GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《投影幾何》【五‧線性代數】《導引六‧下》


\left( \begin{array}{cc} \frac{1}{1- \frac{1}{k}} \\ 1 \end{array} \right) = \ \left( \begin{array}{cc} \frac{\infty}{(1- \frac{1}{k}) \infty + \frac{1}{k}} \\ 1 \end{array} \right) \ {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }} \ \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 1 - \frac{1}{k} & \frac{1}{k} \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} \infty \\ 1 \end{array} \right)


\left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 \\ 0 \end{array} \right) \equiv \ \left( \begin{array}{cc} \frac{1}{1-k} \\ 0 \end{array} \right) \ {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }} \ \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 1 - \frac{1}{k} & \frac{1}{k} \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} \frac{1}{1-k} \\ 1 \end{array} \right)


故而『齊次座標』 \left( \begin{array}{cc} \Box \\ 1 \end{array} \right) 尚不足表達『投影』也,還得納入 \left( \begin{array}{cc} \bigcirc \\ 0 \end{array} \right) 矣。







r = \frac{\cos{\alpha}}{1 - \cos{\alpha}} \cdot h



‧ Every portion of the Earth tends toward the center until by compression and convergence they form a sphere. (De caelo, 297a9–21)
‧ Travelers going south see southern constellations rise higher above the horizon; and
‧ The shadow of Earth on the Moon during a lunar eclipse is round. (De caelo, 297b31–298a10)








陳子曰:「古時天子治周,此數望之從周,故曰周髀。髀者,表也。日夏至南萬六千里,日冬至南十三萬五千里,日中無影。 以此觀之,從南至夏至之日中十一萬九千里。北至其夜半亦然。凡徑二十三萬八千里。此夏至日道之徑也,其周七十一萬四千里。從夏至之日中,至冬至之日中十一 萬九千里。北至極下亦然。則從極南至冬至之日中二十三萬八千里。從極北至其夜半亦然。凡徑四十七萬六千里。此冬至日道徑也,其周百四十二萬八千里。從春秋 分之日中北至極下十七萬八千五百里。從極下北至其夜半亦然。凡徑三十五萬七千里,周一百七萬一千里。故曰:月之道常緣宿,日道亦與宿正。南至夏至之日中, 北至冬至之夜半,南至冬至之日中,北至夏至之夜半,亦徑三十五萬七千里,周一百七萬一千里。

春分之日夜分以至秋分之日夜分,極下常有日光秋分之日夜分以至春分之日夜分,極下常無日光。 故春秋分之日夜分之時,日所照適至極,陰陽之分等也。冬至、夏至者,日道發歛之所生也至,晝夜長短之所極。春秋分者,陰陽之脩,晝夜之象。晝者陽,夜者 陰。春分以至秋分,晝之象。秋分至春分,夜之象。故春秋分之日中光之所照北極下,夜半日光之所照亦南至極。此日夜分之時也。故曰:日照四旁各十六萬七千 里。

「人 望所見,遠近宜如日光所照。從周所望見北過極六萬四千里,南過冬至之日三萬二千里。夏至之日中,光南過冬至之日中光四萬八千里,南過人所望見一萬六千里, 北過周十五萬一千里,北過極四萬八千里。冬至之夜半日光南不至人所見七千里,不至極下七萬一千里。夏至之日中與夜半日光九萬六千里過極相接。冬至之日中與 夜半日光不相及十四萬二千里,不至極下七萬一千里。夏至之日正東西望,直周東西日下至周五萬九千五百九十八里半。冬至之日正東西方不見日。以算求之,日下 至周二十一萬四千五百五十七里半。凡此數者,日道之發歛。冬至、夏至,觀律之數,聽鐘之音。冬至晝,夏至夜。差數及,日光所還觀之,四極徑八十一萬里,周 二百四十三萬里。

從 周至南日照處三十萬二千里,周北至日照處五十萬八千里,東西各三十九萬一千六百八十三里半。周在天中南十萬三千里,故東西矩中徑二萬六千六百三十二里有 奇。周北五十萬八千里。冬至日十三萬五千里。冬至日道徑四十七萬六千里,周一百四十二萬八千里。日光四極當周東西各三十九萬一千六百八十三里有奇。」


鄭玄』注引『鄭眾』曰︰『以夏至之日,立八尺之表,其景與土圭等,謂之地中』。上引文獻表明『周公』曾設定可以解釋為『日中無影』的『前提條件』 ── 置土圭 ──:制一石 (玉)圭約為周髀的五分之一,埋於表杆正南的土中,稱『土圭』或『地圭』;當夏至日影與土圭相等,土圭之外無日影時,稱為『日中無影』。推廣『土圭』法, 可根據不同影長來測定四時節氣、邦國遠近等,如《周禮》之《典瑞》『土圭以致四時日月,封國則以土(度)地。


─── 摘自《【Sonic π】電聲學之電路學《四》之《 V!》‧中上










GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《投影幾何》【五‧線性代數】《導引六‧中》

既然已將『對射』性質賦予『透視』,P, l, l' 投影點 U,V 間之對應關係可用

 \left( \begin{array}{cc} v \\ 1 \end{array} \right)  = \  \left( \begin{array}{cc}  \frac{u}{(1- \frac{1}{k}) u + \frac{1}{k}} \\ 1 \end{array} \right)  \   {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }}  \   \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 1 - \frac{1}{k} & \frac{1}{k}  \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} u \\ 1 \end{array} \right)

 \left( \begin{array}{cc} u \\ 1 \end{array} \right) = \  \left( \begin{array}{cc}  \frac{v}{(1- k) v + k} \\ 1 \end{array} \right)  \   {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }}  \   \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 1 - k & k  \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} v \\ 1 \end{array} \right)



從表達式可知我們仍舊取 A,B 為『定點』︰

A \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }}  \  \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0 \\ 1 \end{array} \right)B \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }}  \  \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 \\ 1 \end{array} \right)


A^{'} \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }}  \  \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0 \\ 1 \end{array} \right)B{'} \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }}  \  \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 \\ 1 \end{array} \right)


\overline{AB} 是線 l 上的『單位長度』, u =_{df} \frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{AB}} 。對應之

\overline{A^{'}B{'}} 是線 l^{'} 上的『單位長度』,v =_{df} \frac{\overline{C^{'}A^{'}}}{\overline{A^{'}B^{'}}}

k 為此一『透視』下之『常數』︰

\frac{1}{k} =_{df} \frac{\frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{CB}}}{\frac{\overline{C^{'}A^{'}}}{\overline{C^{'}B{'}}} } = \frac{\frac{\overline{PA}}{\overline{PB}}}{\frac{\overline{PA^{'}}}{\overline{PB^{'}}}}

且先看看這個『矩陣形制』滿足『透視』之『對合』嗎?假設線 l^{'} 趨近於 l 將『重合』,那麼那個『矩陣形制』會是 I_2單位矩陣』乎??

當此時刻 k 必然趨近於 1 哩!焉能不是 \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1}  \end{array} \right) 耶!!

但思 k=1 之條件不必是『重合』矣,難到不能是『平行』 l \parallel l^{'} 嘛?!



說道精誠所至、夢裡顯現,考之科學史有之。若問夢『銜尾蛇』者如何解?聽聞知名的心理學家『榮格』認為『銜尾蛇』其實是反映了人類的『心理原型』,果然『真積力』也!但讀《平面國數點》講『點頭派』之興起,源自一夢 ── 平行線交於『無窮』 \infty ── ,故以證明此義為『入門題』◎

也曾苦思其義,一日夢夢之際 ,耳邊響起嗚哩哇啦聲響,正覺擾人清夢之時,咦!?這不是老子


有物混成,先天地生。寂兮寥兮,獨立不改,周行而不殆,可以為天下母。吾不知其名,字之曰道,強為之名曰。大曰,逝曰 ,遠曰。故道大,天大,地大,王亦大。域中有四大,而王居其一焉。人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。




驢橋定理拉丁語Pons asinorum),也稱為等腰三角形定理,是在歐幾里得幾何中的一個數學定理,是指等腰三角形二腰對應的二底角相等。等腰三角形定理也是歐幾里得幾何原本第一卷命題五的內容。



Pons asinorum

In geometry, the statement that the angles opposite the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are themselves equal is known as the pons asinorum (Latin pronunciation: [ˈpons asiˈnoːrʊm]; English /ˈpɒnz ˌæsˈnɔərəm/ PONZ-ass-i-NOR-(r)əm), Latin for “bridge of donkeys”. This statement is Proposition 5 of Book 1 in Euclid‘s Elements, and is also known as the isosceles triangle theorem. Its converse is also true: if two angles of a triangle are equal, then the sides opposite them are also equal.

The name of this statement is also used metaphorically for a problem or challenge which will separate the sure of mind from the simple, the fleet thinker from the slow, the determined from the dallier; to represent a critical test of ability or understanding.[1]



假如兩個三角形全等之 第一原理為 SAS ── 夾角相等、夾角之兩邊亦皆對等 ── ,那麼作等長之延伸線段,迭代使用 SAS 證明,的確需要一番思慮。若是 SSS ── 三邊長都對應相等 ── 當第一原理,或許只需在等腰三角形之底取中點,就可藉 SSS 得出兩底角相等。據知幾何原本裡根本沒有 SSS 全等,這又為什麼呢?難到是因為它不夠直覺嗎?還是以一邊為底,兩端點各依所餘兩邊作圓,此二圓將相交於兩點,那要如何判定所形成的這兩個三角形全等的 呢??也許 SSS 之證明可以藉著在頂點處作條平行於底邊的平行線︰

─── 摘自《GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《投影幾何》【四‧平面國】《己》


P 點平行 \parallel l 之線,將交 l 於無窮遠 \infty 處,但交 l^{'}

\lim \limits_{u \to \pm \infty} \  \frac{u}{(1- \frac{1}{k}) u + \frac{1}{k}} =\frac{1}{1 - \frac{1}{k}} ,反之依然

P 點平行 \parallel l^{'} 之線,將交 l^{'} 於無窮遠 \infty 處,但交 l

\lim \limits_{v \to \pm \infty} \  \frac{v}{(1- k) v + k} =\frac{1}{1 - k}

招手『無限』 \infty 說何事?『平行』本性自帶來!

(1- k) v + k =0 \Rightarrow v = \frac{1}{1-\frac{1}{k}}

(1- \frac{1}{k}) u + \frac{1}{k} \Rightarrow u = \frac{1}{1-k}


z \mapsto \frac{z}{z-1}

 Point at infinity

In geometry, a point at infinity or ideal point is an idealized limiting point at the “end” of each line.

In the case of an affine plane (including the Euclidean plane), there is one ideal point for each pencil of parallel lines of the plane. Adjoining these points produces a projective plane, in which no point can be distinguished, if we “forget” which points were added. This holds for a geometry over any field, and more generally over any division ring.[1]

In the real case, a point at infinity completes a line into a topologically closed curve. In higher dimensions, all the points at infinity form a projective subspace of one dimension less than that of the whole projective space to which they belong. A point at infinity can also be added to the complex line (which may be thought of as the complex plane), thereby turning it into a closed surface known as the complex projective line, CP1, also called the Riemann sphere (when complex numbers are mapped to each point).

In the case of a hyperbolic space, each line has two distinct ideal points. Here, the set of ideal points takes the form of a quadric.

The real line with the point at infinity; it is called the real projective line.









GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《投影幾何》【五‧線性代數】《導引六‧上》

且讓我們將『單點透視』放在以『投影中心』 P 為『齊次座標』之『原點』的平面上作考察︰



A \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }} \ A^{'}B \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }} \ B^{'}C \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }} \ C^{'}

\overline{AB} 是線 l 上的『單位長度』,任意一點 C 之『賦值』為 t = \frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{CB}} = \frac{u}{u -1}, \ u =_{df} \frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{AB}} 。對應之

\overline{A^{'}B{'}} 是線 l^{'} 上的『單位長度』,任意一點 C^{'} 之『賦值』為 t^{'} = \frac{\overline{C^{'}A^{'}}}{\overline{C^{'}B^{'}}} = \frac{v}{v -1}, \ v =_{df} \frac{\overline{C^{'}A^{'}}}{\overline{A^{'}B^{'}}}

ll^{'} 間的『幾何事實』仍然是

\frac{\frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{CB}}}{\frac{\overline{C^{'}A^{'}}}{\overline{C^{'}B{'}}} } = \frac{\frac{\overline{PA}}{\overline{PB}}}{\frac{\overline{PA^{'}}}{\overline{PB^{'}}}} = constant = \frac{1}{k} = \frac{t}{t^{'}}


f_P ={\begin{cases} k \cdot t,&{\mbox{if }} U \in l \\ \frac{t^{'}}{k} ,&{\mbox{if }} V \in l^{'} \end{cases}

f_P ={\begin{cases}  \frac{u}{(1- \frac{1}{k}) u + \frac{1}{k}},&{\mbox{if }} U \in l \\ \frac{v}{(1-k)v +k} ,&{\mbox{if }} V \in l^{'} \end{cases}




In mathematics, a bijection, bijective function or one-to-one correspondence is a function between the elements of two sets, where each element of one set is paired with exactly one element of the other set, and each element of the other set is paired with exactly one element of the first set. There are no unpaired elements. In mathematical terms, a bijective function f: XY is a one-to-one (injective) and onto (surjective) mapping of a set X to a set Y.

A bijection from the set X to the set Y has an inverse function from Y to X. If X and Y are finite sets, then the existence of a bijection means they have the same number of elements. For infinite sets the picture is more complicated, leading to the concept of cardinal number, a way to distinguish the various sizes of infinite sets.

A bijective function from a set to itself is also called a permutation.

Bijective functions are essential to many areas of mathematics including the definitions of isomorphism, homeomorphism, diffeomorphism, permutation group, and projective map.


※ 註


就讓我們『以管窺豹』談談什麼是數學中的『表達式』的『表達』作為開始吧。通常『四則運算』的寫法將運算符號 +  –  *  /  擺在式子中間,又有著先『乘除』後『加減』的規定,所以使用『括號』強制運算次序就無法避免。比方說 ( 3 + 4 ) * 53 + 4  * 5 的差異。波蘭數學家 Jan Łukasiewicz  曾經提到︰


,這就是『波蘭表示法』的開始。這個表示法將運算符號放在運算之數目『之前』,故稱作『前綴表示法』,舉前例說就是︰* + 3 4 5+ 3 * 4 5。這個表示法是這樣看二元運算⊕□○』 的,這裡的『⊕』是 + – * / 的某一運算;□或○代表『子表達式』,有著表達式相同的結構。如果一個子表達式只有數目,沒有運算符號,那就是『最簡』的表達式。這樣就將它看成了一棵 『二元運算樹』。所謂計算法就是『先找出』有『兩個最簡子表達式』之二元運算『先算』,再將計算的結果數目『迭代』那個表達式,如是一步步計算下去,最後要不就能得到正確『答案』,要不就是表達式有『錯誤』。舉個例吧,(3 + 4) * (7 - 2 * 3) 的答案是 7 ,用波蘭表示法寫作

* + 3  4 – 7 * 2  3
= *  7 – 7  6
= *  7  1
= 7

假使你將二元運算『⊕□○』看成數學上的『函數』function ── 比方說代表著 ⊕( □,○ )  ──,這就是 LISP 程式語言常用的表達式寫法,其實上許多程式語言內部都用著這樣的表達式記號法。現今『functional』泛函的或者說功能的一詞推廣了函數概念,成了一種寫程式的『典範』。由於波蘭表示法的計算方式過於麻煩,說不定還容易算錯,揚‧武卡謝維奇又提出『逆波蘭表示法』,不再把運算符號放在前面,卻是將它置於後頭的『後綴表示法』,如此二元運算寫成了『□○⊕』。這樣的寫法有什麼好處呢?最大的好處就是『計算規則』簡單︰

看到數目就將它放上『堆疊』Stack 頂端,



─── 摘自《測不準原理



t, t^{'} 容易計算

f_P(f_P(C))  \equiv f_P(C^{'}) = f_P(k \cdot t) = \frac{1}{k} \cdot (k \cdot t) = t \equiv C

u, v 需要化簡

f_P(f_P(u)) = u

pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3 Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11)  Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.  IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help      -> Python's own help system. object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.  In [1]: from sympy import *  In [2]: init_printing()  In [3]: u, v, k = symbols('u, v, k')  In [4]: f = u / ( (1-1/k) * u + 1/k)  In [5]: f Out[5]:        u       ─────────────   ⎛    1⎞   1 u⋅⎜1 - ─⎟ + ─   ⎝    k⎠   k  In [6]: g = v / ( (1-k) * v + k)  In [7]: g Out[7]:        v        ────────────── k + v⋅(-k + 1)  In [8]: g.subs(v , f) Out[8]:                   u                  ─────────────────────────────────── ⎛      u⋅(-k + 1) ⎞ ⎛  ⎛    1⎞   1⎞ ⎜k + ─────────────⎟⋅⎜u⋅⎜1 - ─⎟ + ─⎟ ⎜      ⎛    1⎞   1⎟ ⎝  ⎝    k⎠   k⎠ ⎜    u⋅⎜1 - ─⎟ + ─⎟                 ⎝      ⎝    k⎠   k⎠                  In [9]: g.subs(v , f).simplify() Out[9]: u  In [10]:  </pre>    <span style="color: #666699;">如是按『語意約定』,或可簡化為︰</span>  <span style="color: #666699;"> \left( \begin{array}{cc} v \\ 1 \end{array} \right)  = \  \left( \begin{array}{cc}  \frac{u}{(1- \frac{1}{k}) u + \frac{1}{k}} \\ 1 \end{array} \right)  \   {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }}  \   \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 1 - \frac{1}{k} & \frac{1}{k}  \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} u \\ 1 \end{array} \right) ;</span>  <span style="color: #666699;"> \left( \begin{array}{cc} u \\ 1 \end{array} \right) = \  \left( \begin{array}{cc}  \frac{v}{(1- k) v + k} \\ 1 \end{array} \right)  \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }}  \  { \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 1 - \frac{1}{k} & \frac{1}{k}  \end{array} \right)}^{-1} \left( \begin{array}{cc} v \\ 1 \end{array} \right) </span>  <span style="color: #666699;">{\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }}  \   \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 1 - k & k  \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} v \\ 1 \end{array} \right) $ 的乎??!!










GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《投影幾何》【五‧線性代數】《導引五》



一九四零年,美國哲學家莫蒂默‧傑爾姆‧阿德勒 Mortimer Jerome Adler 寫了一本《如何閱讀一本書》的書。其後於一九七二年,美國哥倫比亞大學的教授查爾斯‧范多倫 Charles Van Doren 重新修訂。這本書主要論述如何『通過閱讀』增進『理解力』。《如何閱讀一本書》將閱讀分做四個層次『基礎閱讀』、『檢視閱讀』、『分析閱讀』和『主題閱讀』。並在書後推薦了一系列的『經典名著』。『 目的』是強調閱讀是一種『自主活動』。


其實『知識』如同『蛛網』,經由各種『學習渠道』與『自身經驗』,逐步建立起來。果真能像『蜘蛛』一樣,牽一髮而動全身的去『捕捉』,又何止是談『閱讀』一本書?智慧不只可以『閱讀』一個『時代』! 更能夠『閱讀』整個『自然』與『社會』的啊!!



Projective geometry

In projective geometry the points of a line are called a projective range, and the set of lines in a plane on a point is called a pencil.

Given two lines  \ell and  m in a plane and a point P of that plane on neither line, the bijective mapping between the points of the range of  \ell and the range of  m determined by the lines of the pencil on P is called a perspectivity (or more precisely, a central perspectivity with center P).[4] A special symbol has been used to show that points X and Y are related by a perspectivity;  X \doublebarwedge Y . In this notation, to show that the center of perspectivity is P, write  X \ \overset {P}{\doublebarwedge} \ Y. Using the language of functions, a central perspectivity with center P is a function f_P \colon [\ell] \mapsto [m] (where the square brackets indicate the projective range of the line) defined by f_P (X) = Y \text{ whenever } P \in XY.[5] This map is an involution, that is, f_P (f_P (X)) = X \text{ for all }X \in [\ell].

The existence of a perspectivity means that corresponding points are in perspective. The dual concept, axial perspectivity, is the correspondence between the lines of two pencils determined by a projective range.




,那麼 f_P 將如何『表達』呢?


A \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }} \ A^{'}B \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }} \ B^{'}C \  {\overset {P}{\doublebarwedge }} \ C^{'}

\overline{AB} 是線 l 上的『單位長度』,任意一點 C 之『賦值』為 t = \frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{CB}} = \frac{x}{x -1}, \ x =_{df} \frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{AB}} 。對應之

\overline{A^{'}B{'}} 是線 l^{'} 上的『單位長度』,任意一點 C^{'} 之『賦值』為 t^{'} = \frac{\overline{C^{'}A^{'}}}{\overline{C^{'}B^{'}}} = \frac{y}{y -1}, \ y =_{df} \frac{\overline{C^{'}A^{'}}}{\overline{A^{'}B^{'}}}


\frac{\frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{CB}}}{\frac{\overline{C^{'}A^{'}}}{\overline{C^{'}B{'}}} } = \frac{\frac{\overline{PA}}{\overline{PB}}}{\frac{\overline{PA^{'}}}{\overline{PB^{'}}}} = constant = \frac{1}{k} = \frac{t}{t^{'}} ,因此

f_P ={\begin{cases} k \cdot t,&{\mbox{if }} t \in l \\ \frac{t^{'}}{k} ,&{\mbox{if }} t^{'} \in l^{'} \end{cases}


為什麼 f_P 彷彿『 case by case 』耶??因為

f_P(X) = Y \ whenever \ P \in XY 辭義使然。如是當然

f_P(f_P(C))  \equiv f_P(C^{'}) = f_P(k \cdot t) = \frac{1}{k} \cdot (k \cdot t) = t \equiv C 乎!!


此處 t^{'}t 似乎有『簡單』『線性』關係◎

如果選擇 x, y 來描述,已知

\frac{y}{y-1} = k \left( \frac{x}{x-1} \right) 。那麼

f_P ={\begin{cases}  \frac{x}{(1- \frac{1}{k}) x + \frac{1}{k}},&{\mbox{if }} x \in l \\ \frac{y}{(1-k)y +k} ,&{\mbox{if }} y \in l^{'} \end{cases}






\begin{bmatrix} x^{\prime} \\ t^{\prime} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & -v \\0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ t \end{bmatrix}






\begin{bmatrix} x^{\prime} \\ t^{\prime} \end{bmatrix} =  \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - {(\frac{v}{c})}^2}}  \begin{pmatrix} 1 & -v \\ -\frac{v}{c^2} & 1 \end{pmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ t \end{bmatrix}





運動是第一義』它意指什麼的呢?如果考察人們對『時間』的『認識』,總離不開對物體『運動』的『觀察』。之前在《時間是什麼??》一文裡,我們談到了『古典物理』是以『牛頓第一運動定律』所指稱的『慣性座標系觀察者』之『時空觀』為『基礎』的。『牛頓』假設『存在』一個對所有的『慣性座標系』中『觀察者』都『相同』並且『恆定恆速』的『時間之流』,自此『時間』就成為『第一義』的了。也就是說如果『□觀察者』說『兩事件』『同時發生』,『○觀察者』也講那『兩事件』『同時發生』。因而『第一運動定律』──  假使沒有外力作用,靜者恆靜,動者作等速直線運動,在『第二運動定律』的強大光芒『覆照』下,反倒顯得晦暗不明的了,宛如是個『力等於零』的『特例』一般。於是『速度v 的『定義v = \frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t} 與『相對速度』是 v 的『』個『慣性座標系』彷彿是『同義語』。殊不知這個『相對速度』是『』個『觀察者』之『互見』,而且『運動方向』相反,並不能『自見』的啊!要是說果真能夠『自見』又豈會自己『無法度量』的呢?於是乎有『無窮多』個『慣性觀察者』各以『無限種』之『相對速度』『運動』,然而他們所『觀察到』的『自然律』都是一樣的,這就是『慣性』的『本義』。其實『觀察者』之『概念』有一點像『抽象擬人化』的說法,比方說,一個『對我而言』運動中的『粒子』,在『粒子』自己的『慣性座標系』裡,『自然律』一樣的『適用』。如此『對我而言』可用『我的時空』將那個『粒子』標示在『我的時空圖(x_{\Box}, t_{\Box}) 上,一個與『粒子偕行』相對『靜止』的『觀察者』,就把『我的運動』畫在『他的時空圖(x_{\bigcirc}, t_{\bigcirc}) 上的了。這個『互為動靜』的『論述』就是『相對運動』的『實質』,並不存在『絕對運動』的啊。所以『我說』『那個粒子』在 t_{p^{-}}時刻』『接近x_{p^{-}}位置』,當 t_p』『到達x_p』,於 t_{p^{+}}之後』『離開x_{p^{+}}之地』,『』將此『等速運動』歸之於『粒子』的『運動慣性』;那個與『粒子偕行』相對『靜止』的『觀察者』亦將此『等速運動』歸之於『』的『運動慣性』,這就是『運動』之『慣性』的『第一義』。所謂『飛鳥之景未嘗動也,鏃矢之疾而有不行不止之時』是不了解『慣性之意』『跳躍』於『互為動靜』之間,事實上對『任一方』而言,那個『相對運動』都是『存在的』,根本不會有『瞬時速度』存不存在的問題,所以才名之為『慣性定律』︰ v = \frac{- \delta x}{- \delta t} = \frac{ \delta x}{ \delta t}  = \frac{+ \delta x}{+ \delta t},或者比喻的說︰在牛頓力學裡,沒有任何東西能夠阻擋『恆定恆速』之『時間之流』的啊!!


─── 摘自《【Sonic π】電聲學之電路學《四》之《 !!!! 》下











GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《投影幾何》【五‧線性代數】《導引四》

如果觀察者選擇 t ── 以 A 為『零點』之指定點 A,B 距離比 ── 當作 P 點投射之定位選擇

\frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{CB}} = \frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{CA} - \overline{AB}} = \frac{x}{x -1} = t, \ x =_{df} \frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{AB}}


即使 t,x 所選『長度單位』是 \overline{AB} ,都是『距離比』 t = \frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{CB}} \ vs \ x= \frac{\overline{CA}}{\overline{AB}} 。然而 x 卻是常見的『數線』。

Number line

In basic mathematics, a number line is a picture of a graduated straight line that serves as abstraction for real numbers, denoted by  \mathbb {R} . Every point of a number line is assumed to correspond to a real number, and every real number to a point.[1]

The integers are often shown as specially-marked points evenly spaced on the line. Although this image only shows the integers from −9 to 9, the line includes all real numbers, continuing forever in each direction, and also numbers not marked that are between the integers. It is often used as an aid in teaching simple addition and subtraction, especially involving negative numbers.

The number line

In advanced mathematics, the expressions real number line, or real line are typically used to indicate the above-mentioned concept that every point on a straight line corresponds to a single real number, and vice versa.


雖說 t, x 皆『無因次』︰






在數學上的『』和物理中之『』,其實是兩種『不同概念』。『物理量』是從『度量』而來,所以會擁有『度量單位』,比方講『時間︰秒』、『長度︰米』與『質量︰公斤』等等;然而『數學數』卻是『沒有單位』dimensionless 的,它屬於『抽象』之『』的概念,就像說從『三朵花』、『三個人』和『三件事』 …,得出了『』這個『』,那裡頭並沒有『朵‧個‧件』這些的單位。一八六零年代英國科學家馬克士威 Maxwell 及克耳文 Kelvin 提出『公分‧克‧秒』的 CGS 制,是第一個有連貫性的公制系統。一八七四年英國科學促進會 BAAS 正式推動此公制系統。這一個公制系統的特點是『密度』為 \frac{g}{{cm}^3},『』是達因 dyne,與『機械能』稱爾格 erg,將『熱能』的『單位』叫做卡路里定義為一克的水由溫度 15.5 °C 加溫至 16.5 °C 所需的熱量。由於 CGS 制在電學上有二套不同的單位系統,一者是靜電單位 ESU 制 ,另一者是電磁單位 EMU 制,這就造成了使用上的不方便。一八九三年在芝加哥舉行的國際電工代表大會 International Electrical Congress 使用基於『米‧公斤‧秒』的定義,重新定義電流單位『國際安培』。一九零一年時,義大利科學家喬吉‧喬望尼 Giovanni Giorg 發現假使增加一個電學的單位為基礎單位,可以解決電學單位不一致的問題,比方說『米‧公斤‧秒‧庫侖』 MKSC 制或是『米‧公斤‧秒‧安培』 MKSA 制。現今 MKS 國際單位制』是使用最廣的單位系統,從喬吉所提出的 『MKSA 制』延伸而得,其基礎單位為『米‧公 斤‧秒‧安培‧熱力學溫標‧燭光及莫耳』。在二零一一年十月舉行的第二十四屆國際度量衡大會已經提議更改四個基礎單位的定義,即將成為新國際單位制之定義,不過上述的修改並不會影響一般人的『單位使 用』。怪哉!遽聞至今『美國』都沒有採用 MKS 『國際標準制』!!

為什麼要討論『物理量』的『單位』呢?因為一般物理定律都用著『數學式』表達,萬一所計算的物理量發生了『 1 公斤  + 6 米 – 8 秒 』,這可能要比南宋著名禪宗大師大慧宗杲,是臨濟宗楊岐派第五代傳人,所提倡的『看話禪』── 舉個例說︰『萬法歸一,一歸何處?』── 還要『難參無解』。據說物理量使用單位的『因次分析』dimensional analysis 始於牛頓之『相似性原理』;就建立因次分析的現代意義用法上講,馬克士威是位重要的推手,他區分『質量』、『長度』、『時間』的度量單位為『基礎單位』,將其它單位歸類為『衍生單位』。十九世紀時法國數學家約瑟夫‧傅立葉 Joseph Fourier 洞悉了『物理定律』的『數學方程式』應當與度量物理量的『單位無關』。難道說一個人用『 □□ 制』單位,另一個人用『○○制』單位,他們的牛頓第二運動定律 \mathbf{F}=m\mathbf{a} 就因此會是『兩種』的嗎?假使兩人描述『同一』自然現象,在彼此使用的『單位換算』後,竟然能夠是『答案不同』的嗎??

─── 摘自《【Sonic π】聲波之傳播原理︰原理篇《四上》



pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3 Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11)  Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.  IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help      -> Python's own help system. object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.  In [1]: from sympy import symbols  In [2]: from sympy.plotting import plot  In [3]: x = symbols('x')  In [4]: 座標對應圖 = plot(x/(x-1), (x, -2, 2), ylim=(-10,10))  In [5]:  </pre>    <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-73897" src="座標對應圖.png" alt="" width="652" height="553" />     <span style="color: #666699;">只不過</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">\lim \limits_{x \to 1^{+}} \  \frac{x}{x-1} = t^{+} \to \ \infty</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">\lim \limits_{x \to 1^{-}} \  \frac{x}{x-1} = t^{-} \to \ -\infty</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">這可能嗎??</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">那麼</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">\lim \limits_{x \to \infty} \  \frac{x}{x-1} = t \to \ 1</span>  <span style="color: #666699;">\lim \limits_{x \to - \infty} \  \frac{x}{x-1} = t \to \ 1$



Cayley transform

In mathematics, the Cayley transform, named after Arthur Cayley, is any of a cluster of related things. As originally described by Cayley (1846), the Cayley transform is a mapping between skew-symmetric matrices and special orthogonal matrices. The transform is a homography used in real analysis, complex analysis, and quaternionic analysis. In the theory of Hilbert spaces, the Cayley transform is a mapping between linear operators (Nikol’skii 2001).

Real homography

The Cayley transform is an automorphism of the real projective line that permutes the elements of {1, 0, −1, ∞} in sequence. For example, it maps the positive real numbers to the interval [−1, 1]. Thus the Cayley transform is used to adapt Legendre polynomials for use with functions on the positive real numbers with Legendre rational functions.

As a real homography, points are described with homogeneous coordinates, and the mapping is

{\displaystyle (y,\ 1)=\left({\frac {x-1}{x+1}},\ 1\right)\sim (x-1,\ x+1)=(x,\ 1){\begin{pmatrix}1&1\\-1&1\end{pmatrix}}.}

Complex homography

In the complex projective plane the Cayley transform is:[1][2]

{\displaystyle f(z)={\frac {z-i}{z+i}}.}

Since {∞, 1, –1 } is mapped to {1, –i, i }, and Möbius transformations permute the generalised circles in the complex plane, f maps the real line to the unit circle. Furthermore, since f is continuous and i is taken to 0 by f, the upper half-plane is mapped to the unit disk.

In terms of the models of hyperbolic geometry, this Cayley transform relates the Poincaré half-plane model to the Poincaré disk model. In electrical engineering the Cayley transform has been used to map a reactance half-plane to the Smith chart used for impedance matching of transmission lines.

Cayley transform of upper complex half-plane to unit disk