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FreeSandal | 輕。鬆。學。部落客 | 第 250 頁

勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧【專題】 PD‧箱子世界‧九點圓

人們如何發掘『現象』間的『關係』?怎麼探討事物的『性質』 ?因何能發現且證明隱晦的『數學定理』?!也許讀讀維基百科上『九點圓 』詞條一小段文本︰



  • 九點圓的半徑外接圓的一半,且九點圓平分垂心與外接圓上的任一點的連線。
  • 圓心歐拉線上,且在垂心外心的線段的中點。
  • 九點圓和三角形的內切圓旁切圓相切(費爾巴哈定理)。
  • 圓周上四點任取三點做三角形,四個三角形的九點圓圓心共圓(庫利奇-大上定理)。

200px-Triangle.NinePointCircle.svg    九點圓


Even if the orthocenter and circumcenter fall outside of the triangle, the construction still works.


1765年,萊昂哈德·歐拉證明:「垂心三角形和垂足三角形有共同的外接圓(六點圓)。」許多人誤以為九點圓是由而歐拉發現所以又稱乎此圓為歐拉圓。而第一個證明九點圓的人是彭賽列(1821年) 。1822年,卡爾·威廉·費爾巴哈也發現了九點圓,並得出「九點圓和三角形的內切圓旁切圓相切」,因此德國人稱此圓為費爾巴哈圓,並稱這四個切點費爾巴哈點庫利奇大上分別於1910年與1916年發表庫利奇-大上定理「圓周上四點任取三點做三角形 ,四個三角形的九點圓圓心共圓。」這個圓還被稱為四邊形的九點圓,此結果還可推廣到n邊形。




  • 因此\overline{FJ} // \overline{BH} // \overline{DL}
  • 同樣可得出 \triangle ABC \sim \triangle FBD  \triangle ASC \sim \triangle JSL (SAS相似)
  • 因此\overline{FD} // \overline{AC} // \overline{JL}
  • \overline{BH} \perp \overline{AC},可得出四邊形DFJL矩形(四點共圓)
  • 同理可證FKLE也是矩形(DKFJEL共圓)
  • \angle JLD = \angle JGD = 90^\circ,因此可知G也在圓上(圓周角相等)
  • 同理可證HI兩點也在圓上(九點共圓)



可以當成發想的起點。假使設想姑且不論到底是怎樣『發現』的,且談已經『被發現』後,是否人們就能容易了解那些『關係』、『性質』、以及『證明』呢?有人說︰閱讀『證明』容易,動手『證明』困難。似乎是講,既然都已理解了『證明』,焉有不曉『關係』與『性質』的耶!!若說條條大路通『羅馬』,就算盡觀了那些條條大路的景緻,和『羅馬』之風光能夠彼此比較的嗎?? !!更何況『始、中、終』的『學習』循環不斷,舊『終』則啟新『始』布線織網深化『閱歷』。所以『學問』浸潤良久總有所悟,宛如說今日這門古老的『幾何學』,是以前那門新創之『幾何學』的嗎!!??




解析幾何英語Analytic geometry),又稱為坐標幾何英語 Coordinate geometry)或卡氏幾何英語Cartesian geometry),早先被叫作笛卡兒幾何,是一種藉助於解析式進行圖形研究的幾何學分支。解析幾何通常使用二維的平面直角坐標系研究直線圓錐曲線擺線星形線等各種一般平面曲線,使用三維的空間直角坐標系來研究平面等各種一般空間曲面,同時研究它們的方程,並定義一些圖形的概念和參數。


1637年,笛卡兒在《方法論》的附錄「幾何」中提出了解析幾何的基本方法。 以哲學觀點寫成的這部法語著作為後來牛頓萊布尼茨各自提出微積分學提供了基礎。









\frac{BE}{EC} \cdot \frac{CF}{FA} \cdot \frac{AD}{DB}=\frac{1}{1} \cdot \frac{1}{1} \cdot \frac{1}{1}=1





塞瓦線段(cevian)是各頂點與其對邊或對邊延長線上的一點連接而成的直線段。塞瓦定理指出:如果\triangle ABC的塞瓦線段ADBECF通過同一點O,則

\frac{BD}{DC} \cdot \frac{CE}{EA} \cdot \frac{AF}{FB}=1

它的逆定理同樣成立:若D、E、F分別在\triangle ABC的邊BCCAAB或其延長線上(都在邊上或有兩點在延長線上),且滿足

\frac{BD}{DC} \cdot \frac{CE}{EA} \cdot \frac{AF}{FB}=1






\because\quad\frac{BD}{DC}=\frac{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle ABD}}{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle ADC}}=\frac{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle OBD}}{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle ODC}}.


\frac{BD}{DC}=\frac{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle ABD} - \mathrm{S}_{\triangle OBD}}{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle ADC} - \mathrm{S}_{\triangle ODC}}=\frac{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle ABO}}{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle CAO}}.
同理 \frac{CE}{EA}=\frac{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle BCO}}{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle ABO}},\;\frac{AF}{FB}=\frac{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle CAO}}{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle BCO}}.
\therefore\quad\frac{BD}{DC} \cdot \frac{CE}{EA} \cdot \frac{AF}{FB}=\frac{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle ABO}}{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle CAO}} \cdot \frac{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle BCO}}{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle ABO}} \cdot \frac{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle CAO}}{\mathrm{S}_{\triangle BCO}}=1.






相異兩點 (x_0 , y_0) , \ (x_1, y_1) 決定一條線,這線的方程式可以寫成

y \ - y_0 \ = \frac{y_1 \ - y_0}{x_1 \ - x_0} \ (x \ - x_0)

相異三點可以決定一個三角形 \Delta \ ABC ,不失一般性,假設這三個頂點座標是 (0, 0) , \ (a, 0) , \ (b, c) ,那麼

線 L1 的方程式為

y \ = \ \frac{c}{2b \ - a} \ (2x \ - a)

線 L2 的方程式為

y \ = \ \frac{c}{b \ - 2a} \ (x \ - a)

線 L1 與線 L2 的交點 G ,求解聯立方程式可得

x \ = \ \frac{a + b} {3} \ , \ y \ = \ \frac{c}{3}




如果三角形是由均勻材料做成的薄片,那麼幾何中心也就是質量中心。它的笛卡爾坐標是三個頂點的坐標算術平均值。也就是說,如果三頂點位於(x_a, y_a)(x_b, y_b),和(x_c, y_c),那麼幾何中心位於:

\Big( \begin{matrix}\frac13\end{matrix} (x_a+x_b+x_c),\; \begin{matrix}\frac13\end{matrix} (y_a+y_b+y_c)\Big) = \begin{matrix}\frac13\end{matrix} (x_a, y_a) + \begin{matrix}\frac13\end{matrix} (x_b, y_b) + \begin{matrix}\frac13\end{matrix} (x_c, y_c)


\vec{FG} \ = \ \frac{1}{6} (2b \ - a , 2c)

\vec{FC} \ = \ \frac{1}{2} (2b \ - a , 2c) \ = 3 \ \vec{FG}

之『關係』,故可知『重心』將『中線』分成了 2:1 之『性質』。

那麼所謂『證明』三角形三中線交於一點的事,也轉譯成了通過 A 點與 G 點的 L3 線,定然通過中點 D 。因此只需寫出 L3 的方程式,再驗證 D 點滿足那個參數方程式的耶!!如是將能夠體會不同論述之『難易煩簡』常十分不同的乎??



GeoGebra-logo    GeoGebra



sudo apt-get install geogebra-gnome openjdk-7-jre














勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧【專題】 PD‧箱子世界‧調幅











在《【Sonic π】聲波之傳播原理︰原理篇《四下》》一文中我們談到了『駐波』的形成,之後又說明了『樂器』製造通常需要『共振腔』 的放大。事實上『調和序列』  1, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{4}, \cdots, \frac{1}{n}, \cdots,與『調和級數\sum \limits_{k=1}^{k=n} \frac{1}{k} 的『調和』之名源於『樂理』中的『泛音』 overtone 和『泛音列』 harmonic series。一首『樂曲』從『數學』上講,就是一個個『音符』構成的頻率序列,在『時序』上『和諧』的展開,因此才有人說︰『音樂』是有聲的『數學』,『數學』是無聲的『音樂』的啊!我們如果自『遞迴關係式』所比之擬之『相空間』的『符號動力學』來看,或許它該說是『物理』中的『音符動力學』的吧!

即使由『調和平均數』一詞來說,假使 t_k = \frac{1}{k} 是一個『調和序列』的第 k 項,那麼任意兩項的『調和平均數h 就是 h = \frac{2}{\frac{1}{t_i} + \frac{1}{t_j}},所以 {h} = \frac{2}{i + j}。於是『調和序列』中任意連續的三個數 t_{h-1}, t_h, t_{h+1)全部』都構成了『調和平均數』之『關係{2h} = (h-1)  + (h+1)。因此這就是『為什麼』那個『調和序列』會被稱之為『調和』的了。現實裡,大概也只有大自然中,那不期而遇的『山光水影』之『漸層』 的『』,方能夠與之『匹配』的吧!!

引自《【Sonic π】電路學之補充《四》無窮小算術‧中下中‧下》




Amplitude modulation

Amplitude modulation (AM) is a modulation technique used in electronic communication, most commonly for transmitting information via a radio carrier wave. In amplitude modulation, the amplitude (signal strength) of the carrier wave is varied in proportion to the waveform being transmitted. That waveform may, for instance, correspond to the sounds to be reproduced by a loudspeaker, or the light intensity of television pixels. This technique contrasts with frequency modulation, in which the frequency of the carrier signal is varied, and phase modulation, in which its phase is varied.

AM was the earliest modulation method used to transmit voice by radio. It was developed during the first two decades of the 20th century beginning with Roberto Landell De Moura and Reginald Fessenden‘s radiotelephone experiments in 1900.[1] It remains in use today in many forms of communication; for example it is used in portable two way radios, VHF aircraft radio, Citizen’s Band Radio and in computer modems.[citation needed] “AM” is often used to refer to mediumwave AM radio broadcasting.


Fig 1: An audio signal (top) may be carried by a carrier frequency using AM or FM methods.


Simplified analysis of standard AM

Consider a carrier wave (sine wave) of frequency fc and amplitude A given by:

c(t) = A\cdot \sin(2 \pi f_c t)\,.

Let m(t) represent the modulation waveform. For this example we shall take the modulation to be simply a sine wave of a frequency fm, a much lower frequency (such as an audio frequency) than fc:

m(t) = M\cdot \cos(2 \pi f_m t + \phi)\,,

where M is the amplitude of the modulation. We shall insist that M<1 so that (1+m(t)) is always positive. If M>1 then overmodulation occurs and reconstruction of message signal from the transmitted signal would lead in loss of original signal. Amplitude modulation results when the carrier c(t) is multiplied by the positive quantity (1+m(t)):

y(t)\, = [1 + m(t)]\cdot c(t) \,
= [1 + M\cdot \cos(2 \pi f_m t + \phi)] \cdot A \cdot \sin(2 \pi f_c t)

In this simple case M is identical to the modulation index, discussed below. With M=0.5 the amplitude modulated signal y(t) thus corresponds to the top graph (labelled “50% Modulation”) in Figure 4.

Using prosthaphaeresis identities, y(t) can be shown to be the sum of three sine waves:

y(t) = A\cdot \sin(2 \pi f_c t) + \begin{matrix}\frac{AM}{2} \end{matrix} \left[\sin(2 \pi (f_c + f_m) t + \phi) + \sin(2 \pi (f_c - f_m) t - \phi)\right].\,

Therefore, the modulated signal has three components: the carrier wave c(t) which is unchanged, and two pure sine waves (known as sidebands) with frequencies slightly above and below the carrier frequency fc.


Illustration of Amplitude Modulation



難道『概念』上不就是種『包絡產生器』嗎??!!突然過去組裝收音機的熱情湧上心頭。心想那時哪有這時的電腦,即便說樹莓派的吧!可以用『數位』的方式來處理『類比』訊號?何不試試看的呢!!??看看『 Pd 』⊕ 樹莓派『小盒子』到底是行還是不行的耶?!

於是本著 Pd 程式例子的『慣例』頻率



1939年,一個國際會議提出,把中央C上方的A定為440赫茲。到了1955年,國際標準化組織採用了這個標準,將其訂為ISO 16(1975年,此組織重新確認了這項標準)。從此,A440就成為鋼琴小提琴以及其他樂器的頻率校準標準。




在電影Phantasm中,The Tall Man對於此頻率感到不適。





















勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧【專題】 PD‧箱子世界‧包絡

當人們閱讀文章時,常常依著原作者的思路,隨其文筆而行。雖覺一路順暢,一旦認真『思考』所讀內容,彷彿無法將那些『字詞』與『概念』連繫起來。比方說,作者讀過 Miller Puckette 先生如下一節講『正弦‧合成』之文本︰

1.5 Synthesizing a sinusoid
In most widely used audio synthesis and processing packages (Csound, Max/MSP, and Pd, for instance), the audio operations are specified as networks of unit generators[Mat69] which pass audio signals among themselves. The user of the software package specifies the network, sometimes called a patch, which essentially corresponds to the synthesis algorithm to be used, and then worries about how to control the various unit generators in time. In this section, we’ll use abstract block diagrams to describe patches, but in the “examples” section (Page 17), we’ll choose a specific implementation environment and show some of the software-dependent details.

To show how to produce a sinusoid with time-varying amplitude we’ll need to introduce two unit generators. First we need a pure sinusoid which is made with an oscillator. Figure 1.5 (part a) shows a pictorial representation of a sinusoidal oscillator as an icon. The input is a frequency (in cycles per second), and the output is a sinusoid of peak amplitude one.

Figure 1.5: Block diagrams for (a) a sinusoidal oscillator; (b) controlling the amplitude using a multiplier and an amplitude signal y[n]

Figure 1.5 (part b) shows how to multiply the output of a sinusoidal oscillator by an appropriate scale factor y[n] to control its amplitude. Since the oscillator’s peak amplitude is 1, the peak amplitude of the product is about y[n], assuming y[n] changes slowly enough and doesn’t become negative in value.


Figure 1.6: Two amplitude functions (parts a, c), and (parts b, d), the result of multiplying them by the pure sinusoid of Figure 1.1.


Figure 1.6 shows how the sinusoid of Figure 1.1 is affected by amplitude change by two different controlling signals y[n]. The controlling signal shown in part (a) has a discontinuity, and so therefore does the resulting amplitude-controlled sinusoid shown in (b). Parts (c) and (d) show a more gently-varying possibility for y[n] and the result. Intuition suggests that the result shown in (b) won’t sound like an amplitude-varying sinusoid, but instead like a sinusoid interrupted by an audible “pop” after which it continues more quietly. In general, for reasons that can’t be explained in this chapter, amplitude control signals y[n] which ramp smoothly from one value to another are less likely to give rise to parasitic results (such as that “pop”) than are abruptly changing ones.

For now we can state two general rules without justifying them. First, pure sinusoids are the signals most sensitive to the parasitic effects of quick amplitude change. So when you want to test an amplitude transition, if it works for sinusoids it will probably work for other signals as well. Second, depending on the signal whose amplitude you are changing, the amplitude control will need between 0 and 30 milliseconds of “ramp” time—zero for the most forgiving signals (such as white noise), and 30 for the least (such as a sinusoid). All this
also depends in a complicated way on listening levels and the acoustic context.

Suitable amplitude control functions y[n] may be made using an envelope generator. Figure 1.7 shows a network in which an envelope generator is used to control the amplitude of an oscillator. Envelope generators vary widely in design, but we will focus on the simplest kind, which generates line segments as shown in Figure 1.6 (part c). If a line segment is specified to ramp between two output values a and b over N samples starting at sample number M , the output is:

The output may have any number of segments such as this, laid end to end, over the entire range of sample numbers n; flat, horizontal segments can be made by setting a = b.

In addition to changing amplitudes of sounds, amplitude control is often used, especially in real-time applications, simply to turn sounds on and off: to turn one off, ramp the amplitude smoothly to zero. Most software synthesis packages also provide ways to actually stop modules from computing samples at all, but here we’ll use amplitude control instead.

The envelope generator dates from the analog era [Str95, p.64] [Cha80, p.90], as does the rest of Figure 1.7; oscillators with controllable frequency were called voltage-controlled oscillators or VCOs, and the multiplication step was done using a voltage-controlled amplifier or VCA [Str95, pp.34-35] [Cha80, pp.84-89].
Envelope generators are described in more detail in Section 4.1.

Figure 1.7: Using an envelope generator to control amplitude.



那麼什麼是『振幅控制』呢?又為什麼會有『 pop 』吥吥聲的呢 ??假使以 x(t) 為『訊號』,用 y(t) 表達『振幅控制』,直覺上 y(t) \ \geq 0 容易理解,因為用它來『控制』當下振幅『大小』 !但是『 gently-varying 』溫和變化意指何事?又將如何解釋下面的兩句話??

First, pure sinusoids are the signals most sensitive to the parasitic effects of quick amplitude change.


Second, depending on the signal whose amplitude you are changing, the amplitude control will need between 0 and 30 milliseconds of “ramp” time—zero for the most forgiving signals (such as white noise), and 30 for the least (such as a sinusoid).







用著原始的『耳朵』來『感覺』文本所說之事。這是因為即使了解了『 line~ 』物件


line~-help.pd - -usr-lib-pd-extended-doc-5.reference_聲音開關


發現用作『聲音開關』不錯,但是在理解『 parasitic effects 』寄生效應上總是不易體會。當時因對 Pd 程式語言認識之不足,所以才會設想那樣奇怪的程式!不過 { ( sin(2 \pi f t) ) } ^2  \ \geq 0 , 還可以透過頻率 f 調節訊號『包絡』 envelope 快慢,感覺十分好玩,或許有益於初學者,故特引以為記!!












勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧【專題】 PD‧箱子世界‧合成

『合成』是個一般性概念, WiKi 百科詞條這麼說︰

In general, the noun synthesis (from the ancient Greek σύνθεσις, σύν “with” and θέσις “placing”) refers to a combination of two or more entities that together form something new; alternately, it refers to the creating of something by artificial means. The corresponding verb, to synthesize (or synthesise), means to make or form a synthesis.








也可以稱之為『圖像』的『合成器』 Synthesizer 了。若是問所合成的圖案『像』或『不像』

220px-Tangram-man.svg    跑步的人??





A sound synthesizer (usually abbreviated as “synthesizer” or “synth“, also spelled “synthesiser“) is an electronic musical instrument that generates electric signals converted to sound through loudspeakers or headphones. Synthesizers may either imitate other instruments or generate new timbres. They are often played with a keyboard, but they can be controlled via a variety of other input devices, including music sequencers, instrument controllers, fingerboards, guitar synthesizers, wind controllers, and electronic drums. Synthesizers without built-in controllers are often called sound modules, and are controlled via MIDI or CV/Gate.

Synthesizers use various methods to generate signal. Among the most popular waveform synthesis techniques are subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, wavetable synthesis, frequency modulation synthesis, phase distortion synthesis, physical modeling synthesis and sample-based synthesis. Other less common synthesis types (see #Types of synthesis) include subharmonic synthesis, a form of additive synthesis via subharmonics (used by mixture trautonium), and granular synthesis, sample-based synthesis based on grains of sound, generally resulting in soundscapes or clouds.




假使對『大自然』的『認識』就像是『知識之拼圖』,作為一個科學的『觀察者』,通常需要『考察』那些『已知的碎片』能不能夠『融匯』成為那一整張『全景圖』,往往還得『研判』以為『拼起的圖象』它會不會『引發』彼此之間『不同調』的『矛盾』。終究『科學』以『實驗觀察』之『現象事實』為『依據』,從所得之『量測數據』建立『假說』,提出『理論』來『解釋』自然萬象。要是『輕忽』了這個『本末』,可能會將『物理方程式』只當成了『數學系統』來『研究』,『忘卻』了『物理量』本是為著『描述自然』而『』的,如果說『宇宙』中根本『沒有』那種量,它又怎麼能有『物理意義』的呢?比方講,從日常生活的『經驗』裡,我們『知道』拋一個『』,它總是會『停下來』的。於是在『力學』中有所謂的『摩擦力』用以『說明』它的『原因』。然而不同的『形狀』、相異的『接觸面』以及物體『速度大小』種種『因素』都可能影響這個『摩擦力』的大小。假使從『物理近似』的觀點來看,假設那個『摩擦力大小』正比於『速度大小』,方向與『運動方向』相反,『數學上』表示為 f_r = - \alpha \cdot v, \ \alpha > 0。這個『函數』符合物理上『摩擦力』的『想法』︰

一、 v = 0 \Longrightarrow f_r = 0

二、 v > 0, \Longrightarrow f_r < 0

三、 v < 0, \Longrightarrow f_r > 0

,於是我們會想 f_r = - \beta \cdot v^2, \ \beta > 0 這個『形式』的『摩擦力』應該『不合理』的了。為什麼呢?因為當 v < 0 時  f_r < 0,那個『摩擦力』總『不可能』產生『加速』的吧!然而當我們將物理的『運動方程式』用『數學』來表達時,它就是一個『數學方程式』了,如果只就它的『數學求解』而言,那麼它的『數學近似』應該是『合理的』吧!這樣我們當考慮『摩擦力』的『修正項』時,假設它是 \pm \beta \cdot v^2 這在物理上『合理的』嗎?簡單分析一下 f_r = - \alpha \cdot v \pm \beta \cdot v^2, \ \alpha  , \beta > 0,當 f_r = 0 時,它有兩個『v = 0, v = \pm \frac{\alpha}{\beta},它雖然不可能在速度之『全域』上『符合』物理上對『摩擦力』的想法,不過某個速度的『範圍』內,它的確是『符合』的啊!如此到底就『物理近似』的『意義』來講,這個『範圍限定』是『』還是『不可』的呢?如果審思『物理量』的『』 ⊕ 應該如何『計算』,是由『自然律』得來的,因此它在『意義』上就與『數學的加』 + 有一定的『不同』。也可以說『數學近似』的『過程結果』,一般還是需要『合理的』物理之『解釋』。要是說因為 f_r = - \alpha \cdot v - \beta \cdot v^2 - \gamma \cdot v^3 可以在速度的『全域』上『符合』物理上對『摩擦力』的想法,所以在物理上它就比 f_r = - \alpha \cdot v, \ \alpha > 0 是更好的『近似描述』,豈不怪哉!!

─── 引自《【Sonic π】電聲學之電路學《四》之《 !!!! 》上














勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧【專題】 PD‧箱子世界‧dB

假使我們閱讀維基百科詞條對『分貝』 dB 的定義︰


常用的空氣參考聲壓為p_{\mathrm{ref}} = 20 µPa(微帕斯卡) (rms),它通常被認為是人類的最少聽覺響應值(大約是3米以外飛行的蚊子聲音)。最完善的水平測量,測量1帕斯卡等於94分貝聲壓級。在其他介質 ,如水下,1微帕斯卡更為普遍[1] 。這些標準被ANSIS1.1-1994.所收錄[2]


分貝(dB)是十分之一貝爾(B): 1B = 10dB。1貝爾的兩個功率量的比值是10:1,1貝爾的兩個場量的比值是\sqrt{10}: 1 [3]。場量(field quantity)是諸如電壓電流聲壓電場強度速度電荷密度等量值,其平方值在一個線性系統中與功率成比例。功率量(power quantity)是功率值或者直接與功率值成比例的其它量,如能量密度音強發光強度等。




考慮功率或者強度(intensity)時, 其比值可以表示為分貝,這是通過把測量值與參考量值之比計算基於10的對數,再乘以10。因此功率值P1與另一個功率值P0之比用分貝表示為LdB[5]

 L_\mathrm{dB} = 10 \log_{10} \bigg(\frac{P_1}{P_0}\bigg) \,

兩個功率值的比值基於10的對數,就是貝爾(bel)值。兩個功率值之比的分貝值是貝爾值的10倍(或者說,1個分貝是十分之一貝爾)。P1P0必須度量同一個數值類型,具有相同的單位。如果在上式中P1 = P0,那麼LdB = 0。如果P1大於P0,那麼LdB是正的;如果P1小於P0,那麼LdB是負的。


 P_1 = 10^\frac{L_\mathrm{dB}}{10} P_0 \, .


 L_\mathrm{B} = \log_{10} \bigg(\frac{P_1}{P_0}\bigg) \,
 P_1 = 10^{L_\mathrm{B}} P_0 \, .



 L_\mathrm{dB} = 10 \log_{10} \bigg(\frac{A_1^2}{A_0^2}\bigg) = 20 \log_{10} \bigg(\frac{A_1}{A_0}\bigg). \,

10 \log_{10} \frac{a^2}{b^2}20 \log_{10} \frac{a}{b} 相等,這是由於對數的性質


 A_1 = 10^\frac{L_\mathrm{dB}}{20} A_0 \,


 G_\mathrm{dB} =20 \log_{10} \left (\frac{V_1}{V_0} \right ) \quad \mathrm \quad





Logarithmic scale

Scientific quantities are often expressed as logarithms of other quantities, using a logarithmic scale. For example, the decibel is a unit of measurement associated with logarithmic-scale quantities. It is based on the common logarithm of ratios—10 times the common logarithm of a power ratio or 20 times the common logarithm of a voltage ratio. It is used to quantify the loss of voltage levels in transmitting electrical signals,[66] to describe power levels of sounds in acoustics,[67] and the absorbance of light in the fields of spectrometry and optics. The signal-to-noise ratio describing the amount of unwanted noise in relation to a (meaningful) signal is also measured in decibels.[68] In a similar vein, the peak signal-to-noise ratio is commonly used to assess the quality of sound and image compression methods using the logarithm.[69]

The strength of an earthquake is measured by taking the common logarithm of the energy emitted at the quake. This is used in the moment magnitude scale or the Richter scale. For example, a 5.0 earthquake releases 32 times (101.5) and a 6.0 releases 1000 times (103) the energy of a 4.0.[70] Another logarithmic scale is apparent magnitude. It measures the brightness of stars logarithmically.[71] Yet another example is pH in chemistry; pH is the negative of the common logarithm of the activity of hydronium ions (the form hydrogen ions H+ take in water).[72] The activity of hydronium ions in neutral water is 10−7 mol·L−1, hence a pH of 7. Vinegar typically has a pH of about 3. The difference of 4 corresponds to a ratio of 104 of the activity, that is, vinegar’s hydronium ion activity is about 10−3 mol·L−1.

Semilog (log-linear) graphs use the logarithmic scale concept for visualization: one axis, typically the vertical one, is scaled logarithmically. For example, the chart at the right compresses the steep increase from 1 million to 1 trillion to the same space (on the vertical axis) as the increase from 1 to 1 million. In such graphs, exponential functions of the form f(x) = a · bx appear as straight lines with slope equal to the logarithm of b. Log-log graphs scale both axes logarithmically, which causes functions of the form f(x) = a · xk to be depicted as straight lines with slope equal to the exponent k. This is applied in visualizing and analyzing power laws.[73]



或覺這個 dB 看似簡明扼要,總有莫名其妙之感。此時若是輔之以


一六一四年 John Napier 約翰‧納皮爾在一本名為《 Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio  》── 奇妙的對數規律的描述 ── 的書中,用了三十七頁解釋『對數log ,以及給了長達九十頁的對數表。這有什麼重要的嗎?想一想即使在今天用『鉛筆』和『紙』做大位數的加減乘除,尚且困難也很容易算錯,就可以知道對數的發明,對計算一事貢獻之大的了。如果用一對一對應的觀點來看,對數把『乘除』運算『變換加減』運算

\log {a * b} = \log{a} + \log{b}

\log {a / b} = \log{a} - \log{b}


\log {a^n} = n * \log{a}

傳聞納皮爾還發明了的『骨頭計算器』,他的書對於之後的天文學 、力學、物理學、占星學的發展都有很大的影響。他的運算變換 Transform 的想法,開啟了『換個空間解決數學問題』的大門 ,比方『常微分方程式的  Laplace Transform』與『頻譜分析的傅立葉變換』等等。


Rendered by

不只如此這個對數關係竟然還跟人類之『五官』── 眼耳鼻舌身 ── 受到『刺激』── 色聲香味觸 ── 的『感覺』強弱大小有關。一七九五年出生的 Ernst Heinrich Weber 韋伯,一位德國物理學家,是一位心理物理學的先驅,他提出感覺之『方可分辨』JND just-noticeable difference 的特性。比方說你提了五公斤的水,再加上半公斤,可能感覺差不了多少,要是你沒提水,說不定會覺的突然拿著半公斤的水很重。也就是說在『既定的刺激』下, 感覺的方可分辨性大小並不相同。韋伯實驗後歸結成一個關係式︰

ΔR/R = K

R:  既有刺激之物理量數值
ΔR:  方可分辨 JND 所需增加的刺激之物理量數值
K: 特定感官之常數,不同的感官不同

。之後  Gustav Theodor Fechner  費希納,一位韋伯派的學者,提出『知覺』perception 『連續性假設,將韋伯關係式改寫為︰

dP = k  \frac {dS}{S}


P = k \ln S + C

假如刺激之物理量數值小於 S_0 時,人感覺不到 P = 0,就可將上式寫成︰

P = k \ln \frac {S}{S_0}

這就是知名的韋伯-費希納定律,它講著:在絕對閾限 S_0 之上,主觀知覺之強度的變化與刺激之物理量大小的改變呈現自然對數的關係,也可以說,如果刺激大小按著幾何級數倍增,所引起的感覺強度卻只依造算術級數累加。





── 真是可憐的『小吃業者』,沒在怕的『頂級餐廳』!!──




一八二一年,法國數學家『柯西』曾經考慮了一個現今稱為『柯西函數方程』 Cauchy’s functional equation 的『加性函數』additive functions f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y)。假使 x, y 都是『有理數』,可以證明 f(x) = c \cdot x,這個『函數族』是它的『唯一解』。同時『柯西』也證明了︰如果 f(x) 是一個『實數』的『連續函數』,那麼 f(x) = c \cdot x 這個『函數族』也是它的『唯一解。要是對於『實數函數f(x) 不加上任何『限制條件』,一九零五年,德國數學家 Georg Hamel 證明了它可以有『無窮解』。在此我們僅再次的『演示』如何用『無窮小分析』來『求取』這個『加性函數』的『平滑解』︰

f(x + \delta x) =  f(x) + f(\delta x)

f(x + \delta x) = f(x) + f^{\prime}(x) \cdot \delta x + \epsilon \cdot \delta x,於是

f(x) + f(\delta x) = f(x) + f^{\prime}(x) \cdot \delta x + \epsilon \cdot \delta x,所以

f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{f(\delta x)}{\delta x} - \epsilon,因此

f^{\prime}(x) = c = constant

,再從 f(0) = f(0 + 0) = f(0) + f(0) 可得 f(0) = 0,如是就得到了 f(x) = c \cdot x 這個『函數族』。

如果從『恆等式』identity 的『觀點』來看,『 泛函數方程式』可以看成是『泛函數恆等式』 functional identities,就像{[\sin{x}]}^2 + {[\cos{x}]}^2 = 1 這個 『三角恆等式』 一樣,假使我們藉由上式將 \sin{(x + y)} = \sin{(x)} \cos{(y)} + \cos{(x)} \sin{(y)} 恆等式改寫成 \sin{(x + y)} = \sin{(x)} \sqrt{1 - {[\sin{y}]}^2} + \sqrt{1 - {[\sin{x}]}^2} \sin{(y)},儼然是一個『 泛函數方程式』的了!因此我們也可以用『相同』的『觀點』將『微分方程式』看成是一種『泛函數恆等式』,進一步『明白』即使『不求解』那個方程式,我們依然能夠藉之得到有關『解函數』的許多重要有用的『資訊』的啊!!


一個實數函數 f 在閉區間 [a, b] 裡『連續』且於開區間 [a, b] 中『可微分』,那麼一定存在一點 c, \ a < c < b 使得此點的『切線斜率』等於兩端點間的『割線斜率』,即 f^{\prime}(c) = \frac{f(b) - f(a)}{b - a}

論證了『劉維爾定理』。這個『均值定理』的重要性在於,它將一個『連續』而且『可微分』的『函數』的『區間端點割線』與『區間內切線』聯繫了起來,使我們可以『確定』一個『等式』的『存在』。就讓我們再舉一個『對數性函數f(x \cdot y) = f(x) + f(y) 的例子,看看它的『運用』 吧。首先 f(1) = f(1 \cdot 1) = f(1) + f(1) \Longrightarrow f(1) = 0,其次 f(x \cdot \frac{1}{x}) = f(1) = 0 = f(x) + f(\frac{1}{x}) \Longrightarrow f(\frac{1}{x}) = - f(x),所以 f(\frac{x}{y}) = f(x \cdot \frac{1}{y}) = f(x) + f(\frac{1}{y}) = f(x) -f(y)。因此

f(x + \delta x) - f(x) = f(\frac{x + \delta x}{\delta x}) = f(1 + \frac{\delta x}{ x})

= f^{\prime}(\eta) \left[(1 + \frac{\delta x}{x}) - 1 \right], \ \eta \in (1, 1 + \delta x)

= f^{\prime}(\eta) \frac{\delta x}{x}

,為什麼呢?因為 f(x) 在『閉區間[1, 1 + \delta x]是『平滑的』,按照『均值定理』,存在一個 \eta \in (1, 1+ \delta x) 使得

f^{\prime}(\eta) = \frac{f( 1 + \frac{\delta x}{ x}) - f(1)}{(1 + \frac{\delta x}{x})  - 1} = \frac{f( 1 + \frac{\delta x}{ x})}{ \frac{\delta x}{x}}

\therefore f(x + \delta x) = f(x) +  f^{\prime}(\eta) \frac{\delta x}{x} = f(x) + f^{\prime}(x) \cdot \delta x + \epsilon \cdot \delta x,於是我們可以得到

f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{f^{\prime}(\eta)}{x} - \epsilon,也就是說『函數f(x) 滿足

f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{k}{x} , \ f(1)= 0, \ k= f^{\prime}(1)

它的『』果真就是 f(x) = k \ln{(x)} 的啊!!

─── 引自《【Sonic π】電聲學之電路學《四》之《一》



之前在《【Sonic π】電路學之補充《二》》一篇裡,我們說到了『平均功率』的『定義』,通常物理上與工程中常用『均方根』或叫做『平方平均數』 Root mean square 來計算這個『平均值』,就讓先我們將『平均功率』的定義引述於此

所謂的『功率』 power 是指『能量』之『轉換』或者『使用』的『速率』,用單位時間的能量大小來表示。『功率』的『單位』是『瓦特』 W ,假使 \Delta W 是一物理系統在 \Delta t 時間內所做的功,那麼這段時間內的『平均功率P_{avg} 可以由下式給出

P_{avg} = \frac{\Delta W}{\Delta t}

。而『瞬時功率』就是當時間 \Delta t \rightarrow 0 時,『平均功率』的極限值

P = \lim \limits_{\Delta t\to 0} \frac{\Delta W}{\Delta t} = \frac{{\rm d}W}{{\rm d}t}

。也就是講一秒消耗一焦耳的能量就是一『瓦特』,一般所說的『一度電』是指『一千瓦小時』所使用的『電能』多寡,它等於 1000 \cdot 60 \cdot 60 J

從『瞬時功率』 的『定義』,可以推導出

機械瞬時功率】是 {P}(t) = \vec{F}(t) \cdot \vec{v}(t)

電力瞬時功率】是 P(t) = I(t) \cdot V(t)

。 那麽『均方根RMS, \ rms  的『定義』就是,如果在 0T 時距中,我們『度量』了某個 x  『物理量nt_i, \ i=1 \cdots n ,這個『物理量』的『量測值』是 x(t_i) = x_i, \ i=1 \cdots n,這時我們說這個『物理量x 的『均方根x_{rms}

x_{rms} = \sqrt{ \frac{1}{n} \left( x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \cdots + x_n^2 \right) }

。也可以說,對於一個『連續』可『度量』的 X(t) 而言﹐它就是

X_{rms} = \lim \limits_{T\rightarrow \infty} \sqrt {{1 \over {T}} {\int_{0}^{T} {[X(t)]}^2\, dt}}

,設使 Y(t) 只存在於 T_1T_2 時距間,此時 『均方根』 是

Y_{rms}} = \sqrt {{1 \over {T_2-T_1}} {\int_{T_1}^{T_2} {[Y(t)]}^2\, dt}}


於此就讓我們列出一些常見的『典型波形』之『周期函數Z(t) 之『均方根


Sine Wave

Z(t) = a \sin{(2 \pi f t)}Z_{rms} = \frac{a}{\sqrt{2}}

Square Wave

Z(t) = \begin{cases}a & \{f t\} < 0.5 \\ -a & \{f t\} > 0.5 \end{cases}Z_{rms} = a

Triangle Wave

Z(t) = |2a\{ft\} - a|, Z_{rms} = \frac{a}{\sqrt{3}}

Sawtouth Wave

Z(t) = 2a\{ft\} - a, Z_{rms} = \frac{a}{\sqrt{3}}


t 是『時間』,
f 是『頻率』,
a 是『振幅』,
\{r\}r 的『分數部份』 Fractional part。

── 如果命運果真有規劃局;事物就定能分好類嗎??──

─── 引自《【Sonic π】電聲學之電路學《一》下


貫通之後,或將能對 Miller Puckette 書中所言︰

1.2 Units of Amplitude
Two amplitudes are often better compared using their ratio than their difference. Saying that one signal’s amplitude is greater than another’s by a factor of two might be more informative than saying it is greater by 30 millivolts. This is true for any measure of amplitude (RMS or peak, for instance). To facilitate comparisons, we often express amplitudes in logarithmic units called decibels. If a is the amplitude of a signal (either peak or RMS), then we can define the
decibel (dB) level d as:

where a0 is a reference amplitude.














