Rock It 《ML》漫談

現在已經在 ROCK64 上,建置了陽春 Python3 神經網路環境,如何說說『ML』機器學習呢?心想︰雖也曾讀過一些大部頭的書,裡面多半是數學呦!既然人工智慧將興,何不就寫點科普漫談耶?一時不能平地起高樓也!突然腦海裡浮現那個自由書架


The following is a list of free, open source books on machine learning, statistics, data-mining, etc.





A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in python using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.

Machine Learning Notebooks

This project aims at teaching you the fundamentals of Machine Learning in python. It contains the example code and solutions to the exercises in my O’Reilly book Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow:



Simply open the Jupyter notebooks you are interested in:

  • Using’s notebook viewer
  • or by cloning this repository and running Jupyter locally. This option lets you play around with the code. In this case, follow the installation instructions below.


正好當作底本,寫寫 ㄎㄎ 樂趣吧☺