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Deep Learning

… moving beyond shallow machine learning since 2006!

Welcome to Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research, which has been introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to one of its original goals: Artificial Intelligence.

This website is intended to host a variety of resources and pointers to information about Deep Learning. In these pages you will find

For the latest additions, including papers and software announcement, be sure to visit  the Blog section and subscribe to our RSS feed of the website. Contact us if you have any comments or suggestions!

Deep Learning Tutorials

Deep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research, which has been introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to one of its original goals: Artificial Intelligence. See these course notes for a brief introduction to Machine Learning for AI and an introduction to Deep Learning algorithms.

Deep Learning is about learning multiple levels of representation and abstraction that help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. For more about deep learning algorithms, see for example:

The tutorials presented here will introduce you to some of the most important deep learning algorithms and will also show you how to run them using Theano. Theano is a python library that makes writing deep learning models easy, and gives the option of training them on a GPU.

The algorithm tutorials have some prerequisites. You should know some python, and be familiar with numpy. Since this tutorial is about using Theano, you should read over the Theano basic tutorial first. Once you’ve done that, read through our Getting Started chapter – it introduces the notation, and [downloadable] datasets used in the algorithm tutorials, and the way we do optimization by stochastic gradient descent.

The purely supervised learning algorithms are meant to be read in order:

  1. Logistic Regression – using Theano for something simple
  2. Multilayer perceptron – introduction to layers
  3. Deep Convolutional Network – a simplified version of LeNet5

The unsupervised and semi-supervised learning algorithms can be read in any order (the auto-encoders can be read independently of the RBM/DBN thread):

Building towards including the mcRBM model, we have a new tutorial on sampling from energy models:

  • HMC Sampling – hybrid (aka Hamiltonian) Monte-Carlo sampling with scan()
Building towards including the Contractive auto-encoders tutorial, we have the code for now:
Recurrent neural networks with word embeddings and context window:
LSTM network for sentiment analysis:
Energy-based recurrent neural network (RNN-RBM):

Note that the tutorials here are all compatible with Python 2 and 3, with the exception of Modeling and generating sequences of polyphonic music with the RNN-RBM which is only available for Python 2.




Other approaches to deep neural nets

Through this book, we’ve concentrated on a single problem: classifying the MNIST digits. It’s a juicy problem which forced us to understand many powerful ideas: stochastic gradient descent, backpropagation, convolutional nets, regularization, and more. But it’s also a narrow problem. If you read the neural networks literature, you’ll run into many ideas we haven’t discussed: recurrent neural networks, Boltzmann machines, generative models, transfer learning, reinforcement learning, and so on, on and on \ldots and on! Neural networks is a vast field. However, many important ideas are variations on ideas we’ve already discussed, and can be understood with a little effort. In this section I provide a glimpse of these as yet unseen vistas. The discussion isn’t detailed, nor comprehensive – that would greatly expand the book. Rather, it’s impressionistic, an attempt to evoke the conceptual richness of the field, and to relate some of those riches to what we’ve already seen. Through the section, I’ll provide a few links to other sources, as entrees to learn more. Of course, many of these links will soon be superseded, and you may wish to search out more recent literature. That point notwithstanding, I expect many of the underlying ideas to be of lasting interest.

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs): In the feedforward nets we’ve been using there is a single input which completely determines the activations of all the neurons through the remaining layers. It’s a very static picture: everything in the network is fixed, with a frozen, crystalline quality to it. But suppose we allow the elements in the network to keep changing in a dynamic way. For instance, the behaviour of hidden neurons might not just be determined by the activations in previous hidden layers, but also by the activations at earlier times. Indeed, a neuron’s activation might be determined in part by its own activation at an earlier time. That’s certainly not what happens in a feedforward network. Or perhaps the activations of hidden and output neurons won’t be determined just by the current input to the network, but also by earlier inputs.

Neural networks with this kind of time-varying behaviour are known as recurrent neural networks or RNNs. There are many different ways of mathematically formalizing the informal description of recurrent nets given in the last paragraph. You can get the flavour of some of these mathematical models by glancing at the Wikipedia article on RNNs. As I write, that page lists no fewer than 13 different models. But mathematical details aside, the broad idea is that RNNs are neural networks in which there is some notion of dynamic change over time. And, not surprisingly, they’re particularly useful in analysing data or processes that change over time. Such data and processes arise naturally in problems such as speech or natural language, for example.

One way RNNs are currently being used is to connect neural networks more closely to traditional ways of thinking about algorithms, ways of thinking based on concepts such as Turing machines and (conventional) programming languages. A 2014 paper developed an RNN which could take as input a character-by-character description of a (very, very simple!) Python program, and use that description to predict the output. Informally, the network is learning to “understand” certain Python programs. A second paper, also from 2014, used RNNs as a starting point to develop what they called a neural Turing machine (NTM). This is a universal computer whose entire structure can be trained using gradient descent. They trained their NTM to infer algorithms for several simple problems, such as sorting and copying.

As it stands, these are extremely simple toy models. Learning to execute the Python program print(398345+42598) doesn’t make a network into a full-fledged Python interpreter! It’s not clear how much further it will be possible to push the ideas. Still, the results are intriguing. Historically, neural networks have done well at pattern recognition problems where conventional algorithmic approaches have trouble. Vice versa, conventional algorithmic approaches are good at solving problems that neural nets aren’t so good at. No-one today implements a web server or a database program using a neural network! It’d be great to develop unified models that integrate the strengths of both neural networks and more traditional approaches to algorithms. RNNs and ideas inspired by RNNs may help us do that.

RNNs have also been used in recent years to attack many other problems. They’ve been particularly useful in speech recognition. Approaches based on RNNs have, for example, set records for the accuracy of phoneme recognition. They’ve also been used to develop improved models of the language people use while speaking. Better language models help disambiguate utterances that otherwise sound alike. A good language model will, for example, tell us that “to infinity and beyond” is much more likely than “two infinity and beyond”, despite the fact that the phrases sound identical. RNNs have been used to set new records for certain language benchmarks.

This work is, incidentally, part of a broader use of deep neural nets of all types, not just RNNs, in speech recognition. For example, an approach based on deep nets has achieved outstanding results on large vocabulary continuous speech recognition. And another system based on deep nets has been deployed in Google’s Android operating system (for related technical work, see Vincent Vanhoucke’s 2012-2015 papers).

I’ve said a little about what RNNs can do, but not so much about how they work. It perhaps won’t surprise you to learn that many of the ideas used in feedforward networks can also be used in RNNs. In particular, we can train RNNs using straightforward modifications to gradient descent and backpropagation. Many other ideas used in feedforward nets, ranging from regularization techniques to convolutions to the activation and cost functions used, are also useful in recurrent nets. And so many of the techniques we’ve developed in the book can be adapted for use with RNNs.

Long short-term memory units (LSTMs): One challenge affecting RNNs is that early models turned out to be very difficult to train, harder even than deep feedforward networks. The reason is the unstable gradient problem discussed in Chapter 5. Recall that the usual manifestation of this problem is that the gradient gets smaller and smaller as it is propagated back through layers. This makes learning in early layers extremely slow. The problem actually gets worse in RNNs, since gradients aren’t just propagated backward through layers, they’re propagated backward through time. If the network runs for a long time that can make the gradient extremely unstable and hard to learn from. Fortunately, it’s possible to incorporate an idea known as long short-term memory units (LSTMs) into RNNs. The units were introduced by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber in 1997 with the explicit purpose of helping address the unstable gradient problem. LSTMs make it much easier to get good results when training RNNs, and many recent papers (including many that I linked above) make use of LSTMs or related ideas.

Deep belief nets, generative models, and Boltzmann machines: Modern interest in deep learning began in 2006, with papers explaining how to train a type of neural network known as a deep belief network (DBN)*

*See A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets, by Geoffrey Hinton, Simon Osindero, and Yee-Whye Teh (2006), as well as the related work in Reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks, by Geoffrey Hinton and Ruslan Salakhutdinov (2006)..

DBNs were influential for several years, but have since lessened in popularity, while models such as feedforward networks and recurrent neural nets have become fashionable. Despite this, DBNs have several properties that make them interesting.

One reason DBNs are interesting is that they’re an example of what’s called a generative model. In a feedforward network, we specify the input activations, and they determine the activations of the feature neurons later in the network. A generative model like a DBN can be used in a similar way, but it’s also possible to specify the values of some of the feature neurons and then “run the network backward”, generating values for the input activations. More concretely, a DBN trained on images of handwritten digits can (potentially, and with some care) also be used to generate images that look like handwritten digits. In other words, the DBN would in some sense be learning to write. In this, a generative model is much like the human brain: not only can it read digits, it can also write them. In Geoffrey Hinton’s memorable phrase, to recognize shapes, first learn to generate images.

A second reason DBNs are interesting is that they can do unsupervised and semi-supervised learning. For instance, when trained with image data, DBNs can learn useful features for understanding other images, even if the training images are unlabelled. And the ability to do unsupervised learning is extremely interesting both for fundamental scientific reasons, and – if it can be made to work well enough – for practical applications.

Given these attractive features, why have DBNs lessened in popularity as models for deep learning? Part of the reason is that models such as feedforward and recurrent nets have achieved many spectacular results, such as their breakthroughs on image and speech recognition benchmarks. It’s not surprising and quite right that there’s now lots of attention being paid to these models. There’s an unfortunate corollary, however. The marketplace of ideas often functions in a winner-take-all fashion, with nearly all attention going to the current fashion-of-the-moment in any given area. It can become extremely difficult for people to work on momentarily unfashionable ideas, even when those ideas are obviously of real long-term interest. My personal opinion is that DBNs and other generative models likely deserve more attention than they are currently receiving. And I won’t be surprised if DBNs or a related model one day surpass the currently fashionable models. For an introduction to DBNs, see this overview. I’ve also found this article helpful. It isn’t primarily about deep belief nets, per se, but does contain much useful information about restricted Boltzmann machines, which are a key component of DBNs.

Other ideas: What else is going on in neural networks and deep learning? Well, there’s a huge amount of other fascinating work. Active areas of research include using neural networks to do natural language processing (see also this informative review paper), machine translation, as well as perhaps more surprising applications such as music informatics. There are, of course, many other areas too. In many cases, having read this book you should be able to begin following recent work, although (of course) you’ll need to fill in gaps in presumed background knowledge.

Let me finish this section by mentioning a particularly fun paper. It combines deep convolutional networks with a technique known as reinforcement learning in order to learn to play video games well (see also this followup). The idea is to use the convolutional network to simplify the pixel data from the game screen, turning it into a simpler set of features, which can be used to decide which action to take: “go left”, “go down”, “fire”, and so on. What is particularly interesting is that a single network learned to play seven different classic video games pretty well, outperforming human experts on three of the games. Now, this all sounds like a stunt, and there’s no doubt the paper was well marketed, with the title “Playing Atari with reinforcement learning”. But looking past the surface gloss, consider that this system is taking raw pixel data – it doesn’t even know the game rules! – and from that data learning to do high-quality decision-making in several very different and very adversarial environments, each with its own complex set of rules. That’s pretty neat.
