GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《色彩空間》時中︰立體視覺【四】



目前對於擴增實境有兩種通用的定義。一是北卡大學羅納德·阿祖瑪(Ronald Azuma)於1997年提出的[1],他認為擴增實境包括三個方面的內容:

  • 將虛擬物與現實結合
  • 即時互動
  • 三維

而另一種定義是1994年保羅·米爾格拉姆(Paul Milgram)和岸野文郎(Fumio Kishino)提出的現實-虛擬連續統(Milgram’s Reality-Virtuality Continuum)。[2]他們將真實環境和虛擬環境分別作為連續系統的兩端,位於它們中間的被稱為「混合實境」。其中靠近真實環境的是擴增實境(Augmented Reality),靠近虛擬環境的則是擴增虛境


Augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) , is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called computer-mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer. Augmented reality enhances one’s current perception of reality, whereas in contrast, virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one.[1][2] Augmentation techniques are typically performed in real time and in semantic context with environmental elements, such as overlaying supplemental information like scores over a live video feed of a sporting event.

With the help of advanced AR technology (e.g. adding computer vision and object recognition) the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and digitally manipulable. Information about the environment and its objects is overlaid on the real world. This information can be virtual[3][4][5][6][7][8] or real, e.g. seeing other real sensed or measured information such as electromagnetic radio waves overlaid in exact alignment with where they actually are in space.[9][10] Augmented reality brings out the components of the digital world into a person’s perceived real world. One example is an AR Helmet for construction workers which display information about the construction sites. The first functional AR systems that provided immersive mixed reality experiences for users were invented in the early 1990s, starting with the Virtual Fixtures system developed at the U.S. Air Force’s Armstrong Labs in 1992.[11][12][13]

Virtual Fixtures – first A.R. system 1992, U.S. Air Force, WPAFB




精靈寶可夢GO[6][7][8](英語:Pokémon GO,是一款基於位置服務擴增實境手機遊戲,由任天堂公司精靈寶可夢公司授權,Niantic, Inc.負責開發和營運。於2016年7月起在iOSAndroid平台上發布[9]。該遊戲允許玩家以現實世界為平台,捕捉、戰鬥、訓練和交易虛擬怪獸「寶可夢[10]。遊戲將免費發布,亦支援內購[11]。同該遊戲同期發布的還有一部名為精靈寶可夢Go Plus的周邊設備,利用藍牙連接手機,在附近有精靈寶可夢時推送通知[10]




Google CardboardGoogle開發的與智慧型手機配合使用的虛擬現實頭戴式顯示器。該平台以其摺疊式紙板頭盔命名,旨在作為一種廉價成本,激發對VR應用的興趣和發展[1][2]。按照Google發布的規範,用戶既可以利用廉價簡易的元件自行製作頭盔,或購買預先做好的頭盔。要使用平台,用戶須在手機上執行Cardboard相容的應用,將手機置於頭盔後端,透過鏡片觀看內容[3]

該平台由巴黎Google藝術文化學院工程師大衛·科玆(David Coz)和達米恩·亨利(Damien Henry)利用他們20%「創意休息時間」(Innovation Time Off)開發[4],於2014年Google I/O開發者大會上亮相,被派發給現場所有觀眾。Cardboard的軟體開發套件(SDK)向AndroidiOS作業系統開發。SDK的VR View允許開發者嵌入網路及他們行動應用中的VR內容。

到2017年3月,Cardboard發貨量超過1000萬個,1.6億個Cardboard應用程式上線。乘著Cardboard平台的成功,Google在2016年的Google I/O上宣布了增強VR平台Daydream




Headset computer

head-up display, also known as a HUD, is a transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints. A precursor technology to augmented reality, heads-up displays were first developed for pilots in the 1950s, projecting simple flight data into their line of sight thereby enabling them to keep their “heads up” and not look down at the instruments. Near eye augmented reality devices can be used as portable head-up displays as they can show data, information, and images while the user views the real world. Many definitions of augmented reality only define it as overlaying the information.[32][33] This is basically what a head-up display does; however, practically speaking, augmented reality is expected to include registration and tracking between the superimposed perceptions, sensations, information, data, and images and some portion of the real world.[34]

CrowdOptic, an existing app for smartphones, applies algorithms and triangulation techniques to photo metadata including GPS position, compass heading, and a time stamp to arrive at a relative significance value for photo objects.[35] CrowdOptic technology can be used by Google Glass users to learn where to look at a given point in time.[36]

In January 2015, Microsoft introduced HoloLens, which is an independent smartglasses unit. Brian Blau, Research Director of Consumer Technology and Markets at Gartner, said that “Out of all the head-mounted displays that I’ve tried in the past couple of decades, the HoloLens was the best in its class.”.[37] First impressions and opinions have been generally that HoloLens is a superior device to the Google Glass, and manages to do several things “right” in which Glass failed.[37][38]



ArkwoodAR Documentation

ArkwoodAR is a Python Augmented Reality application for Google Cardboard.

To see how it works, check out my ArkwoodAR video.

Software requirements

Here are the dependencies, each with their recommended version number:

  • Python 2.7.11
  • PyOpenGL 3.1.1b1
  • OpenCV 2.4.9
  • NumPy 1.10.1
  • PIL 1.1.7


預卜 3D 腳步近了也◎









GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《色彩空間》時中︰立體視覺【三】

『紙板』 cardboard 雖有大用,一般常以之為『微物』。若說拿它來做『立體頭盔』,恐怕難以置信。不過谷歌卻發表了個

Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard is a virtual reality (VR) platform developed by Google for use with a head mount for a smartphone. Named for its fold-out cardboard viewer, the platform is intended as a low-cost system to encourage interest and development in VR applications.[1][2] Users can either build their own viewer from simple, low-cost components using specifications published by Google, or purchase a pre-manufactured one. To use the platform, users run Cardboard-compatible applications on their phone, place the phone into the back of the viewer, and view content through the lenses.

The platform was created by David Coz and Damien Henry, Google engineers at the Google Cultural Institute in Paris, in their 20% “Innovation Time Off“.[3] It was introduced at the Google I/O 2014 developers conference, where a Cardboard viewer was given away to all attendees. The Cardboard software development kit (SDK) is available for the Android and iOS operating systems; the SDK’s VR View allows developers to embed VR content on the web as well as in their mobile apps.[4]

Through March 2017, over 10 million Cardboard viewers had shipped and over 160 million Cardboard app downloads had been made. Following the success of the Cardboard platform, Google announced an enhanced VR platform, Daydream, at Google I/O 2016.

Second-generation Google Cardboard viewer


A Cardboard viewer unassembled (top) and assembled (bottom)











Water Droplet as a Simple Magnifier

A water droplet can act as a simple magnifier and magnify the object behind it. Water tends to form spherical droplets under the influence of surface tension. When attached to an object like these examples, the spherical shape is distorted, but still capable of forming an image. Above the droplets are on tiny emerging pine cones. At left the droplet forms a partial image of the flower that is out of focus behind it.

所謂明視距離,也稱作近點,就是眼睛能聚焦清晰成像的最短距離 ,成年人通常大約是 25 公分。因此在觀察小東西時。需要放大鏡才能看的更清楚物件之紋理。若將放大鏡緊貼眼睛,就彷彿相機加裝近攝鏡一樣,因此可以更近的距離觀物︰

\frac{1}{X_{=25cm}} + \frac{1}{X_{retina}} = \frac{1}{f_{eye}} \     (1)

\frac{1}{X_{min}} + \frac{1}{X_{retina}} = \frac{1}{f_{eq.}} \     (2)

而且 \frac{1}{f_{eq.}} = \frac{1}{f_{eye}} + \frac{1}{f_{mag}} 。從 (2) -(1) ,解之得

X_{min} = \frac{X_{=25cm}}{D_{mag} X_{=25cm} + 1}

\therefore \frac{1}{X_{min}} = \frac{1}{f_{mag}} + \frac{1}{25}因為

M_{X_{min} \cdot X_{min} = M_X_{=25cm} \cdot X_{=25cm}  = X_{retina}所以

M_{X_{min} = \frac{X_{retina}}{X_{min}} = M_X_{=25cm} \cdot \frac{X_{=25cm}}{X_{min}} = M_X_{=25cm} (D_{mag} X_{=25cm} + 1)

\therefore \frac{M_{X_{min} }}{M_X_{=25cm}} = \frac{25}{f_{mag}} + 1


\frac{1}{d_o} + \frac{1}{d_i} = \frac{1}{f_{mag}}

前 焦距內之物 d_o < f_{mag}越靠近焦點 {d_o}^- \to f_{mag},虛像將趨近於與物同邊之無窮遠處 d_i \to - \infty 。若以接續成像來講,此時眼睛與放大鏡中間的距離,對比下大可以忽略不計。因此從相對角放大率觀之,

M_{{d_o}^- \to f_{mag} = \frac{25}{f_{mag}}


── 摘自《光的世界︰【□○閱讀】樹莓派近攝鏡‧下‧答之合




‧  光的世界︰【□○閱讀】薄透鏡組合之計算

‧ …



google cardboard python VR

by paddyg » Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:02 pm

If anyone’s interested in 3D viewing of 3D models:

Someone asked me if pi3d could use the google cardboard viewer and, as it was something I had thought about previously, I added a class to allow this to be done quite easily.

It’s actually even easier to simply make alternate frames show from left or right eye position. All that’s needed then is a rotating disk that occludes each eye for half the time and rotates at the same speed as the FPS. Can’t see any issues with this (apart from problems of synchronisation, epilepsy, gyroscopic forces, motors fixed to ones nose, disks spinning near to face…)

It’s possible to get a stereo effect, even on this poor youtube rendition, by going slightly cross-eyed. Easier if you block out the opposite image with each hand (or cardboard) as per picture.

stereocam01.jpg (35.71 KiB) Viewed 1996 times


by paddyg » Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:45 am
DSCF2244.JPG (41.29 KiB) Viewed 1946 times

Raspberry Pi challenge to the high tech cardboard of Google. This version contains no lenses, velcro or magnetic washer. 100% cardboard (OK a small amount of sellotape, bulldog clips and lead trimmings)

If your eyes are x apart, the screen is y from your eyes, and the Display window is W by H (W is the width including both views) then
w = x * W / (W + 2 * x)
h = 2 * w * H / W
L = 2 * y * w / W


※ 註

Introduction to pi3d


pi3d written by Tim Skillman, Paddy Gaunt, Tom Ritchford Copyright © 2012 – 2017

Here is a link to an excellent, self explanatory YouTube video made by Peter Farrell that covers much of the content of this ReadMe.

There’s plenty of 3D code flying around for the Raspberry Pi, but much of it is rather complicated to understand and most of it can sit under the bonnet!

pi3d is a Python module that aims to greatly simplify writing 3D in Python whilst giving access to the power of the Raspberry Pi GPU. It enables both 3D and 2D rendering and aims to provide a host of exciting commands to load in textured/animated models, create fractal landscapes, shaders and much more.

The pi3d module runs on platforms other than the Raspberry Pi (On Windows using pygame, on linux using the X server directly and on Android using python-for-android) and runs with python 3 as well as 2. The OpenGLES2.0 functionality of the Raspberry Pi or Android is used directly or via mesa or ANGLE on ‘big’ machines. This makes it generally faster and opens up the world of shaders that allow effects such as normal and reflection maps, blurring and many others. It has various demos of built-in shapes, landscapes, model loading, walk-about camera and much more! See the demos on and experiment with them ..

If you are reading this document as the ReadMe in the repository then you can find the full version of the documentation here












GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《色彩空間》時中︰立體視覺【二】



那河畔的金柳 是夕陽中的新娘;

軟泥上的青荇 油油的在水底招搖:
在康河的柔波裡 我甘心做一條水草!
那榆蔭下的一潭 不是清泉,
是天上虹 揉碎在浮藻間,

撐一支長篙 向青草更青處漫溯,






過去法國哲學家 Blaise Pascal 寫過一本《沉思錄》,這本書裡頭有一個很有意思的論證︰




─── 摘自《目盲與耳聾





The first geometrical properties of a projective nature were discovered during the 3rd century by Pappus of Alexandria.[3] Filippo Brunelleschi (1404–1472) started investigating the geometry of perspective during 1425[10] (see the history of perspective for a more thorough discussion of the work in the fine arts that motivated much of the development of projective geometry). Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) and Gérard Desargues (1591–1661) independently developed the concept of the “point at infinity”.[11] Desargues developed an alternative way of constructing perspective drawings by generalizing the use of vanishing points to include the case when these are infinitely far away. He made Euclidean geometry, where parallel lines are truly parallel, into a special case of an all-encompassing geometric system. Desargues’s study on conic sections drew the attention of 16-year-old Blaise Pascal and helped him formulate Pascal’s theorem. The works of Gaspard Monge at the end of 18th and beginning of 19th century were important for the subsequent development of projective geometry. The work of Desargues was ignored until Michel Chasles chanced upon a handwritten copy during 1845. Meanwhile, Jean-Victor Poncelet had published the foundational treatise on projective geometry during 1822. Poncelet separated the projective properties of objects in individual class and establishing a relationship between metric and projective properties. The non-Euclidean geometries discovered soon thereafter were eventually demonstrated to have models, such as the Klein model of hyperbolic space, relating to projective geometry.

This early 19th century projective geometry was intermediate from analytic geometry to algebraic geometry. When treated in terms of homogeneous coordinates, projective geometry seems like an extension or technical improvement of the use of coordinates to reduce geometric problems to algebra, an extension reducing the number of special cases. The detailed study of quadrics and the “line geometry” of Julius Plücker still form a rich set of examples for geometers working with more general concepts.

The work of Poncelet, Jakob Steiner and others was not intended to extend analytic geometry. Techniques were supposed to be synthetic: in effect projective space as now understood was to be introduced axiomatically. As a result, reformulating early work in projective geometry so that it satisfies current standards of rigor can be somewhat difficult. Even in the case of the projective plane alone, the axiomatic approach can result in models not describable via linear algebra.

This period in geometry was overtaken by research on the general algebraic curve by Clebsch, Riemann, Max Noether and others, which stretched existing techniques, and then by invariant theory. Towards the end of the century, the Italian school of algebraic geometry (Enriques, Segre, Severi) broke out of the traditional subject matter into an area demanding deeper techniques.

During the later part of the 19th century, the detailed study of projective geometry became less fashionable, although the literature is voluminous. Some important work was done in enumerative geometry in particular, by Schubert, that is now considered as anticipating the theory of Chern classes, taken as representing the algebraic topology of Grassmannians.

Paul Dirac studied projective geometry and used it as a basis for developing his concepts of quantum mechanics, although his published results were always in algebraic form. See a blog article referring to an article and a book on this subject, also to a talk Dirac gave to a general audience during 1972 in Boston about projective geometry, without specifics as to its application in his physics.

Growth measure and the polar vortices. Based on the work of Lawrence Edwards



Three-point perspective

 Three-Point Perspective

Three-point perspective is often used for buildings seen from above (or below). In addition to the two vanishing points from before, one for each wall, there is now one for how the vertical lines of the walls recede. For an object seen from above, this third vanishing point is below the ground. For an object seen from below, as when the viewer looks up at a tall building, the third vanishing point is high in space.

Three-point perspective exists when the perspective is a view of a Cartesian scene where the picture plane is not parallel to any of the scene’s three axes. Each of the three vanishing points corresponds with one of the three axes of the scene. One, two and three-point perspectives appear to embody different forms of calculated perspective, and are generated by different methods. Mathematically, however, all three are identical; the difference is merely in the relative orientation of the rectilinear scene to the viewer.

The Palazzo del Lavoro in Mussolini’s Esposizione Universale Roma complex, photographed in 3-point perspective. All three axes are oblique to the picture plane; the three vanishing points are at the zenith, and on the horizon to the right and left.



Epipolar Geometry


In this section,

  • We will learn about the basics of multiview geometry
  • We will see what is epipole, epipolar lines, epipolar constraint etc.

Basic Concepts

When we take an image using pin-hole camera, we loose an important information, ie depth of the image. Or how far is each point in the image from the camera because it is a 3D-to-2D conversion. So it is an important question whether we can find the depth information using these cameras. And the answer is to use more than one camera. Our eyes works in similar way where we use two cameras (two eyes) which is called stereo vision. So let’s see what OpenCV provides in this field.

(Learning OpenCV by Gary Bradsky has a lot of information in this field.)

Before going to depth images, let’s first understand some basic concepts in multiview geometry. In this section we will deal with epipolar geometry. See the image below which shows a basic setup with two cameras taking the image of same scene.

Epipolar geometry

If we are using only the left camera, we can’t find the 3D point corresponding to the point x in image because every point on the line OX projects to the same point on the image plane. But consider the right image also. Now different points on the line OX projects to different points (x') in right plane. So with these two images, we can triangulate the correct 3D point. This is the whole idea.

The projection of the different points on OX form a line on right plane (line l'). We call it epiline corresponding to the point x. It means, to find the point x on the right image, search along this epiline. It should be somewhere on this line (Think of it this way, to find the matching point in other image, you need not search the whole image, just search along the epiline. So it provides better performance and accuracy). This is called Epipolar Constraint. Similarly all points will have its corresponding epilines in the other image. The plane XOO' is called Epipolar Plane.

O and O' are the camera centers. From the setup given above, you can see that projection of right camera O' is seen on the left image at the point, e. It is called the epipole. Epipole is the point of intersection of line through camera centers and the image planes. Similarly e' is the epipole of the left camera. In some cases, you won’t be able to locate the epipole in the image, they may be outside the image (which means, one camera doesn’t see the other).

All the epilines pass through its epipole. So to find the location of epipole, we can find many epilines and find their intersection point.

So in this session, we focus on finding epipolar lines and epipoles. But to find them, we need two more ingredients, Fundamental Matrix (F) and Essential Matrix (E). Essential Matrix contains the information about translation and rotation, which describe the location of the second camera relative to the first in global coordinates. See the image below (Image courtesy: Learning OpenCV by Gary Bradsky):

Essential Matrix

But we prefer measurements to be done in pixel coordinates, right? Fundamental Matrix contains the same information as Essential Matrix in addition to the information about the intrinsics of both cameras so that we can relate the two cameras in pixel coordinates. (If we are using rectified images and normalize the point by dividing by the focal lengths, F=E). In simple words, Fundamental Matrix F, maps a point in one image to a line (epiline) in the other image. This is calculated from matching points from both the images. A minimum of 8 such points are required to find the fundamental matrix (while using 8-point algorithm). More points are preferred and use RANSAC to get a more robust result.










GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《色彩空間》時中︰立體視覺【一】


Binocular vision

Binocular vision is vision in which creatures having two eyes use them together. The word binocular comes from two Latin roots, bini for double, and oculus for eye.[1] According to Fahle (1987),[2] having two eyes confers six advantages over having one.

  1. It gives a creature a spare eye in case one is damaged.
  2. It gives a wider field of view. For example, humans have a maximum horizontal field of view of approximately 190 degrees with two eyes, approximately 120 degrees of which makes up the binocular field of view (seen by both eyes) flanked by two uniocular fields (seen by only one eye) of approximately 40 degrees.[3]
  3. It can give stereopsis in which binocular disparity (or parallax) provided by the two eyes’ different positions on the head gives precise depth perception. This also allows a creature to break the camouflage of another creature.
  4. It allows the angles of the eyes’ lines of sight, relative to each other (vergence), and those lines relative to a particular object (gaze angle) to be determined from the images in the two eyes.[4] These properties are necessary for the third advantage.
  5. It allows a creature to see more of, or all of, an object behind an obstacle. This advantage was pointed out by Leonardo da Vinci, who noted that a vertical column closer to the eyes than an object at which a creature is looking might block some of the object from the left eye but that part of the object might be visible to the right eye.
  6. It gives binocular summation in which the ability to detect faint objects is enhanced.[5]
  7. It helps see and analyze 3 dimensional objects which are the ones having depth.

Other phenomena of binocular vision include utrocular discrimination (the ability to tell which of two eyes has been stimulated by light),[6] eye dominance (the habit of using one eye when aiming something, even if both eyes are open),[7] allelotropia (the averaging of the visual direction of objects viewed by each eye when both eyes are open),[8] binocular fusion or singleness of vision (seeing one object with both eyes despite each eye’s having its own image of the object),[9] and binocular rivalry (seeing one eye’s image alternating randomly with the other when each eye views images that are so different they cannot be fused).[10]

Binocular vision helps with performance skills such as catching, grasping, and locomotion.[11] It also allows humans to walk over and around obstacles at greater speed and with more assurance.[12] Optometrists and/or Orthoptists are eyecare professionals who fix binocular vision problems.

Principle of binocular vision with horopter shown




A stereoscope is a device for viewing a stereoscopic pair of separate images, depicting left-eye and right-eye views of the same scene, as a single three-dimensional image.

A typical stereoscope provides each eye with a lens that makes the image seen through it appear larger and more distant and usually also shifts its apparent horizontal position, so that for a person with normal binocular depth perception the edges of the two images seemingly fuse into one “stereo window”. In current practice, the images are prepared so that the scene appears to be beyond this virtual window, through which objects are sometimes allowed to protrude, but this was not always the custom. A divider or other view-limiting feature is usually provided to prevent each eye from being distracted by also seeing the image intended for the other eye.

Most people can, with practice and some effort, view stereoscopic image pairs in 3D without the aid of a stereoscope, but the physiological depth cues resulting from the unnatural combination of eye convergence and focus required will be unlike those experienced when actually viewing the scene in reality, making an accurate simulation of the natural viewing experience impossible and tending to cause eye strain and fatigue.

Although more recent devices such as Realist-format 3D slide viewers and the View-Master are also stereoscopes, the word is now most commonly associated with viewers designed for the standard-format stereo cards that enjoyed several waves of popularity from the 1850s to the 1930s as a home entertainment medium.

Devices such as polarized, anaglyph and shutter glasses which are used to view two actually superimposed or intermingled images, rather than two physically separate images, are not categorized as stereoscopes.

Old Zeiss pocket stereoscope with original test image


 Stereo card of a stereoscope in use (1901). (Stereogram guide parallel.png)

A simple stereoscope is limited in the size of the image that may be used. A more complex stereoscope uses a pair of horizontal periscope-like devices, allowing the use of larger images that can present more detailed information in a wider field of view. The stereoscope is essentially an instrument in which two photographs of the same object, taken from slightly different angles, are simultaneously presented, one to each eye. This recreates the way which in natural vision, each eye is seeing the object from a slightly different angle, since they are separated by several inches, which is what gives humans natural depth perception. Each picture is focused by a separate lens, and by showing each eye a photograph taken several inches apart from each other and focused on the same point, it recreates the natural effect of seeing things in three dimensions.

A moving image extension of the stereoscope has a large vertically mounted drum containing a wheel upon which are mounted a series of stereographic cards which form a moving picture. The cards are restrained by a gate and when sufficient force is available to bend the card it slips past the gate and into view, obscuring the preceding picture. These coin-enabled devices were found in arcades in the late 19th and early 20th century and were operated by the viewer using a hand crank. These devices can still be seen and operated in some museums specializing in arcade equipment.

The stereoscope offers several advantages:

  • Using positive curvature (magnifying) lenses, the focus point of the image is changed from its short distance (about 30 to 40 cm) to a virtual distance at infinity. This allows the focus of the eyes to be consistent with the parallel lines of sight, greatly reducing eye strain.
  • The card image is magnified, offering a wider field of view and the ability to examine the detail of the photograph.
  • The viewer provides a partition between the images, avoiding a potential distraction to the user.

A stereo transparency viewer is a type of stereoscope that offers similar advantages, e.g. the View-Master

Disadvantages of stereo cards, slides or any other hard copy or print are that the two images are likely to receive differing wear, scratches and other decay. This results in stereo artifacts when the images are viewed. These artifacts compete in the mind resulting in a distraction from the 3d effect, eye strain and headaches.




Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines.[1][2] The term is derived from the Greek word παράλλαξις (parallaxis), meaning “alternation”. Due to foreshortening, nearby objects have a larger parallax than more distant objects when observed from different positions, so parallax can be used to determine distances.

To measure large distances, such as the distance of a planet or a star from the earth, astronomers use the principle of parallax. Here, the term “parallax” is the semi-angle of inclination between two sight-lines to the star, as observed when the Earth is on opposite sides of the Sun in its orbit.[3] These distances form the lowest rung of what is called “the cosmic distance ladder“, the first in a succession of methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects, serving as a basis for other distance measurements in astronomy forming the higher rungs of the ladder.

Parallax also affects optical instruments such as rifle scopes, binoculars, microscopes, and twin-lens reflex cameras that view objects from slightly different angles. Many animals, including humans, have two eyes with overlapping visual fields that use parallax to gain depth perception; this process is known as stereopsis. In computer vision the effect is used for computer stereo vision, and there is a device called a parallax rangefinder that uses it to find range, and in some variations also altitude to a target.

A simple everyday example of parallax can be seen in the dashboard of motor vehicles that use a needle-style speedometer gauge. When viewed from directly in front, the speed may show exactly 60; but when viewed from the passenger seat the needle may appear to show a slightly different speed, due to the angle of viewing.

A simplified illustration of the parallax of an object against a distant background due to a perspective shift. When viewed from “Viewpoint A”, the object appears to be in front of the blue square. When the viewpoint is changed to “Viewpoint B”, the object appears to have moved in front of the red square.

This animation is an example of parallax. As the viewpoint moves side to side, the objects in the distance appear to move more slowly than the objects close to the camera.



Stereo Realist

The Stereo Realist is a stereo camera that was manufactured by the David White Company from 1947 to 1971. It was the most popular 35 mm stereo camera ever manufactured[1] and started the era of popular stereo photography of the mid 20th century.

A Stereo Realist camera.


Slide mounted by the Realist mounting service.



Perspective (graphical)

Perspective (from Latin: perspicere “to see through”) in the graphic arts is an approximate representation, generally on a flat surface (such as paper), of an image as it is seen by the eye. The two most characteristic features of perspective are that objects are smaller as their distance from the observer increases; and that they are subject to foreshortening, meaning that an object’s dimensions along the line of sight are shorter than its dimensions across the line of sight.

Italian Renaissance painters and architects including Filippo Brunelleschi, Masaccio, Paolo Uccello, Piero della Francesca and Luca Pacioli studied linear perspective, wrote treatises on it, and incorporated it into their artworks, thus contributing to the mathematics of art.

Staircase in two-point perspective


 A cube in two-point perspective

 Rays of light travel from the object, through the picture plane, and to the viewer’s eye. This is the basis for graphical perspective.

Linear perspective always works by representing the light that passes from a scene through an imaginary rectangle (realized as the plane of the painting), to the viewer’s eye, as if a viewer were looking through a window and painting what is seen directly onto the windowpane. If viewed from the same spot as the windowpane was painted, the painted image would be identical to what was seen through the unpainted window. Each painted object in the scene is thus a flat, scaled down version of the object on the other side of the window.[1] Because each portion of the painted object lies on the straight line from the viewer’s eye to the equivalent portion of the real object it represents, the viewer sees no difference (sans depth perception) between the painted scene on the windowpane and the view of the real scene. All perspective drawings assume the viewer is a certain distance away from the drawing. Objects are scaled relative to that viewer. An object is often not scaled evenly: a circle often appears as an ellipse and a square can appear as a trapezoid. This distortion is referred to as foreshortening.

Perspective drawings have a horizon line, which is often implied. This line, directly opposite the viewer’s eye, represents objects infinitely far away. They have shrunk, in the distance, to the infinitesimal thickness of a line. It is analogous to (and named after) the Earth’s horizon.

Any perspective representation of a scene that includes parallel lines has one or more vanishing points in a perspective drawing. A one-point perspective drawing means that the drawing has a single vanishing point, usually (though not necessarily) directly opposite the viewer’s eye and usually (though not necessarily) on the horizon line. All lines parallel with the viewer’s line of sight recede to the horizon towards this vanishing point. This is the standard “receding railroad tracks” phenomenon. A two-point drawing would have lines parallel to two different angles. Any number of vanishing points are possible in a drawing, one for each set of parallel lines that are at an angle relative to the plane of the drawing.

Perspectives consisting of many parallel lines are observed most often when drawing architecture (architecture frequently uses lines parallel to the x, y, and z axes). Because it is rare to have a scene consisting solely of lines parallel to the three Cartesian axes (x, y, and z), it is rare to see perspectives in practice with only one, two, or three vanishing points; even a simple house frequently has a peaked roof which results in a minimum of six sets of parallel lines, in turn corresponding to up to six vanishing points.

In contrast, natural scenes often do not have any sets of parallel lines and thus no vanishing points.



Perspective (geometry)

Two figures in a plane are perspective from a point O if the lines joining corresponding points of the figures all meet at O. Dually, the figures are said to be perspective from a line if the points of intersection of corresponding lines all lie on one line. The proper setting for this concept is in projective geometry where there will be no special cases due to parallel lines since all lines meet. Although stated here for figures in a plane, the concept is easily extended to higher dimensions.

Two perspective triangles, with their perspective axis and center











GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《色彩空間》時中︰立體視覺

Erlang Shen (二郎神), or Erlang is a Chinese God with a third truth-seeing eye in the middle of his forehead.

Er-lang Shen may be a deified version of several semi-mythical folk heroes who help regulate China’s torrential floods, dating variously from the Qin, Sui and Jin dynasties. A later Buddhist source identify him as the second son of the Northern Heavenly King Vaishravana.

In the Ming semi-mythical novels Creation of the Gods and Journey to the West Erlang Shen is the nephew of the Jade Emperor. In the former he assisted the Zhou army in defeating the Shang. In the latter, he is the second son of a mortal and Jade emperor’s brother. In the legend, he is known as the greatest warrior god of heaven.



Epipolar geometry

Epipolar geometry is the geometry of stereo vision. When two cameras view a 3D scene from two distinct positions, there are a number of geometric relations between the 3D points and their projections onto the 2D images that lead to constraints between the image points. These relations are derived based on the assumption that the cameras can be approximated by the pinhole camera model.

Typical use case for epipolar geometry
Two cameras take a picture of the same scene from different points of view. The epipolar geometry then describes the relation between the two resulting views.




Projective geometry

Projective geometry is a topic of mathematics. It is the study of geometric properties that are invariant with respect to projective transformations. This means that, compared to elementary geometry, projective geometry has a different setting, projective space, and a selective set of basic geometric concepts. The basic intuitions are that projective space has more points than Euclidean space, for a given dimension, and that geometric transformations are permitted that transform the extra points (called “points at infinity“) to Euclidean points, and vice versa.

Properties meaningful for projective geometry are respected by this new idea of transformation, which is more radical in its effects than can be expressed by a transformation matrix and translations (the affine transformations). The first issue for geometers is what kind of geometry is adequate for a novel situation. It is not possible to refer to angles in projective geometry as it is in Euclidean geometry, because angle is an example of a concept not invariant with respect to projective transformations, as is seen in perspective drawing. One source for projective geometry was indeed the theory of perspective. Another difference from elementary geometry is the way in which parallel lines can be said to meet in a point at infinity, once the concept is translated into projective geometry’s terms. Again this notion has an intuitive basis, such as railway tracks meeting at the horizon in a perspective drawing. See projective plane for the basics of projective geometry in two dimensions.

While the ideas were available earlier, projective geometry was mainly a development of the 19th century. This included the theory of complex projective space, the coordinates used (homogeneous coordinates) being complex numbers. Several major types of more abstract mathematics (including invariant theory, the Italian school of algebraic geometry, and Felix Klein‘s Erlangen programme resulting in the study of the classical groups) were based on projective geometry. It was also a subject with a large number of practitioners for its own sake, as synthetic geometry. Another topic that developed from axiomatic studies of projective geometry is finite geometry.

The topic of projective geometry is itself now divided into many research subtopics, two examples of which are projective algebraic geometry (the study of projective varieties) and projective differential geometry (the study of differential invariants of the projective transformations).

The Fundamental Theory of Projective Geometry



Projective Geometry for Machine Vision — tutorial by Joe Mundy and Andrew Zisserman.




Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision