W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰【新春】 復古派 《五》 RetroPie 魔戒

經過長久的等待,終於 xbmc → kodi 官方決定踏出關鍵性的一步︰

RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Isengard)

If you came here for support, do this one thing.
POST A DEBUG LOG (see wiki)


Bug season is open. Help document the bugs, quirks and missing/confusing features of RetroPlayer. Please post debug logs to a pastebin site and be detailed in your bug report.

RetroPlayer 15.2 pre-release 2016-02-04 (b6682ba…81dcdc0)


  • Fixed game add-ons broken in last build
  • Kodi’s internal controller processing now syncs to the game’s framerate (60fps when no game is running)





托爾金(J. R. R. Tolkien)小說的中土大陸裡,艾辛格( Isengard )是譯自辛達林語安格林諾斯特(Angrenost),是一個大型要塞 。兩個名字的意思都是指鐵要塞(Iron fortress) ,而艾辛格還有一個意思,是指西部警衛(West Guard)。





This page is about Kodi-Game branch of Kodi which tries to implement a gaming environment for Kodi. The goal is to start, stop and play video games like you can currently play video files. Kodi-Game constist of several addons and subsystems which should be described on this page to minimize confusion. The current version based on Kodi 15alpha2 introduced a lot of changes for this reason information for 13.2 or previous versions you can find on the forum may not apply. Official repository is on github.





Getting Started with RetroArch

In the past month I have seen a few guides about configuring RetroArch, while good some fail to explain some concepts, so I thought why not, I’ll make a series of blog posts about configuring RetroArch, starting from the basics.


  • Core — a core is a program that runs in RetroArch (or another libretro frontend)
  • Frontend — a frontend in this context is a program that can run libretro cores (RetroArch, Minir, Kodi’s Retroplayer are examples of this)
  • Content — content is a game/program that is run by a core, some cores also require no content
  • Retropad — retropad is RetroArch’s input abstraction controller, it’s the interface between the physical controller and the core inputs
  • Save Files — save files are saves that are made from within a game, usually cross platform and should work across emulators in most cases
  • Save States — save states are snapshots of the content menory at a particular moment, these are not always cross platform and most certainly won’t work on a different emulator that the one used to create them
  • System Files — additional files that might or not be part of the romset that might be needed to get some content to work (usually referred to by the BIOS term)
  • Autoconf Profile — a configuration file that has button definitions for a particular gamepad


And RGUI (this is the only available driver on many consoles):

No matter the driver, all of them can be navigated with a gamepad and they share most of their functionality.

Navigating the GUI

RetroArch has an autoconf mechanism with several autoconf profiles preinstalled. Users with pads not supported out of the box will need to map controllers, either with a keyboard or via an on-screen overlay:
For keyboard users, these are the default bindings:



In the menu, is used to accept/select and is used for back/cancel, is used to scroll up and is used to scroll down quickly.

is used to search the current list and is context aware, currently mostly used to trigger a content scan.

is used to reset a setting to default and is used to get information on the current entry if available.

Finally, remember that closes the program. The in-game menu can be toggled with F1.
The rest of the default keyboard bindings can be checkd in Settings/Input/Input Hotkey Binds

The arrows/d-pad should be self explanatory.




魔戒》(英語:The Lord of the Rings,又名《指環王》)是一部由牛津大學教授、語言學家J·R·R·托爾金創作的史詩奇幻文學作品。這個故事原是托爾金早年創作的兒童幻想小說哈比人歷險記》(1937年)之續篇,但隨著故事的發展逐漸變得恢弘龐大。此作品絕大部分完成於1937至1949年,約與二戰期間相符,因此有人相信此作在某些方面亦受到該場戰爭的影響[1]。《魔戒》一書為暢銷書籍,不同版本已售出超過一億五千萬冊[2]

常有讀者將其誤認為一「三部曲」,其實托爾金起初的構想是將本書同《精靈寶鑽》組合成一個兩卷的作品。但礙於經濟原因,出版商[3][4]在1954、1955年決定刪掉《精靈寶鑽》的部分,而只把《魔戒》分為三卷共六冊出版[4][5],形成今天廣為人知的《魔戒》三部曲。分別稱作《魔戒現身》、《雙城奇謀》、《王者再臨》。其中每一部又分為兩冊出版,並收錄了相關的背景資料。此後,《魔戒 》一書被譯為多種語言並重刷多次,成為20世紀最具影響力的奇幻文學作品之一。







pi@retropie:~ cd .config/retroarch/screenshots/ pi@retropie:~/.config/retroarch/screenshots ls




# 注意 .srm .state

pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/roms/snes/S ls Super\ Mario\ World* Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island.smc      Super Mario World.smc Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island.srm      Super Mario World.srm Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island.srm.smc  Super Mario World.state pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/roms/snes/S 














W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰【新春】 復古派 《四》 RetroPie 遊戲



唯讀記憶體Read-Only Memory,ROM)是一種半導體記憶體,其特性是一旦儲存資料就無法再將之改變或刪除,且內容不會因為電源關閉而消失。在電子電腦系統中,通常用以儲存不需經常變更的程式或資料,例如早期的家用電腦Apple II的監督程式 [1]BASIC語言直譯器、與硬體點陣字型,個人電腦IBM PC/XT/ATBIOS(基本輸入輸出系統)[2]與IBM PC/XT的BASIC直譯器,與其他各種微電腦系統中的韌體(Firmware),均儲存在ROM內。



話說 W!o+ 已做好了遊戲機,但是祇有一個遊戲,很難百玩不厭。因此四下搜尋八方查找,終得一堆不明之物,五花八門無法分類!光是搞清楚某 □ 歸屬於某 ○ ,能否使用某 ☆ 來玩?已經早就是






晏景初尚書請僧住院,僧辭以窮陋不可為。景初曰:「高才固易耳 。」僧曰:「巧婦安能作無面湯餅乎?」景初曰:「有面則拙婦亦辦矣。」僧慚而退。



Transferring Roms

HerbFargus edited this page · 2 revisions


ROMs stand for Read Only Memory. ROMs are essentially digital versions of old game cartridges which allow you to play games on emulators (software that mimics your old gaming consoles.) There are many issues involving Copyrights laws regarding the usage of ROMs, as a result in order to preserve the integrity and longevity of the RetroPie project, the locations of ROMs will not and cannot be added to the Wiki. That being said, in the search of your childhood- Google is your friend. You should only have ROMs of games that you own.

Transferring Roms

There are three main methods of transferring roms:



這個文本即可也耶??!!就算如此,假使並不了解『 RetroPie 』系統的『檔案結構』,也很難明確文本之【方法一】


  • (ensure that your USB is formatted to FAT32)
  • first create a folder called retropie on your USB stick
  • plug it into the pi and wait for it to finish blinking
  • pull the USB out and plug it into a computer
  • add the roms to their respective folders (in the retropie/roms folder)
  • plug it back into the raspberry pi
  • wait for it to finish blinking
  • refresh emulationstation by pressing F4, or choosing quit from the start menu




的『目的地』在哪的哩??何況作業系統讀寫『緩衝器』 buffer 的作用,此法務須小心讀寫『未完成』的錯誤!!

僅此列出 RetroPie 系統中重要的目錄結構︰

【 RetroPie □□ 遊戲之主目錄】

pi@retropie:~ cd RetroPie pi@retropie:~/RetroPie ls
BIOS  cheats  retropiemenu  roms  splashscreens
pi@retropie:~/RetroPie cd roms/ pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/roms ls
amiga       c64        gbc            msx       psp      videopac
amstradcpc  coco       genesis        n64       psx      wonderswan
apple2      dragon32   intellivision  neogeo    quake3   wonderswancolor
atari2600   dreamcast  macintosh      nes       scummvm  zmachine
atari5200   fba        mame-advmame   ngp       sega32x  zxspectrum
atari7800   fds        mame-libretro  ngpc      segacd
atari800    gamegear   mame-mame4all  pc        sg-1000
atarilynx   gb         mastersystem   pcengine  snes
atarist     gba        megadrive      ports     vectrex
pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/roms </pre>    <span style="color: #808080;"><strong>【 RetroPie 之 ○○ Shell 程式】</strong></span> <pre class="lang:default decode:true ">pi@retropie:~ cd RetroPie-Setup/
pi@retropie:~/RetroPie-Setup ls AUTHORS          LICENSE.md     README.md             scriptmodules CONTRIBUTING.md  logs           retropie_packages.sh  tools COPYRIGHT.md     platforms.cfg  retropie_setup.sh pi@retropie:~/RetroPie-Setup 


【 RetroPie 之 ☆☆ 組構】

pi@retropie:~ cd /opt/retropie/ pi@retropie:/opt/retropie ls
configs  emulators  lib  libretrocores  ports  supplementary
pi@retropie:/opt/retropie cd configs/ pi@retropie:/opt/retropie/configs ls
all         atarist    fds            mame-mame4all  pc        sg-1000
amiga       c64        gamegear       mastersystem   pcengine  smw
amstradcpc  cavestory  gb             megadrive      psp       snes
apple2      coco       gba            msx            psx       vectrex
atari2600   doom       gbc            n64            quake     videopac
atari5200   dragon32   intellivision  neogeo         quake3    wonderswan
atari7800   dreamcast  macintosh      nes            scummvm   wonderswancolor
atari800    duke3d     mame-advmame   ngp            sega32x   zmachine
atarilynx   fba        mame-libretro  ngpc           segacd    zxspectrum
pi@retropie:/opt/retropie/configs $ 



FTP (needs an active internet connection)

  • Wired (needs ethernet cable)
  • Wireless (needs wifi dongle) There are many FTP programs out there, for windows many people use WinSCP for mac you can use something like Cyberduck


You can also log in as root if you wish to change more files than just the roms, but you first need to enable the root password by typing sudo passwd root into the terminal and choosing a new root password.


,須知的第一件事是『如何知道 RetroPie 系統的 IP 地址』?答案就在設定



選單裡!喜愛 Linux 作業系統者,或可選擇

FileZilla FileZilla


Welcome to the homepage of FileZilla, the free FTP solution. Both a client and a server are available. FileZilla is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License

Support is available through our forums, the wiki and the bug and feature request trackers.

In addition, you will find documentation on how to compile FileZilla and nightly builds for multiple platforms in the development section.

sftp:--pi@ - FileZilla_098


。也可直接使用『命令列』 scp 指令。

man scp

SCP(1) BSD General Commands Manual SCP(1)

scp — secure copy (remote file copy program)

scp [-12346BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]
[-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program]
[[user@]host1:]file1 … [[user@]host2:]file2

scp copies files between hosts on a network. It uses ssh(1) for data
transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same security
as ssh(1). scp will ask for passwords or passphrases if they are needed
for authentication.

File names may contain a user and host specification to indicate that the
file is to be copied to/from that host. Local file names can be made
explicit using absolute or relative pathnames to avoid scp treating file
names containing ‘:’ as host specifiers. Copies between two remote hosts
are also permitted.

The options are as follows:




Windows 分享於 retropie_098


就是 Windows 上的『網路芳鄰』, Linux 中的『 Samba

Opening Windows

to a Wider World

Samba is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix.

Samba is Free Software licensed under the GNU General Public License, the Samba project is a member of the Software Freedom Conservancy.

Since 1992, Samba has provided secure, stable and fast file and print services for all clients using the SMB/CIFS protocol, such as all versions of DOS and Windows, OS/2, Linux and many others.

Samba is an important component to seamlessly integrate Linux/Unix Servers and Desktops into Active Directory environments. It can function both as a domain controller or as a regular domain member.




Manually copy files from USB-stick

From RetroPie version 3.0 a file manager is available, it allows you to manually transfer files between USB-stick and Raspberry Pi SD card. File manager can be run from ‘RetroPie’ Emulationstation menu. Quick file manager (MC) guide can be found here. Your USB-stick should be mounted in /media/usb. The directories for the ROM files are located in ~/RetroPie/roms/SYSTEMNAME, where SYSTEMNAME is the short name of the corresponding system.


由於作者也不會『 mc 』,故沒法說的也!

未免於人們未來步入 W!o+ 的後塵,特告知『 MAME 』愛好者有一園地︰

ROMs for Free Download

Thanks to the generosity of some of the original creators of the classic games that MAME® can emulate, several games have been released for free, non-commercial use. It is our hope that in the future, we will be able to add more games to this list.

Note: The ROMs on these pages have been approved for free distribution on this site only. Just because they are available here for download does not entitle you to put them on your own site, include them with your own distributions of MAME, or bundle them with your software, cabinet, or other item. To do that, you must obtain permission from the original owners.
















W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰【新春】 復古派 《三》 RetroPie 選單

如果我們已經成功安裝配置了 RetroPie ,那麼將可以用自己設定的『』方向鍵輪詢 EmulationStation 『遊戲機主選單』。



這個『選單系統』一般使用『A』鍵『進入』子選單,用『B』鍵『離開』子系統。EmulationStation 自己的『主選單』可用『Start』鍵快捷進入,其中『 CONFIGURE INPUT 』之選項可以重新定義使用者界面操作的『首選裝置』;若是誤入脫離辦法一定得使用鍵盤之『ESC』鍵?還是得再重新定義一次的呢!


早期使用 PC 的人都知道『Ctrl + Alt + Del 』這個『組合鍵』── 又稱『三指禮敬』鍵 ──,在 PC DOS 年代由 IBM 的首席工程師 David Bradley 先生所創 ── 由軟體按鍵觸發的系統『重新開機reboot,他同時也是 IBM PC ROM-BIOS  開機程式的攥寫人。這個暱稱為『復活蛋』的組合鍵,根據 IBM 官方的技術文件是這樣說明的︰

僅供』程式設計師使用,不對大眾開放,『用於』免關機就能重新啟動 PC 一事 。

左手』先按下Ctrl不放,『 + 接著按下』 Alt不放,此時用『右手』同時『 + 接著按下』Del 一鍵。

這個『依序同時』按鍵的想法,開啟了後來一系列的軟體仿效應用,為日後的『快捷鍵』舖平了道路。本來此事早已落幕,然而去年九月 21 日微軟創始人比爾.蓋茲在哈佛大學時,卻說這個『復活蛋』是個『錯誤的設計』,起因於當年的 IBM 工程師不願意給 MicroSoft 他們一的『單獨』的鍵來作此類用途,又起了波瀾!不論人們怎麼想,一個概念 『其來有自』,知道淵源容易了解它說的是什麼?或許又能怎麼用。在談 raspi-config 使用前,先說說『選單系統』的『架構』想法吧。『選單』menu 的想法非常古早,事實上,當你在餐館裡看著『菜單』對著服務生『點菜』時,就已實踐了『人對人』的『點菜系統』了。如果把這裡的『人對人』換成『人對電腦』、『菜單』變成『選單』、『點菜』改成『點選』後,就是所說的選單系統。因著「點選裝置」的不同 ── 鍵盤、滑鼠、觸控面板、… ── ,『使用的友善性』user friendly 也不一樣,就目前的選單系統軟體設計上來講,大體早已『定型化』了── 人因工學使然 ──。也許好處是說了一個,就說了全部。

sudo raspi-config 是個終端機上的應用程式,使用的是用鍵盤操作的『文字選單系統』。一般選單的結構,就像檔案系統一樣,如果把選單比做『貼了選單標籤的箱子』,這個箱子裡可以裝著『選項』或是『子選單箱子』。所以要有著『進入』子選單︰Enter,『回到』母選單︰Esc的辦法。為著使用的友善性,就像手機上的『接聽鍵』和『掛斷鍵』一樣,文字界面上有〈 Select 〉進入、〈 Finish 〉結束、〈 Back 〉回去…等等選單脈絡『操作項』,可以按下Tab輪選。此時標示『當下選項』── 紅色『選單桿』 menu bar ──,會變成藍色選單桿,告知正操作的是『這個選項』。由此推想移動選單桿應該是用按鍵了。當你操作這個選單系統時,你還得使用空白鍵,它是個『兩態跳態鍵︰對某個選項來說,如果它沒被選上,按下就是;如果已被選上,按下就是不選

─── 摘自《一條漫漫長路︰中文化視窗


一旦你選擇了『模擬器』,開始『遊戲』,你就進入了『遊戲機』主控的世界,這裡已經不是 EmulationStation 管轄的天地了,那麼我們將如何離開這個『遊戲』呢?由是 RetroArch 主導的『模擬器 』才有一『共通』的『脫離鍵 Exit 』『Select』 + 『Start』鍵耶!

然而並非所有的『模擬器』都是由 RetroArch 主導的,舉例來說

AdvanceMAME 』︰

請參照《 Documentation of the AdvanceMAME advv utility  》與《 Documentation of the AdvanceMAME advmame program 》文件進行操作。此處僅列出預設的鍵盤用法︰

In the game play you can use the following keys:

ESC  Exit.
F1  Help.
TAB  Main Menu.
F2 Test/Service Switch.
F3  Reset the game.
F7  Load a game state.
SHIFT + F7  Save a gam state.
F8  Decrease the frame skip value.
F9  Increase the frame skip value.
F10  Speed throttle.
F11  Display the frame per second.
F12  Save a snapshot.
P  Pause.
PAD  *  Turbo mode until pressed.
PAD  /  Cocktail mode (flip the screen vertically).
PAD   Mark the current time as the startup time of the game.
CTRL + ENTER  Start the sound and video recording.
ENTER  Stop the sound and video recording.
,  Previous video mode.
.  Next video mode.
TILDE  Volume Menu.

for player 1 you can use the keys:

1  Play.
5  Insert coin.
ARROW  Move.

, , , Move.
CTRL  First button.
ALT  Second button.
SPACE  Third button.

for player 2 you can use the keys:

2  Play.
6  Insert coin.
R , F , D , G Move.
A  First button.
S  Second button.
Q  Third button.

for AdvanceMESS are available also the following keys:
ScrollLock Switch to partial keyboard emulation which lets you use keys like TAB, ALT and CTRL.

─── 摘自《音樂播放器之 CD 轉成 mp3 之《補充》 MAME?!
















W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰【新春】 復古派 《二》 RetroPie 安裝

若說在樹莓派上安裝與啟動樹莓派基金會之 raspbian OS 十分簡單,事實上假使不知道『預設』者,也只能到作業系統的『 login 』大門而已。非得知道『預設』使用者是『 pi 』,以及『預設』使用者之密碼為『 raspberry 』才能『入門』登堂。

因此首次面對『 RetroPie 』此一龐大複雜系統的人,務須詳讀

First Installation

HerbFargus edited this page · 59 revisions



  1. Hardware
  2. Installation
  3. Controller Configuration
  4. Configure Wifi
  5. Transferring Roms

Congratulations! You have discovered the wonderful world of RetroPie- your entire childhood is within reach! RetroPie is a combination of multiple projects including RetroArch, EmulationStation, and many others.

This page is for people just getting started on RetroPie 3.5. The easiest way to install RetroPie is the SD image which is a ready to go system built upon top of the Raspbian OS – this is the method described in the following guide. Alternatively, advanced users can install RetroPie manually.

This guide will give you the very basics to get you up and running from a blank SD card to first boot into EmulationStation.




安裝前請先想像『完成後』 RetroPie 系統的『功能』和『操作』,內有『 RetroPie 』之『系統設定』使用者界面︰



還有『 EmulationStation 』選擇『模擬器』、『選單』、『遊戲』 、『 RetroPie 系統設定』等等使用者界面︰



安裝後所有的使用者界面之『操作』,源自『首次啟動』時,首選『輸入裝置』── 鍵盤、搖桿、遊戲手柄 …──的『組構』︰



這個『首次組構』也會傳遞構成了『 RetroArch Configuration 』之多種『模擬器』的『預設控制』。因此請慎選『首選設備』,仔細閱讀

RetroArch Configuration

HerbFargus edited this page · 42 revisions

Retroarch Logo

RetroArch is the official front end for the Libretro API which essentially means that RetroArch will be what manages controls and configurations for all of the emulators that are part of the Libretro-Core (i.e. any emulator with an “lr” before it). This is a beautiful thing because it means you can configure controllers only once for many emulators instead of having to configure each emulator individually. RetroArch also gives us the freedom to configure emulators individually as discussed below under “Custom RetroArch Controls” (There are also emulator specific configurations for emulators not part of the libretro core under their respective emulator wiki page.)

Retroarch Controls

There are 3 main ways that RetroArch handles controls:


Starting with Retropie 3.0 retroarch controls have been integrated into emulationstation and will be the first thing you see when you boot from the RetroPie SD image the first time. You can also access it from the start menu within emulationstation under the configure input option. Your joypad is automagically configured for libretro (retroarch) emulators when you configure your controller for the first time in emulationstation. You’ll know if your controller has been automagically configured if you see a flash of yellow text on the bottom of the screen with your gamepad ID when you start a game.

The following diagrams are for the 3 most common controllers: Super Nintendo, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. They can be used as a reference when configuring your controllers. Each emulator page on the wiki has a diagram of the original controller for its respective console that will correspond to the same inputs listed below.





Hotkeys are combinations of buttons you can press in order to access options such as saving, loading, and exiting games. The following defaults are set automatically the first time you set up your controller from emulationstation (The numbers will vary depending the controller you use).

Default joypad hotkeys:

Hotkeys Action Code Example
Select Hotkey input_enable_hotkey_btn = “6”
Select+Start Exit input_exit_emulator_btn = “7”
Select+Right Shoulder Save input_save_state_btn = “5”
Select+Left Shoulder Load input_load_state_btn = “4”
Select+Right Input State Slot Increase input_state_slot_increase_btn = “h0right”
Select+Left Input State Slot Decrease input_state_slot_decrease_btn = “h0left”
Select+X RGUI Menu input_menu_toggle_btn = “3”
Select+B Reset input_reset_btn = “0”


















W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰【新春】 復古派 《一》 LibRETRO 哲學

雖然我們處於 W!o+ 的時代久遠之前,不過遊戲機的發展一直突飛猛進 ,比方近來新流行的『虛擬實境』 Virtual Reality 一般樣︰

虛擬實境Virtual Reality),簡稱VR技術,也稱人工環境,是利用電腦模擬產生一個三度空間的虛擬世界,提供使用者關於視覺、聽覺、觸覺等感官的模擬,讓使用者如同身歷其境一般,可以及時、沒有限制地觀察三度空間內的事物。使用者進行位置移動時,電腦可以立即進行複雜的運算,將精確的三維世界影像傳回產生臨場感。該技術整合了電腦圖形電腦仿真人工智慧、感應、顯示及網路並列處理等技術的最新發展成果,是一種由電腦技術輔助生成的高技術模擬系統。


。因此對於『古典電玩』而言,現今『任天堂世代』已年華老去,於是相對處境或與 W!o+ 有些類似,到底是否還能存續?總將有賴『復古』者的熱情了!

假使只想嚐嚐樹莓派遊戲機的味道,只需下載,舉例說 PiPLAY 預製的『映象檔』,拷貝後,加載遊戲『 rom 』就可以開始玩了︰



This is the official site of PiPlay, formerly called PiMAME. The pre built Raspberry Pi OS made for gaming and emulation.

Emulated Systems:

  • MAME – AdvanceMAME & MAME4ALL
  • CPS I / CPS II – Final Burn Alpha
  • Neo Geo – GNGeo
  • Playstation – pcsx-reARMed
  • Genesis – DGen
  • SNES – SNES9x
  • NES – AdvMESS
  • Gameboy – Gearboy
  • Gameboy Advance – GPSP
  • ScummVM
  • Atari 2600 – Stella
  • Cavestory – NXEngine
  • Commodore 64 – VICE

Also included is a suite of software designed to reduce the complexity and time needed to setup a fully working system. An updater is included with the distribution.





What is Libretro?

Libretro is a simple but powerful development interface that allows for the easy creation of emulators, games and multimedia applications that can plug straight into any libretro-compatible frontend. This development interface is open to others so that they can run these pluggable emulator and game cores also in their own programs or devices.

With libretro, you can make cross-platform applications that can use rich features such as OpenGL, cross-platform camera support, location support, and more in the future.

What is RetroArch?

RetroArch is the official reference frontend for the libretro API.

What is it most commonly used for ?

RetroArch is most popularly known for being a program with which you can play many emulators and games, which have all been customized and tailor-ported to the libretro API.

It is designed to be fast, lightweight, and portable. It tries to be on the cutting edge of technology in terms of technolog supported as well as trying to be as backwards compatible as possible, a paradoxical goal if any. It has features few other dedicated games / emulators have, such as:




Our mission, our philosophy – non-compromising in being open and libre

Our mission is your mission. Your best interests are our best interests.

It’s in the best interests of RetroArch as the reference frontend to remain a no-strings attached enduser project. Therefore, we draw a strict line on the following issues:

  • RetroArch as the reference frontend to libretro will always remain free. Free as in libre, AND free as in beer.
  • We don’t believe in spying on you and/or viewing you as a commodity to be exploited and tracked. Therefore, if you use a version of RetroArch that has ads in it, it does not come from us.
  • Monetary donations will not be accepted.
    • The ONLY exception to this rule is gifts in the form of hardware needed for the project. These are at least objectively valid and non-corruptible ways of helping the project since it is hardware we need for testing and porting purposes. If you are one such general soul who feels like helping out in this regard, contact us at libretro@gmail.com.
  • We will never engage in deliberate and shady ‘rebranding’of existing open source projects to make it appear as if the ‘work/port’ is somehow distinct from the main source and as if it is its own entity.
  • We will never try to tempt you to buy into Kickstarter schemes.
  • Unsolicited e-mails regarding monetization middleware will be ignored.
  • We provide all the means to any and all devs to make their own builds/packages from source – unlike others everything we do is immediately committed to Github so whatever you can fetch from source on our Github repositories is exactly the current state of development. Unlike others, everything we commit can be guaranteed to be built by others.

Note – these stances are final. We feel very strongly in them.





Florian edited this page · 251 revisions

Welcome to the RetroPie-Setup wiki!

This wiki is supposed to be created by the users of the RetroPie setup script for the users of the script. Everyone can contribute to it!

Latest News: RetroPie 3.5 SD Image Released! (see changelog)

Getting Started



【 RetroPie GUI 】


EmulationStationA graphical and themeable emulator front-end that allows you to access all your favorite games in one place, even without a keyboard!


