

B_n(x) = \sum \limits_{k=0}^{n} \binom {n}k B_k x^{n-k} ,計算 B_n (0) 開始︰B_n(0) = \sum \limits_{k=0}^{n} \binom {n}k B_k 0^{n-k} = B_n \cdot 0^0 = B_n


B_n (1-x) = {(-1)}^n B_n (x), \ n \ge 0 ,那麼

B_{2k} (1) = B_{2k} (0) = B_{2k} , \ B_{2k+1} (1) = - B_{2k+1} (0) = - B_{2k+1}

因為白努利奇數B_1 = - \frac{1}{2} = B_1(0) 外,都是零 B_{2k+1} = 0 。且 B_0 (x) = 1 是個『常數函數』,故而 B_0 (1) = B_0 (0) = 1 ,所以

\therefore B_n (1) = B_n(0) , \ n \ge 0 , \ n \neq 1

假設 n \neq 1 ,如果我們用白努利多項式的定義直接計算 B_n (1)

= \sum \limits_{k=0}^{n} \binom {n}k B_k 1^{n-k} =  \sum \limits_{k=0}^{n} \binom {n}k B_k = B_n (0) = B_n

= \sum \limits_{k=0}^{n-1} \binom {n}k B_k + B_n =B_n

\therefore \sum \limits_{k=0}^{n-1} \binom {n}k B_k = 0 ,因此

\therefore \sum \limits_{k=0}^{n-2} \binom {n}k B_k  + \binom {n}{n-1} B_{n-1} = 0 。可以 m = n -1 將之改寫成『遞迴關係式

B_{m} = -\frac{1}{m+1} \sum \limits_{k=0}^{m-1} \binom {m+1}k B_k, \ m \ge 1 ,如是 n \neq 1 ,意味著 m \neq 0 ,妙哉! B_1 = -\frac{1}{1+1} B_0 = - \frac{1}{2} 也!!

不過用此『對稱公式』計算 B_n (\frac{1}{2}) ,對偶次白努利多項式無攸利吧! B_{2k} (\frac{1}{2}) = B_{2k} (\frac{1}{2}) 。但能知其為奇次白努利多項式之『根』哩! B_{2k+1} (\frac{1}{2}) = - B_{2k+1} (\frac{1}{2})


B_n^{'} (x) = n \cdot B_{n-1} (x) , \ n \ge 1



B_n (x+1) = B_n (x) +n x^{n-1}, \ n \ge 1

皆無助於求得 B_{2k} ( \frac{1}{2} ) 的『數值』正負大小或其與 B_n (0) 以及 B_n (1) 之『關係』乎?此所以『復製公式』

B_k (x) + B_k (x+\frac{1}{2}) = 2^{1-k} B_k (2x), \ k \ge 0


Multiplication theorem

In mathematics, the multiplication theorem is a certain type of identity obeyed by many special functions related to the gamma function. For the explicit case of the gamma function, the identity is a product of values; thus the name. The various relations all stem from the same underlying principle; that is, the relation for one special function can be derived from that for the others, and is simply a manifestation of the same identity in different guises.

Finite characteristic

The multiplication theorem takes two common forms. In the first case, a finite number of terms are added or multiplied to give the relation. In the second case, an infinite number of terms are added or multiplied. The finite form typically occurs only for the gamma and related functions, for which the identity follows from a p-adic relation over a finite field. For example, the multiplication theorem for the gamma function follows from the Chowla–Selberg formula, which follows from the theory of complex multiplication. The infinite sums are much more common, and follow from characteristic zero relations on the hypergeometric series.

The following tabulates the various appearances of the multiplication theorem for finite characteristic; the characteristic zero relations are given further down. In all cases, n and k are non-negative integers. For the special case of n = 2, the theorem is commonly referred to as the duplication formula.

Bernoulli polynomials

For the Bernoulli polynomials, the multiplication theorems were given by Joseph Ludwig Raabe in 1851:

k^{{1-m}}B_{m}(kx)=\sum _{{n=0}}^{{k-1}}B_{m}\left(x+{\frac {n}{k}}\right)

and for the Euler polynomials,

k^{{-m}}E_{m}(kx)=\sum _{{n=0}}^{{k-1}}(-1)^{n}E_{m}\left(x+{\frac {n}{k}}\right)\quad {\mbox{ for }}k=1,3,\dots


k^{{-m}}E_{m}(kx)={\frac {-2}{m+1}}\sum _{{n=0}}^{{k-1}}(-1)^{n}B_{{m+1}}\left(x+{\frac {n}{k}}\right)\quad {\mbox{ for }}k=2,4,\dots .

The Bernoulli polynomials may be obtained as a special case of the Hurwitz zeta function, and thus the identities follow from there.

※ 註︰恰是幾何級數等比數列關係

\sum \limits_{k=0}^{\infty} \left[ B_k (x) + B_k (x+\frac{1}{m}) + B_k (x+\frac{2}{m}) + \cdots + B_k (x+\frac{m-1}{m}) \right] \frac{t^k}{k!}

= \frac{t e^{xt}}{e^t - 1} + \frac{t e^{(x+\frac{1}{m})t}}{e^t - 1} + \frac{t e^{(x+\frac{2}{m})t}}{e^t - 1} + \cdots + \frac{t e^{(x+\frac{m-1}{m})t}}{e^t - 1}

= \frac{t e^{xt}}{e^t - 1} \left( 1 + e^{\frac{1}{m} t} + e^{\frac{2}{m} t}  + \cdots + e^{\frac{m-1}{m} t} \right)

= \frac{t e^{xt}}{e^t - 1} \left( \frac{e^t -1}{e^{\frac{1}{m} t} - 1}  \right)

= m \cdot \frac {( \frac{t}{m})  \cdot e^{(m \cdot x) \cdot  ( \frac{t}{m}) } }{e^{\frac{t}{m}} - 1}

= m \cdot \sum \limits_{k=0}^{\infty} B_k (m x) \frac{({\frac{t}{m})}^k}{k!}

= \sum \limits_{k=0}^{\infty} m^{1-k}B_k (m x) \frac{t^k}{k!}


\therefore B_k + B_k (\frac{1}{2}) = 2^{1-k} B_k 矣。豈非

B_k (\frac{1}{2}) = \left( 2^{1-k} - 1 \right) B_k 夫☆



















\sqrt[4]{-1} 之根




\pm \sqrt{x}



概念的由來並非是無根之木突然結果,自有歷史的淵源,比較像鐵樹開花,基礎之因和境遇之緣的偶遇,彷彿一道閃光劃破天際 ,於是人們就知道了雷聲不遠的了。

在『群論』 group theory 的歷史上,兩位重要的興起者,或許因為不同的環境因素,都發生不幸的早夭事件。其一是挪威數學家尼爾斯‧亨利克‧阿貝爾 Niels Henrik Abel 生於一八零二年,一八二五年得到政府之資助,始得遊學柏林和巴黎。由於生前不得志,現實裡一直無法獲得教席而能專心的研究,最終在一八二九年,因肺結核在 挪威的弗魯蘭病世。就在死後兩天,家中收到了來自柏林的聘書。阿貝爾他以證明五次方程式『不可能』用『多次方根形式\sqrt[n]{x} 的一般解與對於『橢圓函數論』的研究而聞名於世。

法國著名的數學家埃瓦里斯特‧伽羅瓦 Évariste Galois 生於一八一一年,當他還是十多歲的青年之時,他就已經發現了 N 次多項式可以用『根式解』的『充份必要條件』,這解決了長期困擾數學界的問題。伽羅瓦是第一個使用『』 group 這一個術語的人。據聞他是一位激進的共和主義者,在路易‧菲利普復辟的時期被捕入獄。一八三二年時,伽羅瓦於出獄後,在一次幾乎自殺式的決鬥中喪了命,此事件的起因引起了多方各種的揣測??在今天他與阿貝爾並稱為『現代群論』的創始人 。

過去大數學家『歐拉』曾經著書立論,強調新的數學常常是起源於『觀察』與『實驗』。那麼伽羅瓦和阿貝爾他們又在觀察『什麼』的呢?假使思考 N 階『多項式』和 N 次『方程式』的『融會處

P(x) = \sum \limits_{i=0}^{i=n} c_i \cdot x^i = 0 \ =?= \prod \limits_{k=1}^{k=n} x - x_k

,此處 c_i 是『有理數』,x_k 是對應的『』。

那麼當時果真已經證明了 N 次『方程式』就有 N 個解的嗎?其實並非如此,然而『三次』與『四次』方程式求解的一般的『方法』大概已經知道了。這又和『五次』方程式能不能求解有什麼關係的呢?就樣我們就從 \sqrt{2} 是『有理數』嗎開始,也許可以窺見一斑。為什麼說 \sqrt{2}不可能』是『有理數』的呢?因為它不可能『表達』成『有理數』的『形式\frac{p}{q},一般約定的說此處 pq 是整數而且互質。如果依據『歐幾里得』的證法,假使講一個有理數 Q 的『因式分解』,沒有任何一個『質因子次方』大於二 ── 其內沒有平方數 ──,那麼這個 \sqrt{Q} 也就必然不會是『有理數』的了。這又是為什麼呢?因為假設 \sqrt{Q} = \frac{p}{q},就可以得到 p^2 = q^2 \cdot Q,然而因為 p, q互質』,所以 p = k \cdot Q,而且 k, q 也『互質』,這樣又可以得到 q^2 = k^2 \cdot Q,因此 q = m Q  就一定是當然的了,於是 pq 就有了共同『因子Q,這卻產生了『假設矛盾』,因是之故,『歸謬』的得出了 \sqrt{Q} 不是『有理數』。那麼當我們談及 P(x) = x^2 -2 = 0 = (x + \sqrt{2})(x - \sqrt{2}) 時,這裡所說的『多項式』與『方程式』是一樣的嗎?它們的內在聯繫又是什麼的呢?

── 摘自《【Sonic π】電路學之補充《四》無窮小算術‧中下下‧上


為何繼續探究『白努利多項式序列』 B_n (x) 之『根』呢?


Appell sequence

In mathematics, an Appell sequence, named after Paul Émile Appell, is any polynomial sequence {pn(x)}n = 0, 1, 2, … satisfying the identity

  {d \over dx}p_{n}(x)=np_{{n-1}}(x),

and in which p0(x) is a non-zero constant.

Among the most notable Appell sequences besides the trivial example { xn } are the Hermite polynomials, the Bernoulli polynomials, and the Euler polynomials. Every Appell sequence is a Sheffer sequence, but most Sheffer sequences are not Appell sequences.

Equivalent characterizations of Appell sequences

The following conditions on polynomial sequences can easily be seen to be equivalent:

  • For n = 1, 2, 3, …,
  {d \over dx}p_{n}(x)=np_{{n-1}}(x)
and p0(x) is a non-zero constant;
  • For some sequence {cn}n = 0, 1, 2, … of scalars with c0 ≠ 0,
p_{n}(x)=\sum _{{k=0}}^{n}{n \choose k}c_{k}x^{{n-k}};
  • For the same sequence of scalars,
  p_{n}(x)=\left(\sum _{{k=0}}^{\infty }{c_{k} \over k!}D^{k}\right)x^{n},
  D={d \over dx};
  • For n = 0, 1, 2, …,
p_{n}(x+y)=\sum _{{k=0}}^{n}{n \choose k}p_{k}(x)y^{{n-k}}.


應是開拓者有所得乎?『真理』面前人人『平等』,『思路』之內各各『不同』。某人之『解題方法』果真是其人之『神經網絡』的『獨特通道』耶??抑或是來自於外乎其身的大千世界之『經驗』 也!難到不可是『生而知之』嗎!!故而令人『好奇』了☆

此所以說起『讀書學習』乙事!喜歡依著次序、按部就班,好乎?不好耶 ??作者反省反思之後,以為『各適其性』矣☆


因此直言曰︰那個『奇次』的白努利多項式,看來於 0\frac{1}{2}1 都是『其根』??!!


,首要就是『知道』如何計算 B_n (0), \ B_n (\frac{1}{2}) , \ B_n (1) 的呀!! ??












想談談『數學理解』這件事,先想到 □□、○○ 『理解』是何意?那『理解』一詞的『意義』將要如何『定義』呢??中文維基百科詞條這麼講︰





  1. 一個人如果能夠做到對天氣加以預測並對天氣的一些特點加以解釋等等之類的話,那麼,就說這個人理解了天氣。
  2. 如果一位精神病醫生知道某位病人的焦慮及其原因,並且能夠針對如何應對焦慮給予有益的忠告,那麼,就說這位精神病醫生理解了該病人的焦慮。
  3. 就某條命令來說,如果某個人知道這究竟是誰下達的命令,下令者的期望究竟是什麼以及該項命令是否合法或者說正當等等,那麼,就說這個人理解了這條命令。
  4. 如果一個人能夠清醒地某條消息所傳達的信息內容,那麼,就說這個人理解了其中的修辭論據或某種語言
  5. 如果一個人能夠利用某一數學概念解決問題,尤其是那些此前未曾見過的問題,那麼,就說這個人理解了這個數學概念。




Understanding is a psychological process related to an abstract or physical object, such as a person, situation, or message whereby one is able to think about it and use concepts to deal adequately with that object. Understanding is a relation between the knower and an object of understanding. Understanding implies abilities and dispositions with respect to an object of knowledge sufficient to support intelligent behavior.[1]

Understanding is often, though not always, related to learning concepts, and sometimes also the theory or theories associated with those concepts. However, a person may have a good ability to predict the behaviour of an object, animal or system — and therefore may, in some sense, understand it — without necessarily being familiar with the concepts or theories associated with that object, animal or system in their culture. They may, indeed, have developed their own distinct concepts and theories, which may be equivalent, better or worse than the recognised standard concepts and theories of their culture.



Shallow and deep

Someone who has a more sophisticated understanding, more predictively accurate understanding, and/or an understanding that allows them to make explanations that others commonly judge to be better, of something, is said to understand that thing “deeply”. Conversely, someone who has a more limited understanding of a thing is said to have a “shallow” understanding. However, the depth of understanding required to usefully participate in an occupation or activity may vary greatly.

For example, consider multiplication of integers. Starting from the most shallow level of understanding, we have (at least) the following possibilities:

  1. A small child may not understand what multiplication is, but may understand that it is a type of mathematics that they will learn when they are older at school. This is “understanding of context”; being able to put an as-yet not-understood concept into some kind of context. Even understanding that a concept is not part of one’s current knowledge is, in itself, a type of understanding (see the Dunning-Kruger effect), which is about people who do not have a good understanding of what they do not know.
  2. A slightly older child may understand that multiplication of two integers can be done, at least when the numbers are between 1 and 12, by looking up the two numbers in a times table. They may also be able to memorise and recall the relevant times table in order to answer a multiplication question such as “2 times 4 is what?”. This is a simple form of operational understanding; understanding a question well enough to be able to do the operations necessary to be able to find an answer.
  3. A yet older child may understand that multiplication of larger numbers can be done using a different method, such as long multiplication, or using a calculator. This is a more advanced form of operational understanding because it supports answering a wider range of questions of the same type.
  4. A teenager may understand that multiplication is repeated addition, but not understand the broader implications of this. For example, when their teacher refers to multiplying 6 by 3 as “adding 6 to itself 3 times”, they may understand that the teacher is talking about two entirely equivalent things. However, they might not understand how to apply this knowledge to implement multiplication as an algorithm on a computer using only addition and looping as basic constructs. This level of understanding is “understanding a definition” (or “understanding the definition” when a concept only has one definition).
  5. An teenager may also understand the mathematical idea of abstracting over individual whole numbers as variables, and how to efficiently (i.e. not via trial-and-error) solve algebraic equations involving multiplication by such variables, such as  {\displaystyle 2x=6}. This is “relational understanding”; understanding how multiplication relates to division.
  6. An undergraduate studying mathematics may come to learn that “the integers equipped with multiplication” is merely one example of a range of mathematical structures called monoids, and that theorems about monoids apply equally well to multiplication and other types of monoids.

For the purpose of operating a cash register at McDonald’s, a person does not need a very deep understanding of the multiplication involved in calculating the total price of two Big Macs. However, for the purpose of contributing to number theory research, a person would need to have a relatively deep understanding of multiplication — along with other relevant arithmetical concepts such as division and prime numbers.


『了解』耶?若是強要朔本追源,終究會遇到『天性』、『本能』這一類的『基元概念』哩!!所以作者假設『理解』 understand ,就是『理解中』 understanding ,就是『理解』加深『持續中』  understand-ing… ??宛如『領會』羅伯特‧里德『畫作』一樣︰

Robert Lewis Reid (1862-1939) at the Library of Congress

Robert Lewis Reid alternated between the easel & painting murals in public buildings. These at the Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress are worth note.








一個係數是整數的『多項式f(x) = \sum \limits_{i=0}^{n} c_i x^i 是一個在任何閉區間 [a, b] 裡『連續』而且於開區間 [a, b] 中『可微分』的『函數』,如果用『均值定理』來看所對應的 n 次『方程式f(x) = 0 的『\alpha ── 稱之為『代數數 ──,『劉維爾』證明了

如果『無理數\alpha 是一個 n 次『多項式』之根的『代數數』,那麼存在一個『實數A > 0,對於所有的『有理數\frac{p}{q}, \ p, q \in \mathbb{Z}, \ \wedge \ q > 0 都有

\left\vert \alpha - \frac{p}{q} \right\vert > \frac{A}{q^n}


既然 \alphaf(x) = 0 的一個『f(\alpha) = 0,假設除此之外它還有 \{ \alpha_1, \alpha_2, ..., \alpha_m \} 個與 \alpha 值不同的『』,考慮一個由 \alpha 構造的『閉區間[\alpha - 1, \alpha +1],由於 f^{\prime}(x) = \sum \limits_{i=1}^{n} c_i  \cdot i \cdot x^{i-1}  存在且連續,因此 | f^{\prime}(x) | 存在且連續,從『極值定理』可以知道 | f^{\prime}(x) | 在任何『閉區間』裡都有『極大值』,將 | f^{\prime}(x) |[\alpha - 1, \alpha +1] 中的『最大值』記作 M, | f^{\prime}(x) | \leq M,  \ x \in [\alpha - 1, \alpha +1]。讓我們選擇一個滿足 0 < A < \min \left(1, \frac{1}{M}, \left\vert \alpha - \alpha_1 \right\vert, \left\vert \alpha - \alpha_2 \right\vert, \ldots , \left\vert \alpha-\alpha_m \right\vert \right)A,『假使』有一個『有理數\frac{p}{q} 違背『劉維爾定理』,將會有 \left\vert \alpha - \frac{p}{q} \right\vert \le \frac{A}{q^n} \le A< \min\left(1, \frac{1}{M}, \left\vert \alpha - \alpha_1 \right\vert, \left\vert \alpha - \alpha_2 \right\vert, \ldots , \left\vert \alpha-\alpha_m \right\vert \right),此處 \frac{A}{q^n} \leq A 是因為『不等於零』的『正整數』至少是一。由於 A < 1A < | \alpha - \alpha_{i} |, i=1 \cdots m,因此 \frac{p}{q} \in [\alpha - 1, \alpha +1] 而且 \frac{p}{q} \notin \{ \alpha_1, \alpha_2, ..., \alpha_m \},也就是說 \frac{p}{q} 不是 f(x) 的『』,而且 f(x)\alpha 與  \frac{p}{q} 的『閉區間』內沒有『』,按照『均值定理』一定有一個 x_0 界於 \alpha 與  \frac{p}{q} 之間,使得 f(\alpha)-f(\frac{p}{q}) = (\alpha - \frac{p}{q}) \cdot f^{\prime}(x_0)。因為 f(\alpha) = 0f(\frac{p}{q}) \neq 0,所以可以將之改寫成 \left|\alpha -\frac{p}{q}\right |= \frac{\left | f(\alpha)- f(\tfrac{p}{q})\right |}{|f^{\prime}(x_0)|} = \left | \frac{f(\tfrac{p}{q})}{f^{\prime}(x_0)} \right |

由於 \left|f \left (\frac{p}{q} \right) \right| = \left| \sum \limits_{i=0}^n c_i p^i q^{-i} \right| = \frac{1}{q^n} \left| \sum \limits_{i=0}^n c_i p^i q^{n-i} \right | \ge \frac {1}{q^n},此處 \left| \sum \limits_{i=0}^n c_i p^i q^{n-i} \right | \ge 1 是因為 f(\frac{p}{q}) \neq 0 而『不等於零』的『正整數』至少是一。然而 \left| f^{\prime}(x_0) \right| \le M 以及 1/M > A,因此 \left | \alpha - \frac{p}{q} \right | = \left|\frac{f(\tfrac{p}{q})}{f'(x_0)}\right| \ge \frac{1}{Mq^n} > \frac{A}{q^n} \ge \left| \alpha - \frac{p}{q} \right|,產生了 \left | \alpha - \frac{p}{q} \right |  > \left | \alpha - \frac{p}{q} \right | 的『矛盾』,所以假使』有一個『有理數\frac{p}{q} 違背『劉維爾定理的『假設』不成立。


如果一個實數 w 滿足,對任何正整數 n ,都存在著整數 p, q ,其中 q > 1 而且『定然』的會有 0 < \left| w - \frac{p}{q} \right| < \frac{1}{q^{n}},如此我們就將此數 w 叫做『劉維爾數』。

假使一個『劉維爾數』  w 是一個『代數數』,那麼一定會有 \exists n \in \mathbb Z,  \ A > 0 \ \forall p, q \ q > 0, \ \left( \left\vert w - \frac{p}{q} \right\vert > \frac{A}{q^{n}} \right)。但因為它也是『劉維爾數』,所以當取滿足 \frac{1}{2^r} \le A 的正整數 r,並使 m = r + n ,一定存在整數 a, b 其中 b > 1 使得

\left| w - \frac{a}{b} \right| < \frac{1}{b^m} = \frac{1}{b^{r+n}} = \frac{1}{b^rb^n} \le \frac{1}{2^r} \frac{1}{b^n} \le \frac{A}{b^n}

,此處 \frac{1}{b^r} \le \frac{1}{2^r} 是由於 b > 1,因此 b \geq 2。然而這卻與『劉維爾定理』產生矛盾。所以『劉維爾數』的確是『超越數』的啊!!

─── 摘自《【Sonic π】電路學之補充《四》無窮小算術‧下























桃花源之美容易想像,桃花成林芳草落英怎不迷人!為何向路誌之不復得路呢?原居世外者自言︰不足為外人道也。無緣自是不得見的吧 。若問知性有美乎?果有,卻乏人問津?恐非無緣,怕是自己不想見哩!所以數學家到底在想些什麼?你非他,常常搞不懂也!不過就算是人非魚,有人能想出『出遊而從容,是魚之樂也。』? ?那麼數學家所樂真無法得之嗎!!








如何將之用 pyDatalog 語言『改寫重述』,使得可以用『程式』來執行『推理』,得到『答案』的呢?

─── 摘自《勇闖新世界︰ 《 pyDatalog 》 導引《十》豆鵝狐人之問題篇






class sympy.functions.combinatorial.numbers.bernoulli

Bernoulli numbers / Bernoulli polynomials

The Bernoulli numbers are a sequence of rational numbers defined by B_0 = 1 and the recursive relation (n > 0):

    \      / n + 1 \
0 =  )     |       | * B .
    /___   \   k   /    k
    k = 0

They are also commonly defined by their exponential generating function, which is x/(exp(x) – 1). For odd indices > 1, the Bernoulli numbers are zero.

The Bernoulli polynomials satisfy the analogous formula:

        \      / n \         n-k
B (x) =  )     |   | * B  * x   .
 n      /___   \ k /    k
        k = 0

Bernoulli numbers and Bernoulli polynomials are related as B_n(0) = B_n.

We compute Bernoulli numbers using Ramanujan’s formula:

                         / n + 3 \
B   =  (A(n) - S(n))  /  |       |
 n                       \   n   /

where A(n) = (n+3)/3 when n = 0 or 2 (mod 6), A(n) = -(n+3)/6 when n = 4 (mod 6), and:

       \      /  n + 3  \
S(n) =  )     |         | * B
       /___   \ n - 6*k /    n-6*k
       k = 1

This formula is similar to the sum given in the definition, but cuts 2/3 of the terms. For Bernoulli polynomials, we use the formula in the definition.

  • bernoulli(n) gives the nth Bernoulli number, B_n
  • bernoulli(n, x) gives the nth Bernoulli polynomial in x, B_n(x)

See also

bell, catalan, euler, fibonacci, harmonic, lucas


[R91] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_number
[R92] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_polynomial
[R93] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BernoulliNumber.html
[R94] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BernoulliPolynomial.html



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In [1]: from sympy import *

In [2]: from sympy.plotting import plot

In [3]: init_printing()

In [4]: x = symbols('x')

In [5]: bernoulli(5,x)
        4      3    
 5   5⋅x    5⋅x    x
x  - ──── + ──── - ─
      2      3     6

In [6]: plot(bernoulli(5,x), (x, -1,2), ylim = (-0.5, 0.5))
Out[6]: <sympy.plotting.plot.Plot at 0x74d0cad0>

In [7]: solve(bernoulli(5,x))
⎡           1   √21    √21   1⎤
⎢0, 1/2, 1, ─ + ───, - ─── + ─⎥
⎣           2    6      6    2⎦

In [8]: 












時間序列︰生成函數‧漸近展開︰白努利 □○《十後》

『提問』其實不容易,『破題』往往費思量。若說整體部份能自洽 ,或得止觀觀止會通處耶?

以《止觀》來《觀止》,自能了解『整體』與『部份』的『自洽性』。就像拼圖』、數獨』以及燈謎』一樣,所求總在『整體』和『部份』之『契合』裡。這樣容易明白,一九七二年英國獨立的科學家、環保主義者和未來學家詹姆斯‧洛夫洛克 James Lovelock 提出的『蓋亞假說』 Gaia hypothesis ︰




該觀點於 1972 年首次提出,主流科學家主要以其不夠嚴密為由堅決拒絕接受。 1981 年,這一觀點首次得到支持。當時,洛夫洛克創造出計算機模擬的反射或吸收太陽輻射的白色或黑色雛菊世界。由於雛菊的數量隨著普遍的表面溫度變化而相對改變,因此雛菊群維持全球氣溫均衡。此後,更多生物多樣性的複合模型提高了該系統的穩定性


□︰ 『求解問題』有樂趣?『止觀觀止』能休閒嗎??

○︰ 煩惱即菩提







‧ …… N. A.


─── 摘自《M♪o 之 TinyIoT ︰ 《破題》



試求白努利多項式在單位閉區間 (k+1) - k = 1 之積分

\int_{k}^{k+1} B_n (x) dx

倘知 B_n^{'} (x) = n \cdot B_{n-1} (x), \ n \ge 1 ,可用

= \frac{1}{n+1} \int_{k}^{k+1} \frac{ d \ B_{n+1} (x) }{dx} dx

= \frac{1}{n+1} \cdot B_{n+1} (x) \left.  \right|_{k}^{k+1}

若知 B_n (x+1) = B_n (x) + n \cdot x^{n-1} ,能得

=  \frac{1}{n+1} \left( B_{n+1} (k+1) - B_{n+1} (k) \right)

= \frac{1}{n+1} \left( (n+1) k^{n} \right)

= k^n



Representation by an integral operator

The Bernoulli polynomials are the unique polynomials determined by

  \int_x^{x+1} B_n(u)\,du = x^n.

The integral transform

  (Tf)(x) = \int_x^{x+1} f(u)\,du

on polynomials f, simply amounts to


This can be used to produce the inversion formulae below.



The asymptotics for the number of real roots of the Bernoulli polynomials

A new short clear proof of the asymptotics for the number cn of real roots of the Bernoulli polynomials Bn(x), as well as for the maximal root yn:

y_n = \frac{n}{2 \pi e} + \frac{\ln (n)}{4 \pi e} + O(1) and c_n = \frac{2 n}{\pi e} + \frac{\ln (n)}{\pi e} + O(1)

Comments: 5 pages, 4 figures, rearranged figures
Subjects: Number Theory (math.NT)
MSC classes: 11B68; 11B83
Cite as: arXiv:math/0606361 [math.NT]
  (or arXiv:math/0606361v2 [math.NT] for this version)

Submission history

From: Alexander Efimov [view email]
[v1] Thu, 15 Jun 2006 14:24:45 GMT (5kb)
[v2] Fri, 16 Jun 2006 06:03:55 GMT (5kb)

The asymptotics for the number of real roots of the Bernoulli polynomials