9va-pi ︰ 讀和想 《三》



。以今日普通 24 \ \frac{frame} {sec}  的標準來看,僅一分鐘的『動畫』就需要一千四百四十張『畫格』!若都徒手繪製,果真是工程浩大也耶?因此動畫軟件『工具』主要之『目的』或在如何能將此事『省時』與『省力』乎?!然而了解自己探索之『目的』,方可適切的決定使用什麼『工具』。因為一個『工具』方便於『此』,未必能方便於『彼』的吧!?

所以 9va-pi 畫格間的『自動內插』之方便性,反倒使它不適合析辨 \phi 現象、 \beta 運動、…… 種種現象內涵!!??

舉例而言,設想研究一個色點作『 ☆ 』變化的『運動感知』性,如下圖繪有六張畫格,第六格也就是第一格。從第一格起,這五格裡的色點分別位於『一筆劃 ☆ 』的五個頂點上。這個打算用『格率』 frame rate 來探討『視覺感知』,


moving.eva - 9VA-pi_內插





如是,我們若從 9va-pi 簡單的『紅』與『藍』之中介『變色』


現象,當可推知用 9va-pi 來作



What is actually shown: First a blue dot is shown at the top of the screen, followed by a period of blank screen. Finally a red dot is shown at the bottom of the screen.


Subjects report seeing a dot that moves from the top to the bottom. The dot changes color midway through its path.






Pencil2D – opensource animation software


Pencil2D is a free and open-source 2D animation software available for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. You can download the latest version HERE.Pencil2D

Pencil2D uses a bitmap/vector drawing interface to produce simple 2D graphics as well as animation. Pencil is written in C++ and is Qt-based, as well as licensed under the GNU General Public License.

Originally created by Patrick Corrieri, as a simple “pencil test” program, it was extended afterwards mainly by Pascal Naidon until It was abandoned. Pencil2D is a collaborative effort initiated by Matt Chang and currently in development.

This website intends to be a place, a community, where people can talk about the software and animation in general, eventually helping each other to make it happen!




synfigstudio  Synfig Studio

“…That was the original idea from day one – the elimination of the tweening process. But it is certainly not the only feature of Synfig that makes it unique. In addition to eliminating the tweening process, I also wanted Synfig to be used for pretty much every part of production except story-boarding and editing.”

Robert Quattlebaum – OSNews




Synfig Studio is a free and open-source 2D animation software, designed as powerful industrial-strength solution for creating film-quality animation using a vector and bitmap artwork. It eliminates the need to create animation frame-by frame, allowing you to produce 2D animation of a higher quality with fewer people and resources. Synfig Studio is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS X.



這兩套工具,在 raspbian jessie 上安裝十分簡單,只需

sudo apt-get install pencil2d synfigstudio
