STEM 隨筆︰古典力學︰模擬術【小工具】二

『箱子』 boxes 是一個『奧秘』的觀點,有如《打開黑箱!!》之所言︰



Black box

In science, computing, and engineering, a black box is a device, system or object which can be viewed in terms of its inputs and outputs (or transfer characteristics), without any knowledge of its internal workings. Its implementation is “opaque” (black). Almost anything might be referred to as a black box: a transistor, algorithm, or the human brain.

The opposite of a black box is a system where the inner components or logic are available for inspection, which is most commonly referred to as a white box (sometimes also known as a “clear box” or a “glass box”).


□ □ 『性質』與 ○ ○『內涵』隨意假設。最好本著


的精神,『如實』的探索這些『箱子』的『功能』以及其『出入 』之連接『方式』,如是或可避免某些『誤解』的吧!無須發生


───《勇闖新世界︰ W!O《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧【專題】 PD‧箱子世界‧出入



吉多·范羅蘇姆 Guido van Rossum 先生喜歡看『蒙提·派森的飛行馬戲團』── Monty Python’s Flying Circus,所以把他創始的程式語言叫做 『 Python 』 。Python 巨蟒,《爾雅·釋魚》蟒,王蛇。又《註》蟒,蛇最大者,故曰王蛇。正是『小王子』一書上所說的︰


吉多的 Python 『非同』於其他程式語言,居然把『空白』符號寫進了它的『文法』裡,竟然用『對齊的空白』表示程式區塊。如是種種『見地』,匯聚成一條稱作『非同的』pythonic  Way 大道 。吉多他的『中心思想』,集中的表現在由 Tim Peters 先生所寫的『 Python 的禪』,收錄在『 this模組 module 裡︰

import this

The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.

Explicit is better than implicit.

Simple is better than complex.

Complex is better than complicated.

Flat is better than nested.

Sparse is better than dense.

Readability counts.

Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.

Although practicality beats purity.

Errors should never pass silently.

Unless explicitly silenced.

In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.

Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch.

Now is better than never.

Although never is often better than *right* now.

If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.

If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.

Namespaces are one honking great idea — let’s do more of those!

─── 摘自《『騛罿』── 非同的禪!!



def f(x):
return x

interact(f, x=10);


表面文字清晰又簡單,事實 interact 『工廠』幕後早已安排事先該做些什麼之『流程』!!

因此即使逐詞逐條解釋,且非三言兩語所能為也!況且亦不符合 Pythonic Way 哩?方才邀讀者『參禪』的呦◎








STEM 隨筆︰古典力學︰模擬術【小工具】一

知道『設計典範』 MVC pattern 之名︰


Model–view–controller is commonly used for developing software that divides an application into three interconnected parts. This is done to separate internal representations of information from the ways information is presented to and accepted from the user.[1][2] The MVC design pattern decouples these major components allowing for efficient code reuse and parallel development.

Traditionally used for desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs), this architecture has become popular for designing web applications and even mobile, desktop and other clients.[3] Popular programming languages like Java, C#,Ruby, PHP and others have popular MVC frameworks that are currently being used in web application development straight out of the box.

Diagram of interactions within the MVC pattern.


As with other software patterns, MVC expresses the “core of the solution” to a problem while allowing it to be adapted for each system.[4] Particular MVC architectures can vary significantly from the traditional description here.[5]


  • The model is the central component of the pattern. It expresses the application’s behavior in terms of the problem domain, independent of the user interface.[6] It directly manages the data, logic and rules of the application.
  • A view can be any output representation of information, such as a chart or a diagram. Multiple views of the same information are possible, such as a bar chart for management and a tabular view for accountants.
  • The third part or section, the controller, accepts input and converts it to commands for the model or view.[7]


In addition to dividing the application into three kinds of components, the model–view–controller design defines the interactions between them.[8]

  • The model is responsible for managing the data of the application. It receives user input from the controller.
  • The view means presentation of the model in a particular format.
  • The controller responds to the user input and performs interactions on the data model objects. The controller receives the input, optionally validates it and then passes the input to the model.


One of the seminal insights in the early development of graphical user interfaces, MVC became one of the first approaches to describe and implement software constructs in terms of their responsibilities.[9]

Trygve Reenskaug introduced MVC into Smalltalk-76 while visiting the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)[10][11] in the 1970s. In the 1980s, Jim Althoff and others implemented a version of MVC for the Smalltalk-80 class library. Only later did a 1988 article inThe Journal of Object Technology (JOT) express MVC as a general concept.[12]

The MVC pattern has subsequently evolved,[13] giving rise to variants such as hierarchical model–view–controller (HMVC), model–view–adapter (MVA), model–view–presenter (MVP), model–view–viewmodel (MVVM), and others that adapted MVC to different contexts.

The use of the MVC pattern in web applications exploded in popularity after the introduction of NeXT‘s WebObjects in 1996, which was originally written in Objective-C (that borrowed heavily from Smalltalk) and helped enforce MVC principles. Later, the MVC pattern became popular with Java developers when WebObjects was ported to Java. Later frameworks for Java, such as Spring (released in October 2002), continued the strong bond between Java and MVC. The introduction of the frameworks Django (July 2005, for Python) and Rails (December 2005, for Ruby), both of which had a strong emphasis on rapid deployment, increased MVC’s popularity outside the traditional enterprise environment in which it has long been popular. MVC web frameworks now hold large market-shares relative to non-MVC web toolkits.[14]

Use in web applications

Although originally developed for desktop computing, MVC has been widely adopted as an architecture for World Wide Web applications in major programming languages. Several web frameworks have been created that enforce the pattern. These software frameworks vary in their interpretations, mainly in the way that the MVC responsibilities are divided between the client and server.[15]

Some web MVC frameworks take a thin client approach that places almost the entire model, view and controller logic on the server. This is reflected in frameworks such as Django, Rails and ASP.NET MVC. In this approach, the client sends either hyperlink requests orform submissions to the controller and then receives a complete and updated web page (or other document) from the view; the model exists entirely on the server.[15] Other frameworks such as AngularJS, EmberJS, JavaScriptMVC and Backbone allow the MVC components to execute partly on the client (also see Ajax).[citation needed]


固然不能取代 ipywidgets 文件閱讀,不過可以深化全貌之了解︰

User Guide

Using Interact

The interact function (ipywidgets.interact) automatically creates user interface (UI) controls for exploring code and data interactively. It is the easiest way to get started using IPython’s widgets.


Simple Widget Introduction

What are widgets?

Widgets are eventful python objects that have a representation in the browser, often as a control like a slider, textbox, etc.

What can they be used for?

You can use widgets to build interactive GUIs for your notebooks.
You can also use widgets to synchronize stateful and stateless information between Python and JavaScript.


Why does displaying the same widget twice work?

Widgets are represented in the back-end by a single object. Each time a widget is displayed, a new representation of that same object is created in the front-end. These representations are called views.

Kernel & front-end diagram

Kernel & front-end diagram






裡的範例筆記?或許能好好體會一下『學習互動』、『互動學習 』哩☆









STEM 隨筆︰古典力學︰模擬術【可視化】 E

Web Widget,中文可譯作:小部件小工具微件掛件等,是一小塊可以在任意一個基於 HTML 的網頁上執行代碼構成的小部件,它的表現形式可能是影片地圖新聞小遊戲等等。它的根本思想來源於代碼復用,在一般的情況下,Widget 的代碼形式包含了 DHTMLJavaScript 及 Adobe Flash


Web Widget 可以向一個基於 HTML 的 Web 頁面上添加一些動態內容。它可能是瀏覽量計數器,實時股票資訊以及航班資訊等等 。通常情況下,一個 Widget 的功能都是由第三方提供的代碼實現的,而 Web 開發者,只需要將這些代碼塊嵌入自己的頁面即可。其實,在全球資訊網發展的早期,Web 開發者就已經嘗試在他們的頁面中嵌入一些第三方開發的代碼塊,不過這些代碼塊早期的功能通常都是一些諸如連結計數,或者英語:廣告橫幅等。

Web Widget 可以被視作是小型的可下載應用程式,不過這些應用程式都是運用一些 Web 技術來得以實現的,可能包括JavaScriptHTML 及 CSS 等。Web Widget 通常都需要依賴一些公開的 Web API。這些 API 可能是由瀏覽器公布,或者是由一些Widget引擎公布。


Web Widget 允許 Web 開發者在他們的頁面中整合任何第三方Web 站點所提供的 Widget 代碼,以便於在自己的網站中聚合各種各樣的資訊與資源。這樣一來,原先網頁瀏覽者可能必須要去好幾個不同站點才能取得到的資訊可以在一次頁面存取中全部取得到[1]

基於 Web Widget 的特性,一些人認為,通過這一途徑,站點的擁有者可以藉助 Widget 提升自己站點的用戶體驗,而行銷人員也可藉助 Widget 在用戶不需要跳轉當前頁面的情況下也可以推廣廠商自身的品牌與服務[2];但與此相反,另外一些人卻認為 Web Widget 所帶來的只是又一個商業上的泡沫而已,因為當用戶在一個整合了多種 Web Widget 的個性化站點或者社群網站中(如 Facebook ) 尋找樂趣時,他們是不太可能記住 Widget 中推廣的品牌與產品的[3]

另外,由於任何 Widget 代碼都可以被嵌入到 Web 頁面中,因此一些帶有惡意代碼的 Widget 將可能給頁面瀏覽者帶來麻煩。比如 Facebook 上曾經有一個名為「Secret Crush」的 Widget ,它會誘導用戶去自動下載廣告軟體[4]。2

─── 維基百科《Web Widget》詞條


其實 PyDy viz 建基


JavaScript 3D library.


JavaScript 3D library

The aim of the project is to create an easy to use, lightweight, 3D library. The library provides <canvas>, <svg>, CSS3D and WebGL renderers.




ipywidgets: Interactive HTML Widgets

ipywidgets are interactive HTML widgets for Jupyter notebooks and the IPython kernel.

Notebooks come alive when interactive widgets are used. Users gain control of their data and can visualize changes in the data.

Learning becomes an immersive, plus fun, experience. Researchers can easily see how changing inputs to a model impact the results. We hope you will add ipywidgets to your notebooks, and we’re here to help you get started.

Core Interactive Widgets

A demonstration notebook provides an overview of the core interactive widgets, including:

  • sliders
  • progress bars
  • text boxes
  • toggle buttons and checkboxes
  • display areas
  • and more

Jupyter Interactive Widgets as a Framework

Besides the widgets already provided with the library, the framework can be extended with custom widget libraries.

A template project is available in the form of a cookie cutter here.

This project is meant to help custom widget authors get started with the packaging and the distribution of Jupyter interactive widgets.

It produces a project for a Jupyter interactive widget library following the current best practices for using interactive widgets. An implementation for a placeholder “Hello World” widget is provided.

Popular widget libraries such as bqplot, pythreejs and ipyleaflet

follow exactly the same template and directory structure. They can serve as more advanced examples of usage of the Jupyter widget infrastructure.

For detailed information, please refer to the ipywidgets documentation.


之上。何況 ipywidgets 也有


A Jupyter – Three.js bridge


A Python / ThreeJS bridge utilizing the Jupyter widget infrastructure.



橋樑,熟悉之後,非但表現空間可以擴大,亦可深入 PyDy 可視化之認識也!


Interactive Widgets

Jupyter widgets enable interactive data visualization in the Jupyter notebooks.

icon to represent multiple notebooks

Notebook Widgets

Notebooks come alive when interactive widgets are used. Users can visualize and control changes in the data. Learning becomes an immersive, plus fun, experience. Researchers can easily see how changing inputs to a model impacts the results.









STEM 隨筆︰古典力學︰模擬術【可視化】 D





傳說東晉王羲之曾到過天台山 ,他為那兒優美的風景深深的吸引,便在山頂處落腳,朝可賞日出之奇景,終日裡雲流霧變,暮又觀餘暉之彩霞,果真是人間的仙境阿。他卻於不覺間得了個書法之病︰只知整日裡不停的寫,一張寫過又是一張,洗筆洗硯竟把一個原本清澄碧徹的池子都染黑了。雖然如此癡迷的寫不倦的練,可是那練寫的字總是滿意不得。一日疲倦不堪,趴著桌子昏昏入夢。清風徐徐一陣風吹過,帶來了一朵白雲,有位銀髮白鬍子老頭飄然而下,笑呵呵的對他說︰將手拿來。睡夢中的他倒還是伸出了手,只見那老人家在他掌心中寫了一個字,突然一時醒來,哪去找那老人家耶?只不過那『字』依稀記得 ,隨著感覺寫去,卻是個『』字。王羲之對此奇緣奇字不得其解,苦思之餘頓然了悟,原來『書法』所有的『筆訣』盡在『永』之一字之『』!!此後多年勤練此字 ,日後字功之強看看他信手寫下的《蘭亭集序》便知曉了。





英國知名的心理學家托尼‧博贊 Tony Buzan 於一九七零年代提出『心智圖』mind map 工具 一個『主題為中心勾畫心中想到的種種關聯』『觀點』,用以分析』 、『理解』和『解決問題此『』繪看起來像心臟』與『血管』的網絡關係,真的用『心血』灌溉創造的想法結晶

曼陀羅』藝術起源於佛教密宗,原本的目的與意義,雖然被日本金泉浩晃博士所『誤解』,強加之以系統化的利用卻成為用於 5W1H 很好的計劃工具。有些人將之用於筆記』和備忘錄』,期望『記憶』能左右逢源,『靈感』會泉湧不斷


─── 《媒體中心──思創










於是有了『玉有十德』之說『仁、知、義、禮、樂、忠、信、天 、地、德』,都是源自大道,真可說是善於『觀物』取象意在象外的了。不只如此 《禮記‧玉藻》篇還說了怎麽飾『』成佩玉

古之君子必佩玉,右徵角,左宮羽。趨以采齊,行以肆夏,周還中規,折還中矩,進則揖之,退則揚之,然後玉鏘鳴也。故君子在車,則聞鸞和之聲,行則鳴佩玉, 是以非辟之心,無自入也。君在不佩玉,左結佩,右設佩,居則設佩,朝則結佩,齊則綪結佩而爵韠。凡帶必有佩玉,唯喪否。佩玉有衝牙;君子無故玉不去身君子於玉比德焉。天子佩白玉而玄組綬,公侯佩山玄玉而朱組綬,大夫佩水蒼玉而純組綬,世子佩瑜玉而綦組綬,士佩瓀玟而緼組綬。孔子佩象環五寸,而綦組綬。

果真是周公盛德之『制禮作樂』乎?難道這也就是民間『中國結』的先河耶??法國文學批評大家羅蘭‧巴特運用符號學分析服飾的『時尚』建立『物之系統』完成《流行體系》名著,恐非是這麼作的第一人吧!!伏羲氏天文俯地理之事,去古都已太遠,於今早就是神話傳說的了。但是怎麽用日『』以測天,穿衣裳,以及用『』── 作坊 ── 之攻玉,既使淵源早就擅了,也許又是今日作之,卻又是個說不清不明的『夢中之夢』。

金文大篆 表 理


─── 摘自《後生可畏!?











PyDy Visualizer

The PyDy Visualizer is a browser based GUI built to render the visualizations generated bypydy.viz. This document provides an overview of PyDy Visualizer. It describes the various features of the visualizer and provides instructions to use it.

The visualizer can be embedded inside an IPython notebook or displayed standalone in the browser. Inside the IPython notebook, it also provides additional functionality to interactively modify the simulation parameters. The EoMs can be re-integrated using a click of a button from GUI, and can be viewed inside the same GUI in real time.

Here is a screenshot of the visualizer, when it is called from outside the notebook, i.e. from the Python interpreter:




Widget (GUI)

A control element (sometimes called a control or widget) in a graphical user interface is an element of interaction, such as a button or a scroll bar. Controls are software components that a computer user interacts with through direct manipulation to read or edit information about an application. User interface libraries such as WindowWidget (GUI)s Presentation Foundation, GTK+, and Cocoa, contain a collection of controls and the logic to render these.[1]

Each widget facilitates a specific type of user-computer interaction, and appears as a visible part of the application’s GUI as defined by the theme and rendered by the rendering engine. The theme makes all widgets adhere to a unified aesthetic design and creates a sense of overall cohesion. Some widgets support interaction with the user, for example labels, buttons, and check boxes. Others act as containers that group the widgets added to them, for example windows, panels, and tabs.

Structuring a user interface with widget toolkits allows developers to reuse code for similar tasks, and provides users with a common language for interaction, maintaining consistency throughout the whole information system.

Graphical user interface builders facilitate the authoring of GUIs in a WYSIWYG manner employing a user interface markup language. They automatically generate all the source code for a widget from general descriptions provided by the developer, usually through direct manipulation.

gtk3-demo, a program to demonstrate the widgetsin GTK+ version 3.

History and use

Any widget displays an information arrangement changeable by the user, such as a window or a text box. The defining characteristic of a widget is to provide a single interaction point for the direct manipulation of a given kind of data. In other words, widgets are basic visual building blocks which, combined in an application, hold all the data processed by the application and the available interactions on this data.

GUI widgets are graphical elements used to build the human-machine-interface of a program. GUI widgets are implemented like software components. Widget toolkits and software frameworks, like e.g. GTK+ or Qt, contain them in software libraries so that programmers can use them to build GUIs for their programs.

A family of common reusable widgets has evolved for holding general information based on the Palo Alto Research Center Inc. research for the Xerox Alto User Interface. Various implementations of these generic widgets are often packaged together in widget toolkits, which programmers use to build graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Most operating systems include a set of ready-to-tailor widgets that a programmer can incorporate in an application, specifying how it is to behave. Each type of widget generally is defined as a class by object-oriented programming (OOP). Therefore, many widgets are derived from class inheritance.

In the context of an application, a widget may be enabled or disabled at a given point in time. An enabled widget has the capacity to respond to events, such as keystrokes or mouse actions. A widget that cannot respond to such events is considered disabled. The appearance of a widget typically differs depending on whether it is enabled or disabled; when disabled, a widget may be drawn in a lighter color or be obscured visually in some way. See the adjacent image for an example.

Widgets are sometimes qualified as virtual to distinguish them from their physical counterparts, e.g. virtual buttons that can be clicked with a pointer, vs. physical buttons that can be pressed with a finger.

A related (but different) concept is the desktop widget, a small specialized GUI application that provides some visual information and/or easy access to frequently used functions such as clocks, calendars, news aggregators, calculators and desktop notes. These kinds of widgets are hosted by a widget engine.


“Widget” entered American English around 1920, as a generic term for any useful device, particularly a product manufactured for sale. In computer use it has been borrowed as a shortened form of “window gadget,” and was first applied to user interface elements during Project Athena in 1988.[citation needed] The word was chosen because “all other common terms were overloaded with inappropriate connotations” – since the project’s Intrinsics toolkit associated each widget with a window of the underlying X Window System – and because of the common prefix with the word window.[2]



Using Interact

The interact function (ipywidgets.interact) automatically creates user interface (UI) controls for exploring code and data interactively. It is the easiest way to get started using IPython’s widgets.









STEM 隨筆︰古典力學︰模擬術【可視化】 C

一時 Mrphs 說道︰雖然先生曾在

《派生》 Python 作坊【甲】尋本溯源》文本中,談到『 甲骨文作一』『作』字。




△★ 坊



《説文解字》:,邑里之名。从土,方聲 。古通用埅。



但是 W!o+ 非常心儀『 工 』『工』字。他講這個『工』字古來就代表多功能『工具』,因此後有『工欲善其事,必先利其器』之說 ,所以特取名為『工坊』。彼時作者當真墬落『工』『作』和『作』『工』之輪迴裡。縱想問,卻不知問之『目的』安在?……只聽 Mrphs 又講︰W!o+ 認為







後生可畏焉知來者之不如今也。 四十、五十而無 ── ㄨㄣˊ陽關道 ──焉,斯亦不足畏也已。


歐陽修, 一向治學嚴謹,直至晚年,不減當初。他常將自己平生所寫的文章,清理出來進行修改,每字每句反覆推敲,甚是認真 。為此,他整天辛苦勞累,有時直忙 到深夜。夫人見他年歲已高 ,還如此盡心費神,恐其操勞過度,影響健康,十分擔心,目前制止。她關切地對丈夫說:『官人,何必如此用功,不惜貴體安康,為這 些文字吃這樣多的苦頭,官人已年邁致仕(退休),難道還怕先生責難生氣嗎?』歐陽修回答說:『不怕先生生氣,只怕後生生譏』,『後生可畏耶!』

活到老學到老─── 引自《後生可畏!?

─── 《W!O+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 從下而上‧由上往下




What does this graph tell us? How does the system behave?

