Sonic π ︰ 沒有錯誤!

Three Butterfly, by a 14-year-old girl, made by chalk and glue on kraft paper

Child art is the drawings, paintings and other artistic works created by children. It is also referred to as “children’s art” or the “art of children”.

“Child art”

In its primary sense the term was created by Franz Cižek (1865–1946) in the 1890s.

The term “child art” also has a parallel and different usage in the world of contemporary fine art, where it refers to a subgenre of artists who depict children in their works.

Third connotation of “child art” implies art intended for viewing by children, say illustrations in a book for juvenile readers. Such art could be done by a child or a professional adult illustrator.

Scribble by one-year-old.

Smiling person (combined head and body) age 4½

Birch bark document 202,[10]showing symbolic drawing of people, age 6-7 (Onfim)

─── 摘自維基百科詞條《Child art







因此 Dr .Sam Aaron 博士強調

1.3 – Learning through Play

Sonic Pi encourages you to learn about both computing and music through play and experimentation. The most important thing is that you’re having fun, and before you know it you’ll have accidentally learned how to code, compose and perform.



There are no mistakes

Whilst we’re on this subject, let me just give you one piece of advice I’ve learned over my years of live coding with music – there are no mistakes, only opportunities. This is something I’ve often heard in relation to jazz but it works equally well with live coding. No matter how experienced you are – from a complete beginner to a seasoned live coder, you’ll run some code that has a completely unexpected outcome. It might sound insanely cool – in which case run with it. However, it might sound totally jarring and out of place. It doesn’t matter that it happened – what matters is what you do next with it. Take the sound, manipulate it and morph it into something awesome. The crowd will go wild.

Start Simple

When you’re learning, it’s tempting to want to do amazing things now. However, just hold that thought and see it as a distant goal to reachlater. For now, instead think of the simplest thing you could write which would be fun and rewarding that’s a small step towards the amazing thing you have in your head. Once you have an idea about that simple step, then try and build it, play with it and then see what new ideas it gives you. Before long you’ll be too busy having fun and making real progress.

Just make sure to share your work with others!



【a = 1,】



【play X】



2.1 – Your First Beeps


Playing a note is quite fun, but playing many at the same time can be even better. Try it:

play 72
play 75
play 79

Jazzy! So, when you write multiple plays, they all play at the same time. Try it for yourself – which numbers sound good together? Which sound terrible? Experiment, explore and find out for yourself.


8.2 – Chords

Sonic Pi has built-in support for chord names which will return lists. Try it for yourself:

play chord(:E3, :minor)

Now, we’re really getting somewhere. That looks a lot more pretty than the raw lists (and is easier to read for other people). So what other chords does Sonic Pi support? Well, a lot. Try some of these:

  • chord(:E3, :m7)
  • chord(:E3, :minor)
  • chord(:E3, :dim7)
  • chord(:E3, :dom7)




【play 72】接著【play 75】之後再【play 79】★