勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧說明篇

為了實寫 M♪o 的教育理念,不得不思考如何打造相仿的學習環境,畢竟這與那差距過大,受限的事情又多,萬一改述的不好,實在是作者之不足,切莫遷怒於 M♪o 才好。特別先寫在前,以正視聽。






Counting rod v7.png Counting rod h1.png Counting rod v8.png Counting rod h2.png Counting rod v4.png


算籌出現的具體時間已無從可考了,但是早在中國春秋戰國的時期就已普遍使用了。算籌採用的是十進位制的記數方法,同一個數字在不同的數位上,數值也就相應不同,每進一位數值乘10,並且在算籌盤上,以空位表示0。為了不使數字數位混淆,算籌採用縱式橫式兩種方法記數。 中國古代算籌記數,採用十進位制,個位用縱式,十位用橫式,百位再用縱式……這樣縱橫交替擺放,就可以擺出任意大的數字來了。孫子算經記載:

凡算之法,先識其位,一縱十橫,百立千僵,千十相望 ,百萬相當





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
直式 Counting rod 0.png Counting rod v1.png Counting rod v2.png Counting rod v3.png Counting rod v4.png Counting rod v5.png Counting rod v6.png Counting rod v7.png Counting rod v8.png Counting rod v9.png
橫式 Counting rod 0.png Counting rod h1.png Counting rod h2.png Counting rod h3.png Counting rod h4.png Counting rod h5.png Counting rod h6.png Counting rod h7 num.png Counting rod h8 num.png Counting rod h9 num.png
-0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9
直式 Counting rod -0.png Counting rod v-1.png Counting rod v-2.png Counting rod v-3.png Counting rod v-4.png Counting rod v-5.png Counting rod v-6.png Counting rod v-7.png Counting rod v-8.png Counting rod v-9.png
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
直式 Counting rod 0.png Counting rod v1.png Counting rod v2.png Counting rod v3.png Counting rod 4 song.png Counting rod v5 song.png Counting rod v6.png Counting rod v7.png Counting rod v8.png Counting rod v9 song.png
橫式 Counting rod 0.png Counting rod h1.png Counting rod h2.png Counting rod h3.png Counting rod 4 song.png Counting rod h5 song.png Counting rod h6.png Counting rod h7 num.png Counting rod h8 num.png Counting rod h9 song.png


現代 關孝和 後關孝和
x + y + 246 Counting rod v1.pngCounting rod v1.pngCounting rod v2.pngCounting rod h4.pngCounting rod v6.png Counting rod v1.pngCounting rod v1.pngCounting rod v1.png二四六
5x – 6y Counting rod v5.pngCounting rod v-6.png Counting rod v1.png五甲Counting rod v-1.png六乙
7xy Counting rod v7.png甲乙 Counting rod v1.png七甲乙
8x / y N/A Counting rod v1.png八甲



然而使用『派生』 Python ,輔之以適當的程式庫,也許差可擬的吧 !要說到現象『認知學習』之環境,著實讓作者苦惱良久。僅法之以 M♪o 的『遞迴觀』,用『數據』之『製造』與『處理』『循環』來強作『比擬』的了!!





Jessie Is Here



Jessie is here? Who’s Jessie? Wasn’t she the cowgirl doll in “Toy Story 2” – you know, the one who got abandoned in a park to that Sarah McLachlan song, resulting in at least one software engineer finding he had something in his eye at that point…?

Yes, it is that Jessie, but not in that context. The Raspbian operating system is based on Debian Linux, and the different versions of Debian are named after characters from the “Toy Story” films. Recent versions of Raspbian have been based on Debian Wheezy (the penguin who’s lost his squeaker in “Toy Story 2”), but Raspbian has now been updated to the new stable version of Debian, which is called Jessie.


