
由於矩陣乘法 Matrix multiplication 符合『結合律』 Associative︰

Properties of the matrix product (any number)

The same properties will hold, as long as the ordering of matrices is not changed. Some of the previous properties for more than two matrices generalize as follows.

  1. Associative:
    The matrix product is associative. If three matrices A, B, and C are respectively m × p, p × q, and q × r matrices, then there are two ways of grouping them without changing their order, and

    \mathbf {ABC} =\mathbf {A} (\mathbf {BC} )=(\mathbf {AB} )\mathbf {C}

    is an m × r matrix.
    If four matrices A, B, C, and D are respectively m × p, p × q, q × r, and r × s matrices, then there are five ways of grouping them without changing their order, and

    \mathbf {ABCD} =((\mathbf {AB} )\mathbf {C} )\mathbf {D} =(\mathbf {A} (\mathbf {BC} ))\mathbf {D} =\mathbf {A} ((\mathbf {BC} )\mathbf {D} )=\mathbf {A} (\mathbf {B} (\mathbf {CD} ))=(\mathbf {AB} )(\mathbf {CD} )

    is an m × s matrix.
    In general, the number of possible ways of grouping n matrices for multiplication is equal to the (n − 1)th Catalan number

  2. Trace:The trace of a product of n matrices A1, A2, …, An is invariant under cyclic permutations of the matrices in the product:
    \mathrm {tr} (\mathbf {A} _{1}\mathbf {A} _{2}\mathbf {A} _{3}\ldots \mathbf {A} _{n-2}\mathbf {A} _{n-1}\mathbf {A} _{n})=\mathrm {tr} (\mathbf {A} _{2}\mathbf {A} _{3}\mathbf {A} _{4}\ldots \mathbf {A} _{n-1}\mathbf {A} _{n}\mathbf {A} _{1})=\mathrm {tr} (\mathbf {A} _{3}\mathbf {A} _{4}\mathbf {A} _{5}\ldots \mathbf {A} _{n}\mathbf {A} _{1}\mathbf {A} _{2})=\ldots
  3. Determinant:For square matrices only, the determinant of a product is the product of determinants:
    \det \left(\prod _{i=1}^{n}\mathbf {A} _{i}\right)=\prod _{i=1}^{n}\det \left(\mathbf {A} _{i}\right)

所以我們可以藉著物理意義、結構目的及不同主點面參考系為結合單元組構複雜光學矩陣,探究設計理念,闡述成像條件也。其實這正是矩陣光學能夠化繁為簡,清楚明白表達事理的重要原因。或許因為看來十分平常,應該不說自明,通常教科書裡很少提及!正因同一光學矩陣在不同視角下,可能變換其組合形式,為著減少誤解 ,方便閱讀 □○ 起見,特以角膜為範例演示此義,以利後續文本之鋪陳矣。


角膜 = 角膜後緣 * 角膜厚度 * 角膜前緣


pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3 Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11)  Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.  IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help      -> Python's own help system. object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.  In [1]: from sympy import *  In [2]: from sympy.physics.optics import FreeSpace, FlatRefraction, ThinLens, GeometricRay, CurvedRefraction  In [3]: R1, R2, d, N, n, m = symbols('R1, R2, d, N, n, m')  In [4]: init_printing()  In [5]: 角膜前緣 = CurvedRefraction(R1, n, N)  In [6]: 角膜前緣 Out[6]:  ⎡  1     0⎤ ⎢         ⎥ ⎢-N + n  n⎥ ⎢──────  ─⎥ ⎣ N⋅R₁   N⎦  In [7]: 角膜厚度 = FreeSpace(d)  In [8]: 角膜厚度 Out[8]:  ⎡1  d⎤ ⎢    ⎥ ⎣0  1⎦  In [9]: 角膜後緣 = CurvedRefraction(R2, N, m)  In [10]: 角膜後緣 Out[10]:  ⎡  1    0⎤ ⎢        ⎥ ⎢N - m  N⎥ ⎢─────  ─⎥ ⎣ R₂⋅m  m⎦  In [11]: 角膜 = 角膜後緣 * 角膜厚度 * 角膜前緣  In [12]: 角膜 Out[12]:  ⎡             d⋅(-N + n)                  d⋅n       ⎤ ⎢         1 + ──────────                  ───       ⎥ ⎢                N⋅R₁                      N        ⎥ ⎢                                                   ⎥ ⎢                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞    ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞⎥ ⎢        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟  n⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟⎥ ⎢N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠    ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠⎥ ⎢───── + ────────────────────────  ─────────────────⎥ ⎣ R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁                    N        ⎦  In [13]:  </pre>    <span style="color: #003300;">【主平面表述】</span>  <span style="color: #808080;">主平面角膜表達式 = 後主平面 * 角膜 * 前主平面</span>  <span style="color: #808080;">= 後主平面 * 角膜後緣 * 角膜厚度 * 角膜前緣 * 前主平面</span>  <span style="color: #003300;">用前、後主平面作參考系,角膜光學矩陣表述可以簡化為</span>  \left( \begin{array}{cc}
1 &  0  \\
- \frac{1}{f} & \frac{n}{m} \end{array} \right) 此處-\frac{1}{f}= 主平面角膜表達式.C 。 <pre class="lang:python decode:true">In [13]: 前主平面 = FreeSpace((n/m - 角膜.D) / 角膜.C)  In [14]: 前主平面 Out[14]:  ⎡              ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞      ⎤ ⎢            n⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟      ⎥ ⎢        n     ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠      ⎥ ⎢        ─ - ─────────────────      ⎥ ⎢        m           N              ⎥ ⎢1  ────────────────────────────────⎥ ⎢                    ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞⎥ ⎢           (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟⎥ ⎢   N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠⎥ ⎢   ───── + ────────────────────────⎥ ⎢    R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁          ⎥ ⎢                                   ⎥ ⎣0                 1                ⎦  In [15]: 後主平面 = FreeSpace((1 - 角膜.A) / 角膜.C)  In [16]: 後主平面 Out[16]:  ⎡                 -d⋅(-N + n)              ⎤ ⎢1  ───────────────────────────────────────⎥ ⎢        ⎛                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞⎞⎥ ⎢        ⎜        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟⎟⎥ ⎢        ⎜N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠⎟⎥ ⎢   N⋅R₁⋅⎜───── + ────────────────────────⎟⎥ ⎢        ⎝ R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁          ⎠⎥ ⎢                                          ⎥ ⎣0                     1                   ⎦  In [17]: 主平面角膜表達式 = 後主平面 * 角膜 * 前主平面  In [18]: 主平面角膜表達式.A Out[18]: 1  In [19]: 主平面角膜表達式.B.simplify() Out[19]: 0  In [20]: 主平面角膜表達式.C Out[20]:                   ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞         (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟ N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠ ───── + ────────────────────────  R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁            In [21]: 主平面角膜表達式.D Out[21]:  n ─ m  In [22]:  </pre>    <span style="color: #003300;">【焦平面表述】</span>  <span style="color: #808080;">焦平面角膜表達式 = 後焦平面 * 主平面角膜表達式 * 前焦平面</span>  <span style="color: #808080;">= 後焦平面 *後主平面 * 角膜後緣 * 角膜厚度 * 角膜前緣 * 前主平面* 前焦平面</span>  <span style="color: #003300;">按造《<a style="color: #003300;" href="http://www.freesandal.org/?p=58020">光的世界︰矩陣光學六丙</a>》文本所說的前、後焦點之求法,可得</span>  <span style="color: #003300;">前焦距 =\frac{n}{m} f</span>  <span style="color: #003300;">後焦距 =f。</span>  <span style="color: #003300;">再依據《<a style="color: #003300;" href="http://www.freesandal.org/?p=58227">光的世界︰矩陣光學六己</a>》文本焦、焦面之解法,給出</span>  <span style="color: #003300;"> </span> \left( \begin{array}{cc}
0 & \frac{n}{m} f \\
- \frac{1}{f} & 0 \end{array} \right) <span style="color: #003300;">這個焦、焦式。</span> <pre class="lang:python decode:true ">In [22]: 前焦平面 = FreeSpace(- n/(m * 主平面角膜表達式.C))  In [23]: 前焦平面 Out[23]:  ⎡                   -n                  ⎤ ⎢1  ────────────────────────────────────⎥ ⎢     ⎛                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞⎞⎥ ⎢     ⎜        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟⎟⎥ ⎢     ⎜N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠⎟⎥ ⎢   m⋅⎜───── + ────────────────────────⎟⎥ ⎢     ⎝ R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁          ⎠⎥ ⎢                                       ⎥ ⎣0                   1                  ⎦  In [24]: 後焦平面 = FreeSpace(-1/主平面角膜表達式.C)  In [25]: 後焦平面 Out[25]:  ⎡                 -1                ⎤ ⎢1  ────────────────────────────────⎥ ⎢                    ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞⎥ ⎢           (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟⎥ ⎢   N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠⎥ ⎢   ───── + ────────────────────────⎥ ⎢    R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁          ⎥ ⎢                                   ⎥ ⎣0                 1                ⎦  In [26]: 焦平面角膜表達式 = 後焦平面 * 主平面角膜表達式 * 前焦平面  In [27]: 焦平面角膜表達式.A.simplify() Out[27]: 0  In [28]: 焦平面角膜表達式.B.simplify() Out[28]:                             N⋅R₁⋅R₂⋅n                             ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────    2       2       2                                             - N ⋅R₁ + N ⋅R₂ + N ⋅d + N⋅R₁⋅m - N⋅R₂⋅n - N⋅d⋅m - N⋅d⋅n + d⋅m⋅n  In [29]: 焦平面角膜表達式.C.simplify() Out[29]:  N⋅R₁⋅(N - m) - (N - n)⋅(N⋅R₂ + d⋅(N - m)) ─────────────────────────────────────────                 N⋅R₁⋅R₂⋅m                  In [30]: 焦平面角膜表達式.D.simplify() Out[30]: 0  In [31]:  </pre>    <span style="color: #003300;">讀者自可驗證牛頓成像公式為</span>  <span style="color: #003300;">x \cdot x' =  \frac{n}{m} f \cdot f的吧!! </span>  <span style="color: #808080;">但思『焦、焦』面『參考系』︰</span>  <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-58035" src="http://www.freesandal.org/wp-content/uploads/牛頓成像公式.png" alt="牛頓成像公式" width="1310" height="581" />  <span style="color: #808080;">可用牛頓成像公式︰</span>  <span style="color: #003300;">x \cdot x' = FFL * BFL$ 。

─── 摘自《光的世界︰矩陣光學六己



焦平面角膜表達式 = [後焦平面 *後主平面] * [角膜後緣 * 角膜厚度 * 角膜前緣] * [前主平面* 前焦平面]















n_{in} \cdot \sin ( {\theta}_{in} ) = n_{out} \cdot \sin ( {\theta}_{out} )



惠金斯原理表明,波前的每一點可以視為產生球面次波的點波源,而以後任何時刻的波前則可看作是正切這些次波的包絡。假設傳播速度為  v的波前,在時間  t=0為平面,在這波前的每一點所產生的球面次波,在時間 t=\Delta t已傳播了距離  v\Delta t,由於正切這些球面次波的包絡只能為平面,所以波前在時間  t+\Delta t為平面。波前傳播的方向垂直於這兩個相互平行的平面。





如上圖所示,光波從介質1傳播進入介質2,其入射角、折射角分別為  \theta_1  \theta_2,傳播速度分別為  v_1v_2,假設  v_1>v_2。在時間  t_{j}時,光波的波前會包含點  A_{j}和點  B_{j}的位置,標記這時的波前為 \overline {A_{j}B_{j}}。假設時間  t_{j}  t_{{j+1}}之間的間隔為常數  \Delta t,則以下幾個直線段之間的長度相等關係成立:

A_{0}A_{1}=B_{0}B_{1}=B_{1}B_{2}=B_{2}B_{3}=v_{1}\Delta t
A_{1}A_{2}=A_{2}A_{3}=A_{3}A_{4}=B_{3}B_{4}=v_{2}\Delta t

從波前  \overline {A_{1}B_{1}}的每一個點波源發射出的球面次波,分別在介質1、介質2的傳播速度為  v_1  v_2  \overline {A_{2}B_{2}}必須正切這些球面次波。特別而言,在時間間隔  \Delta t之後,波前  \overline {A_{2}B_{2}}在介質1的部分必須平行於相距 v_{1}\Delta t的波前  \overline {A_{1}B_{1}},而波前  \overline {A_{2}B_{2}}在介質2的部分必須正切從點波源  A_{1}發射出的半徑為  v_{2}\Delta t的球面次波。所以,在通過界面時,會出現彎曲的波前  \overline {A_{2}B_{2}}

由於光波傳播的方向垂直於波前,所以在介質1、介質2裏,波前與界面之間的夾角分別等於入射角  \theta_1、折射角  \theta_2。直線段長度  B_{1}B_{3}  A_{1}A_{3}之間的關係為

B_{1}B_{3}/\sin \theta _{1}=A_{1}B_{3}=A_{1}A_{3}/\sin \theta _{2}

  {\frac {v_{1}}{\sin \theta _{1}}}={\frac {v_{2}}{\sin \theta _{2}}}

應用折射率  n的定義式:

n\ {\stackrel {def}{=}}\ c/v

其中,  c光速



其中,  n_{1}  n_{2}分別為介質1、介質2的折射率


假設對某系統整體做一個平移之後,這系統仍舊保持不變,則稱此系統具有平移對稱性。從平移對稱性,可以推導出司乃耳定律。[10]這是建立於橫向均勻界面不能改變橫向動量的道理。由於波向量 k = {\mathbf {k}}=(k_{x},k_{y},k_{z})光子的動量成正比,假設介質1、介質2的界面垂直於z-方向,則在介質1、介質2裏的光波橫向傳播方向必須保持不變:



  k_{1}\sin \theta _{1}=k_{2}\sin \theta _{2}

應用折射率  n的定義式:

  n\ {\stackrel {def}{=}}\ {\frac {c}{v}}={\frac {ck}{\omega }}

其中,  \omega 是光波的角頻率





\frac{ \sin ( {\theta}_{in} ) }{{\lambda}_{in}} = \frac{\sin ( {\theta}_{out} )}{{\lambda}_{out}}

,在介質裡以『波長』為尺度,相對於真空中光速是『常數』 c ,所表達的意涵。這也就是



\frac{1}{\frac{D_{in}}{N_{in}}} + \frac{1}{\frac{I_{out}}{N_{out}}} = \frac{1}{\frac{R}{N_{out} - N_{in}}}


可知在此環境中角膜之行列式不等於 1 ,而是 \frac{n}{m} ,將要如何應用《光的世界︰矩陣光學六戊》方法將之化簡成『薄透鏡』呢??或者能否化約為

  \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 &  0  \\ - \frac{1}{f_{eff}} & \frac{n}{m} \end{array} \right)



  \left( \begin{array}{cc} \frac{n}{m} &  0  \\ - \frac{1}{f_{eff}} & 1 \end{array} \right)



pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3 Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11)  Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.  IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help      -> Python's own help system. object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.  In [1]: from sympy import *  In [2]: from sympy.physics.optics import FreeSpace, FlatRefraction, ThinLens, GeometricRay, CurvedRefraction  In [3]: R1, R2, d, N, n, m = symbols('R1, R2, d, N, n, m')  In [4]: init_printing()  In [5]: 角膜前緣 = CurvedRefraction(R1, n, N)  In [6]: 角膜厚度 = FreeSpace(d)  In [7]: 角膜後緣 = CurvedRefraction(R2, N, m)  In [8]: 角膜 = 角膜後緣 * 角膜厚度 * 角膜前緣  In [9]: 前主平面 = FreeSpace((1 - 角膜.D) / 角膜.C)  In [10]: 後主平面 = FreeSpace((n/m - 角膜.A) / 角膜.C)  In [11]: 主平面角膜表達式 = 後主平面 * 角膜 * 前主平面  In [12]: 主平面角膜表達式.A Out[12]:  n ─ m  In [13]: 主平面角膜表達式.B.simplify() Out[13]: 0  In [14]: 主平面角膜表達式.C Out[14]:                   ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞         (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟ N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠ ───── + ────────────────────────  R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁            In [15]: 主平面角膜表達式.D Out[15]: 1  In [16]:  </pre>    <span style="color: #003300;">但請思索下面文字︰</span>  假使分解光之『折線圖』的構成,可得『線段』和『轉折點』,那『線段』表示光在『彼介質』中『直行』也,這『轉折點』說明光『此處』發生『反射』或 『折射』,而後在『此介質』裡『直行』矣。一個『光學元件』、『光學系統』通常有其物體的『邊界』,如果知道『輸入面』與『輸出面』間 之光線的『行徑關係』,如是這個『光學元件』、『光學系統』的行為就確定了。由於參照自身『邊界面』的原故,因此與其座落『光軸』之何處無關耶??!!事 實上『光軸座標系』乃是一系列『面』與『面』間『相對』位置關係,甚至和『光學元件』、『光學系統』之物體大小不必相涉矣 !!??  知此而後知 Justin Peatross 與 Michael Ware 先生們之大哉論也︰  <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-57290" src="http://www.freesandal.org/wp-content/uploads/近軸近似.png" alt="近軸近似" width="832" height="329" />  <span style="color: #003300;">三種基本『光學元素』︰均勻介質裡直線行、球面反射、球面折射的『效應矩陣』足以組成任意複雜之光學成像系統,能夠構造整體『矩陣光學』的了!!!</span>  ─── 摘自《<a href="http://www.freesandal.org/?p=57221">光的世界︰矩陣光學三‧下</a>》     <span style="color: #003300;">若說此時此地發生反射或折射,那個位置在此刻能夠改變嗎?因此才選擇單純屈光作用的矣!</span>  <span style="color: #003300;">進而想想角膜成像將如何作表達 </span> <pre class="lang:python decode:true ">pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3
Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11) 
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IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
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In [1]: from sympy import *

In [2]: from sympy.physics.optics import FreeSpace, FlatRefraction, ThinLens, GeometricRay, CurvedRefraction, RayTransferMatrix

In [3]: init_printing()

In [4]: Nin, f, Nout, Din, Iout, Rin, Rout, Nf, t = symbols('Nin, f, Nout, Din, Iout, Rin, Rout, Nf, t')

In [5]: 角膜前緣 = CurvedRefraction(Rin, Nin, Nf)

In [6]: 角膜厚度 = FreeSpace(t)

In [7]: 角膜後緣 = CurvedRefraction(Rout, Nf, Nout)

In [8]: 角膜 = 角膜後緣 * 角膜厚度 * 角膜前緣

In [9]: 角膜.C
                        ⎛ Nf    t⋅(Nf - Nout)⎞
            (-Nf + Nin)⋅⎜──── + ─────────────⎟
Nf - Nout               ⎝Nout     Nout⋅Rout  ⎠
───────── + ──────────────────────────────────
Nout⋅Rout                 Nf⋅Rin              

In [10]: 角膜等效矩陣 = RayTransferMatrix(1, 0, -1/f, Nin/Nout)

In [11]: 角膜等效矩陣
⎡ 1    0  ⎤
⎢         ⎥
⎢-1   Nin ⎥
⎢───  ────⎥
⎣ f   Nout⎦

In [12]: 角膜等效矩陣成像 = FreeSpace(Iout) * 角膜等效矩陣 * FreeSpace(Din)

In [13]: 角膜等效矩陣成像
⎡  Iout          ⎛  Iout    ⎞   Iout⋅Nin⎤
⎢- ──── + 1  Din⋅⎜- ──── + 1⎟ + ────────⎥
⎢   f            ⎝   f      ⎠     Nout  ⎥
⎢                                       ⎥
⎢   -1                Din   Nin         ⎥
⎢   ───             - ─── + ────        ⎥
⎣    f                 f    Nout        ⎦

In [14]: ((角膜等效矩陣成像.B.expand() / (Din * Iout)).expand() * Nout).expand()Out[14]: 
  Nout   Nout   Nin
- ──── + ──── + ───
   f     Iout   Din

In [15]: 

















某種介質的折射率n 等於光在真空中的速度c 跟光在介質中的相速度v 之比:

  n={\frac {c}{v}}


歷史上,折射率最早出現在折射定律中, n1sinθ1= n2sinθ2, 其中,θ1θ2分別是光在介質界面上的入射角和折射角,兩種介質的折射率分別是n1n2


的呢?若非空氣的折射率為 \approx 1.0003 ,近乎真空,司乃耳定律 n_{in} \cdot \sin ( {\theta}_{in} ) = n_{out} \cdot \sin ( {\theta}_{out} ) 就不成立耶!難到人工製造的


負折射率超材料負折射率材料NIM)是一種人造光學結構,它的折射率對於一定頻率範圍內的電磁波是負值[1]。目前沒有任何天然材料擁有這一屬性。廣義地說,超材料可以指任何合成材料,但一般上指的是擁有負折射率的一類材料,這些材料具有不尋常的光學屬性和奇異的性質。[2]負折射率超材料由基本結構單元周期性排列構成,基本結構單元稱為單胞,單胞的大小明顯小於光的波長 。單胞在實驗室最早由印刷電路板材料製成,即由導線和電介質製成。通常情況下,這些人工製備的單胞按特定的重複形式堆疊或在平面上排列起來,組成單個的超材料。

負折射率超材料的單胞對光的響應是在構築材料之前預先設計好的 ,材料總的對光的響應主要由單胞的幾何形狀決定,行為與其組分對光的響應有著根本的不同。超材料是「從下到上合成的有序宏觀材料」,具有其組分所不具有的湧現性質。[3]

負折射率超材料與以下術語為同義語:左手材料或左手介質(LHM)、後向波(BW)介質、雙負性(DNG)材料超材料等 [2]








A split-ring resonator array arranged to produce a negative index of refraction, constructed of copper split-ring resonators and wires mounted on interlocking sheets of fiberglass circuit board.
The total array consists of 3 by 20×20 unit cells with overall dimensions of 10×100×100 milimeters.[4][5] The height of 10 milimeters measures a little more than six subdivision marks on the ruler, which is marked in inches.
Credit: NASA Glenn Research Center.




真能超越物理之法則乎??!!果然海王子的世界不服從幾何光學費馬原理的嗎!!??雖然 □□ 中心之說法淵源久遠矣,用  ○○ 作主幹的文字也汗牛充棟的也,奈何還問為何人類需要人權宣言的哩??恰逢講『相對折射率』時,談這『相對度量』的了!!

假使將一個絕對折射率為 N 的『厚透鏡』 ,置入絕對折射率為 n 之液體中,那麼『成像法則』將如何變化的呢?!無論假借哪種形式表述司乃耳定律

\frac{n_{in}}{n_{out}}  \cdot \sin ( {\theta}_{in} ) =  \sin ( {\theta}_{out} )


\sin ( {\theta}_{in} ) = \frac{n_{out}}{n_{in}} \cdot \sin ( {\theta}_{out} )


\frac{n_{in}}{n_{out}}  = \left(  \frac{\frac{n_{in}}{n_{\Box}}}{\frac{n_{out}}{n_{\Box}}} \right)



pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3 Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11)  Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.  IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help      -> Python's own help system. object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.  In [1]: from sympy import *  In [2]: from sympy.physics.optics import FreeSpace, FlatRefraction, ThinLens, GeometricRay, CurvedRefraction  In [3]: R1, R2, d, N, n, m = symbols('R1, R2, d, N, n, m')  In [4]: init_printing()  In [5]: 厚透鏡左R1面 = CurvedRefraction(R1, n, N)  In [6]: 厚透鏡厚度d = FreeSpace(d)  In [7]: 厚透鏡右R2面 = CurvedRefraction(R2, N, n)  In [8]: 厚透鏡 = 厚透鏡右R2面 * 厚透鏡厚度d * 厚透鏡左R1面  In [9]: 厚透鏡 Out[9]:  ⎡             d⋅(-N + n)                  d⋅n       ⎤ ⎢         1 + ──────────                  ───       ⎥ ⎢                N⋅R₁                      N        ⎥ ⎢                                                   ⎥ ⎢                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - n)⎞    ⎛N   d⋅(N - n)⎞⎥ ⎢        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟  n⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟⎥ ⎢N - n            ⎝n      R₂⋅n  ⎠    ⎝n      R₂⋅n  ⎠⎥ ⎢───── + ────────────────────────  ─────────────────⎥ ⎣ R₂⋅n             N⋅R₁                    N        ⎦  In [10]: 厚透鏡.det().simplify() Out[10]: 1  In [11]: 厚透鏡.C Out[11]:                   ⎛N   d⋅(N - n)⎞         (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟ N - n            ⎝n      R₂⋅n  ⎠ ───── + ────────────────────────  R₂⋅n             N⋅R₁            In [12]: 厚透鏡.C.expand() Out[12]:   N      N       N⋅d     1    1     2⋅d      d⋅n   ──── - ──── - ─────── - ── + ── + ───── - ─────── R₂⋅n   R₁⋅n   R₁⋅R₂⋅n   R₂   R₁   R₁⋅R₂   N⋅R₁⋅R₂  In [13]:  </pre>    <span style="color: #003300;">再引用《<a style="color: #003300;" href="http://www.freesandal.org/?p=57390">光的世界︰矩陣光學六甲</a>》文本造鏡者方程式之簡化法,</span>  <span style="color: #003300;">假設n_r= \frac{N}{n} ,將之改寫為 </span>  <span style="color: #808080;"> </span>-(n_r - 1) \left( \frac{1}{R_1} - \frac{1}{R_2} + \frac{(n_r - 1) d}{n_r R_1 R_2} \right) 。  故知當N \approx n時,n_r \approx 1,此時焦距將趨近\infty的了。  由於房水、玻璃體之存在,角膜所處的環境更加複雜,實界於不同折射率介質之間。但從相對折射率比值n_r - 1的大小,也能曉為何天空海底所見大不同了。  假設房水的折射率是m,從下面計算 <pre class="lang:python decode:true">In [13]: 角膜前緣 = CurvedRefraction(R1, n, N)  In [14]: 角膜厚度 = FreeSpace(d)  In [15]: 角膜後緣 = CurvedRefraction(R2, N, m)  In [16]: 角膜 = 角膜後緣 * 角膜厚度 * 角膜前緣  In [17]: 角膜 Out[17]:  ⎡             d⋅(-N + n)                  d⋅n       ⎤ ⎢         1 + ──────────                  ───       ⎥ ⎢                N⋅R₁                      N        ⎥ ⎢                                                   ⎥ ⎢                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞    ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞⎥ ⎢        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟  n⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟⎥ ⎢N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠    ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠⎥ ⎢───── + ────────────────────────  ─────────────────⎥ ⎣ R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁                    N        ⎦  In [18]: 角膜.C Out[18]:                   ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞         (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟ N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠ ───── + ────────────────────────  R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁            In [19]: 角膜.det().simplify() Out[19]:  n ─ m  In [20]:  </pre>    <span style="color: #003300;">可知在此環境中角膜之行列式不等於1,而是\frac{n}{m},將要如何應用《<a style="color: #003300;" href="http://www.freesandal.org/?p=58169">光的世界︰矩陣光學六戊</a>》方法將之化簡成『薄透鏡』呢??或者能否化約為</span>  \left( \begin{array}{cc}
1 &  0  \\
- \frac{1}{f_{eff}} & \frac{n}{m} \end{array} \right) <span style="color: #003300;">類似球面屈光矩陣形式耶!!</span>  何不就試試 SymPy 符號運算功力,代入p_1 = \frac{\frac{n}{m} - D}{C} 、p_2 = \frac{1 - A}{C} $

In [20]: 前主平面 = FreeSpace((n/m - 角膜.D) / 角膜.C)

In [21]: 前主平面
⎡              ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞      ⎤
⎢            n⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟      ⎥
⎢        n     ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠      ⎥
⎢        ─ - ─────────────────      ⎥
⎢        m           N              ⎥
⎢1  ────────────────────────────────⎥
⎢                    ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞⎥
⎢           (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟⎥
⎢   N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠⎥
⎢   ───── + ────────────────────────⎥
⎢    R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁          ⎥
⎢                                   ⎥
⎣0                 1                ⎦

In [22]: 後主平面 = FreeSpace((1 - 角膜.A) / 角膜.C)

In [23]: 後主平面
⎡                 -d⋅(-N + n)              ⎤
⎢1  ───────────────────────────────────────⎥
⎢        ⎛                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞⎞⎥
⎢        ⎜        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟⎟⎥
⎢        ⎜N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠⎟⎥
⎢   N⋅R₁⋅⎜───── + ────────────────────────⎟⎥
⎢        ⎝ R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁          ⎠⎥
⎢                                          ⎥
⎣0                     1                   ⎦

In [24]: 主平面角膜表達式 = 後主平面 * 角膜 * 前主平面

In [25]: 主平面角膜表達式
⎡                                             ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞                 
⎢                                           n⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟                 
⎢                                       n     ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠                 
⎢                                       ─ - ─────────────────                 
⎢                                       m           N                 d⋅n     
⎢               1                  ──────────────────────────────── + ─── - ──
⎢                                                   ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞    N      
⎢                                          (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟           
⎢                                  N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠          2
⎢                                  ───── + ────────────────────────         N 
⎢                                   R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁                     
⎢                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞                                             
⎢        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟                                             
⎢N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠                                          n  
⎢───── + ────────────────────────                                          ─  
⎣ R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁                                                    m  

                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞      ⎥
    d⋅n⋅(-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟      ⎥
                 ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠      ⎥
    ⎛                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞⎞⎥
    ⎜        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟⎟⎥
    ⎜N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠⎟⎥
⋅R₁⋅⎜───── + ────────────────────────⎟⎥
    ⎝ R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁          ⎠⎥

In [26]: 主平面角膜表達式.A
Out[26]: 1

In [27]: 主平面角膜表達式.B
           ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞                                                    
         n⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟                                                    
     n     ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠                                  ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞   
     ─ - ─────────────────                     d⋅n⋅(-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟   
     m           N                 d⋅n                      ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠   
──────────────────────────────── + ─── - ─────────────────────────────────────
                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞    N          ⎛                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m
        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟               ⎜        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ────────
N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠          2    ⎜N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m 
───── + ────────────────────────         N ⋅R₁⋅⎜───── + ──────────────────────
 R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁                         ⎝ R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁        


In [28]: 主平面角膜表達式.B.simplify()
Out[28]: 0

In [29]: 主平面角膜表達式.C
                 ⎛N   d⋅(N - m)⎞
        (-N + n)⋅⎜─ + ─────────⎟
N - m            ⎝m      R₂⋅m  ⎠
───── + ────────────────────────
 R₂⋅m             N⋅R₁          

In [30]: 主平面角膜表達式.D

In [31]: 















文昌魚學名Branchiostoma lanceolatum)屬於頭索動物亞門鰓口科,沒有脊椎骨,不屬於魚類文昌魚是生物演化研究中的模式生物[1],它揭示了現存脊椎動物的起源。

文昌魚不同於香港稱之為「白飯魚」的一種魚。香港白飯魚實是銀魚科白肌銀魚Leucosoma Chinensis), 及有明銀魚Salanx Ariakensis), 屬脊椎動物的魚類。


體長3-5厘米,外表看起來像魚類。身體半透明。同脊椎動物一樣,文昌魚具有一條沿背部下行的神經索,並具有呈條帶狀的肌節。然而,和脊椎動物不同的是,文昌魚的背神經索不是由骨骼所保護,而是由許多柱狀細胞所在組成的具有韌性的膜狀結構所緊密包圍,這種起支撐作用的結構比脊椎簡單得多,又被稱為脊索(notochord)。文昌魚的脊索和脊椎動物的脊椎不同,它一直延伸進入頭部,故文昌魚所屬的亞門被稱作頭索動物亞門Cephalochordata),其中「cephalo-」在拉丁文的意思就是「與頭部相連」。文昌魚於頭部被稱為腦室的神經索部份比較粗大,但並不是腦部。並文昌魚嘴的前端長有口笠觸手(oral cirri),起到感覺器官和過濾進入口中的海水的作用。文昌魚擁有血管系統,但沒有心臟,血液由一部份血管的脈動帶動。






科學式的演化論述則一直要到18世紀19世紀才出現,例如蒙博杜(Lord Monboddo)與伊拉斯謨斯·達爾文(Erasmus Darwin,達爾文的祖父),提出所有生命源自共同祖先的想法。而第一個科學假說是由拉馬克1809年所提出,他認為演化是來自後天獲得特徵的遺傳。拉馬克學說在提出後將近50年,才被達爾文華萊士較接近現代觀念的理論所取代。其中達爾文做了較多細節上的討論,例如1859年出版的《物種源起》。達爾文強調生物的演化為事實,並以天擇機製作為解釋演化現象的理論。









Michelangelo: Creazione di Adamo





廣義來説,它涵蓋了所有被理解為有超自然力量干預自然世界的信仰,與「神學」相對應的被視為「蒙學」(人類自為的啟蒙學)原本稱為占星、煉金(例如:牛頓)、巫術、藥毒等其它學術,人類生活從山野進入城市化後,感(知)性下降理(解)性抬頭,這些蒙學(或稱為哲學)派生出諸如天文學、物理學、精神科學(心理學、腦神經學)、生物學等強調驗証的科學,當提到創造論與進化論的爭議的時候,「創造論」一詞就概括地指反對自然生物過程(特別是演化論)作為地球上生物的歷史、多樣性和複雜性的解釋 ,並以古代典籍(古代科學)或是宗教化思想為根本的理論。[2]西方世界,這種創造論通常是建基於聖經《創世紀》第一及第二章[3],然而其他宗教也有各自的創世「神話」,並且與之可能頗有差距。


基督福音被羅馬帝國政治曲解「神的國」、設立教宗(神 的代理者 )並過度宗教化的天主教制度(非天主教本身)式微後,在許多國家,隨著古典科學理論不斷對宇宙及其中的生物有更「自然」的解釋,使得越來越少人相 信創造論(根據美國憲法修正,在公立學校裡講述創造論及否定演化論屬於違憲。)。某些創造論者完全駁斥科學理論,而其餘則相信其他與科學發現部分相符的理 論。當主流科學研究得出一個於創造論宗教典籍有明顯差異的結論,一些人就會反對此項研究的結論[來源請求]、其科學理論[4]或其推論方法。[5]創造論科學智設論常被主流科學界視為僞科學[6]最值得注意的有爭議科學理論有:演化論對生物發展的影響、共同起源理論、地球的地質歷史太陽系的形成宇宙的起源[7][8][9][10]而過往很多相信創造論的科學家則為此提出多種解釋,嘗試找出宇宙的來源。




設問在一個宇宙中,能有幾多緣起??若不理、事具足,現象如何發生 !!到底為啥議論紛紛??!!能得□□○○歸結乎!!??

有人問科學有『侷限性』嗎?當然是『』,科學並不處理『孤立事件』,或者說科學不研究只發生『一次』的事物。自然的『多多 』可以讓人多次多時多方重複實驗』,這樣形成的『自然科學』基石是『穩固的』。社會的『』是的眾多,社會學是研究人的□□』的學問。就像物理學研究『氣體性質』一樣,不得不借助『統計』手段,不能不假設理想氣體』,簡化那辦不到的複雜數學』計算,然後得到 P‧V=N‧R‧T 壓力‧體積 = 氣體量‧常數‧溫度,的理想氣體方程式。既然稱之為『理想』,用之於『大氣』自然需要很多『修正』,如果再考慮氣體的『動力學性質,那麼『氣象預測』之所以『不準』,不是因為它不想』,而因為它還沒法!!這裡說的『一次』是『很少次』的意思,它的數量不足以用『統計推論』,做出什麼『有效』的『結論』。所以科學家不談論上帝創造世界』之事,即使想也無法研究』,也可以這樣講達爾文的『進化論研究『物種』的進化理論,至於這些物種是不是上帝與這個理論風馬牛『不相及』也。難道都沒有研究『』的嗎?當然有啊,比方有位哲學家談論『一條河』,他歸結到︰因世界萬物的流變,人無法踏入『同一』條河中『兩次。如果科學家』,那他說的是『多中之一』,也就是從『統計觀察』下講的『這個』或『那個 』『樣本』。舉個例吧,一位動物學家說著︰那一條哈舌搖尾巴狗,之所以『哈舌』是『散熱』降低體溫,之所以『搖尾巴』是『看到』你來了!!

十九世紀義大利Vilfredo Pareto 是『精英理論』的創始人,他經過多年的觀察歸結出

20% 的人口擁有 80% 的財產

。後來舉世知名的品質管理大師 Joseph M. Juran 把帕累托的著名觀察,用統計方法論證改寫大名鼎鼎『80/20法則』,或又稱為帕累托法則。如果將這個法則用於分析讀書時間』一事,大概的結論百分之八十的讀書時間會是『無效用』的!!為什麼呢?也許想想一般人的心理活動理解』︰、先要『整理讀書心情』,…春天不是讀書天,夏日炎炎正好眠,秋天一過冬天到,收拾書包好過年……怎麼又要『考』『考』『考』………;、讀了幾個字後『抱怨多厚』,…幹嘛講這麼多…古人真不嫌煩ㄚ寫那麼多是要怎樣……老師奇怪ㄟ考□□□的厚………;、似乎讀了起來卻有『鴻鵠將至』,…等下不是要演☆☆☆……簡訊來了ㄨㄣˋ範圍……聽到電玩聲音………;等等的等等。無怪乎這個法則的大名可以立『』了??

─── 摘自《觀測之『觀人文』


熟料因為水的折射率 1.333 與魚的角膜十分相近,故而身在水裡幾乎不起屈光作用,所以走上另一條改善眼力之道路

Vision in fishes

Vision is an important sensory system for most species of fish. Fish eyes are similar to terrestrial vertebrates like birds and mammals, but have a more spherical lens. Their retinas generally have both rod cells and cone cells (for scotopic and photopic vision), and most species have colour vision. Some fish can see ultraviolet and some are sensitive to polarized light. Amongst jawless fish, the lamprey has well-developed eyes, while the hagfish has only primitive eyespots.[1] The ancestors of modern hagfish, thought to be the protovertebrate[2] were evidently pushed to very deep, dark waters, where they were less vulnerable to sighted predators, and where it is advantageous to have a convex eye-spot, which gathers more light than a flat or concave one. Unlike humans, fish normally adjust focus by moving the lens closer to or further from the retina.[3]

Fish vision shows evolutionary adaptation to their visual environment, for example deep sea fish have eyes suited to the dark environment.


An oscar, Astronotus ocellatus, surveys its world

Water as a visual environment

Fish and other aquatic animals live in a different light environment than terrestrial species. Water absorbs light so that with increasing depth the amount of light available decreases quickly. The optical properties of water also lead to different wavelengths of light being absorbed to different degrees. For example, visible light of long wavelengths (e.g. red, orange) is absorbed quicker than light of shorter wavelengths (green, blue). Ultraviolet light (even shorter wavelength than violet) is absorbed quicker yet.[3] Besides these universal qualities of water, different bodies of water may absorb light of different wavelengths due to varying salt and/or chemical presence in the water.

Structure and function

Fish eyes are broadly similar to those of other vertebrates – notably the tetrapods (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals – all of which evolved from a fish ancestor). Light enters the eye at the cornea, passing through the pupil to reach the lens. Most fish species seem to have a fixed pupil size, but elasmobranches (like sharks and rays) have a muscular iris which allows pupil diameter to be adjusted. Pupil shape varies, and may be e.g. circular or slit-like.[3]

Lenses are normally spherical but can be slightly elliptical in some species. Compared to terrestrial vertebrates, fish lenses are generally more dense and spherical. In the aquatic environment there is not a major difference in the refractive index of the cornea and the surrounding water (compared to air on land) so the lens has to do the majority of the refraction.[4] Due to “a refractive index gradient within the lens — exactly as one would expect from optical theory”[5] the spherical lenses of fish are able to form sharp images free from spherical aberration.[4]

Once light passes through the lens it is transmitted through a transparent liquid medium until it reaches the retina, containing the photoreceptors. Like other vertebrates, the photoreceptors are on the inside layer so light must pass through layers of other neurons before it reaches them. The retina contains rod cells and cone cells.[3]



pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ipython3
Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11) 
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IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

In [1]: from sympy import *

In [2]: from sympy.physics.optics import FreeSpace, FlatRefraction, ThinLens, GeometricRay, CurvedRefraction, RayTransferMatrix

In [3]: init_printing()

In [4]: 水折射率 = 1.333

In [5]: 角膜折射率 = 1.376

In [6]: 角膜前緣半徑 = 7.8

In [7]: 角膜後緣半徑 = 6.4

In [8]: 角膜厚度 = 0.6

In [9]: 房水折射率 = 1.336

In [10]: 水中角膜前部 = CurvedRefraction(角膜前緣半徑, 水折射率, 角膜折射率)

In [11]: 水中角膜前部
⎡         1               0   ⎤
⎢                             ⎥
⎣-0.00400641025641025  0.96875⎦

In [12]: 角膜中段 = FreeSpace(角膜厚度)

In [13]: 角膜中段
⎡1  0.6⎤
⎢      ⎥
⎣0   1 ⎦

In [14]: 角膜後部 = CurvedRefraction(角膜後緣半徑, 角膜折射率, 房水折射率)

In [15]: 角膜後部
⎡         1                  0        ⎤
⎢                                     ⎥
⎣0.00467814371257483  1.02994011976048⎦

In [16]: 水中角膜 = 角膜後部 * 角膜中段 * 水中角膜前部

In [17]: 水中角膜
⎡ 0.997596153846154        0.58125    ⎤
⎢                                     ⎥
⎣0.000540535515507431  1.0004736620509⎦

In [18]: 焦距 = - 1 / (水中角膜.C)

In [19]: 焦距
Out[19]: -1850.01719833570

In [20]: 維基角膜 = CurvedRefraction(11.5/2, 角膜折射率, 房水折射率) * FreeSpace(角膜厚度) * CurvedRefraction(11.5/2, 水折射率, 角膜折射率)

In [21]: 維基角膜
⎡ 0.996739130434783 0.58125 ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎣-0.0004075025751899 1.00078104660245⎦

In [22]: 維基焦距 = - 1 / (維基角膜.C)

In [23]: 維基焦距
Out[23]: 2453.97222222213

In [24]: 

















角膜又稱黑睛,是眼睛最前面的透明部分,覆蓋虹膜瞳孔前房 ,並為眼睛提供大部分屈光力。加上晶狀體的屈光力,光線便可準確地聚焦在視網膜上構成影像。在人眼的折光系統中,角膜的折光能力是最強的,因為它直接和空氣接觸[1]








The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. The cornea, with the anterior chamber and lens, refracts light, with the cornea accounting for approximately two-thirds of the eye’s total optical power.[1][2] In humans, the refractive power of the cornea is approximately 43 dioptres.[3] While the cornea contributes most of the eye’s focusing power, its focus is fixed. The curvature of the lens, on the other hand, can be adjusted to “tune” the focus depending upon the object’s distance. Medical terms related to the cornea often start with the prefix “kerat-” from the Greek word κέρας, horn.


The cornea has unmyelinated nerve endings sensitive to touch, temperature and chemicals; a touch of the cornea causes an involuntary reflex to close the eyelid. Because transparency is of prime importance the cornea does not have blood vessels; it receives nutrients via diffusion from the tear fluid through the outside surface and the aqueous humour through the inside surface, and also from neurotrophins supplied by nerve fibres that innervate it. In humans, the cornea has a diameter of about 11.5 mm and a thickness of 0.5–0.6 mm in the center and 0.6–0.8 mm at the periphery. Transparency, avascularity, the presence of immature resident immune cells, and immunologic privilege makes the cornea a very special tissue. The cornea has no blood supply; it gets oxygen directly through the air. Oxygen first dissolves in the tears and then diffuses throughout the cornea to keep it healthy.[4]

It borders with the sclera by the corneal limbus.

The most abundant soluble protein in mammalian cornea is albumin.[5]

In lampreys, the cornea is solely an extension of the sclera, and is separate from the skin above it, but in more advanced vertebrates it is always fused with the skin to form a single structure, albeit one composed of multiple layers. In fish, and aquatic vertebrates in general, the cornea plays no role in focusing light, since it has virtually the same refractive index as water.[6]



\frac{1}{\frac{D_{in}}{N_{in}}} + \frac{1}{\frac{I_{out}}{N_{out}}} = \frac{1}{\frac{R}{N_{out} - N_{in}}}

【SymPy 參考】

pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3 Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11)  Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.  IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help      -> Python's own help system. object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.  In [1]: from sympy import *  In [2]: from sympy.physics.optics import FreeSpace, FlatRefraction, ThinLens, GeometricRay, CurvedRefraction, RayTransferMatrix  In [3]: init_printing()  In [4]: Nin, R, Nout, Din, Iout = symbols('Nin, R, Nout, Din, Iout')  In [5]: 球面成像 = FreeSpace(Iout) * CurvedRefraction(R, Nin, Nout) * FreeSpace(Din)  In [6]: 球面成像 Out[6]:  ⎡Iout⋅(Nin - Nout)          ⎛Iout⋅(Nin - Nout)    ⎞   Iout⋅Nin⎤ ⎢───────────────── + 1  Din⋅⎜───────────────── + 1⎟ + ────────⎥ ⎢      Nout⋅R               ⎝      Nout⋅R         ⎠     Nout  ⎥ ⎢                                                             ⎥ ⎢     Nin - Nout               Din⋅(Nin - Nout)   Nin         ⎥ ⎢     ──────────               ──────────────── + ────        ⎥ ⎣       Nout⋅R                      Nout⋅R        Nout        ⎦  In [7]: 焦距 = - 1/(球面成像.C)  In [8]: 焦距 Out[8]:   -Nout⋅R   ────────── Nin - Nout  In [9]: ((球面成像.B.expand() / (Din * Iout)).expand() * Nout).expand() Out[9]:  Nin   Nout   Nout   Nin ─── - ──── + ──── + ───  R     R     Iout   Din  In [10]:  </pre>    <span style="color: #003300;">且依『角膜』之『光學矩陣』構成部件︰</span>  <span style="color: #808080;">角膜前緣球面折射半徑→角膜厚度→角膜後緣球面折射半徑</span>  ,假借 SymPy 符號運算工具,代入『典型數據』然後得︰ <pre class="lang:python decode:true">pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3
Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11) 
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

In [1]: from sympy import *

In [2]: from sympy.physics.optics import FreeSpace, FlatRefraction, ThinLens, GeometricRay, CurvedRefraction, RayTransferMatrix

In [3]: init_printing()

In [4]: 空氣折射率 = 1.0003

In [5]: 角膜折射率 = 1.376

In [6]: 角膜前緣半徑 = 7.8

In [7]: 角膜後緣半徑 = 6.4

In [8]: 角膜厚度 = 0.6

In [9]: 房水折射率 = 1.336

In [10]: 角膜前部 = CurvedRefraction(角膜前緣半徑, 空氣折射率, 角膜折射率)

In [11]: 角膜前部
⎡         1                   0        ⎤
⎢                                      ⎥
⎣-0.0350048449612403  0.726962209302326⎦

In [12]: 角膜中段 = FreeSpace(角膜厚度)

In [13]: 角膜中段
⎡1  0.6⎤
⎢      ⎥
⎣0   1 ⎦

In [14]: 角膜後部 = CurvedRefraction(角膜後緣半徑, 角膜折射率, 房水折射率)

In [15]: 角膜後部
⎡         1                  0        ⎤
⎢                                     ⎥
⎣0.00467814371257483  1.02994011976048⎦

In [16]: 角膜 = 角膜後部 * 角膜中段 * 角膜前部

In [17]: 角膜
⎡ 0.978997093023256   0.436177325581395⎤
⎢                                      ⎥
⎣-0.0314730051162211  0.750768045123416⎦

In [18]: 角膜後部 * 角膜前部
⎡        1                  0        ⎤
⎢                                    ⎥
⎣-0.031374750499002  0.74872754491018⎦


怎麼看都只有 31 點幾 dpt ?為什麼不是 43 \ dpt 耶??因為各家的數據來源不同,若用維基百科詞條數據做計算︰

In [19]: 維基角膜 = CurvedRefraction(11.5/2, 角膜折射率, 房水折射率) * FreeSpace(角膜厚度) * CurvedRefraction(11.5/2, 空氣折射率, 角膜折射率)

In [20]: 維基角膜
⎡ 0.971509100101112   0.436177325581395⎤
⎢                                      ⎥
⎣-0.0438479088773699  0.750998710364912⎦

In [21]: 


果然有 43.8 \ dpt 的乎!!所以一般引用『統計平均』數據時,務須謹慎也☆☆