【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《五》


寓言十九, ㄔㄨㄥˊ 十七,日出,和以天倪 ㄋㄧˊ。


重言十七,所以已【記】言也。是為耆 ㄑㄧˊ 艾 ㄞˋ ,年矣,而無經緯本末以期《年耆》【】者,是非先也。人而無以先人,無人道也。人而無人道,是之謂人。

卮言日出,天倪,因以曼衍,所以窮年不言則齊,齊與言不齊,言與齊不齊也。故曰:無言。言無言:終身言,未嘗【不】言﹔終身不言,未嘗不言。 】也而,有也而不可﹔有也而,有也而不然。惡乎然於然﹔惡乎不然 不然於不然。惡乎可於可﹔惡乎不可不可於不可物固有所然,物 固有所可。無物不然,無物不可。非卮言日出【新】,和以天倪,孰得其久!萬物皆種也,以不同形相禪,始卒若環,莫得其倫【理】,是謂天均。天均者,天倪也。



莊子曰:「孔子【改】之矣,而其末之嘗言。孔子云:『夫受才乎大本,復靈以生。鳴而當律,言而當法。利義陳乎前,而好惡是非直服人之口而已矣。使人乃以心服而不敢蘁【逆】 ㄨˋ 立,定天下之定。已乎,已乎!吾且不得及彼乎!』」

曾子再仕而心再化,曰:「及親三釜 ㄈㄨˇ 而心樂﹔後三千鍾不洎【及】 ㄐㄧˋ ,吾心悲

弟子問於仲尼曰:「若者,可謂無所【懸】 ㄒㄩㄢˊ 其乎 ?」


顏成子游東郭子綦 ㄑㄧˊ 曰:「自吾聞子之言,年而年而年而年而年而年而【歸】年而天成年而不知死、不知生年而大妙生有為,死 也。公,以其也,有【因由】也;而陽也,無自也。而【汝】果然乎?惡【何】 ㄨ 乎其所?惡乎其所不適?天有曆數,地有人據,惡乎之?莫其所,若之何其無命也【邪】?莫其所,若之何其有命也?有以相應也,若之何其無鬼邪?相應也,若之何其有鬼邪?」

罔兩【影外重影】問於【影】曰:「若【你】向【昔】也俯而今也仰,向也括撮【束髮】 ㄘㄨㄛˋ 而今也被髮﹔向也坐而今也起﹔向也行而今也止:何也?」

曰:「搜搜【運動無心】也,奚【何】稍【小】問也!予有而不知其所以。予,蜩【蟬】 ㄊㄧㄠˊ 甲也,蛇蛻也,似之而非也。火與日,吾【聚】也﹔陰與夜,吾【休息】也。彼,吾所以有待邪,而況乎以無有待者乎!彼來則我與之來,彼往則我與之往 ,彼強陽【運動】則我與之強陽。強陽者,又何以有問乎!」

陽子居【楊朱】南之【往】沛,老聃 ㄉㄢ 西游於秦。邀於郊,至於梁而遇老子老子中道仰天而嘆曰:「始以汝為可教,今不可也。

陽子居不答。至舍,進盥 ㄍㄨㄢˋ 漱巾櫛【梳篦總稱】 ㄐㄧㄝˊ,脫屨戶外,膝【跪】行而前,曰:「向者弟子欲請夫子,夫子行不閒,是以不敢﹔今閒矣,請問其過。」

老子曰:「而睢睢 ㄙㄨㄟ 盱盱 ㄒㄩ 【跋扈傲視】,而誰與居!大白若辱,盛德若不足。





結繩紀事,古早也 !


─── 《人類為何需要人權宣言?!


今年七月 ITPRO 上的一篇傳聞


Raspberry Pi 4: Google announces partnership with Raspberry Pi Foundation

Written By ,


 19 Jul, 2017

Raspberry Pi fans can now take advantage of Google’s AI technology

The Raspberry Pi is one of the most beloved pieces of tech ever built. The £35 micro-computer has been used in everything from DIY home automation projects to actual space missions aboard the ISS, and has an intensely passionate community of fans, makers and hobbyists surrounding it.

While devices like the Rasperry Pi Zero W have been met with an excellent response, the community is nevertheless eagerly awaiting the launch of the next fully-fledged addition to the Raspberry Pi family. Here’s everything we know so far.

Latest Raspberry Pi 4 News

04/05/2017: The Raspberry Pi can now harness the power of Google’s AI, thanks to a new add-on board.

Produced as part of a new collaboration between Google and the Raspberry Pi Foundation, the Voice HAT (Hardware Accessory on Top) board allows users to voice control to their projects.

Budding makers will also have access to some of Google’s most powerful tools, include the Google Assistant SDK, which provides the brain behind Google’s AI helper, and the Google Cloud Speech APi which the company uses internally for speech recognition tasks.

The new Voice HAT boards are being given away with every copy of issue 57 of the MagPi, along with everything you need to get started with your first voice-controlled projects. Fans will have to be quick, though – this issue is expected to be very popular indeed.

Raspberry Pi 4 release date and availability

Fans will be disappointed to hear that the next iteration of the Raspberry Pi won’t be arriving until at least 2019. Eben Upton, co-creator and co-founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, has previously stated the current Raspberry Pi 3 would have a minimum life span of three years.

There is a possibility that the new Raspberry Pi 4 could be delayed beyond this, as the Foundation has effectively hit the limit of what can be achieved using the 40nm manufacturing process. Upton hasn’t given up, however, stating: “we’ll get there eventually”.

Whenever it does arrive, fans will need act quickly – with each new Raspberry Pi launch the products have faced massive demand and have quickly sold off their initial production run, and the Raspberry Pi 4 is almost guaranteed to do the same. Prospective buyers should also expect to receive a cap on the number of devices you are able to order at once, a measure to thwart potential scalpers.



或已不必問會傷粉絲期盼 4B 之心?或將開啟新紀元矣!





,故不再多言 Jessie → Stretch 之三兩事也。

W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰樹莓派 3 三兩事之 WiFi 篇

W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰樹莓派 3 三兩事之預告篇

