勇闖新世界︰ 《 pyDatalog 》【專題】之約束編程‧一


覆面算是用英文字母(亦可以是方塊字或符號)來取代 0 至 9 的數字,要求玩者找回那些字母代表的數字的趣題形式。 

是一種有『約束條件』的『方程式』求解。通常這類問題一聽就懂 ,卻因有太多的變數框住,不好求解。維基百科『語詞算術』

Verbal arithmetic

Verbal arithmetic, also known as alphametics, cryptarithmetic, crypt-arithmetic, cryptarithm or word addition, is a type of mathematical game consisting of a mathematical equation among unknown numbers, whose digits are represented by letters. The goal is to identify the value of each letter. The name can be extended to puzzles that use non-alphabetic symbols instead of letters.

The equation is typically a basic operation of arithmetic, such as addition, multiplication, or division. The classic example, published in the July 1924 issue of Strand Magazine by Henry Dudeney,[1] is:

\begin{matrix}<br />      &   & \text{S} & \text{E} & \text{N} & \text{D} \\<br />    + &   & \text{M} & \text{O} & \text{R} & \text{E} \\<br />  \hline<br />    = & \text{M} & \text{O} & \text{N} & \text{E} & \text{Y} \\<br /> \end{matrix}

The solution to this puzzle is O = 0, M = 1, Y = 2, E = 5, N = 6, D = 7, R = 8, and S = 9.

Traditionally, each letter should represent a different digit, and (as in ordinary arithmetic notation) the leading digit of a multi-digit number must not be zero. A good puzzle should have a unique solution, and the letters should make up a phrase (as in the example above).

Verbal arithmetic can be useful as a motivation and source of exercises in the teaching of algebra. ……

詞條所舉的『亨利‧杜德耐』Henry Dudeney 於一九二四年,在 Strand Magazine 所發表的『SEND + MORE = MONEY』就是經典的例子。既然 pyDatalog 是一種『宣告式編程』,就讓我們開個專題研究一下如何用 pyDatalog 來寫『約束編程』

Constraint programming

In computer science, constraint programming is a programming paradigm wherein relations between variables are stated in the form of constraints. Constraints differ from the common primitives of imperative programming languages in that they do not specify a step or sequence of steps to execute, but rather the properties of a solution to be found. This makes constraint programming a form of declarative programming. The constraints used in constraint programming are of various kinds: those used in constraint satisfaction problems (e.g. “A or B is true”), those solved by the simplex algorithm (e.g. “x ≤ 5″), and others. Constraints are usually embedded within a programming language or provided via separate software libraries.

Constraint programming can be expressed in the form of constraint logic programming, which embeds constraints into a logic program. This variant of logic programming is due to Jaffar and Lassez, who extended in 1987 a specific class of constraints that were introduced in Prolog II. The first implementations of constraint logic programming were Prolog III, CLP(R), and CHIP.  ……

之程式,希望能加深讀者對 pyDatalog 語言及應用的了解。














Counting rod v-1.png
Counting rod h6.pngCounting rod h-8.pngCounting rod 0.png
Counting rod v9.pngCounting rod h6.pngCounting rod 0.pngCounting rod 0.pngCounting rod 0.png



李冶益古演段》卷中第三十六問中的方程=3x^2+210x-20325 用天元術表示為:


Counting rod v2.pngCounting rod 0.pngCounting rod v-3.pngCounting rod h2.pngCounting rod v5.png

Counting rod v2.pngCounting rod h1.pngCounting rod 0.png 元(x)

Counting rod v3.pngx^2項)


其中「太」是常數項,算籌Counting rod v3.png 打斜線表示該項常數為負數。 「元」相當於未知數x

