【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 ? 》


二零零一年,林納斯‧托瓦茲 Linus Torvalds ── Linux kernel 的創建者 ── 出版了一本他與大衛‧戴爾蒙德 David Diamond 聯合撰寫的幽默自傳《只為歡樂 Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary 。這本書提出了『 Linus 法則 the Law of Linus that all evolution contributed by humanity starts for survival, sustains socially and entertains at last.

在此特引自『更快樂 5 堂課』︰塔爾‧班夏哈 Tal Ben-Shahar PhD 擁有哈佛大學組織行為學博士學位,在哈佛開設的『正向心理學』及『領導心理學』,名列哈佛史上最受歡迎的課程;每學期選修人數達 1400 多人,超過學生總數的 1/4,被譽為最受歡迎的人生導師。他的課程上傳成為哈佛網路公開課程『幸福課』,全球瘋狂下載。



如果一個人乘著『想像之翼』,天地間就有『無限可能』,這就是《玩樹莓派, 自得其樂》的精神。

─── 《音樂播放器原型機之《可能性》 Just for Fun


從 Raspbian Stretch 初步驗證結果來看,目前樹莓派基金想將重心放在軟體以及應用上。欲實現 Hearsay OSHearsay PC 之傳奇?雖然論壇上的一小段對話︰

Massive incompatibilities between Jessie and Stretch…


Thu Sep 07, 2017 12:09 pm

There seem to have been a ton of incompatibilities and changes introduced that break a LOT of the Raspberry Pi ecosystem’s software and documentation (the popular Piface for example), plus some serious “downgrades” to major components like Nodejs (version 4? really?).

Many popular packages are not included in the stretch distro or package list either.

These implications do not seem to have been that carefully considered, and the resultant frustration that is sure to follow will greatly undermine the Raspberry Pi ecosystem – converting it from one where stuff “just works”, to one where a lucky search or guru-level kernel expertise is needed to make things work…



Re: Massive incompatibilities between Jessie and Stretch…

jameshRaspberry Pi Engineer & Forum Moderator

Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:10 pm

There is a real problem here in that we really need to update to newer packages – a lot in Jessie are very old indeed, and since we follow the Debian distribution, we get what they (after months of testing) use.

I’m surprised some packages are now older version -that seems very odd. A list would be useful, as would a list of popular packages that are no longer present. Again this is actually down to Debian from which we get the packages lists, then add some Pi specific stuff.

As for third party stuff no longer working, it’s impossible for us to test everything that might ever be run on a Pi to ensure it still works. We have to leave that down to the maintainers of whatever package it is. So for example, PiFace will need to update their libraries to work with Stretch. They are clearly the best people to do this since they know the code. This process usually takes a few weeks after a major upgrade like this, time for third party suppliers to fix code and update their libraries. Same happens with Windows releases as well.

Documentation is indeed an issue. However, if we delayed OS releases so we can update all the docs, they would be delayed by months, possible years, due to lack of staff to get that documentation updated. It’s possible for us to update after the event over a longer period of time, but does mean the docs lag behind. I’m not sure what can be done about that apart from throwing $1M at the problem and employing a load of people just to keep docs updated. Unfortunately, that’s a lot of cash, that people would argue is better spent elsewhere.


反倒激起動手打造一台 Raspbian Stretch 學習機的念頭,何不沿路劈荊斬棘看看風光 ,且順道談談風雲變換的趨勢呢?
