W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之系統設計《懸疑》

本想著能『一魚兩吃』,同時可在『 RaspberryPi 』與『 Arduino 』上編程,欣然閱讀 GrovePi/Firmware/ 文本︰


GrovePi is an open source platform for connecting Grove Sensors to the Raspberry Pi.


The best way to compile the firmware on the GrovePi is to use Ino. You can see more about ino. Make a new file directory, preferably on the Desktop or in the ~ directory. Change directory into the new directory. run ino init -t grovepi

Move the source code, including dependencies, into the /src directory that was automatically created.

The hex files are located in the .build/uno directory. Specifically it should generate a file called firmware.hex


You can upload the firmware you’ve compiled using the following command: avrdude -c gpio -p m328p -U flash:w:.build/uno/firmware.hex

Updating the firmware on your GrovePi

If you don;t want to compile and upload, you can also run the firmware update script to update the firmware on your GrovePi to the latest version.

First make the firmware update script executable:

sudo chmod +x firmware_update.sh

then run it:

sudo ./firmware_update.sh





Ino is a command line toolkit for working with Arduino hardware

It allows you to:

  • Quickly create new projects
  • Build a firmware from multiple source files and libraries
  • Upload the firmware to a device
  • Perform serial communication with a device (aka serial monitor)

Ino may replace Arduino IDE UI if you prefer to work with command line and an editor of your choice or if you want to integrate Arduino build process to 3-rd party IDE.

Ino is based on make to perform builds. However Makefiles are generated automatically and you’ll never see them if you don’t want to.


  • Simple. No build scripts are necessary.
  • Out-of-source builds. Directories with source files are not cluttered with intermediate object files.
  • Support for *.ino and *.pde sketches as well as raw *.c and *.cpp.
  • Support for Arduino Software versions 1.x as well as 0.x.
  • Automatic dependency tracking. Referred libraries are automatically included in the build process. Changes in *.h files lead to recompilation of sources which include them.
  • Pretty colorful output.
  • Support for all boards that are supported by Arduino IDE.
  • Fast. Discovered tool paths and other stuff is cached across runs. If nothing has changed, nothing is build.
  • Flexible. Support for simple ini-style config files to setup machine-specific info like used Arduino model, Arduino distribution path, etc just once.


From source:

  • Download latest source tarball
  • Or clone it from GitHub: git clone git://github.com/amperka/ino.git
  • Do make install to perform installation under /usr/local
  • Or see INSTALL for instructions on changing destination directory

With Python setup tools:

  • Either pip install ino
  • Or easy_install ino


  • Python 2.6+
  • Arduino IDE distribution
  • picocom for serial communication




pi@raspberrypi ~ mkdir project pi@raspberrypi ~ cd project/

pi@raspberrypi ~/project ino init -t grovepi Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/local/bin/ino", line 6, in <module>     main()   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ino/runner.py", line 76, in main     args.func(args)   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ino/commands/init.py", line 46, in run     '.', ignore=lambda *args: ['manifest.ini'])   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ino/commands/init.py", line 56, in copytree     names = os.listdir(src) OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ino/templates/grovepi'  pi@raspberrypi ~/project 



Quick start

Learn how to work with ino in few minutes.


















W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之系統設計《線索》


走不以手,縛手,走不能疾;飛不以尾,屈尾,飛不能遠。物之用者,必待不用者。故使之見者,乃不見者也;使鼓鳴者,乃不鳴者也。嘗一臠肉,知一鑊之味;懸羽與炭,而知燥濕之氣;以小明大 。見一葉落,而知歲之將暮睹瓶中之冰,而知天下之寒以近論遠。三人比肩,不能外出戶;一人相隨,可以通天下。足蹍地而為跡,暴行而為影,此易而難。莊王誅里史,孫叔敖制冠浣衣,文公棄荏席,後黴黑,咎犯辭歸,故桑葉落而長年悲也。鼎錯日用而不足貴,周鼎不爨而不可賤。物固有以不用而為有用者。地平則水 不流,重鈞則衡不傾,物之尤必有所感,物固有以不用為大用者。


雖說『一葉能知秋』,若不能『徵之以事理』,蓋屬妄言矣。如此就算是『柯南‧道爾』 Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle 爵士所作的推斷,也不能輕易苟同。要說『真相只有一個』,各方之『線索』終將匯聚乎?於是作者隨著『 GrovePi/Script/install.sh 』之麵包屑


138 cd /tmp
139 wget http://project-downloads.drogon.net/gertboard/setup.sh
140 chmod +x setup.sh
141 sudo ./setup.sh


,發現了『 Index of /gertboard 』程式庫。


[DIR] Parent Directory                             -   
[   ] avrdude                 13-Jun-2012 22:53  257K  
[   ] avrdude-5.10-bb-gpio..> 13-Jun-2012 22:52   11K  
[   ] avrdude-doc_5.10-4_a..> 18-Jun-2012 13:04  538K  
[TXT] avrdude.conf            13-Jun-2012 22:53  486K  
[   ] avrdude_5.10-3.debia..> 13-Jun-2012 22:52  5.3K  
[   ] avrdude_5.10-4_armel..> 18-Jun-2012 13:03  203K  
[   ] avrdude_5.10-4_armhf..> 18-Jun-2012 13:04  198K  
[   ] avrsetup                21-Sep-2012 17:01  943   
[TXT] boards.txt              30-Jul-2012 23:29   14K  
[   ] minirc.ama0             30-Jul-2012 22:33  256   
[TXT] programmers.txt         30-Jul-2012 23:30  628   
[   ] setup.sh                30-Jul-2012 18:49  1.8K  



Arduino IDE Installation

The In System Programming (ISP) method is the one I recommend to use with the Raspberry Pi and the Gertboard. The down-side is that during program development of the code you are running in the ATmega, you need to use 4 GPIO pins on the Pi. You can pick (almost) any 4, but I suggest you use 4 of the 5 pins dedicated to the SPI interface.

To use the Arduino IDE with the Raspberry Pi and the Gertboard, you will need to make some small changes to both the Pi’s and the Arduino’s configuration files. However, the first step is to install the IDE, cross compilers, etc. To use the ISP programming method (which is recommended), you need a modified version of the avrdude program.

First start by installing the standard Arduino IDE:















W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之系統設計《硬體》






基本上『 GrovePi 』的硬體設計只有一顆『 ATmegs 328p 』單晶片處理器,此事可見之於《 GrovePi-1.5_schem.pdf 》電路圖上。








,讀者可考其《新文件》,實則相類也。這事能有什麼重要的嗎?若思『防呆』的四針『連接器』設計,在其針腳定義上,統合『 I2C 』 、『 UART serial 』、『 Digital 』與『 Analog 』接法,固然是方便簡易。

假使再思『 ATmegs328p 』之『 ISP 』

In-system programming

In-system programming (ISP), also called In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP), is the ability of some programmable logic devices, microcontrollers, and other embedded devices to be programmed while installed in a complete system, rather than requiring the chip to be programmed prior to installing it into the system.

There are several incompatible in-system programming protocols for programming microcontroller devices such as PIC microcontrollers, AVRs, and the Parallax Propeller. ICSP has been primarily implemented by Microchip Technology for programming PIC and dsPIC devices.

The primary advantage of this feature is that it allows manufacturers of electronic devices to integrate programming and testing into a single production phase, and save money, rather than requiring a separate programming stage prior to assembling the system. This may allow manufacturers to program the chips in their own system’s production line instead of buying preprogrammed chips from a manufacturer or distributor, making it feasible to apply code or design changes in the middle of a production run.

Microcontrollers are typically soldered directly to a printed circuit board and usually do not have the circuitry or space for a large external programming cable to another computer.

Typically, chips supporting ISP have internal circuitry to generate any necessary programming voltage from the system’s normal supply voltage, and communicate with the programmer via a serial protocol. Most programmable logic devices use a variant of the JTAG protocol for ISP, in order to facilitate easier integration with automated testing procedures. Other devices usually use proprietary protocols or protocols defined by older standards. In systems complex enough to require moderately large glue logic, designers may implement a JTAG-controlled programming subsystem for non-JTAG devices such as flash memory and microcontrollers, allowing the entire programming and test procedure to be accomplished under the control of a single protocol.

An example of devices using ISP is the AVR line of micro-controllers by Atmel such as the ATmega series.



6 & 10 pins ISP headers







,但是其在樹莓派『 GPIO 』定址之法,『 SPI 』界面之用





Initial setup of the ATmega

Before we can start to program the ATmega, we need to initialise the chip. The chip itself needs to be told about various parameters such as it’s clock speed, how much flash to reserve for the bootloader (none in our case) and so on.

This is known as “programming the fuses”.

The first thing to do is to connect the Gertboard to your Raspberry Pi and install 4 jumper wires from the Pi’s GPIO to the ATmegas ISP port. The manual has a much better picture than my photos show below, however:

The wires to connect up are as follows:

  • GPIO pin 8 -> ISP pin 5 (RESET)
  • GPIO pin 9 -> ISP pin 1 (MISO)
  • GPIO pin 10 -> ISP pin 4 (MOSI)
  • GPIO pin 11 -> ISP pin 3 (SCLK)

The obvious down-side of doing it this way is that you can’t use the Raspberry Pi’s SPI interface when developing code for the ATmega. Hopefully this will not be an issue.




因此本著『柯南精神』細究蛛絲馬跡,發現了樹莓派『擴充板』 Gertboard 始祖,當真是意料之外!!


Gordons Projects

Projects, Fun and Games from Gordon @ Drogon


The Gertboard is an add-on GPIO expansion and experimenter board for the Raspberry Pi computer. It comes with a large variety of components, including buttons, LEDs, A/D and D/A converters, a motor controller, and an ATmel ATmegs 328p AVR microcontroller which you can program using the standard Arduino IDE (with some minor modifications)

The Gertboard was designed by Gert van Loo, hence the name!

Gertboard with Raspberry Pi

Operation of the Gertboard is relatively straightforward. A ribbon cable connects the Raspberry Pi to the Gertboard. This is then broken out with a row of pins, so every GPIO signal is avalable for your use.

Some of these pins can be directly jumpered via standard 2-pin jumper links to on-board functions – e.g. with a pair of 2-pin jumpers, the serial Rx and Tx can be connected directly to the ATmega’s Tx and Rx respectively, and with a few more 2-pin jumpers, the SPI pins can be jumpered to the Gertboard SPI peripherals. The other pins are available for your own use, or to connect to other devices on the Gertboard itself.




















W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之系統設計《引言》

事實上在 W!o+ 的年代,早就不生產『藍色圖紙』的了。當然什麼是『藍圖』一事,也就沒有什麼人知道了!現今回想起 Mrphs 所講之事,不經令人唏噓!也不知該喜該憂?只不過聽到 W!o+ 還是很喜歡用『紙張顯示器』。他說︰要知道『豹』之所以為『豹』??僅曉得『豹骨』、『豹皮』、『豹行』…… 種種依然不足!!就像閱讀古代文獻,雖然自以為較『古人』所知為多,卻為何仍舊無法明白其之『所指』的呢??若是『初生之子』可以學會『任何語言 』,卻不能用『不同言語』內外溝通,豈不奇怪的哩!!如是看來 ,『具體』和『抽象』終究是『一線之隔』,所謂『半‧示意』︰

A semi-schematic diagram combines some of the abstraction of a purely schematic diagram with other elements displayed as realistically as possible, for various reasons. It is a compromise between a purely abstract diagram (e.g. the schematic of the Washington Metro) and an exclusively realistic representation (e.g. the corresponding aerial view of Washington).



A semi-schematic map: Tabula Peutingeriana. While roads and features appear as abstract representations without resemblance to reality, their locations, orientations, and distances are as accurate as possible to make the map practical.



祇因當時作者忙著煩惱前往『湖心小築』之費用有無 ,一時疏忽,遂致不能知到底 W!o+ 是否曾經談過什麼是『方塊圖』沒有?? !!

Block diagram

A block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the principal parts or functions are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks.[1] They are heavily used in engineering in hardware design, electronic design, software design, and process flow diagrams.

Block diagrams are typically used for higher level, less detailed descriptions that are intended to clarify overall concepts without concern for the details of implementation. Contrast this with the schematic diagrams and layout diagrams used in electrical engineering, which show the implementation details of electrical components and physical construction.






有人問︰《莎士比亞》戲劇寫的好嗎?寫的很好,但是沒有什麼人讀!問︰為什麼呢??它用的是十六世紀的『古英文』。你是說『文外文』喔!!不是『文外文』,是那個時代的『白話文』。此時問者『三條線』︰不是『過去的』都是『文□文』。答︰要這麼講的話,那個五四之『白話文』也是『過去的』,現今火紅的是『唱給你聽』、『演給你看』以及『跳給你讚』,即使『後現代』 、『火星語』都已經『落伍』,新潮流是『聽圖看話』…趕忙打斷來問︰『』圖?『』話?有沒有搞錯??答︰ 不信!去 LINE 一下,哩兜哉樣!!

要說『秦始皇』推動『車同軌,書同文。』是好事嗎?再講到推動『國同語』呢??試看『滿族』之『語言』和『文字』已經成為了『保護資產』,此事『康熙大帝』當時果真能得先見,料想知之的嘛 !以此觀之



元代王實甫著《西廂記》── 金聖嘆評為『第六才子書』 ── 是『文言文』,這《西廂記》改自

唐‧元稹‧《鶯鶯傳》 ── 《會真記》,更是『古文言文』,何妨當作『非現代』之『金星文Touch Touch


唐 貞元中,有張生者,性溫茂,美丰容,內秉堅孤,非禮不可入。或朋從遊宴,擾雜其間,他人皆汹汹拳拳[1],若將不及;張生容順而已,終不能亂。以是年二十 三,未嘗近女色。知者詰之,謝而言曰:「登徒子非好色者,是有淫行耳。余真好色者,而適不我值。何以言之?大凡物之尤者,未嘗不留連於心,是知其非忘情者 也。 」詰者哂之。

無 幾何,張生遊於蒲,蒲之東十餘里,有僧舍曰普救寺,張生寓焉 。適有崔氏孀婦,將歸長安,路出於蒲,亦止茲寺。崔氏婦,鄭女也;張出於鄭,緒其親,乃異派之從母。是歲,渾瑊(ㄓㄣ針)薨於蒲,有中人丁文雅,不善於 軍,軍人因喪而擾,大掠蒲人。崔氏之家,財產甚厚,多奴僕,旅寓惶駭,不知所託。先是,張與蒲將之黨有善,請吏護之,遂不及於難。十餘日,廉使杜確將天子 命以總戎節,令於軍,軍由是戢(ㄐㄧˊ集)。

鄭 厚張之德甚,因飾饌以命張,中堂宴之。復謂曰:「姨之孤嫠(ㄌㄧˊ里)未亡,提攜幼稚,不幸屬師徒大潰,實不保其身,弱子幼女 ,猶君之生也,豈可比常恩哉?今俾以仁兄禮奉見,冀所以報恩也 。」命其子,曰歡郎,可十餘歲,容甚溫美。次命女曰:「鶯鶯,出拜爾兄,爾兄活爾。」久之辭疾,鄭怒曰:「張兄活爾之命,不然,爾且擄矣,能復遠嫌乎?」 久之乃至,常服睟(ㄙㄨㄟˋ碎)容,不加新飾。鬟垂黛接,雙臉斷紅[2]而已,顏色豔異,光輝動人。張驚為之禮,因坐鄭旁。以鄭之抑而見也,凝睇怨絕,若 不勝其體者。問其年紀,鄭曰:「今天子甲子歲之七月,今貞元庚辰,生十七年矣。」張生稍以詞導之,不對,終席而罷。

張 自是惑之,願致其情,無由得也。崔之婢曰紅娘,生私為之禮者數四,乘間遂道其衷。婢果驚沮,腆然而奔,張生悔之。翌日,婢復至,張生乃羞而謝之,不復云所 求矣。婢因謂張曰:「郎之言,所不敢言,亦不敢泄。然而崔氏之族姻,君所詳也,何不因其德而求娶焉?」張曰:「予始自孩提,性不苟合。或時紈綺閒居,曾莫 流盼。不為當年,終有所蔽。昨日一席間,幾不自持。數日來,行忘止,食忘飽,恐不能逾旦暮。若因媒氏而娶,納采問名,則三數月間,索我於枯魚之肆矣。爾其 謂我何?」婢曰:「崔之貞順自保,雖所尊不可以非語犯之,下人之謀,固難入矣。然而善屬文,往往沈吟章句,怨慕者久之。君試為喻情詩以亂之,不然,則無由 也。」張大喜,立綴春詞二首以投之。

是 夕,紅娘復至,持彩箋以授張曰:「崔所命也。」題其篇曰《明月三五夜》,其詞曰:「待月西廂下,迎風戶半開。拂牆花影動,疑是玉人來。」張亦微喻其旨,是 夕,歲二月旬有四日矣。崔之東有杏花一株,攀援可踰。既望之夕,張因梯其樹而踰焉,達於西廂,則戶半開矣。紅娘寢於床上,因驚之。紅娘駭曰:「郎何以 至?」張因紿(ㄉㄞˋ待)[3]之曰:「崔氏之箋召我也,爾為我告之。」無幾,紅娘復來,連曰:「至矣!至矣!」張生且喜且駭,必謂獲濟。

及 女至,則端服嚴容,大數張曰:「兄之恩,活我之家厚矣。是以慈母以弱子幼女見託。奈何因不令之婢,信淫逸之詞,始以護人之亂,而終掠亂以求之,是以亂易 亂,其去幾何?誠欲寢其詞,則保人之奸,不義;明之於母,則背人之惠,不祥;將寄於婢僕,又懼不得發其真誠。是用託短章,願自陳啟,猶懼兄之見難,是用鄙 靡之詞,以求其必至。非禮之動,能不愧心,特願以禮自持,無及於亂。」言畢,翻然而逝。張自失者久之,復踰而出,於是絕望。

數 夕,張君臨軒獨寢,忽有人覺之。驚駭而起,則紅娘斂衾攜枕而至。撫張曰:「至矣!至矣!睡何為哉?」並枕重衾而去。張生拭目危坐,久之,猶疑夢寐,然而修 謹以俟。俄而,紅娘捧崔氏而至,至則嬌羞融冶,力不能運支體,曩時端莊,不復同矣。是夕,旬有八日也,斜月晶瑩,幽輝半床。張生飄飄然,且疑神仙之徒,不 謂從人間至矣。有頃,寺鐘鳴,天將曉,紅娘促去。崔氏嬌啼宛轉,紅娘又捧之而去,終夕無一言。張生辨色而興,自疑曰:「豈其夢邪?」及明,睹妝在臂,香在 衣,淚光熒熒然,猶瑩於茵席而已。

是 後十餘日,杳不復知。張生賦《會真詩》三十韻,未畢,而紅娘適至。因授之以貽崔氏。自是復容之,朝隱而出,暮隱而入,同安於曩所謂西廂者,幾一月矣。張生 常詰鄭氏之情,則曰:「我不可奈何矣,因欲就成之。」無何,張生將之長安,先以情諭之。崔氏宛無難詞,然而愁怨之容動人矣。將行之再夕,不復可見,而張生 遂西下。數月,復游於蒲,會於崔氏者又累月。

崔 氏甚工刀札,善屬文,求索再三,終不可見。往往張生自以文挑之,亦不甚觀覽。大略崔之出人者,藝必窮極,而貌若不知;言則敏辯,而寡於酬對。待張之意甚 厚,然未嘗以詞繼之。時愁豔幽邃,恆若不識;喜慍之容,亦罕形見。異時獨夜操琴,愁弄悽惻,張竊聽之,求之,則終不復鼓矣。以是愈惑之。

張 生俄以文調及期,又當西去。當去之夕,不復自言其情,愁歎於崔氏之側。崔已陰知將訣矣,恭貌怡聲,徐謂張曰:「始亂之,終棄之,固其宜矣,愚不敢恨。必也 君亂之,君終之,君之惠也;則沒身之誓,其有終矣,又何必深感於此行?然而君既不懌(ㄧˋ義)[4],無以奉寧。君常謂我善鼓琴,嚮時羞顏,所不能及。今 且往矣,既君此誠。」因命拂琴,鼓《霓裳羽衣序》,不數聲,哀音怨亂,不復知其是曲也。左右皆歔欷,崔亦遽止之。投琴,泣下流漣,趨歸鄭所,遂不復至。明 旦而張行。

明 年,文戰不勝,張遂止於京,因貽書於崔,以廣其意。崔氏緘報之詞,粗載於此。云:「捧覽來問,撫愛過深,兒女之情,悲喜交集。兼惠花勝[5]一合,口脂五 寸,致耀首膏唇之飾。雖荷殊恩,誰復為容?睹物增懷,但積悲歎耳。伏承示於京中就業,進修之道,固在便安。但恨僻陋之人,永以遐棄,命也如此,知復何言? 自去秋已來,常忽忽如有所失,於喧嘩之下,或勉為語笑,閒宵自處,無不淚零。乃至夢寐之間,亦多敘感咽離憂之思,綢繆繾綣,暫若尋常;幽會未終,驚魂已 斷。雖半衾如暖,而思之甚遙。一昨拜辭,倏逾舊歲。長安行樂之地,觸緒牽情,何幸不忘幽微,眷念無斁(ㄧˋ義)[6]。鄙薄之志,無以奉酬。至於終始之 盟,則固不忒。憶昔中表相因,或同宴處,婢僕見誘,遂致私誠。兒女之心,不能自固。君子有援琴之挑,鄙人無投梭之拒。及薦寢席,義盛意深,愚細之情,永謂 終託。豈期既見君子,而不能定情,致有自獻之羞,不復明侍巾幘(ㄗㄜˊ責)。沒身永恨,含歎何言?倘仁人用心,俯遂幽眇(ㄇㄧㄠˇ秒);雖死之日,猶生之 年。如或達士略情,舍小從大,以先配為醜行,謂要盟之可欺。則當骨化形銷,丹誠不泯;因風委露,猶託清塵。存沒之誠,言盡於此;臨紙嗚咽,情不能申。千萬 珍重!珍重千萬!玉環一枚,是兒嬰年所弄,寄充君子下體所佩。玉取其堅潔不渝,環取其終始不斷。兼亂絲一絇(ㄑㄩˊ渠)[7],文竹茶碾子一枚。此數物不 足見珍,意者欲君子如玉之貞,俾志如環不解,淚痕在竹,愁緒縈絲,因物達情,永以為好耳。心邇身遐,拜會無期,幽憤所鍾,千里神合。千萬珍重!春風多厲, 強飯為嘉。慎言自保,無以鄙為深念。」





張 之友聞之者,莫不聳異之,然而張志亦絕矣。稹特與張厚,因徵其詞。張曰:「大凡天之所命尤物也,不妖其身,必妖於人。使崔氏子遇合富貴,乘寵嬌,不為雲為 雨,則為蛟為螭(ㄔ吃),吾不知其所變化矣。昔殷之辛,周之幽,據百萬之國,其勢甚厚。然而一女子敗之,潰其眾,屠其身,至今為天下僇笑。予之德不足以勝 妖孽,是用忍情。」於時坐者皆為深嘆。










─── 引自《字詞網絡︰ WordNet 《五》 白話文 □○?○□!














W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之【機板電路】






一八六一年法國化學家 Alphonse Louis Poitevin 在『阿拉伯膠樹』Acacia senegal 發現一種『光敏』化學物質 ferro-gallate,假使將它塗附在紙張上,經『紫外線』照射後,可以產生『不溶性』的恆常『藍色』。過去這種紙張常用在『工程製圖』的設計『原圖』或是『複製圖』上,由於圖紙為『藍色』之故,所以也就被稱為『藍圖』。現今的中文裡『藍圖』一詞通常引申為一種對於『未來』的『構想』或『計劃』。

閱讀』一個『設計』,可以說就是深入『了解』它的『構想藍圖』!不論一個『設計』是來自於『自然』或是『人工』 ,假使嘗試與它的『藍圖』對話,企圖發現其中的『奧妙』,縱使見不著那個原始的『設計者』,依然還是能夠體會他的『設計理念』。或許說『學習』如何『設計』最好的方法,就是『閱讀』與『理解』那些『好的設計』之所以為『好的原因』,也許終將能『超越創新』的吧!!


─── 摘自《【Sonic π】電聲學導引《五》






A schematic, or schematic diagram, is a representation of the elements of a system using abstract, graphic symbols rather than realistic pictures. A schematic usually omits all details that are not relevant to the information the schematic is intended to convey, and may add unrealistic elements that aid comprehension. For example, a subway map intended for riders may represent a subway station with a dot; the dot doesn’t resemble the actual station at all but gives the viewer information without unnecessary visual clutter. A schematic diagram of a chemical process uses symbols to represent the vessels, piping, valves, pumps, and other equipment of the system, emphasizing their interconnection paths and suppressing physical details. In an electronic circuit diagram, the layout of the symbols may not resemble the layout in the circuit. In the schematic diagram, the symbolic elements are arranged to be more easily interpreted by the viewer.




What is gEDA?

The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL‘d suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout.

The gEDA project was started because of the lack of free EDA tools for POSIX systems with the primary purpose of advancing the state of free hardware or open source hardware. The suite is mainly being developed on the GNU/Linux platform with some development effort going into making sure the tools run on other platforms as well.

For a complete list of freely available tools please be sure to visit Open Collector.

New users

Please read the FAQ and this tutorial. For even more information on installing and using gEDA, please look at the gEDA Wiki. Users looking for more symbols and footprints should go to the gedasymbols.org website.


Please visit the gEDA wiki for more FAQs, the official documentation, mailing lists info, licensing details, developer documentation.













─── 源自《 GrovePi/Hardware/




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── 之『方法』,彷彿還是依舊古老!!