, <strong>local area networks</strong> and <strong>Internet</strong>. Original ones run via DOS and later versions under all varieties of Windows. Most have also been converted to run under Linux on PCs. and many to run via Android on tablets and phones. Some of the Linux variety C/C++ source code was changed slightly to compile for execution on the <span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong>Raspberry Pi</strong></span>. </span>  摘自《<a href="">音樂播放器之 CD 轉成 mp3 之《補充》 Benchmarks !!</a>》     <span style="color: #666699;">實測結果如下︰</span>  【<span style="color: #808080;"><strong>軟體下載</strong></span>】 <pre class="lang:sh decode:true">wget</pre> 【<span style="color: #808080;"><strong>解壓縮及修改模式</strong></span>】 <pre class="lang:sh decode:true">unzip cd Raspberry_Pi_Benchmarks/ chmod +x *A7 chmod +x linpackPiSP</pre> 【<span style="color: #808080;"><strong>測試結果</strong></span>】 <pre class="lang:default decode:true ">pi@raspberrypi ~/Raspberry_Pi_Benchmarks ls
aaREADME.txt   DriveSpeed    linpackPiA7SP   LLloops.txt   Source Code
busspeedPiA6   Example Logs  linpackPiSP     memspeedPiA6  Temperature_MHz_Test
busspeedPiA7   java          Linpack.txt     memspeedPiA7  whetstonePiA6
dhrystonePiA6  LanSpeed      Linux Intel     memSpeed.txt  whetstonePiA7
dhrystonePiA7  linpackPiA6   liverloopsPiA6  NEON          whets.txt
Dhry.txt       linpackPiA7   liverloopsPiA7  OpenGL
pi@raspberrypi ~/Raspberry_Pi_Benchmarks $ ./whetstonePiA7

Single Precision C Whetstone Benchmark vfpv4 32 Bit, Tue Mar  8 17:16:32 2016

       0.01 Seconds          1   Passes (x 100)
       0.07 Seconds          5   Passes (x 100)
       0.35 Seconds         25   Passes (x 100)
       1.77 Seconds        125   Passes (x 100)
       8.82 Seconds        625   Passes (x 100)

Use 708  passes (x 100)

From File /proc/cpuinfo
processor	: 0
model name	: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)
BogoMIPS	: 76.80
Features	: half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm crc32 
CPU implementer	: 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant	: 0x0
CPU part	: 0xd03
CPU revision	: 4

processor	: 1
model name	: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)
BogoMIPS	: 76.80
Features	: half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm crc32 
CPU implementer	: 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant	: 0x0
CPU part	: 0xd03
CPU revision	: 4

processor	: 2
model name	: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)
BogoMIPS	: 76.80
Features	: half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm crc32 
CPU implementer	: 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant	: 0x0
CPU part	: 0xd03
CPU revision	: 4

processor	: 3
model name	: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)
BogoMIPS	: 76.80
Features	: half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm crc32 
CPU implementer	: 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU vLinux version 4.1.19-v7+ (dc4@dc4-XPS13-9333) (gcc version 4.9.3 (crosstool-NG crosstool-ng-1.22.0-88-g8460611) ) #852 SMP Mon Mar 7 14:39:14 GMT 2016

From File /proc/version
Linux version 4.1.19-v7+ (dc4@dc4-XPS13-9333) (gcc version 4.9.3 (crosstool-NG crosstool-ng-1.22.0-88-g8460611) ) #852 SMP Mon Mar 7 14:39:14 GMT 2016

          Single Precision C/C++ Whetstone Benchmark

Loop content                  Result              MFLOPS      MOPS   Seconds

N1 floating point     -1.12475013732910156       333.681              0.041
N2 floating point     -1.12274742126464844       328.398              0.290
N3 if then else        1.00000000000000000                1790.157    0.041
N4 fixed point        12.00000000000000000                1471.181    0.152
N5 sin,cos etc.        0.49911010265350342                  12.059    4.885
N6 floating point      0.99999982118606567       254.345              1.501
N7 assignments         3.00000000000000000                1188.336    0.110
N8 exp,sqrt etc.       0.75110864639282227                   8.616    3.057

MWIPS                                            702.629             10.076

A new results file, whets.txt,  will have been created in the same
directory as the .EXE files, if one did not already exist.

Type additional information to include in whets.txt - Press Enter














W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰通往樹莓派 3






  1. 西元年分除以400可整除,為閏年。
  2. 西元年分除以4可整除但除以100不可整除,為閏年。
  3. 西元年分除以4不可整除,為平年。
  4. 西元年分除以100可整除但除以400不可整除,為平年


if ((西元年分是400的倍數)或(西元年分是4的倍數但不是100的倍數)): 閏年
else : 平年



此外,如依照現有太陽年的長度與上述閏年規則,每8000年又約差一日,因此約翰·赫歇爾提議每逢4000的倍數不閏,如公元4000年 。但距此一年分來臨尚有約二千年之遙,因此還未曾真正納入規則或實施過。又由於地球公轉速率的不穩定與眾多影響因素,屆時是否需要納入此規則仍有疑問。



所以需要『置閏』,因此二月有二十九天。只是『置閏』之法不只一種。只不過在科技昌明的今天,大概少有人會關心這『多一天』或『少一天』的問題。這在過去『以農立國 』的中國,曾經是件大事。傳說『黃帝』創制『農曆』︰



太初曆中國歷史上曾經使用過的一種曆法,亦是中國歷史上第一部完整統一,而且有明確文字記載的曆法,在天文學發展歷史上具有劃時代的意義。在漢武帝太初元年(前104年),由鄧平唐都 落下閎司馬遷等根據對天象實測和長期天文紀錄所制訂。漢成帝末年,由劉歆重新編訂,改稱三統曆。從漢武帝太初元年夏五月(前104年)至後漢章帝元和二年二月甲寅(85年),太初曆共實行了188年。

其法規定一回歸年365\begin{matrix} \frac{385}{1539} \end{matrix}日,一朔望月29\begin{matrix} \frac{43}{81} \end{matrix}日,所以又稱八十一分律曆。以夏曆的正月為歲首。三統曆第一次把二十四節氣編入曆法,以沒有中氣的月份為閏月。它還首次記錄了五星運行的周期。



多數民族都有年和月的概念:通俗地說,所謂年,就是四季的周期 ;所謂月,就是月亮陰晴圓缺的周期。準確地測量年的長度和月的長度,可以發現一年比十二個月多大約11天,即一個普通的曆法無法同時滿足年和月的準確周期,這就有了陰曆和陽曆的區分。

陰曆有著準確的月的周期,而年只是大體上符合一個四季循環,但其長度和四季周期有一些差異,這就導致新年並非固定於某個季節 ,而是緩慢推移,從冬季逐年移動到夏季。例如回曆、古希臘曆都是如此。


中國的農曆罕有地同時滿足了年和月的準確周期,是為陰陽曆。農曆通過觀測月相,嚴格按照朔望月的周期確定月份(定朔),為農曆的陰曆部分;通過觀測 太陽與黃道的關係,定出二十四節氣(定氣),為農曆的陽曆部分;這兩部分的結合,是依照某些節氣必須在相應的固定月份,不滿足就閏月以求滿足。這樣做到年 合四季、月合圓缺,達成陰陽和諧。(即新月固定於初一,新年固定於冬春之交)

所有其它的陰陽曆,大多數東亞陰陽曆源自中國的農曆,比如藏曆 和曆以及朝鮮半島和越南的曆法等等。

此外,很少被提及的是,農曆內含一個純陽曆:干支紀月採 用了完全由二十四節氣確定月份的曆法(每兩個節氣一個月份),即完全由太陽在黃道上的位置確定年和月的曆法,是一個純粹的陽曆。此陽曆屬天文曆,月長度為 30天與31天交替、年長度多365天少366天,立春為年界(正月初一圍繞立春前後波動,兩者相差不超過15天)。此陽曆並未被廣泛使用,主要用於生辰八字的推算。

朔望月 平均=29.530588日=29天12小時44分2.8秒(長度在29.27至29.83天之間變動)


的比較約略體會『曆法』精神 ── 陰陽和諧、天人合一 ──的古今東西文化差異!感受『農』 ── 民以食為天 ── 與『曆法』準確和『太陽』之密不可分性的耶!!

難到『閏年』能與『樹莓派 3 』有什麼關係嗎??或請讀者但思

知未知‧既未濟》文本之內容,想想『容格』 Jun 說的故事︰


扁鵲者, 勃海郡鄭人也,姓秦氏,名越人。少時為人舍長。舍客長桑君過,扁鵲獨奇之,常謹遇之。長桑君亦知扁鵲非常人也。出入十餘年,乃呼扁鵲私坐,閑與語曰:「我 有禁方,年老,欲傳 與公 ,公毋洩。」扁鵲曰:「敬諾。」乃出其懷中藥予扁鵲:「飲是以上池之水,三十日當知物矣。」乃悉取其禁方書盡與扁鵲。忽然不見,殆非人也。扁鵲以其言 飲藥三十日,視見垣一方人。以此視病 ,盡見五藏症結 ,特以診脈為名耳。為醫或在齊,或在趙。在趙者名扁鵲。……


一八八二年二月二十日,英國劍橋大學幾位教授成立『靈力研究協會』──  研究超感官知覺、念力、靈魂轉世、…等等現象 ──,公推『三一學院效益主義 Utilitarianism 功利主義哲學家 Henry Sidgwick 為首任會長,開啟科學的『調查』與『研究』。到了一九二零年代,英國愛丁堡大學和美國的杜克大學紛紛成立『超心理學系』Department of Parap‧sychology,從事『超能力』的研究教學。開始將『超常現象』命名為『Ψ』 現象,Ψ  這個希臘字母唸作 Psi ㄆㄜ˙ ㄙㄞˋ,或有音譯成『』的,代表著『未知的』像『X 檔案』般的人事物。其後美國的杜克大學超心理學系的系主任植物學家 Joseph Banks Rhine 莱因博士打開實驗』來證實 Ψ 的存在性之創舉;並於 一九三四年發明了 ESP 卡── ExtraSensory Perception 超感官知覺 ──,是有著『圓圈』、『方形』、『十字』、『水波』和『星狀』的一套五張卡牌。看來雖然已經過了百年,『超能力』或叫做『特異功能』到底是有還是沒有的呢?所知的還只是『爭議從未斷過







瑞士知名心理學家 Carl Gustav Jun 提出了一個『共時性』理論,用於解釋因果律說明的現象』──  夢境成真,說曹操曹操到… ──,這些『表面』上沒有因果關聯的事件,卻著『深層』的意義聯繫,常常取決於個人的『主觀經驗』。一九五二年榮格在《論共時性 On Synchronicity 》一文中說︰
一 八零五年,法國詩人Deschamps 曾為陌生人Monsieur de Fontgibu 邀請吃乾果布丁。十年後他在巴黎某餐廳想點乾果布丁吃時,侍者告訴他最後的一個已給了另一位客人,那人卻是 de Fontgibu 。到了 1832 年,Deschamps 在一個飯局上正吃著乾果布丁,跟朋友聊起以往之事。剛一講起,此時de Fontgibu 就現身了。





Four Years of Pi

We are going to be doing some celebrating here at Pi Towers on Monday: February 29 is the 4th anniversary (or 1st, if you’re prissy about leap years) of the first sales of the Raspberry Pi 1.

We’ll have more reminiscing to do on the day, but to whet your appetite, here’s an absolutely wonderful video (for which read: “a video that made Liz cry again”) from Matt Timmons-Brown, aka The Raspberry Pi Guy, celebrating what the Raspberry Pi community has achieved over the last four years.






以及『樹莓派 3 』的發行文︰

Raspberry Pi 3 on sale now at $35

Exactly four years ago, on 29 February 2012, we unleashed the original 256MB Raspberry Pi Model B on a largely unsuspecting world. Since then, we’ve shipped over eight million units, including three million units of Raspberry Pi 2, making us the UK’s all-time best-selling computer. The Raspberry Pi Foundation has grown from a handful of volunteers to have over sixty full-time employees, including our new friends from Code Club. We’ve sent a Raspberry Pi to the International Space Station and are training teachers around the world through our Picademy program.






但聽『 ITPRO 』的一篇訪談︰

Eben Upton Q&A: we meet the inventor of the Raspberry Pi 3

Adam Shepherd, 3 Mar, 2016

We talk Linux vs BSD, a maker revolution, and a 45-second conversation that changed his life

Eben Upton has started something of a revolution. The 37-year-old Cambridge graduate is the mastermind behind the Raspberry Pi, a $35 (£27) micro-computer that has jump-started a cottage industry of hobbyists, makers and tinkerers. The Raspberry Pi has been in everything, from retro games consoles to weather balloons. They’ve even been into space!

We sat down with Eben Upton at the launch of the Raspberry Pi 3, to talk about the Pi’s journey so far, and where he sees it going in the future.



Have you deliberately kept the Pi as cheap as possible?

Yes. Absolutely. There was a conversation with Eric Schmidt at the start of 2013, in which I discussed with him our plans; I said ‘hey, we’re about to make a $60 Raspberry Pi, it’ll be really good’. And he said ‘nah, that’s a terrible idea’. That’s why I make things cheap. It’s what Google does; you can’t compete with cheap.

And it’s a great piece of advice, you know, it’s one of those genuinely life-changing moments. You don’t have a lot of 45-second conversations which genuinely change your outlook and open your eyes. You flip from one state of mind to the other.

I went ‘hang on, no, that’s completely correct, what am I doing?’ I went back to the office and cancelled all of our high-cost future Pi programs immediately, then cracked on with the Raspberry Pi 2.

So we could have got to the Raspberry Pi 2 much earlier if we were prepared to sacrifice price. We took this long, fairly brutal road to Pi 2, specifically because we knew we had no flexibility.



作者雖不知是否偶然之『抉擇』有必然的『因果』??!!不過相信『通往樹莓派 3』之路,正是

















W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰小樹林系統之效用

一八五四年普魯士經濟學家海爾曼‧亨利希‧高森 Hermann Heinrich Gossen 發表了《人類交往的法則與人類行為規律的發展》 Die Entwicklung der Gesetze des menschlichen Verkehrs und der daraus fließenden Regeln für menschliches Handeln 一書,率先提出與闡述了邊際效用的理論。高森認為:



Gossen’s second law

Gossen’s Second “Law”, named for Hermann Heinrich Gossen (1810–1858), is the assertion that an economic agent will allocate his or her expenditures such that the ratio of the marginal utility of each good or service to its price (the marginal expenditure necessary for its acquisition) is equal to that for every other good or service. Formally,

\frac{\partial U/\partial x_i}{p_i}=\frac{\partial U/\partial x_j}{p_j}~\forall\left(i,j\right)


  • U is utility
  • x_i is quantity of the i-th good or service
  • p_i is the price of the i-th good or service





性價比(Price-performance ratio),字面上就是指性能和價格的比 。在經濟學工程學,性價比指的是一個產品根據它的價格所能提供的性能的能力。在不考慮其他因素下,一般來說有著更高性價比的產品是更值得擁有的。

性價比又可寫作 CP 值(Cost-Performance ratio),字面上看起來像是價格對於性能的比值,實際上是性能對於價格的比值。當一個產品改善時,CP 值會上升,換句話說,當 CP 值上升時,實則上是性能對於價格比值上升。

中文已經習慣意譯為性價比,CP 值已成為習慣用法或直接以 \frac{Capability}{Price} 解釋。




當白努利提出了一個理論來解釋『聖彼得堡悖論』時,就開啟了『效用』 Utility 的大門︰

邊際效用遞減原理】:一個人對於『財富』的擁有多多益善,也就是說『效用函數U(w) 的一階導數大於零 \frac{dU(w)}{dw} > 0;但隨著『財富』的增加,『滿足程度』的積累速度卻是不斷下降,正因為『效用函數』之二階導數小於零 \frac{d^2U(w)}{dw^2} < 0



The state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial:
(In game theory or economics) a measure of that which is sought to be maximized in any situation involving a choice.

如此『效用』一詞,不論代表的是哪種『喜好度』 ── 有用 useful 、有利 profitable 、滿足 Satisfaction 、愉快 Pleasure 、幸福 Happiness ──,都會涉及主觀的感覺,那麼真可以定出『尺度』的嗎?『效用函數』真的『存在』嗎??



一九四七年,匈牙利之美籍猶太人數學家,現代電腦創始人之一。約翰‧馮‧諾伊曼 Jhon Von Neumann 和德國-美國經濟學家奧斯卡‧摩根斯特恩 Oskar Morgenstern 提出只要『個體』的『喜好性』之『度量』滿足『四條公設』,那麼『個體』之『效用函數』就『存在』,而且除了『零點』的『規定』,以及『等距長度』之『定義』之外,這個『效用函數』還可以說是『唯一』的。就像是『個體』隨身攜帶的『理性』之『溫度計』一樣,能在任何『選擇』下,告知最大『滿意度』與『期望值』。現今這稱之為『期望效用函數理論』 Expected Utility Theory。

由於每個人的『冷熱感受』不同,所以『溫度計』上的『刻度』並不是代表數學上的一般『數字』,通常這一種比較『尺度』只有『差距值』有相對『強弱』意義,『數值比值』並不代表什麼意義,就像說,攝氏二十度不是攝氏十度的兩倍熱。這一類『尺度』在度量中叫做『等距量表』 Interval scale 。

溫度計』量測『溫度』的『高低』,『理性』之『溫度計』度量『選擇』的『優劣』。通常在『實驗經濟學』裡最廣泛採取的是『彩票選擇實驗』 lottery- choice experiments,也就是講,請你在『眾多彩票』中選擇一個你『喜好』 的『彩票』。

這樣就可以將一個有多種『機率p_i,能產生互斥『結果A_i 的『彩票L 表示成︰

L = \sum \limits_{i=1}^{N} p_i A_i ,  \  \sum \limits_{i=1}^{N} p_i  =1,  \ i=1 \cdots N



L\prec MM\prec L,或 L \sim M

任意的兩張『彩票』都可以比較『喜好度』 ,它的結果只能是上述三種關係之一,『偏好 ML\prec M,『偏好 LM\prec L,『無差異L \sim M

遞移性公設】 Transitivity

如果 L \preceq M,而且 M \preceq N,那麼 L \preceq N

連續性公設】 Continuity

如果 L \preceq M\preceq N , 那麼存在一個『機率p\in[0,1] ,使得 pL + (1-p)N = M

獨立性公設】 Independence

如果 L\prec M, 那麼對任意的『彩票N 與『機率p\in(0,1],滿足 pL+(1-p)N \prec pM+(1-p)N

對於任何一個滿足上述公設的『理性經紀人』 rational agent ,必然可以『建構』一個『效用函數u,使得 A_i \rightarrow u(A_i),而且對任意兩張『彩票』,如果 L\prec M \Longleftrightarrow \  E(u(L)) < E(u(M))。此處 E(u(L)) 代表對 L彩票』的『效用期望值』,簡記作 Eu(L),符合

Eu(p_1 A_1 + \ldots + p_n A_n) = p_1 u(A_1) + \cdots + p_n u(A_n)

它在『微觀經濟學』、『博弈論』與『決策論』中,今天稱之為『預期效用假說』 Expected utility hypothesis,指在有『風險』的情況下,任何『個體』所應該作出的『理性選擇』就是追求『效用期望值』的『最大化』。假使人生中的『抉擇』真實能夠如是的『簡化』,也許想得到『快樂』與『幸福』的辦法,就清楚明白的多了。然而有人認為這個『假說』不合邏輯。一九五二年,法國總體經濟學家莫里斯‧菲力‧夏爾‧阿萊斯 Maurice Félix Charles Allais ── 一九八八年,諾貝爾經濟學獎的得主 ── 作了一個著名的實驗,看看實際上人到底是怎麼『做選擇』的,這個『阿萊斯』發明的『彩票選擇實驗』就是大名鼎鼎的『阿萊斯悖論』 Allais paradox 。



那麼我們將怎麼探討『小樹林系統』之效用呢?若是從不同『價值觀點』 ── 教育、休閒、實用、…… ──來看,它的 CP 值高低會改變嗎?它的『開源』與否是否會影響『厭惡感』?它能接上百種『感測器』會不會增加『滿意度』?…… 如果它還是 IOT 之踏板,未來前景的先修課,而且學習時又有知性之喜悅,動手作也有感性的快樂,實在是難以『測度』的了!!



\rho (A+B) \geq \rho(A) + \rho(B)

騾 = 驢 + 馬 

騾 > 驢

騾 > 馬

騾子學名Equus ferus x asinus)是雜交種。嚴格地說,在中文裡母馬和公驢的後代稱為馬騾;母驢和公馬的後代稱為驢騾 。母馬和公驢的基因更容易結合,所以大部分騾都是這樣雜交的。不過基因結合的機率還是很小:有的馬用了6年時間才成功的交配並使驢子懷孕。公騾子和大部分母騾子是沒有生殖能力的。沒有生殖能力是因為染色體不成對(63個),生殖細胞無法進行正常的分裂(即減數分裂)。母騾有性功能,子宮可以懷胚胎,但是最困難的是使母騾懷孕。








現今人類的所有知識中,大概物理學能算是『最嚴謹』的科學之一的吧!然而它一路走來爭議卻也是不斷,至今仍然持續著,這又是為什麼呢?就像『天下烏鴉一般黑』這句話,就算它能符合 JTB 的知識理論,假使有人說︰萬一有隻白烏鴉呢?另一人辯︰在大自然裡,這是不可能的事?於是這人又說︰『藍玫瑰』人都造的出了,造出『白烏鴉』只是早晚的事。與葛梯爾問題相較,『基因改寫』的爭議之大,可謂『大烏比小烏』的了。








美國喬 治.華德博士 Dr. George Wald ,一九六七年諾貝爾醫學獎得主,哈佛大學生物學教授。一九七六年他在《科學》雜誌上發表《反對基因工程業》 The Case Against Genetic Engineering ,摘要的說︰

DNA 基因重組技術── 基因工程 ── 帶給社會的問題,不僅是科學史上前所未有的,也是地球 生物所不曾見的,它賦與人類重新設計生命機體的能力,而這些生物體是要經過三十億年不斷演化才能得到的成果。這種人為操縱基因的方式,與早先干擾生物自然 運作而採取的動、植物育種,或以人為方式,利用X光誘引的突變是不相同的,不可以混為一談,所有以前的做法 都只是在第一品種或相類似的品種之間處理。新科技主要的重點則在於將基因來回移植於不同品種之間,完全跨越各種生物體的界限。這樣做的結果,必定會產生新 的生物,而會自行繁衍,長久存在。新生物一旦被創造,就無法被撤消。直到如今,生物體的演變過程是相當緩慢的,新物種有充分時間適應生存。但現在,整個蛋 白質結構將在一夜之間被改換成全新的組合,沒有人可以預測這樣做對寄主生物或所接觸的生物會有什麼影響。這項科技牽涉太廣、發展太快,核心問題卻一直未曾 被仔細思考與採訪,它涉及的道德倫理問題,可能是科學所面臨到最嚴重的一樁。直到現在,道德標準都容許我們無限制地探討自然界,但是,重新改造自然卻不是 當初所認同的協議。繼續朝這個方向發展不僅不智,也極危險,很可能製造出新的動、植物疾病或新的癌症來 源,或新的傳染病。


一 九八零年代初期,美國最早對轉改基因生物 GMO Genetically Modified Organism 進行研究,首例── 延熟保鲜番茄 ── 於一九八三年問世,一九八六年批准基改作物田間試驗,一九九三年同意上市,開創了基改植物商業應用的先例。當時估計到了二零一零年時,全世界基改食物種植 面積將達六千萬公頃,經濟規模將至三萬億美元,其中只說『種子』的收入就有一千二百億美元。難道能說我們不活在『基改時代』的嗎??或許一九九九年 Jeremy Rifkin 著作《生物技術世紀 ── 用基因重塑世界》Harnessing the Gene and Remaking the World 於這些『』──專利權著作權、…─與『』──倫理的道德的、…──之大爭議彷彿似有所言的乎!!

─── 摘自《基因改寫 ── Thue 改寫系統之補充《二》














