【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 J.3‧MIR-13.3 》


分明清楚定義那個輸入訊號 \vec{x}

x(t)=\begin{cases} \cos(440 \pi t); & t < 0.5 \\ \cos(660 \pi t); & 0.5 \leq t < 1 \\ \cos(524 \pi t); & t \ge 1 \end{cases}

總不會因為例子中改叫作 \vec{y} 而有不同吧!?

奈何『時間軸』竟受 hop\_length 影響耶??





倘再考之以 n\_fft 的關聯,當能領會『預設之旨』乎!!


無怪 librosa 有這麼多

Time and frequency conversion

frames_to_samples(frames[, hop_length, n_fft]) Converts frame indices to audio sample indices
frames_to_time(frames[, sr, hop_length, n_fft]) Converts frame counts to time (seconds)
samples_to_frames(samples[, hop_length, n_fft]) Converts sample indices into STFT frames.
samples_to_time(samples[, sr]) Convert sample indices to time (in seconds).
time_to_frames(times[, sr, hop_length, n_fft]) Converts time stamps into STFT frames.
time_to_samples(times[, sr]) Convert timestamps (in seconds) to sample indices.
hz_to_note(frequencies, **kwargs) Convert one or more frequencies (in Hz) to the nearest note names.
hz_to_midi(frequencies) Get the closest MIDI note number(s) for given frequencies
midi_to_hz(notes) Get the frequency (Hz) of MIDI note(s)
midi_to_note(midi[, octave, cents]) Convert one or more MIDI numbers to note strings.
note_to_hz(note, **kwargs) Convert one or more note names to frequency (Hz)
note_to_midi(note[, round_midi]) Convert one or more spelled notes to MIDI number(s).
hz_to_mel(frequencies[, htk]) Convert Hz to Mels
hz_to_octs(frequencies[, A440]) Convert frequencies (Hz) to (fractional) octave numbers.
mel_to_hz(mels[, htk]) Convert mel bin numbers to frequencies
octs_to_hz(octs[, A440]) Convert octaves numbers to frequencies.
fft_frequencies([sr, n_fft]) Alternative implementation of np.fft.fftfreqs
cqt_frequencies(n_bins, fmin[, …]) Compute the center frequencies of Constant-Q bins.
mel_frequencies([n_mels, fmin, fmax, htk]) Compute the center frequencies of mel bands.
tempo_frequencies(n_bins[, hop_length, sr]) Compute the frequencies (in beats-per-minute) corresponding to an onset auto-correlation or tempogram matrix.



