樹莓派 HATs ︰ eepmake 《上》

現在我們已經知道 ID EEPROM 的資料格式和內容,那麼如何產生 .epp 檔案呢?想當然耳得用 eepmake 的了。不過它的唯一說明是︰

pi@raspberrypi:~/hats/eepromutils ./eepmake  Wrong input format. Try 'eepmake input_file output_file [dt_file] [-c custom_file_1 ... custom_file_n]' pi@raspberrypi:~/hats/eepromutils



* Parses EEPROM text file and createds binary .eep file
* Usage: eepmake input_file output_file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include eeptypes.h
#define HEADER_SIGN 0x69502d52 //”R-Pi” in ASCII reversed for endianness



# EEPROM settings text file
# Edit this file for your particular board and run through eepmake tool,
# then use eepflash tool to write to attached HAT ID EEPROM
# Tools available:
# eepmake Parses EEPROM text file and creates binary .eep file
# eepdump Dumps a binary .eep file as human readable text (for debug)
# eepflash Write or read .eep binary image to/from HAT EEPROM
# Vendor info
# 128 bit UUID. If left at zero eepmake tool will auto-generate
# RFC 4122 compliant UUID
product_uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
# 16 bit product id
product_id 0x0000
# 16 bit product version
product_ver 0x0000
# ASCII vendor string (max 255 characters)
vendor “ACME Technology Company”
# ASCII product string (max 255 characters)
product “Special Sensor Board”
# GPIO bank settings, set to nonzero to change from the default.
# NOTE these setting can only be set per BANK, uncommenting any of
# these will force the bank to use the custom setting.
# drive strength, 0=default, 1-8=2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16mA, 9-15=reserved
gpio_drive 0
# 0=default, 1=slew rate limiting, 2=no slew limiting, 3=reserved
gpio_slew 0
# 0=default, 1=hysteresis disabled, 2=hysteresis enabled, 3=reserved
gpio_hysteresis 0
# If board back-powers Pi via 5V GPIO header pins:
# 0 = board does not back-power
# 1 = board back-powers and can supply the Pi with a minimum of 1.3A
# 2 = board back-powers and can supply the Pi with a minimum of 2A
# 3 = reserved
# If back_power=2 then USB high current mode will be automatically
# enabled on the Pi
back_power 0
# GPIO pins, uncomment for GPIOs used on board
# NB GPIO0 and GPIO1 are reserved for ID EEPROM so cannot be set
# —- ——– —-
#setgpio 2 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 3 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 4 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 5 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 6 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 7 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 8 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 9 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 10 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 11 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 12 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 13 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 14 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 15 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 16 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 17 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 18 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 19 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 20 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 21 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 22 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 23 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 24 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 25 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 26 INPUT DEFAULT
#setgpio 27 INPUT DEFAULT


eepmake input_file 格式的哩。

從『原始碼』也可以證實 128 bit UUID 不需要給, eepmake 會自動產生︰

	/* Vendor info related part */
# line 198

if (strcmp(cmd, "product_uuid")==0) {
        product_serial_set = true; //required field
        high1 = 0; high2 = 0;

        sscanf(c, "%100s %08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%08x\n", cmd, &vinf->serial_4,
&high1, &vinf->serial_3, &high2, &vinf->serial_2, &vinf->serial_1);

        vinf->serial_3 |= high1<<16;
        vinf->serial_2 |= high2<<16;

        if ((vinf->serial_4==0) && (vinf->serial_3==0) && (vinf->serial_2==0) && (vinf->serial_1==0)) {
                //read 128 random bits from /dev/urandom
                int random_file = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
                ssize_t result = read(random_file, &vinf->serial_1, 16);
                if (result <= 0) printf("Unable to read from /dev/urandom to set up UUID");
                else {
                        //put in the version
                        vinf->serial_3 = (vinf->serial_3 & 0xffff0fff) | 0x00004000;

                        //put in the variant
                        vinf->serial_2 = (vinf->serial_2 & 0x3fffffff) | 0x80000000;
                        printf("UUID=%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%08x\n", vinf->serial_4, vinf->serial_3>>16, vinf->serial_3 & 0xffff, vinf->serial_2>>16, vinf->serial_2 & 0xffff, vinf->serial_1);


因此剩下的事就是好好了解 40W GPIOs 怎麼設定的也☆






