Mu Way ︰ For What ??




子路曰:『衛君待子而為政,子將奚先?』子曰:『必也正名乎!』子路曰:『有是哉 ,子之迂也!奚其正?』子曰:『野哉由也!君子於其所不知,蓋闕如也。名不正,則言不順;言不順,則事不成;事不成,則禮樂不興;禮樂不興,則刑罰不中;刑罰不中,則民無所措手足。故君子名之必可言也 ,言之必可行也。君子於其言,無所苟而已矣。』




許多讀過『λ 運算』的人,多半覺得它既『難懂』又『難解』。這是有原因的,如果用『抽象辦法』談論著『抽象事物』,又不知道為何如此表述當然『難懂』;假使不能『困思勉行』多次的『深思熟慮』,以至於能夠一旦了悟那就自然『難解』。通常越是『基本』的概念,由於太過『直覺』了,反而容易『誤解』。就像化學元素『週期表』上的元素不過一一八個,它所構成的世界卻是千嬌萬媚繁多複雜,要講『』的『性質』與『作用』,也許一大本書都不能窮盡,但換個方向說鐵不就是日用之物的嗎?

邱奇發展『λ 運算』Lambda calculus,這裡的『calculus』不是指『微積分』,是用著『函式』Function 和『變元』Variable 的概念 ,來談論『計算』一事是什麼?複雜的『函式』是如何清晰明白無歧異的『結構』而成?『變元』的『替換』Substitution 規則,要如何系統化的處理變元替換時『異物同名』衝突之問題?如果從『函式求值』上講,一個『λ 表達式』用著怎樣的『規則』可以『轉換』成為『同等』equivalent 的另一個 λ 表達式呢?……種種。假使給定了兩個『λ 表達式』是否會有一個普適的『演算法』能夠判定彼此間的『同等性』呢?……等等。

『λ 表達式』可以用『數學歸納法』定義如下︰

變元集合 V = \{ v_1, v_2, v_3, \dots, v_n, \dots \}
抽象符號 『 λ  』與『 . 』,符號本身不是λ 表達項
結構括號 『 ( 』與『 ) 』,括號本身不是λ 表達項

λ 表達式的集合 \Lambda,由下面三條規則歸納界定︰

一、如果 x \in V ,那麼 x \in \Lambda

二、如果 x \in V 而且 M \in \Lambda ,那麼 ( \lambda x. M ) \in \Lambda

三、如果 M, N \in \Lambda ,那麼 ( M \  N) \in \Lambda

假如使用數學上函數的觀點來解釋,『第一條』規則是說︰『變數』是一個『λ 表達式』。『第二條』規則用以抽象建構單一變數的『函數』,變數 x 是『函數』的『輸入之數』,M 是『函數』的『計算表達式』,結構括號表示『函數』的在表達式裡的範圍。『第三條』規則是應用『函數求值規則』,假使該應用合理的話,計算表達式 MN 表達式下的值。

─── 《Λ 運算︰概念導引《一》








Spock is a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise. Spock was first portrayed by Leonard Nimoy in the original Star Trek series, and also appears in the animated Star Trek series, a two-part episode ofStar Trek: The Next Generation, eight of the Star Trek feature films, and numerous Star Trek novels, comics, and video games.[2][3] In addition, numerous actors portrayed the various stages of Spock’s rapid growth, due to the effects of the Genesis Planet, in the 1984 Star Trek film Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. In the 2009 film Star Trek, Nimoy reprised his role with Zachary Quinto, who depicted a younger version of the character, existing within an alternate timeline. Both reprised their roles in the 2013 sequel Star Trek Into Darkness and Quinto reprised his role again in 2016’s Star Trek Beyond.[3]

Spock serves aboard the starship Enterprise, as science officer and first officer, and later as commanding officer of two iterations of the vessel. Spock’s mixed humanVulcan heritage serves as an important plot element in many of the character’s appearances. Along with Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy, he is one of the three central characters in the original Star Trek series and its films. After retiring from Starfleet, Spock serves as a Federation ambassador, contributing toward the easing of the strained relationship between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. In his later years, he serves as Federation Ambassador-at-Large to the Romulan Star Empire and becomes involved in the ill-fated attempt to save Romulus from a supernova,[4] leading him to live out the rest of his life in the parallel timeline introduced in Star Trek (2009).


足以掌握『 \lambda 運算』,甚至還『超越』它!

那麼『一個』地球人, For What 需要『繆編環境』 \mu editor 呢?

Mu: A Python Code Editor


Note : 

This documentation is NOT for users of Mu. Rather, it is for software developers who want to improve Mu. Read our Developer Setup documentation for the technical details needed to get started.

For tutorials, how-to guides and user related discussion, please see the project’s website for users of Mu at:

If you’re interested in the fun, educational, inspiring and sometimes hilarious ways in which people use Mu, check out:


在作是非判斷之前,先聽聽 \mu 創造者── 一位教師 ── 3W1H 的現身說法吧☆


Mu is a very simple Python editor for kids, teachers and beginner programmers. It’s written in Python and works on Windows, OSX, Linux and Raspberry Pi.

“[Papert] realized, ‘Oh, we could take the real content out here as a version in the child’s world that is still the real thing.’ It’s not a fake version of math. It’s kind of like little league, or even T-ball. In sports they do this all the time. In music, they do it all the time. The idea is, you never let the child do something that isn’t the real thing – but you have to work your ass off to figure out what the real thing is in the context of the way their minds are working at that developmental level.” – Alan Kay

Mu aspires to be “the real thing” as a development environment for beginner programmers taking their first steps with Python.

As a rule of thumb, if you’re able to ask “why doesn’t Mu have [feature X]?” then you’re probably too advanced for using Mu as a development environment. In which case, you should graduate to a more advanced editor.


There isn’t a cross platform Python code editor that is:

  • Easy to use;
  • Available on all major platforms;
  • Well documented (even for beginners);
  • Simply coded;
  • Currently maintained; and,
  • Thoroughly tested.

Mu addresses these needs.

Mu was originally created as a contribution from the Python Software Foundation for the BBC’smicro:bit project. Many people asked if Mu could be turned into a generic beginner’s code editor and, thanks to the wonderful support of the Raspberry Pi Foundation the work needed to make such changes was done over the summer of 2017.

The following video of a talk given at PyCon 2018 outlines the story of Mu:


Mu’s outlook is:

  • Less is more (remove all unnecessary distractions);
  • Keep it simple (so Mu is easy to understand);
  • Walk the path of least resistance (Mu should be easy to use);
  • Have fun (learning should be a positive experience).

Mu’s own code is simple, clearly organised and well tested. It’s copiously commented and mostly found in a few obviously named Python files.

This has been done on purpose: we want teachers and kids to take ownership of this project and organising the code in this way aids the first steps required to get involved.

If you’re looking for ways to get involved check out some of the Suggested First Steps for new contributors.

Furthermore, we put our users at the centre of our development work. Extensive interviews with teachers, observations of lessons and exceptionally clear and helpful feedback from the education team at the Raspberry Pi Foundation (perhaps the most successful computing in education project in history) have informed the design choices for Mu.




Contributions are welcome without prejudice from anyone irrespective of age, gender, religion, race or sexuality. If you’re thinking, “but they don’t mean me”, then we especially mean YOU. Good quality code and engagement with respect, humour and intelligence wins every time.

Read about Contributing to Mu and perhaps try out some Suggested First Steps.

We want the Mu community to be a friendly place. Therefore, we expect contributors to follow our Code of Conduct.









Mu Way ︰ 反饋!!

吉多的 Python 『非同』於其他程式語言,居然把『空白』符號寫進了它的『文法』裡,竟然用『對齊的空白』表示程式區塊。如是種種『見地』,匯聚成一條稱作『非同的』pythonic  Way 大道。吉多他的『中心思想』,集中的表現在由 Tim Peters 先生所寫的『 Python 的禪』,收錄在『 this模組 module 裡︰

import this

The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.

Explicit is better than implicit.

Simple is better than complex.

Complex is better than complicated.

Flat is better than nested.

Sparse is better than dense.

Readability counts.

Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.

Although practicality beats purity.

Errors should never pass silently.

Unless explicitly silenced.

In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.

Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch.

Now is better than never.

Although never is often better than *right* now.

If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.

If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.

Namespaces are one honking great idea — let’s do more of those!

─── 《『騛罿』── 非同的禪!!


教學相長,『反饋』 feedback 能促進學習◎

新年伊始,介紹 Mu Way 正合宜也︰

About Mu

Mu is a Python code editor for beginner programmers based on extensive feedback given by teachers and learners.

Mu's world

Less is More.

Mu has only the most essential features, so users are not intimidated by a baffling interface.

Tread the Path of Least Resistance.

Whatever the task, there is always only one obvious way to do it with Mu.

Keep it Simple.

It’s quick and easy to learn Mu ~ complexity impedes a novice programmer’s first steps.

Have fun!

Learning should inspire fun ~ Mu helps learners quickly create and test working code.

Alan Kay

Image source

Alan Kay‘s quote about learning to program summarizes Mu’s outlook. Mu aspires to be “the real thing” as a development environment for beginner programmers taking their first steps with Python.


那個古希臘字母 \mu

Mu (letter)

Mu (uppercase Μ, lowercase μ; Ancient Greek μῦ [mŷː], Greek: μι or μυ—both [mi]) or my[1] is the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 40.[2] Mu was derived from the Egyptian hieroglyphicsymbol for water, which had been simplified by the Phoenicians and named after their word for water, to become 𐤌img (mem). Letters that arose from mu include the Roman M and the Cyrillic М.



Computer science

In evolutionary algorithms:

  • μ, population size from which in each generation λ offspring will generate (the terms μ and λ originate from evolution strategy notation)



Mu, a new Python IDE for beginners

Posted by Martin O’Hanlon
Content and Curriculum Manager
Hates hummus


Mu is a very simple-to-use Python editor and IDE (integrated development environment) and this week, version 1.0 was released!

Mu Python IDE for beginners Raspberry Pi

New Mu

Mu is designed to be as user-friendly and as helpful as possible for new Python programmers, presenting just the tools that are useful, such as:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Automatic indentation
  • In-built help
  • Code checking
  • Debugging

Great for new programmers

Mu is intended to be not the only Python IDE you’ll ever need, but the first one — the editor that helps you start your coding journey, but not necessarily the one you finish it with. So when you’re ready, you will have the skills and confidence to move on to using a more advanced Python IDE.

You can use Mu in a number of modes; modes make working with Mu easier by only presenting the options most relevant to what you’re using Mu for:

Mu Python IDE for beginners Raspberry Pi










Sonic π ︰ 結尾語?


傳說中大天使加百利之號角 Gabriel’s Horn 一旦響起,就是審判日 Judgment Day 的到來。然而卻沒有任何人見過這個號角?這也許正是義大利數學家埃萬傑利斯塔‧托里拆利 Evangelista Torricelli 想像創造托里拆利小號之原因︰它是一個表面積無限大但卻體積有限的三維物體,或許該是用著第五元素乙太才能構成的吧!!





學習就像是個『羊角螺旋』的軌跡,一再的一次又一次覆裹著中心的主題,每次的回歸 ,總是帶著新的知識與舊的記憶。自古以來人類一直想方設法希望解開大自然的奧秘,也許終將能有一天,這個思想螺旋成了『龍捲風』,大到能含括天地萬物。


如果從人類的創造發明史來看,那樣的學習者終將使用當時之最好的『學習工具』,打造自己的『學習工具箱』,甚至會創新『既有之工具』。就現今來講,除了使用電腦的一般應用軟體之外 ── 比方說文書處理等等 ──,最重要的就是能掌握 『程式語言』與『數學語言』的工具。或許這正是樹莓派基金會一開始打造樹莓派時所想的重要原因,讓學習者能有學習的工具!!

─── 《加百利之號角!!


假使我們已經仔細讀過教程,而且認真作過練習,甚至冒險探究過sonic π 秘境,此刻讀著 Dr . Sam Aaron 博士的

14 – Conclusions

This concludes the Sonic Pi introductory tutorial. Hopefully you’ve learned something along the way. Don’t worry if you feel you didn’t understand everything – just play and have fun and you’ll pick things up in your own time. Feel free to dive back in when you have a question that might be covered in one of the sections.

If you have any questions that haven’t been covered in the tutorial, then please jump onto the Sonic Pi community forums and ask your question there. You’ll find someone friendly and willing to lend a hand.

Finally, I also invite you to take a deeper look at the rest of the documentation in this help system. There are a number of features that haven’t been covered in this tutorial that are waiting for your discovery.

So play, have fun, share your code, perform for your friends, show your screens and remember:

There are no mistakes, only opportunities.

Sam Aaron



所以才借『附錄 ABC』勸學也!

A – MagPi Articles

Appendix A collects all the Sonic Pi articles written for the MagPi magazine.

Dive into Topics

These articles aren’t meant to be read in any strict order and contain a lot of cross-over material from the tutorial itself. Rather than try and teach you all of Sonic Pi, they instead each focus on a specific aspect of Sonic Pi and cover it in a fun and accessible way.

Read the MagPi

You can see them in their glorious professionally typeset form in the free PDF downloads of The MagPi here:

B – Essential Knowledge

This section will cover some very useful – in fact essential – knowledge for getting the most out of your Sonic Pi experience.

We’ll cover how to take advantage of the many keyboard shortcuts available to you, how to share your work and some tips on performing with Sonic Pi.

B.1 – Using Shortcuts

Sonic Pi is as much an instrument as a coding environment. Shortcuts can therefore make playing Sonic Pi much more efficient and natural – especially when you’re playing live in front of an audience.

Much of Sonic Pi can be controlled through the keyboard. As you gain more familiarity working and performing with Sonic Pi, you’ll likely start using the shortcuts more and more. I personally touch-type (I recommend you consider learning too) and find myself frustrated whenever I need to reach for the mouse as it slows me down. I therefore use all of these shortcuts on a very regular basis!

Therefore, if you learn the shortcuts, you’ll learn to use your keyboard effectively and you’ll be live coding like a pro in no time.

However, don’t try and learn them all at once, just try and remember the ones you use most and then keep adding more to your practice.


C – Minecraft Pi

Sonic Pi now supports a simple API for interacting with Minecraft Pi – the special edition of Minecraft which is installed by default on the Raspberry Pi’s Raspbian Linux-based operating system.

No need to import libraries

The Minecraft Pi integration has been designed to be insanely easy to use. All you need to do is to launch Minecraft Pi and create a world. You’re then free to use the mc_* fns just like you might use play and synth. There’s no need to import anything or install any libraries – it’s all ready to go and works out of the box.

Automatic Connection

The Minecraft Pi API takes care of managing your connection to the Minecraft Pi application. This means you don’t need to worry about a thing. If you try and use the Minecraft Pi API when Minecraft Pi isn’t open, Sonic Pi will politely tell you. Similarly, if you close Minecraft Pi whilst you’re still running a live_loop that uses the API, the live loop will stop and politely tell you that it can’t connect. To reconnect, just launch Minecraft Pi again and Sonic Pi will automatically detect and re-create the connection for you.

Designed to be Live Coded

The Minecraft Pi API has been designed to work seamlessly within live_loops. This means it’s possible to synchronise modifications in your Minecraft Pi worlds with modifications in your Sonic Pi sounds. Instant Minecraft-based music videos! Note however that Minecraft Pi is alpha software and is known to be slightly buggy. If you encounter any problems simply restart Minecraft Pi and carry on as before. Sonic Pi’s automatic connection functionality will take care of things for you.






Last active Jun 11, 2018

Cheatsheet for Sonic Pi

Just some notes on Sonic Pi









Sonic π ︰ 秘境《丁》



晶片音樂英文:Chiptune),也被稱為8bit音樂,是一種電子音樂形式,形成於1980年代。它利用老式電腦電動遊戲機街機等的音樂晶片,或者使用仿真器製作。[1] 晶片音樂一般包括基本波形 ,如方波鋸齒波三角波和基本的打擊樂器。

使用Game Boy播放晶片音樂的裝置組態





Making Chiptune Music using Sonic Pi v2.0

Warning: this might not work on a RaspberryPi yet

※ 註︰ sonic π v. 3.0.1 OK

I was curious about making retro gaming sounds using Sonic Pi. A couple of months and a lot of Googling later, here’s the original Mario Bros theme as it was heard on the NES console.

I’m (just about) old enough to remember rushing home from school to play this game at Philip Boucher’s house, sitting cross-legged in front of the TV till my feet got pins and needles. Working out how to recreate it for Sonic Pi was a lot of fun!

Getting the sounds of the NES chip

I’m no expert on this, but the sounds of the NES chip boils down to 4 kinds of sound:

  • pulse wave A (AKA square wave)
  • pulse wave B
  • triangle wave C
  • noise D

With just these four synths the games programmers managed to make a staggering variety of sounds. If you want to compose your own chiptunes just fire up Sonic Pi with four threads like this:

in_thread do
  use_synth :pulse
  play 60

in_thread do
  use_synth :pulse
  play 60

in_thread do
  use_synth :tri
  play 60

in_thread do
  use_synth :fm
  use_synth_defaults divisor: 1.6666, attack: 0.0, depth: 1500, sustain: 0.05, release: 0.0
  play 60


For the noise channel, you could use one of the noise synths that have been added in v2.0 but I’ve used a ‘noisy’ FM synth instead. The reason is that some of the drum-type sounds from the Mario theme are achieved by changing the note given to the noise chip, which produces a slightly different kind of noise. I’m not 100% sure but I think the original NES was using an FM type osciallator too.




comment do
# transcribed from the MML notation here:
# Sonic Pi currently has a size limit of about 9k which is a known issue (#102).
# I’ve kept the comments up here to get around that as comment blocks don’t get
# sent to the interpreter. Some of the layout here is an exercise in reducing bytes.
# I’m using Ruby’s stabby lambda syntax ( -> { … } ) in case you want to google it 🙂
# THIS HAS ONLY BEEN TESTED ON A MAC – on an RaspberryPi you might want to change it to
# use_bpm 60
# Regarding the choice of an FM synth for drums:
# You could use a noise synth here, but I think the NES sound
# chip would have used something like this FM as the character
# of the noise would change with different notes which I’m making
# use of in drum_pattern_b



Sonic Pi sounds can be recorded into a .wav file. Can this recording be somehow started / stopped programmatically? I’d like to be able to send an osc message for “start recording” and another one for “stop recording”.
If this is not possible out of the box, any workarounds (external Python script that does it etc) would be great.



I had a play with them this evening and found that the following code worked, which saves a demo 10 second wav file. I used Sonic Pi to send osc messages to itself on port 4557. The commands are as documented by@bahamut657 above, but require some further detail First each command has to be followed by a GUID value which you choose. I used the string “myGUID”. The start and stop recording commands need no further info, but the save-recording commands needs the full pathname to where you want the file to be saved.

osc_send "localhost",4557, "/start-recording","myGUID"
#generate some sound to record
95.times do
  play scale(:c4,:major,num_octaves:2).choose,release: 0.1
  sleep 0.1
#stop recording
osc_send "localhost",4557, "/stop-recording","myGUID"
sleep 0.5
#change the path in the next command to suit your system and usernames
osc_send "localhost",4557, "/save-recording","myGUID","/Users/rbn/testfile.wav"


port 4557. The specimen file had 9.5 seconds of random notes. You can play the resulting file using a suitable player eg audacity.

All of the above uses undocumented internals of Sonic Pi and is not supported for use in this way, so use at your own risk. (You can see where the commands are set up in the file sonic-pi-server.rb which can be seen at 5 in the Sonic Pi github code. (Note this is in a different location to that employed in the current releases of Sonic Pi).




      1. testfile








Sonic π ︰ 秘境《丙》




500米口徑球面無線電望遠鏡英語:Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope,簡稱FAST)是中國的一座無線電望遠鏡焦比達0.467。FAST位於貴州省平塘縣克度鎮大窩凼窪地,利用喀斯特窪地的地勢而建。FAST已於2008年12月26日奠基,在2016年9月25日開光[4][5]。建成後超越阿雷西博天文台,成為世界上最大的單面口徑球面無線電望遠鏡[6],預計投資7億元人民幣[7][8]






月球,俗稱月亮,古時又稱太陰玄兔[5],是地球唯一的天然衛星[nb 4][6],並且是太陽系第五大的衛星。月球的直徑是地球的四分之一,質量是地球的1/81,相對於所環繞的行星,它是質量最大的衛星,也是太陽系內密度第二高的衛星,僅次於木衛一




大碰撞說英語:Giant impact hypothesis),是一種解釋月球形成原因及過程的假說。該假說認為在大約45億年前(或太陽系形成後約2,000萬到1億年前的冥古宙[1]),地球和一顆火星大小的天體發生撞擊,殘留的碎片形成了月球。這顆撞擊地球的天體被稱為忒伊亞(Theia),這名字是希臘泰坦神話裡月神塞勒涅的母親之名。




─── 《光的世界︰【□○閱讀】折射式望遠鏡《二》





到『平流層氣球』無限連線﹐傳送音樂『 Telecoding 』之玄想



今回の打ち上げでは、アマチュア無線帯は用いず、 RFリンク社のrm-92aというモジュール(を利用し、 モエレ沼公園から成層圏気球を打ち上げます。




[*]RF Mode                :[LORA]
[a]RF-Channel             :[47](Frequency[925200000Hz])
[b]PAN-ID                 :[Enable]  PAN-ID[0x0806]
SRC-ID                 :[0x0009]
[d]LAST-DST-ID            :[0xFFFF]
[e]Unit Mode              :[Parent]
[f]Routing Mode           :[Non-Routing]
[g]RF Settings            :Tx-Power     [13dBm]
                          :Bandwidth    [125kHz]
                          :Factor       [SF12]
                          :Error Coding [1: 4/5]
                          :Optimize     [ON]
[h]Ack Request            :[Disable]
[i]Data Mode              :[Frame]
[j]Sleep Mode             :[Not Use]
[k]UART BaudRate          :[115200bps]
[l]Recv Packet Output     :RSSI         [Enable]  SRC-Address[Enable]
                          :CR+LF        [Enable]
[m]Carrier Sense          :[Use]  Retry Count[0]
[o]RTC                    :[LSE]
[p]Transmit Total Time Set:[Use]
[q]Low Level Noise Filter :[Use]
[n]AES KEY                :[Not Use]



『 space-moere 』計畫可謂先進有趣也☆



Moerenuma Park, the construction of which began in 1982 and that had its grand opening in 2005, is a comprehensive park designed by Isamu Noguchi (1904-1988), one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th century. It “constitutes one sculptural work as a whole.”

In collaboration with ARTSAT: Art and Satellite Project and the SIAF Lab, “Space-Moere” Project was developed to imagine extraterrestrial intelligence. Using stratospheric balloons as civic technology, the Space Moerenuma Park (space-moere) connects Moerenuma Park to the universe/multiverse.

The “Space-Moere” Project is composed of two artworks entitled Sculpture to be Seen from Space, Improvisation to be Heard from Space and Sculpture for All of the Intelligence.

In Sculpture to be Seen from Space, Improvisation to be Heard from Space, the Moerenuma Park as a “sculpture of the earth” was connected to the universe using small stratospheric balloons and remote improvisational performance named “Telecoding”.

Sculpture for All of the Intelligence is a media installation to depict the encounter between Moerenuma Park and unseen extraterrestrial intelligence, speculating from both art and science. It was exhibited in the Glass Pyramid of Moerenuma park during SIAF2017 (Aug. 6-Oct. 1, 2017)

On the night of October 19, after SIAF2017, we received the code from the stratospheric balloon and realized the telecoding performance connecting the park to the universe.

In 1947, 58 years prior to the opening of Moerenuma Park, Isamu Noguchi developed the idea of a Sculpture to be Seen from Mars, which consisted of piling up earth to construct a gigantic “human face” and a nose measuring 1 mile.

By connecting the park and outer space through personal technology and media artworks, sharing its process with citizens, Space-Moere Project has succeeded in building a new civic community on the precious and large-scale artwork, Moerenuma Park in Sapporo.

It has been 30 years since Isamu Noguchi completed the master plan for the park, and his aspirations and visions continue to expand into the universe at the speed of light.


因『 Telecoding 』的需要︰

RubyKaigi 2018


Ruby code from the stratosphere – SIAF, Sonic Pi, Petal

Last year I participated in a project called space-moere of SIAF2017 (Sapporo International Art Festival 2017). In the project we received Sonic Pi code generated in the stratosphere and had live performance using it. For the live performance, I made a small language called Petal.

In this session, I will talk about the topics as follows:

  • space-moere project
  • Petal
  • some projects based on it (Sonic Pi and TidalCycles)

Session Notes:

Presentation Material

Recorded video


故而擴充『 sonic π 』,發展了『 petal 』編碼語言!


A small language on Sonic Pi with similar syntax to TidalCycles



Petal is a small language on Sonic Pi with similar syntax to TidalCycles.

The primal motivation of this project is creating a language suitable for our telecoding live performance of space-moere at SIAF2017.


Sonic Pi v2.10 or later (v2.10, v2.11.1, v3.0.1, v3.1.0)


也進一步揭開『秘境』中 Ruby 的面紗,得以一窺堂奧矣☺

經安裝以及實測 OK 也◎


git clone


Petal: the guide


My demo

require "~/petal/petal.rb"
cps 0.55

d1 ":bd_klub(11,16)", amp: 3
d2 ":bd_haus(6,16)", amp: 4
d3 "hh(13,16)", n: 0, amp: 4, rate: 'rand -1 1', pan: 'rand -1 1'
d4 "if(5,16)", n: 'irand 64', amp: 3
d5 "if(11,16,2)", n: 'irand 64',
  rate: 'rand -1 1', pan: 'rand -0.2 0.2', amp: 3