



I never had a slice of bread particularly large and wide that did not fall upon the floor and always on the buttered side.




近年來根據美國方言學會 ADS American Dialect Society Stephen Goranson 的研究,一八七七年的一次工程學會會議上 Alfred Holt 的報告上提出︰

It is found that anything that can go wrong at sea generally does go wrong sooner or later, so it is not to be wondered that owners prefer the safe to the scientific …. Sufficient stress can hardly be laid on the advantages of simplicity. The human factor cannot be safely neglected in planning machinery. If attention is to be obtained, the engine must be such that the engineer will be disposed to attend to it.

,由此看來,說不定是 De Morgan 錯記『莫非』Murphy 的

Mathematician Augustus De Morgan wrote on June 23, 1866: “The first experiment already illustrates a truth of the theory, well confirmed by practice, what-ever can happen will happen if we make trials enough.” In later publications “whatever can happen will happen” occasionally is termed “Murphy’s law,” which raises the possibility — if something went wrong — that “Murphy” is “De Morgan” misremembered (an option, among others, raised by Goranson on American Dialect Society list).



從科學和演算法方面來講,它和『最糟情境』worst-case scenario 分析同義,然而就文化層面而言,它代表著一種反諷式的幽默,也許能排解日常生活中諸多遭遇的不滿。

那人們該如何設想『莫非之機率』的呢?一九零九年時法國數學家埃米爾‧博雷爾 Félix-Édouard-Justin-Émile Borel 在一本機率書中介紹了一個『打字猴子』的概念︰





北 山愚公者,年且九十,面山而居。懲山北之塞,出入之迂也。聚室而謀曰:「吾與汝畢力平險,指通豫南,達於漢陰,可乎?」雜然相許。其妻獻疑曰:「以君之 力,曾不能損魁父之丘,如太行、王屋何?且焉置土石?」雜曰:「投諸渤海之尾,隱土之北。」遂率子孫荷擔者三夫,叩石墾壤,箕畚運於渤海之尾。鄰人京城氏 之孀妻有遺男,始齔,跳往助之。寒暑易節,始一反焉。

河曲智叟笑而止之曰:「甚矣,汝之不惠。以殘年餘力,曾不能毀山之一毛,其如土石何?」北山愚公長息曰:「汝心之固,固不可徹,曾不若孀妻弱子。雖我之死,有子存焉;子又生孫,孫又生子 ;子又有子,子又有孫;子子孫孫無窮匱也,而山不加增,何苦而不平?」河曲智叟亡以應。

操蛇之神聞之,懼其不已也,告之於帝。帝感其誠,命誇娥氏二子負二山,一厝朔東,一厝雍南。自此,冀之南,漢之陰,無隴斷焉 。







\lim \limits_{Time \to \infty} \ IS_{OK}(Time) \ \to 0


\lim \limits_{Time \to \infty} \ Time \times \ IS_{OK}(Time) \ \to \ ?





莫非『派生』 Python 深知其理,於是有

29.12. inspect — Inspect live objects

Source code: Lib/inspect.py

The inspect module provides several useful functions to help get information about live objects such as modules, classes, methods, functions, tracebacks, frame objects, and code objects. For example, it can help you examine the contents of a class, retrieve the source code of a method, extract and format the argument list for a function, or get all the information you need to display a detailed traceback.

There are four main kinds of services provided by this module: type checking, getting source code, inspecting classes and functions, and examining the interpreter stack.



程式庫的嗎??所以有『派生者』 Pythonian 追隨其理念,創作

Python object browser implemented in Qt


Extensible Python object inspection tool implemented in Qt.

Displays objects as trees and allows you to inspect their attributes recursively (e.g. browse through a list of dictionaries). You can add your own inspection methods as new columns to the tree view, or as radio buttons to the details pane. Altering existing inspection methods is possible as well.


  1. Install PySide: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Category:LanguageBindings::PySide
  2. Run the installer:
pip install objbrowser

User interface:

objbrowser screen shot

From the View menu you can select some extra columns, for instance the objects’ id column. This can also be done by right-clicking on the table header.

If the Show routine attributes from the View menu is checked, functions and methods that are attributes of the object are shown, otherwise they are hidden. Routines that are not an object attribute, for instance functions that are an element in a list, are always displayed.

If the Show special attributes from the View menu is checked, attributes whos name start and end with two underscores are displayed.

The details pane at the bottom shows object properties that do not fit on one line, such as the docstrings and the output of various functions of the inspect module from the Python standard library.


