勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧【專題】 PD‧二

由於『純數據』 Pure Data 程式語言功能強大,所寫的程式稱作『補丁』 patch ,所用『物件』仿效物理實物『連線』。實非可用幾篇文章完整說明。因此特先介紹 Johannes Kreidler  之『公開書』

Programming Electronic Music in Pd

,引用其《 Chapter 1. Introduction to Pd 》中一小段文本,作個 Pd 起點︰


In precise terms, Pd is a “real-time graphical programming environment for audio processing“. Traditionally, programmers work with text-based programming languages. They create what is called “code“, which is processed by a computer to produce a result. To carry out its programming functions, Pd uses visual objects that the user places and alters on the screen. These visual objects — small boxes that can be connected to each other — are a throwback to analogue studios that were used to produce electronic music before the advent of computers: various devices — today symbolized by our little boxes — are connected to each other using lines that — like cablessymbolize physical connections between the boxes. (Due to this type of connection, Pd is referred to as a datastream-oriented programming language.)

An analog studio – devices are connected with cables.

Pd boxes are connected to each other.

One major advantage of Pd is the aspect of “real-time”. This means that, in contrast to most programming environments where a text is first entered that must be separately processed by the computer before obtaining a result, changes in Pd can be made during performance. Like on a classical instrument, the user hears the result instantaneously and can change it immediately. This makes Pd especially well suited for use in live performance.

Pd has become much more than a programming language for electronic music. Since users across the globe can participate in the project, there are user-programmed modules for what are called “externals”: video, Internet connection, joystick integration, etc. Whole libraries of these modules even exist (“external libraries”). Some of these externals have been integrated into the regular version of Pd.



從 Johannes Kreidler 的簡介裡,或許可以感覺『補丁』的奧妙!也許能夠想像『插頭』 JACK 之魅力乎?

因為 Johannes Kreidler 已於

Chapter 2. Programming with Pd for the first time 》文章中

,對這個圖形界面環境之『初學者』的『操作』做了詳細的圖說,作者將不再多作贅敘,還請讀者自己先行閱讀的了。同時告知喜歡讀書的讀者,『絲棉手冊』網上有一本 Pd 的書,可以下載,也可以線上閱讀。