Phonon Republic ︰ MusicPi 【音樂派】為什麼?



伯牙善鼓琴,鍾子期善聽。伯牙鼓琴,志在登高山。鍾子期曰:「善哉!峨峨兮若泰山!」志在流水。鍾子期曰:「善哉!洋洋兮若江河!」伯牙所念,鍾子期必得之。伯牙游於泰山之陰,卒逢暴雨,止於巖下;心悲,乃援琴而鼓之。初為霖雨之操,更造崩山之音。曲每奏,鍾子期輒窮其趣。伯牙乃舍琴而嘆曰:「善哉,善哉 ,子之聽夫!志想象猶吾心也。吾於何逃聲哉?」






音樂,廣義而言,就是指任何以聲音組成的藝術。英文Music一詞源於古希臘語的μουσική(mousike),意即繆斯(muse)女神的藝術。而中文的音樂二字,許慎《說文解字》解釋為「音,聲也。生於心,有節於外,謂之音。」認為音樂和聲音的區別,在於音樂需要透過人心去想像和創造。音樂可分為創作演奏聆聽三個過程,在不同文化和社會,對於音樂的過程及其重要性都有不同的理解。例如在西非鼓樂里,每個人皆是參與者,人們不會區分作曲者 、演奏者和聆聽者的身份。


















Phonon Republic ︰ phononPi 【聲子派】是何物?


之前我們在《走進音樂世界!!》一文中 介紹過英國劍橋大學 Dr . Sam Aaron 博士,Sonic π 的作者,他的『音樂程式』理念是︰


There are no mistakes
Before we start, let me just give you one piece of advice I’ve learned over my years of live coding with music – there are no mistakes, only opportunities. This is something I’ve often heard in relation to jazz but it works equally well with live coding. No matter how experienced you are – from a complete beginner to a seasoned Algoraver, you’ll run some code that has a completely unexpected outcome. It might sound insanely cool – in which case run with it. However, it might sound totally jarring and out of place. It doesn’t matter that it happened – what matters is what you do next with it. Take the sound, manipulate it and morph it into something awesome. The crowd will go wild.

現今『 Sonic π 』2.0 版已經正式發布,據聞將用於英國 KS3 ── 十一歲到十三歲 ── 的『程式語言』教育之中。它的主要『學習目標』是︰

Computer Science concepts:

Data Structures



Sonic Pi(在 raspberrypi)_069


─── 摘自《 Sonic π 知音?!

Sonic Pi Essentials

Learn to code musical masterpieces with the creator of Sonic Pi in our best Essentials e-book yet!


Sam Aaron, the creator of Sonic Pi, has written this book to complement the software’s built-in tutorial and to help you jump-start your live-coding career. The book is packed with fun, instantly rewarding examples designed to highlight many of the amazing things Sonic Pi enables you to do. By the time you’ve finished you’ll be able to code up some phat bass, sparkling synth leads and start practicing for your first live-coding gig…

Live code and craft amazing sounds across 10 chapters, including:

  • Master live loops
  • Build drum breaks
  • Compose your own melodies
  • Make random riffs and loops
  • Learn to shape and sculpt sounds
  • and much, much more…


,實際未必能創造『需求』 Needs and Wants 也。若說『科技』來自於『人性』── 需要與欲望 ──,總也得『正名』乎??故說此『聲子派』之要求耶!!豈能不為『聲』之於『耳』而立傳呢︰


聲子Phonon)是晶體晶體結構集體激發的準粒子化學勢為零 ,服從玻色-愛因斯坦統計,是一種玻色子。聲子本身並不具有物理動量,但是攜帶有準動量 ℏ q {\displaystyle \hbar \mathbf {q} } \hbar \mathbf{q},並具有能量 ℏ ω {\displaystyle \hbar \omega } \hbar \omega(其中 ℏ {\displaystyle \hbar } \hbar 為約化普朗克常數)。根據南部-戈德斯通定理,任何連續性整體對稱性的自發破缺,必然對應一個零質量的玻色子。聲子就是平移對稱性被晶格的點陣結構自發破缺以後對應的玻色子。聲子與電子的相互作用,是導致BCS超導的關鍵機制。


In physics, a phonon is a collective excitation in a periodic, elastic arrangement of atoms or molecules in condensed matter, like solids and some liquids. Often designated a quasiparticle,[1] it represents an excited state in the quantum mechanical quantization of the modes of vibrations of elastic structures of interacting particles.

Phonons play a major role in many of the physical properties of condensed matter, like thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity. The study of phonons is an important part of condensed matter physics.

The concept of phonons was introduced in 1932 by Soviet physicist Igor Tamm. The name phonon comes from the Greek word φωνή (phonē), which translates to sound or voice because long-wavelength phonons give rise to sound. Shorter-wavelength higher-frequency phonons are responsible for the majority of the thermal capacity of solids.


A phonon is a quantum mechanical description of an elementary vibrational motion in which a lattice of atoms or molecules uniformly oscillates at a single frequency.[2] In classical mechanics this designates a normal mode of vibration. Normal modes are important because any arbitrary lattice vibration can be considered to be a superposition of these elementary vibration modes (cf. Fourier analysis). While normal modes are wave-like phenomena in classical mechanics, phonons have particle-like properties too, in a way related to the wave–particle duality of quantum mechanics.


然而『正名』之事,不必談及 □ □ 硬體在內 inside ,跑的是 ○ ○ 作業系統 OS 。但考之以實際功能、效用而已矣。因是『聲子派』之名義乃是 Sonic Pi 能運行良好的聲音環境;至少可及於 Pure Data 以及 jackd2 種種應用的軟硬體系統。











Phonon Republic ︰【聲子共和國】之緣起

兩年前之夏日某夜,幾位朋友聚會。當時英國劍橋的 Dr Sam Aaron 博士寫作 Sonic π 【※ 參閱《走進音樂世界!!》】剛發行沒多久。大家聊起了這件事︰



樹莓派聲音太差, Sonic π 產出的結果,簡直慘不忍聞。


現今已有 I2S DAC 聲卡,假以時日自然迎刃而解。






既然言已出口,總得說到做到。苦惱之餘,偶憶『香蕉共和國Banana Republic 傳奇事蹟。何不借法說法,將此產品系列命之為

Phonon Republic  【聲子共和國】


‧ phononPi 【聲子派】

‧ musicPi 【音樂派】

‧ midiPi 【美的派】













樹莓派聲音︰ dtoverlay

去年初樹莓派官方決定引入 device trees 、 dtparam 以及 dtoverlay  管理裝置資源、模組載入和參數設定。那時作者曾寫一系列文本,介紹 /boot/config.txt 的變遷與 device trees dtc 之編譯/解碼︰


清代‧居廉‧ 扶桑





參天大木,始於生,終至成。如是遂有日居焉?而後才能水木榮諸??此方謂『扶桑』── 意在春蠶吐絲哉 ── !!



現象顯示『意義的消逝』和『快樂之伏藏』是『相同的一面』,那麼所謂『背面』又到底有些什麼的呢?宛如『天下是天下人的天下』,任誰都無法管之天下吧!怎就不該即時行樂的呢?麻煩在於『無所得故』,言及社會未來,世代傳承……。千百萬年之歷史總歸一詞 ── 終究人性 ──!?

無有』沒法整理,『眾集』不耐其繁,『 Know-How 』多了,或許必將會產生『物以類聚』── 物件描述法 ── 的『 What’s What 』之群分的事!!這當真就是『 Device Tree 』自將之興起的道理嗎??

───《大樹底下好乘涼 ︰ 《開場白》


滄海桑田不必久,人世變化未必慢。如今 已換新妝︰

Welcome to

If you are looking for the devicetree specification you’ve come to the right place! is a community effort by many companies and individuals to facilitate the future evolution of the Devicetree Standard.

The devicetree is a data structure for describing hardware. Rather than hard coding every detail of a device into an operating system, many aspects of the hardware can be described in a data structure that is passed to the operating system at boot time. The devicetree is used by OpenFirmware, OpenPOWER Abstraction Layer (OPAL), Power Architecture Platform Requirements (PAPR) and in the standalone Flattened Device Tree (FDT) form.

The devicetree specification provides a full technical description of the devicetree data format and best practices.

The technical steering commitee is the group responsible for developing, managing and promoting the devicetree specification. However, everyone is encouraged to get involved and yes there is a GitHub project too! Further information about the devicetree standard and membership opportunities can be found throughout this website.




The Devicetree Specification

Device Tree Specification Release 0.1
This is the first formal baseline release of the device tree specification. This document is a first iteration of ePAPR 1.1 and picks up where it left off in 2012.

The next release, v1.0 is planned for the end of August, 2016, which will be up to date with current core DT bindings used by the Linux kernel.

If you would like to get involved please fetch the document source from GitHub and join the mailing list. Comments and patches are welcome at any time!

A second major release is planned for December 2016 to cover new features. The timeline for planned future releases are shown here and you can always find the latest release, as well as all older releases, in our GitHub repository: Devicetree Specification release repository



樹莓派上 I2S 聲卡設定,還請參照︰

Device Trees, overlays, and parameters

Raspberry Pi’s latest kernels and firmware, including Raspbian and NOOBS releases, now by default use Device Tree (DT) to manage some resource allocation and module loading. This change is to alleviate the problem of multiple drivers contending for system resources, and to allow HAT modules to be auto-configured.

The current implementation is not a pure Device Tree system – there is still board support code that creates some platform devices – but the external interfaces (I2C, I2S, SPI), and the audio devices that use them, must now be instantiated using a Device Tree Blob (DTB) passed to the kernel by the loader (start.elf).

The main impact of using Device Tree is to change from everything on, relying on module blacklisting to manage contention, to everything off unless requested by the DTB. In order to continue to use external interfaces and the peripherals that attach to them, you will need to add some new settings to your config.txt. Full details are given in Part 3, but these are a few examples:

# Uncomment some or all of these to enable the optional hardware interfaces

# Uncomment one of these lines to enable an audio interface

# Uncomment this to enable the lirc-rpi module

# Uncomment this to override the defaults for the lirc-rpi module


各個 dtoverlay 之參數與詳細說明,務須仔細閱讀︰

pi@raspberrypi:/boot/overlays $ more README 

This directory contains Device Tree overlays. Device Tree makes it possible
to support many hardware configurations with a single kernel and without the
need to explicitly load or blacklist kernel modules. Note that this isn't a
"pure" Device Tree configuration (c.f. MACH_BCM2835) - some on-board devices
are still configured by the board support code, but the intention is to
eventually reach that goal.

On Raspberry Pi, Device Tree usage is controlled from /boot/config.txt. By
default, the Raspberry Pi kernel boots with device tree enabled. You can
completely disable DT usage (for now) by adding:


to your config.txt, which should cause your Pi to revert to the old way of
doing things after a reboot.

In /boot you will find a .dtb for each base platform. This describes the
hardware that is part of the Raspberry Pi board. The loader (start.elf and its
siblings) selects the .dtb file appropriate for the platform by name, and reads
it into memory. At this point, all of the optional interfaces (i2c, i2s, spi)











樹莓派聲音︰ I2S

什麼是 I2S 呢?維基百科詞條這麼講︰


I²SI2S英語:Inter-IC SoundIntegrated Interchip Sound)是IC間傳輸數位音訊資料的一種介面標準,採用序列的方式傳輸2組(左右聲道)資料。I2S常被使用在傳送CDPCM音訊資料到CD播放器的DAC中。由於I2S將資料訊號和時脈訊號分開傳送,它的抖動jitter)失真十分地小。



This standard was introduced in 1986 by Philips (now NXP) and was last revised in 1996.[1]


The I²S protocol outlines one specific type of PCM digital audio communication with defined parameters outlined in the Philips specification.

The bit clock pulses once for each discrete bit of data on the data lines. The bit clock frequency is the product of the sample rate, the number of bits per channel and the number of channels. So, for example, CD Audio with a sample frequency of 44.1 kHz, with 16 bits of precision and two channels (stereo) has a bit clock frequency of:

44.1 kHz × 16 × 2 = 1.4112 MHz

The word select clock lets the device know whether channel 1 or channel 2 is currently being sent, since I²S allows two channels to be sent on the same data line. For stereo material, the I²S specification states that left audio is transmitted on the low cycle of the word select clock and the right channel is transmitted on the high cycle. The word select clock is a 50% duty-cycle signal that has the same frequency as the sample frequency.

Data are encoded in two’s complement with the MSB (most significant bit) first.[1]:2

The bus consists of at least three lines:

  1. Bit clock line
  2. Word clock line – also called word select (WS) or left right clock (LRCLK)
  3. At least one multiplexed data line

It may also include the following lines:

  1. Master clock (typical 256 x LRCLK)
  2. A multiplexed data line for upload

In audio equipment the I²S sometimes forms an external link between the CD transport and a separate DAC box, contrary to purely internal connection within one player box. This may form an alternative to the commonly used AES/EBU or Toslink or S/PDIF standards. There is no standard interconnecting cable for this application. Some manufacturers provide simply three BNC connectors, an 8P8C (“RJ45”) socket or a DE-9 connector. Others like Audio Alchemy (now defunct) used DIN connectors.

樹莓派之 I2S 規格在 BROADCOM


DataSheet 的第一百一拾九頁。



Introduction to Archphile

Archphile is an Archlinux ARM/MPD based distribution for Raspberry Pi (B, B+ and 2), Udoo Quad (also dual with some extra steps)  and Cubox-i targeted to users with USB and I2S Dacs.

Some of its features:

  • support for USB and I2S Dacs
  • recompiled mpd 0.19.13 (mpd-archphile) based on mpd-light from AUR  – niceness is set to -16 and lots of mpd features are disabled in each version (press mpd -V for more info)
  • ympd web interface
  • usb disk/flash automounting using udevil.
  • upnp/dlna support using upmpdcli
  • Airplay/shairport using shairport-sync
  • dchp enabled by default
  • reachable with url http://archphile.local if zeroconf is enabled. Windows users please download this package to enable. In any other situation you can find the ip from your router
  • samba/cifs/nfs support – you have configure /etc/fstab  according to your own needs  by modifying the sample lines
  • default credentials:

username: root
password: archphile

  • various webradios based on Volumio github repository.
  • mixer is disabled by default. Use your amp to change the volume level. Ensure that system level is set to 100% using alsamixer command.



I2S Dacs and the Raspberry Pi

Let’s start with some nice schematics  showing the connections needed:

– Raspberry Pi model B





– Rasbperry Pi model B+ and model 2







1 /*
2 * ALSA SoC I2S Audio Layer for Broadcom BCM2835 SoC
3 *
4 * Author: Florian Meier <>
5 * Copyright 2013
6 *
7 * Based on
8 * Raspberry Pi PCM I2S ALSA Driver
9 * Copyright (c) by Phil Poole 2013
10 *
11 * ALSA SoC I2S (McBSP) Audio Layer for TI DAVINCI processor
12 * Vladimir Barinov, <>
13 * Copyright (C) 2007 MontaVista Software, Inc., <>
14 *
15 * OMAP ALSA SoC DAI driver using McBSP port
16 * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation
17 * Contact: Jarkko Nikula <>
18 * Peter Ujfalusi <>
19 *
20 * Freescale SSI ALSA SoC Digital Audio Interface (DAI) driver
21 * Author: Timur Tabi <>
22 * Copyright 2007-2010 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
23 *
24 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
25 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
26 * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
27 *
28 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
29 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
31 * General Public License for more details.
32 */