勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧【專題】 GEM‧PD‧分解組合

假使揣想『純數據』之『 GEM 』的環境會被怎樣建置,其內操作『影像物件』的方法與『聲音箱子』能有多大的差異?如果擴張 Pd 的設計者,遵循原有的傳統,我們當可期望某種控制類似性的吧!如是者本著對 Pd 『 HELP 』幫助環境的了解,


Help Browser_manuals


也許不難找到下面這本 GEM 解說『手冊』︰


Ye olde Gem Manual

3. Basic Objects

These are the objects you need for getting started

Basic Objects

There are a number of objects which are the foundation for GEM. These objects are used in every patch and control the graphics and rendering.

[gemwin] – The window manager
[gemhead] – The start of a rendering chain
manips – Move an object in the window
geos – Render a shape





Help Browser_範例



經過一番通讀和嘗試後,自會發現 GEM 環境的『核心』箱子是

【 gemwin 視窗管理物件】


gemwin-help.pd- - -usr-lib-pd-extended-extra-Gem_GEMWIN


【 gemhead 影像操作表達鏈】。


gemhead-help.pd - -usr-lib-pd-extended-extra-Gem_GEMHEAD


此二者務當要仔細的了解,詳實理知它們之內涵。在透過『範例』練習和省思之後,假使能將基本物件的概念作『分解』與『組合 』,自可發現入門之徑的耶!?