樹莓派 3A+ 好好玩︰VLC‧上


或許因為『 omxplayer


OMXPlayer is a commandline OMX player for the Raspberry PI.
It was developed as a testbed for the XBMC Raspberry PI implementation and is quite handy to use standalone.

OMXPlayer has big dependencies that take long to compile on Raspberry Pi and usually without sucess, so I decided to make a build-bot for creating binary distributions for Raspbian (Debian with hard-float for RPi).

I didn’t wrote the code, I just provide the binary packages. If you have any problem with them you can contact me in different ways and I will try to help:

  • E-Mail: skgsergio [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Twitter: @skgsergio
  • IRC: [SkG] @ irc.freenode.net (usually online at #raspberrypi, #raspbian and many others.)




Tutorial: Compile VLC with HW acceleration – Jessie, RPi 2/3

by gkreidl » Sat Nov 02, 2013 8:30 am
Update March 14th, 2016:
This is now finally working again! This tutorial is for Raspbian Jessie and the RPi 2 and 3 only!If you have already VLC installed, remove it now (all packages belonging to it).
If not, it might be a good idea, to install it first and remove it again (all packages belonging to it) to get all the program dependencies installed.1) Download and unpack:
http://download.videolan.org/vlc/2.2.2/vlc-2.2.2.tar.xzFor everything else we’ll use a terminal.2) Installing the dependencies for building


This will also take a few minutes.

After starting VLC for the first time, change the following options:
Settings, simple, Audio: make sure, ALSA and bcm2835 are selected
Settings, simple, Video, output: select “OpenMAX IL video output”
VLC will remember these settings.

Video is displayed in an overlay, similar to omxplayer, not inside a window. On both RPi2 and 3 it will play up to 1080p video.

If audio is jerky and out of sync, check, if pulseaudio is installed on your system and remove it (only the main application package).




後來友人寫了樹莓派二『 vlc 安裝 』一文,作者一旦需要首先也就這麼編譯的了。雖說如今還是『依樣畫葫蘆』,卻請讀者注意那個文本中有一行,應如下︰

./configure –-prefix=/usr –-enable-rpi-omxil –-disable-ogg –-disable-mux_ogg –-disable-mmal-codec



─── 《W!O+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰樹莓派 3 三兩事之 VLC 篇




VLC多媒體播放器英語:VLC media player,最初名為VideoLAN Client,是VideoLAN計劃的開放原始碼多媒體播放器。)支援眾多音訊與視訊解碼器及檔案格式,並支援DVD影音光碟、VCD影音光碟及各類串流協定。它也能作為單播多播的串流伺服器在IPv4IPv6的高速網路連線下使用。呼叫FFmpeg計劃的解碼器與libdvdcss程式庫使其有播放多媒體檔案及加密DVD影碟的功能。


VideoLAN最初作為大學的研究專案於1996年啟動。VLC原指VideoLAN用戶端(VideoLAN Client),但VLC已不再是個簡單的用戶端[10][11]。該軟體包含了用戶端及伺服器以通過校園網路播放影片流。VLC作為VideoLAN計劃所開發的用戶端,最初是巴黎中央理工學院學生的專題計畫,現在貢獻者已經遍及世界,並由非營利組織VideoLAN開發。

1998年開始重新編寫,2001年1月1日通過GNU通用公眾授權條款釋出,獲得了巴黎中央理工學院校長的授權。伺服器版軟體VideoLan伺服器(VideoLan ServerVLS)的功能早已整合進VLC並停止開發[12]。由於軟體已不再是用戶端/伺服器基礎裝備,因此被更名為VLC media player。

VLC的圖示是源自於交通錐,由Ecole Centrale’s Networking Students’ Association創作[13]。2006年由手繪的低解析度圖示改成[14]高解析度的CGI,作者是Richard Øiestad[15]




VLC現在可通過蘋果的App Store下載於iPadiPhoneiPod Touch。早期因為GPL和iTunes Store授權的衝突而被下架[22],後來改用Mozilla公眾授權條款釋出。

2014年3月13日開始釋出Windows Store的版本。支援Windows Phone及可能支援Xbox One的版本也在開發中。[23]


大概標誌著一台道地的 arm cpu 個人電腦 ── PC ── 出現了☺


VideoLAN, 既是一個專案,也是一個 非營利組織.



VLC media player

下載 VLC Version 3.0.4






sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2

vlc v4l2:///dev/video0:width=640:height=480

