勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰教具教材‧計算觀

若問一台美金五元的計算機和 M♪o 的教育理念有什麼關係?那或是『教具』開發與運用的先河!這也正是《卡夫卡村》的『教具室』成立之目的。

近日閱讀 Forbes/Tech

Could Raspberry Pi Zero Be Pivotal To Open Source IOT ?


心中頗有感觸。心想也許有些讀者還不知道,到底什麼是 PiZero ??特此引用 Adafruit 之詳細介紹文本︰

A Tour of the Pi Zero

It’s Thanksgiving 2015 – the turkey’s brining, the potatos not-yet-mashed…and from Pi Towers the call goes out A NEW PI IS BORN! LONG LIVE THE PI!

The Pi Zero – the smallest, thinnest, most-affordable Pi ever. So much so, it comes free with every issue of MagPi #40.

Want to get your own? Pick up a Raspberry Pi Zero starter kit, basic kit or just the bare computer board at the adafruit shop.

What’s new? What’s different?

Wow a new Pi – so exciting! The Pi Zero is the smallest, most affordable Pi ever. Wonder what’s new & different? Let’s check it out!


First up, the Pi Zero is small and thin

65mm long x 30mm wide x 5mm thick

(31mm if you include the little sticky-out bits of the microUSB jacks)




Raspberry Pi: Top 18 projects to try yourself

The best projects to try with the Raspberry Pi Zero

Raspberry Pi has floored the tech community yet again, with the launch of the Raspberry Pi Zero.

The newest member of the Pi family, the Zero costs £4 and measures just 65mm across while still remaining just as capable as earlier models.

With similar specs to the Raspberry Pi B+, the latest iteration of the hobby computing line will allow users to make their microcomputing projects even more micro without sacrificing performance.

It’s not just experienced hobbyists and hackers who have made excellent use of the Pi. Schoolchildren have come up with ingenious ideas, the best of which have been showcased at PA Consulting’s annual Raspberry Pi Awards.

We’ve rounded up all the best things you can do with a Raspberry Pi to give budding makers some ideas. Most of these are designed with the larger old-school models in mind, but many of them can be adapted (or even improved) to feature the Raspberry Pi Zero.

Below we take a look at 18 of our favourite Raspberry Pi projects to date:




假使從『Input Process Output 』 IPO 的觀點來看 ──




Computation is any type of calculation[1][2] that follows a well-defined model understood and expressed as, for example, an algorithm, or a protocol.

The study of computation is paramount to the discipline of computer science.


Computation can be classified by mainly three unique criteria: digital versus analog, sequential versus parallel versus concurrent, batch versus interactive.

In practice, digital computation aids simulation of natural processes (for example, evolutionary computation), including those that are naturally described by analog models of computation (for example, artificial neural network).

Comparison to calculation

Calculation is a term for the computation of numbers, while computation is a wider reaching term for information processing in general.

Physical phenomenon

A computation can be seen as a purely physical phenomenon occurring inside a closed physical system called a computer. Examples of such physical systems include digital computers, mechanical computers, quantum computers, DNA computers, molecular computers, analog computers or wetware computers. This point of view is the one adopted by the branch of theoretical physics called the physics of computation.

An even more radical point of view is the postulate of digital physics that the evolution of the universe itself is a computation – pancomputationalism.

Mathematical models

In the theory of computation, a diversity of mathematical models of computers have been developed. Typical mathematical models of computers are the following:


