GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《色彩空間》灰階‧甲



Radiometry is a set of techniques for measuring electromagnetic radiation, including visible light. Radiometric techniques in optics characterize the distribution of the radiation’s power in space, as opposed to photometric techniques, which characterize the light’s interaction with the human eye. Radiometry is distinct from quantum techniques such as photon counting.

The use of radiometers to determine the temperature of objects and gasses by measuring radiation flux is called pyrometry. Handheld pyrometer devices are often marketed as infrared thermometers.

Radiometry is important in astronomy, especially radio astronomy, and plays a significant role in Earth remote sensing. The measurement techniques categorized as radiometry in optics are called photometry in some astronomical applications, contrary to the optics usage of the term.

Spectroradiometry is the measurement of absolute radiometric quantities in narrow bands of wavelength.[1]



Photometry (optics)

Photometry is the science of the measurement of light, in terms of its perceived brightness to the human eye.[1] It is distinct from radiometry, which is the science of measurement of radiant energy (including light) in terms of absolute power. In modern photometry, the radiant power at each wavelength is weighted by a luminosity function that models human brightness sensitivity. Typically, this weighting function is the photopic sensitivity function, although the scotopic function or other functions may also be applied in the same way.

Photopic (daytime-adapted, black curve) and scotopic [1] (darkness-adapted, green curve) luminosity functions. The photopic includes the CIE 1931 standard [2] (solid), the Judd-Vos 1978 modified data [3] (dashed), and the Sharpe, Stockman, Jagla & Jägle 2005 data [4] (dotted). The horizontal axis is wavelength in nm.




色度學(Colorimetry),又名比色法,是量化和物理上描述人們顏色知覺的科學和技術。 色度學同光譜學(spectrophotometry)相近 ,但是色度學更關心的是於人們顏色知覺物理相關的光譜。最常用的是CIE1931色彩空間和相關的數值。



In photography and computing, a grayscale or greyscale digital image is an image in which the value of each pixel is a single sample, that is, it carries only intensity information. Images of this sort, also known as black-and-white, are composed exclusively of shades of gray, varying from black at the weakest intensity to white at the strongest.[1]

Grayscale images are distinct from one-bit bi-tonal black-and-white images, which in the context of computer imaging are images with only two colors, black and white (also called bilevel or binary images). Grayscale images have many shades of gray in between.

Grayscale images are often the result of measuring the intensity of light at each pixel in a single band of the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g. infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, etc.), and in such cases they are monochromatic proper when only a given frequency is captured. But also they can be synthesized from a full color image; see the section about converting to grayscale.

Numerical representations


A sample grayscale image

The intensity of a pixel is expressed within a given range between a minimum and a maximum, inclusive. This range is represented in an abstract way as a range from 0 (total absence, black) and 1 (total presence, white), with any fractional values in between. This notation is used in academic papers, but this does not define what “black” or “white” is in terms of colorimetry.

Another convention is to employ percentages, so the scale is then from 0% to 100%. This is used for a more intuitive approach, but if only integer values are used, the range encompasses a total of only 101 intensities, which are insufficient to represent a broad gradient of grays. Also, the percentile notation is used in printing to denote how much ink is employed in halftoning, but then the scale is reversed, being 0% the paper white (no ink) and 100% a solid black (full ink).

In computing, although the grayscale can be computed through rational numbers, image pixels are stored in binary, quantized form. Some early grayscale monitors can only show up to sixteen (4-bit) different shades, but today grayscale images (as photographs) intended for visual display (both on screen and printed) are commonly stored with 8 bits per sampled pixel, which allows 256 different intensities (i.e., shades of gray) to be recorded, typically on a non-linear scale. The precision provided by this format is barely sufficient to avoid visible banding artifacts, but very convenient for programming because a single pixel then occupies a single byte.

Technical uses (e.g. in medical imaging or remote sensing applications) often require more levels, to make full use of the sensor accuracy (typically 10 or 12 bits per sample) and to guard against roundoff errors in computations. Sixteen bits per sample (65,536 levels) is a convenient choice for such uses, as computers manage 16-bit words efficiently. The TIFF and the PNG (among other) image file formats support 16-bit grayscale natively, although browsers and many imaging programs tend to ignore the low order 8 bits of each pixel.

No matter what pixel depth is used, the binary representations assume that 0 is black and the maximum value (255 at 8 bpp, 65,535 at 16 bpp, etc.) is white, if not otherwise noted.



Converting color to grayscale

Conversion of a color image to grayscale is not unique; different weighting of the color channels effectively represent the effect of shooting black-and-white film with different-colored photographic filters on the cameras.

Colorimetric (luminance-preserving) conversion to grayscale

A common strategy is to use the principles of photometry or, more broadly, colorimetry to match the luminance of the grayscale image to the luminance of the original color image.[2][3] This also ensures that both images will have the same absolute luminance, as can be measured in its SI units of candelas per square meter, in any given area of the image, given equal whitepoints. In addition, matching luminance provides matching perceptual lightness measures, such as L* (as in the 1976 CIE Lab color space) which is determined by the linear luminance Y (as in the CIE 1931 XYZ color space) which we will refer to here as Ylinear to avoid any ambiguity.

To convert a color from a colorspace based on an RGB color model to a grayscale representation of its luminance, weighted sums must be calculated in a linear RGB space, that is, after the gamma compression function has been removed first via gamma expansion.[4]

For the sRGB color space, gamma expansion is defined as

C_{\mathrm {linear} }={\begin{cases}{\frac {C_{\mathrm {srgb} }}{12.92}},&C_{\mathrm {srgb} }\leq 0.04045\\\left({\frac {C_{\mathrm {srgb} }+0.055}{1.055}}\right)^{2.4},&C_{\mathrm {srgb} }>0.04045\end{cases}}

where Csrgb represents any of the three gamma-compressed sRGB primaries (Rsrgb, Gsrgb, and Bsrgb, each in range [0,1]) and Clinear is the corresponding linear-intensity value (Rlinear, Glinear, and Blinear, also in range [0,1]). Then, linear luminance is calculated as a weighted sum of the three linear-intensity values. The sRGB color space is defined in terms of the CIE 1931 linear luminance Ylinear, which is given by

{\displaystyle Y_{\mathrm {linear} }=0.2126R_{\mathrm {linear} }+0.7152G_{\mathrm {linear} }+0.0722B_{\mathrm {linear} }}.[5]

The coefficients represent the measured intensity perception of typical trichromat humans, depending on the primaries being used; in particular, human vision is most sensitive to green and least sensitive to blue. To encode grayscale intensity in linear RGB, each of the three primaries can be set to equal the calculated linear luminance Y (replacing R,G,B by Y,Y,Y to get this linear grayscale). Linear luminance typically needs to be gamma compressed to get back to a conventional non-linear representation. For sRGB, each of its three primaries is then set to the same gamma-compressed Ysrgb given by the inverse of the gamma expansion above as

{\displaystyle Y_{\mathrm {srgb} }={\begin{cases}12.92\ Y_{\mathrm {linear} },&Y_{\mathrm {linear} }\leq 0.0031308\\1.055\ Y_{\mathrm {linear} }^{1/2.4}-0.055,&Y_{\mathrm {linear} }>0.0031308.\end{cases}}}

In practice, because the three sRGB components are then equal, it is only necessary to store these values once in sRGB-compatible image formats that support a single-channel representation. Web browsers and other software that recognizes sRGB images will typically produce the same rendering for such a grayscale image as it would for an sRGB image having the same values in all three color channels.



ColorPy/colorpy/ – Conversions between color models
Defines several color models, and conversions between them.
The models are:

xyz – CIE XYZ color space, based on the 1931 matching functions for a 2 degree field of view.

Spectra are converted to xyz color values by integrating with the matching functions in

xyz colors are often handled as absolute values, conventionally written with uppercase letters XYZ, or as scaled values (so that X+Y+Z = 1.0), conventionally written with lowercase letters xyz.
This is the fundamental color model around which all others are based.

rgb – Colors expressed as red, green and blue values, in the nominal range 0.0 – 1.0. These are linear color values, meaning that doubling the number implies a doubling of the light intensity. rgb color values may be out of range (greater than 1.0, or negative), and do not account for gamma correction. They should not be drawn directly.

irgb – Displayable color values expressed as red, green and blue values, in the range 0 – 255. These have been adjusted for gamma correction, and have been clipped into the displayable range 0 – 255.
These color values can be drawn directly.

Luv – A nearly perceptually uniform color space.

Lab – Another nearly perceptually uniform color space.

As far as I know, the Luv and Lab spaces are of similar quality.
Neither is perfect, so perhaps try each, and see what works best for your application.

The models store color values as 3-element NumPy vectors.
The values are stored as floats, except for irgb, which are stored as integers.



pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3 --pylab Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 13:31:11)  Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.  IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help      -> Python's own help system. object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details. Using matplotlib backend: TkAgg  In [1]: import colorpy.misc  In [2]: sRGB灰階 = ['#FFFFFF', '#EEEEEE', '#DDDDDD', '#CCCCCC', '#BBBBBB', '#AAAAAA', '#999999', '#888888', '#777777', '#666666', '#555555', '#444444', '#333333', '#222222', '#111111', '#000000']  In [3]: sRGB灰階級 = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15']  In [4]: colorpy.misc.colorstring_patch_plot (sRGB灰階, sRGB灰階級, 'Grayscale', 'grayscale', num_across=8) Saving plot grayscale  In [5]: sRGB紅階 = ['#FF0000', '#EE0000', '#DD0000', '#CC0000', '#BB0000', '#AA0000', '#990000', '#880000', '#770000', '#660000', '#550000', '#440000', '#330000', '#220000', '#110000', '#000000']  In [6]: sRGB紅階級 = sRGB灰階級  In [7]: colorpy.misc.colorstring_patch_plot (sRGB紅階, sRGB紅階級, 'Redscale', 'redscale', num_across=8) Saving plot redscale  In [8]: sRGB綠階 = ['#00FF00', '#00EE00', '#00DD00', '#00CC00', '#00BB00', '#00AA00', '#009900', '#008800', '#007700', '#006600', '#005500', '#004400', '#003300', '#002200', '#001100', '#000000']  In [9]: sRGB綠階級 = sRGB灰階級  In [10]: colorpy.misc.colorstring_patch_plot (sRGB綠階, sRGB綠階級, 'Redscale', 'redscale', num_across=8) Saving plot redscale  In [11]: sRGB藍階 = ['#0000FF', '#0000EE', '#0000DD', '#0000CC', '#0000BB', '#0000AA', '#000099', '#000088', '#000077', '#000066', '#000055', '#000044', '#000033', '#000022', '#000011', '#000000']  In [12]: sRGB藍階級 = sRGB灰階級  In [13]: colorpy.misc.colorstring_patch_plot (sRGB藍階, sRGB藍階級, 'Redscale', 'redscale', num_across=8) Saving plot redscale  In [14]:  </pre> <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-71356" src="灰階.png" alt="" width="652" height="553" />  <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-71357" src="紅階.png" alt="" width="652" height="553" />  <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-71358" src="綠階.png" alt="" width="652" height="553" />  <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-71359" src="藍階.png" alt="" width="652" height="553" />     <span style="color: #666699;">別說該怎麼『理解』維基百科之『例釋』呀︰</span> <h2><span id="Power_law_for_video_display" class="mw-headline" style="color: #ff9900;"><a style="color: #ff9900;" href="">Power law for video display</a></span></h2> <span style="color: #808080;">A <i>gamma characteristic</i> is a <a style="color: #808080;" title="Power law" href="">power-law</a> relationship that approximates the relationship between the encoded <a class="mw-redirect" style="color: #808080;" title="Luminance (video)" href="">luma</a> in a <a style="color: #808080;" title="Television" href="">television</a> system and the actual desired image luminance.</span>  <span style="color: #808080;">With this nonlinear relationship, equal steps in encoded luminance correspond roughly to subjectively equal steps in brightness. Ebner and Fairchild<sup id="cite_ref-EbnerCIC61998_9-0" class="reference"><a style="color: #808080;" href="">[9]</a></sup> used an exponent of 0.43 to convert linear intensity into lightness (luma) for neutrals; the reciprocal, approximately 2.33 (quite close to the 2.2 figure cited for a typical display subsystem), was found to provide approximately optimal perceptual encoding of grays.</span>  <span style="color: #808080;">The following illustration shows the difference between a scale with linearly-increasing encoded luminance signal (linear gamma-compressed luma input) and a scale with linearly-increasing intensity scale (linear luminance output).</span> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><span style="color: #808080;">Linear encoding</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;"><i>V</i><sub>S</sub> =</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.0</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.1</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.2</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.3</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.4</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.5</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.6</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.7</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.8</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.9</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">1.0</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #808080;">Linear intensity</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;"> <i>I</i> =</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.0</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.1</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.2</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.3</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.4</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.5</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.6</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.7</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.8</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">0.9</span></td> <td><span style="color: #808080;">1.0</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>    <span style="color: #666699;">【數值關係復現】</span> <pre class="lang:default decode:true">pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3 --pylab
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Using matplotlib backend: TkAgg

In [1]: import colorpy.misc

In [2]: 線性編碼灰階 = ['#000000', '#1A1A1A', '#333333', '#4D4D4D', '#666666', '#808080', '#999999', '#B3B3B3', '#CCCCCC', '#E6E6E6', '#FFFFFF']

In [3]: 線性編碼灰階級 = ['0.0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5', '0.6', '0.7', '0.8', '0.9', '1.0']

In [4]: colorpy.misc.colorstring_patch_plot (線性編碼灰階, 線性編碼灰階級, 'Grayscale', 'grayscale', num_across=8)
Saving plot grayscale

In [5]: 線性強度灰階 = ['#000000', '#5A5A5A', '#7B7B7B', '#949494', '#A9A9A9', '#BBBBBB', '#CBCBCB', '#D9D9D9', '#E7E7E7', '#F4F4F4', '#FFFFFF']

In [6]: 線性強度灰階級 = 線性編碼灰階級

In [7]: colorpy.misc.colorstring_patch_plot (線性強度灰階, 線性強度灰階級, 'Grayscale', 'grayscale', num_across=8)
Saving plot grayscale

In [8]: 


【 Linear encoding 】


【 Linear intensity  】


On most displays (those with gamma of about 2.2), one can observe that the linear-intensity scale has a large jump in perceived brightness between the intensity values 0.0 and 0.1, while the steps at the higher end of the scale are hardly perceptible. The gamma-encoded scale, which has a nonlinearly-increasing intensity, will show much more even steps in perceived brightness.

A cathode ray tube (CRT), for example, converts a video signal to light in a nonlinear way, because the electron gun’s intensity (brightness) as a function of applied video voltage is nonlinear. The light intensity I is related to the source voltage Vs according to

{\displaystyle I\propto V_{\rm {s}}^{\gamma }}

where γ is the Greek letter gamma. For a CRT, the gamma that relates brightness to voltage is usually in the range 2.35 to 2.55; video look-up tables in computers usually adjust the system gamma to the range 1.8 to 2.2,[1] which is in the region that makes a uniform encoding difference give approximately uniform perceptual brightness difference, as illustrated in the diagram at the top of this section.

For simplicity, consider the example of a monochrome CRT. In this case, when a video signal of 0.5 (representing mid-gray) is fed to the display, the intensity or brightness is about 0.22 (resulting in a dark gray). Pure black (0.0) and pure white (1.0) are the only shades that are unaffected by gamma.

To compensate for this effect, the inverse transfer function (gamma correction) is sometimes applied to the video signal so that the end-to-end response is linear. In other words, the transmitted signal is deliberately distorted so that, after it has been distorted again by the display device, the viewer sees the correct brightness. The inverse of the function above is:

  {\displaystyle V_{\rm {c}}\propto V_{\rm {s}}^{1/\gamma }}

where Vc is the corrected voltage and Vs is the source voltage, for example from an image sensor that converts photocharge linearly to a voltage. In our CRT example 1/γ is 1/2.2 or 0.45.

A color CRT receives three video signals (red, green and blue) and in general each color has its own value of gamma, denoted γR, γG or γB. However, in simple display systems, a single value of γ is used for all three colors.

Other display devices have different values of gamma: for example, a Game Boy Advance display has a gamma between 3 and 4 depending on lighting conditions. In LCDs such as those on laptop computers, the relation between the signal voltage Vs and the intensity I is very nonlinear and cannot be described with gamma value. However, such displays apply a correction onto the signal voltage in order to approximately get a standard γ = 2.5 behavior. In NTSC television recording, γ = 2.2.

The power-law function, or its inverse, has a slope of infinity at zero. This leads to problems in converting from and to a gamma colorspace. For this reason most formally defined colorspaces such as sRGB will define a straight-line segment near zero and add raising x + K (where K is a constant) to a power so the curve has continuous slope. This straight line does not represent what the CRT does, but does make the rest of the curve more closely match the effect of ambient light on the CRT. In such expressions the exponent is not the gamma; for instance, the sRGB function uses a power of 2.4 in it, but more closely resembles a power-law function with an exponent of 2.2, without a linear portion.



Simple monitor tests


To see whether one’s computer monitor is properly hardware adjusted and can display shadow detail in sRGB images properly, they should see the left half of the circle in the large black square very faintly but the right half should be clearly visible. If not, one can adjust their monitor’s contrast and/or brightness setting. This alters the monitor’s perceived gamma. The image is best viewed against a black background.

This procedure is not suitable for calibrating or print-proofing a monitor. It can be useful for making a monitor display sRGB images approximately correctly, on systems in which profiles are not used (for example, the Firefox browser prior to version 3.0 and many others) or in systems that assume untagged source images are in the sRGB colorspace.

On some operating systems running the X Window System, one can set the gamma correction factor (applied to the existing gamma value) by issuing the command xgamma -gamma 0.9 for setting gamma correction factor to 0.9, and xgamma for querying current value of that factor (the default is 1.0). In OS X systems, the gamma and other related screen calibrations are made through the System Preferences. Microsoft Windows versions before Windows Vista lack a first-party developed calibration tool.


In the test pattern to the right, the linear intensity of each solid bar is the average of the linear intensities in the surrounding striped dither; therefore, ideally, the solid squares and the dithers should appear equally bright in a properly adjusted sRGB system.













GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《色彩空間》故事


一六一四年 John Napier 約翰‧納皮爾在一本名為《 Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio  》── 奇妙的對數規律的描述 ── 的書中,用了三十七頁解釋『對數log ,以及給了長達九十頁的對數表。這有什麼重要的嗎?想一想即使在今天用『鉛筆』和『紙』做大位數的加減乘除,尚且困難也很容易算錯,就可以知道對數的發明,對計算一事貢獻之大的了。如果用一對一對應的觀點來看,對數把『乘除』運算『變換加減』運算

\log {a * b} = \log{a} + \log{b}

\log {a / b} = \log{a} - \log{b}


\log {a^n} = n * \log{a}

傳聞納皮爾還發明了的『骨頭計算器』,他的書對於之後的天文學、力學、物理學、占星學的發展都有很大的影響。他的運算變換 Transform 的想法,開啟了『換個空間解決數學問題』的大門,比方『常微分方程式的  Laplace Transform』與『頻譜分析的傅立葉變換』等等。


Rendered by

不只如此這個對數關係竟然還跟人類之『五官』── 眼耳鼻舌身 ── 受到『刺激』── 色聲香味觸 ── 的『感覺』強弱大小有關。一七九五年出生的 Ernst Heinrich Weber 韋伯,一位德國物理學家,是一位心理物理學的先驅,他提出感覺之『方可分辨』JND just-noticeable difference 的特性。比方說你提了五公斤的水,再加上半公斤,可能感覺差不了多少,要是你沒提水,說不定會覺的突然拿著半公斤的水很重。也就是說在『既定的刺激』下, 感覺的方可分辨性大小並不相同。韋伯實驗後歸結成一個關係式︰

ΔR/R = K

R:  既有刺激之物理量數值
ΔR:  方可分辨 JND 所需增加的刺激之物理量數值
K: 特定感官之常數,不同的感官不同

。之後  Gustav Theodor Fechner  費希納,一位韋伯派的學者,提出『知覺』perception 『連續性假設,將韋伯關係式改寫為︰

dP = k  \frac {dS}{S}


P = k \ln S + C

假如刺激之物理量數值小於 S_0 時,人感覺不到 P = 0,就可將上式寫成︰

P = k \ln \frac {S}{S_0}

這就是知名的韋伯-費希納定律,它講著:在絕對閾限 S_0 之上,主觀知覺之強度的變化與刺激之物理量大小的改變呈現自然對數的關係,也可以說,如果刺激大小按著幾何級數倍增,所引起的感覺強度卻只依造算術級數累加。

─── 摘自《千江有水千江月





P = k \ln \frac {S}{S_0} 之『無因次』 \frac{S}{S_0} 『表述』實優於

P = k \ln S + C 也。

追求五官之『絕對 □ 感』者,或當知『等距量表』哩︰



一九四七年,匈牙利之美籍猶太人數學家,現代電腦創始人之一。約翰‧馮‧諾伊曼 Jhon Von Neumann 和德國-美國經濟學家奧斯卡‧摩根斯特恩 Oskar Morgenstern 提出只要『個體』的『喜好性』之『度量』滿足『四條公設』,那麼『個體』之『效用函數』就『存在』,而且除了『零點』的『規定』,以及『等距長度』之『定義』之外,這個『效用函數』還可以說是『唯一』的。就像是『個體』隨身攜帶的『理性』之『溫度計』一樣,能在任何『選擇』下,告知最大『滿意度』與『期望值』。現今這稱之為『期望效用函數理論』 Expected Utility Theory。

由於每個人的『冷熱感受』不同,所以『溫度計』上的『刻度』並不是代表數學上的一般『數字』,通常這一種比較『尺度』只有『差距值』有相對『強弱』意義,『數值比值』並不代表什麼意義,就像說,攝氏二十度不是攝氏十度的兩倍熱。這一類『尺度』在度量中叫做『等距量表』 Interval scale 。

溫度計』量測『溫度』的『高低』,『理性』之『溫度計』度量『選擇』的『優劣』。通常在『實驗經濟學』裡最廣泛採取的是『彩票選擇實驗』 lottery- choice experiments,也就是講,請你在『眾多彩票』中選擇一個你『喜好』 的『彩票』。

這樣就可以將一個有多種『機率p_i,能產生互斥『結果A_i 的『彩票L 表示成︰

L = \sum \limits_{i=1}^{N} p_i A_i ,  \  \sum \limits_{i=1}^{N} p_i  =1,  \ i=1 \cdots N



L\prec MM\prec L,或 L \sim M

任意的兩張『彩票』都可以比較『喜好度』 ,它的結果只能是上述三種關係之一,『偏好 ML\prec M,『偏好 LM\prec L,『無差異L \sim M

遞移性公設】 Transitivity

如果 L \preceq M,而且 M \preceq N,那麼 L \preceq N

連續性公設】 Continuity

如果 L \preceq M\preceq N , 那麼存在一個『機率p\in[0,1] ,使得 pL + (1-p)N = M

獨立性公設】 Independence

如果 L\prec M, 那麼對任意的『彩票N 與『機率p\in(0,1],滿足 pL+(1-p)N \prec pM+(1-p)N

對於任何一個滿足上述公設的『理性經紀人』 rational agent ,必然可以『建構』一個『效用函數u,使得 A_i \rightarrow u(A_i),而且對任意兩張『彩票』,如果 L\prec M \Longleftrightarrow \  E(u(L)) < E(u(M))。此處 E(u(L)) 代表對 L彩票』的『效用期望值』,簡記作 Eu(L),符合

Eu(p_1 A_1 + \ldots + p_n A_n) = p_1 u(A_1) + \cdots + p_n u(A_n)

它在『微觀經濟學』、『博弈論』與『決策論』中,今天稱之為『預期效用假說』 Expected utility hypothesis,指在有『風險』的情況下,任何『個體』所應該作出的『理性選擇』就是追求『效用期望值』的『最大化』。假使人生中的『抉擇』真實能夠如是的『簡化』,也許想得到『快樂』與『幸福』的辦法,就清楚明白的多了。然而有人認為這個『假說』不合邏輯。一九五二年,法國總體經濟學家莫里斯‧菲力‧夏爾‧阿萊斯 Maurice Félix Charles Allais ── 一九八八年,諾貝爾經濟學獎的得主 ── 作了一個著名的實驗,看看實際上人到底是怎麼『做選擇』的,這個『阿萊斯』發明的『彩票選擇實驗』就是大名鼎鼎的『阿萊斯悖論』 Allais paradox 。


彩票甲:百分之百的機會得到一百萬元。【期望值 100 萬】

彩票乙:百分之十的機會得到五百萬元,百分之八十九的機會得到一百萬元,百分之一的機會什麼也得不到。【期望值 139 萬】



彩票丙:百分之十一的機會得到一百萬元,百分之八十九的機會什麼也得不到。【期望值 11 萬】

彩票丁:百分之十的機會得到五百萬元,百分之九十的機會什麼也得不到。【期望值 50 萬】


那麼這又是為什麼呢?也許說設想『人只是理性的』的這種想法,並不符合『合理性』,畢竟『人的心理』是『複雜的』,而且『人類行為』也是『多樣的』。於是自一九七九年起,以色列裔美國心理學家丹尼爾‧卡內曼 Daniel Kahneman 和以色列著名認知心理學者阿摩司‧特沃斯基 Amos Tversky 系統的研究『行為經濟學』 behavioral economic theory 這一領域,開創了現今稱為的『展望理論』prospect theory,試圖回答『為什麼』人是這麼『做選擇』的,此『前景理論』這麼講︰

People make decisions based on the potential value of losses and gains rather than the final outcome, and that people evaluate these losses and gains using certain heuristics.


U = \sum \limits_{i=1}^N w(p_i)v(A_i)

,此處 A_i 是各個可能結果,而 v 是『價值函數』 value function ,表示不同可能結果,在決策者心中的『相對價值』。而 w 是『機會權重函數』 probability weighting function ,藉此表現通常人對於『極不可能』發生的事,往往會『過度反應』 over-react,而對『高度可能』出現的事,常常又會『反應不及』 under-react。從而形成一條穿過『參考點』的『S 型曲線』。那個 U 就是一個人在作『得失決策』時的『總體評估』,或者說『預期效用』。





價值函數 value function


這條『S 型曲線』的不對稱性呈現出,當人們面對一個『損失』的『結果』,所產生之『厭惡感』或者說『傷感情』,比『獲益』之『情況』下所生的『滿意度』也許講『感覺好』,更為『強烈』。這使『展望理論』基本上不同於『期望效用函數理論』。有人將此理論的引申結論,整理成︰


── 『人的行為』應當用著『純理性』來『定義』嗎?


─── 摘自《物理哲學·下中…



Stevens’s power law

Stevens’s power law is a proposed relationship between the magnitude of a physical stimulus and its perceived intensity or strength. It is often considered to supersede the Weber–Fechner law on the basis that it describes a wider range of sensations, although critics argue that the validity of the law is contingent on the virtue of approaches to the measurement of perceived intensity that are employed in relevant experiments. In addition, a distinction has been made between local psychophysics, where stimuli are discriminated only with a certain probability, and global psychophysics, where the stimuli would be discriminated correctly with near certainty (Luce & Krumhansl, 1988). The Weber–Fechner law and methods described by L. L. Thurstone are generally applied in local psychophysics, whereas Stevens’s methods are usually applied in global psychophysics.

The theory is named after psychophysicist Stanley Smith Stevens (1906–1973). Although the idea of a power law had been suggested by 19th-century researchers, Stevens is credited with reviving the law and publishing a body of psychophysical data to support it in 1957.

The general form of the law is

  {\displaystyle \psi (I)=kI^{a},}

where I is the magnitude of the physical stimulus, ψ(I) is the subjective magnitude of the sensation evoked by the stimulus, a is an exponent that depends on the type of stimulation, and k is a proportionality constant that depends on the units used.

The table to the bottom lists the exponents reported by Stevens.


Continuum Exponent  a Stimulus condition
Loudness 0.67 Sound pressure of 3000 Hz tone
Vibration 0.95 Amplitude of 60 Hz on finger
Vibration 0.6 Amplitude of 250 Hz on finger
Brightness 0.33 5° target in dark
Brightness 0.5 Point source
Brightness 0.5 Brief flash
Brightness 1 Point source briefly flashed
Lightness 1.2 Reflectance of gray papers
Visual length 1 Projected line
Visual area 0.7 Projected square
Redness (saturation) 1.7 Red–gray mixture
Taste 1.3 Sucrose
Taste 1.4 Salt
Taste 0.8 Saccharin
Smell 0.6 Heptane
Cold 1 Metal contact on arm
Warmth 1.6 Metal contact on arm
Warmth 1.3 Irradiation of skin, small area
Warmth 0.7 Irradiation of skin, large area
Discomfort, cold 1.7 Whole-body irradiation
Discomfort, warm 0.7 Whole-body irradiation
Thermal pain 1 Radiant heat on skin
Tactual roughness 1.5 Rubbing emery cloths
Tactual hardness 0.8 Squeezing rubber
Finger span 1.3 Thickness of blocks
Pressure on palm 1.1 Static force on skin
Muscle force 1.7 Static contractions
Heaviness 1.45 Lifted weights
Viscosity 0.42 Stirring silicone fluids
Electric shock 3.5 Current through fingers
Vocal effort 1.1 Vocal sound pressure
Angular acceleration 1.4 5 s rotation
Duration 1.1 White-noise stimuli




Stevens generally collected magnitude estimation data from multiple observers, averaged the data across subjects, and then fitted a power function to the data. Because the fit was generally reasonable, he concluded the power law was correct. This approach ignores any individual differences that may obtain and indeed it has been reported that the power relationship does not always hold as well when data are considered separately for individual respondents (Green & Luce 1974).

Another issue is that the approach provides neither a direct test of the power law itself nor the underlying assumptions of the magnitude estimation/production method.

Stevens’s main assertion was that using magnitude estimations/productions respondents were able to make judgements on a ratio scale (i.e., if x and y are values on a given ratio scale, then there exists a constant k such that x = ky). In the context of axiomatic psychophysics, (Narens 1996) formulated a testable property capturing the implicit underlying assumption this assertion entailed. Specifically, for two proportions p and q, and three stimuli, x, y, z, if y is judged p times x, z is judged q times y, then t = pq times x should be equal to z. This amounts to assuming that respondents interpret numbers in a veridical way. This property was unambiguously rejected (Ellermeier & Faulhammer 2000, Zimmer 2005). Without assuming veridical interpretation of numbers, (Narens 1996) formulated another property that, if sustained, meant that respondents could make ratio scaled judgments, namely, if y is judged p times x, z is judged q times y, and if y is judged q times x, z is judged p times y, then z should equal z. This property has been sustained in a variety of situations (Ellermeier & Faulhammer 2000, Zimmer 2005).

Because Stevens fit power functions to data, his method did not provide a direct test of the power law itself. (Luce 2002), under the condition that respondents’ numerical distortion function and the psychophysical functions could be separated, formulated a behavioral condition equivalent to the psychophysical function being a power function. This condition was confirmed for just over half the respondents, and the power form was found to be a reasonable approximation for the rest (Steingrimsson & Luce 2006).

It has also been questioned, particularly in terms of signal detection theory, whether any given stimulus is actually associated with a particular and absolute perceived intensity; i.e. one that is independent of contextual factors and conditions. Consistent with this, Luce (1990, p. 73) observed that “by introducing contexts such as background noise in loudness judgements, the shape of the magnitude estimation functions certainly deviates sharply from a power function”.


仍在,『理論』尚未『 ○ 滿』耶??










GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《彩色世界》【顏色ABC】六

曾經聽得前人說︰作文心法有四字『起承轉合』。既已顏色『起』 ,『承』 □ 當講?


sRGB (standard Red Green Blue) is an RGB color space created cooperatively by HP and Microsoft in 1996 for use on monitors, printers and the Internet, and subsequently standardized by the IEC as IEC 61966-2-1:1999.[1] It is often used as the “default” color space for images that do not contain any color space information, especially if the images are stored as 8-bit integers.

sRGB uses the ITU-R BT.709 primaries, the same as are used in studio monitors and HDTV,[2] a transfer function (gamma curve) typical of CRTs, and a viewing environment designed to match typical home and office viewing conditions. This specification allowed sRGB to be directly displayed on typical CRT monitors of the time, a factor which greatly aided its acceptance.


『承』 ○ 應道!


孟塞爾顏色系統(Munsell Color System)是色度學(或比色法)裡透過明度(value)、色相(hue)及色度(chroma)三個維度來描述顏色的方法。這個顏色描述系統是由美國藝術家阿爾伯特·孟塞爾(Albert H. Munsell,1858-1918)在1898年創製的,在1930年代為USDA採納為泥土研究的官方顏色描述系統。至今仍是比較色法的標準。




☆ 繫『ABC』足不足??又是『品物咸章』之際!!


辰 龍

姤 :女壯,勿用取女。

彖曰:姤 ,遇也,柔遇剛也。勿用取女,不可與長也。 天地相遇,品物咸章也。 剛遇中正,天下大行也。 姤 之時義大矣哉!

象曰:天下有風,姤 ﹔后以施命誥四方。

︰《 文 》文說︰ 元 元,始也。从一从兀。 組 組,綬屬。其小者以為冕纓。从糸,且聲。姤 ䷫ ,偶也。从女后聲。







象曰:九五含章,中正也。 有隕自天,志不舍命也。

上九:姤 其角,吝,無咎。
象曰:姤 其角,上窮吝也。





行 ︰  文件總長四十七,真真是『杞』小『瓜』大,什麼也沒說,就要人家『以杞包瓜』。還會心『根號一七九』的哩!不知要不要四捨五入,小數點下有幾位,分明是罵人!!☿☹☹

訊 ︰☿ 后 后,上古之女王也。何時起加了個 女 女,就成了姤,祇知求『遇偶』,真不曉『後起者』造字是何肚腸??

─── 摘自《M♪o 之學習筆記本《辰》組元︰【䷫】以杞包瓜













GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《彩色世界》【顏色ABC】五


卯 兔


彖曰:習坎,重險也。 水流而不盈,行險而不失其信。 維心亨,乃以剛中也。 行有尚 ,往有功也。 天險不可升也,地險山川丘陵也,王公設險以守其國,坎之時用大矣哉!







舞  鶴 賦 舞鶴賦

散 幽經以驗物,偉胎化之仙禽。鍾浮曠之藻質,抱清迥之明心。指蓬壺而翻翰,望昆閬而揚音。澘日域以回騖,窮天步而高尋。踐神區其既遠,積靈祀而方多。精含丹 而星曜,頂凝紫而煙華。引員吭之纖婉,頓修趾之洪姱。疊霜毛而弄影,振玉羽而臨霞。朝戲於芝田,夕飲乎瑤池。厭江海而游澤,掩雲羅而見羈。去帝鄉之岑寂, 歸人寰之喧卑。歲崢嶸而愁暮,心惆悵而哀離。

於是窮陰殺節,急景凋年。骫沙振野,箕風動天。嚴嚴苦霧,皎皎悲泉。冰塞長河,雪滿群山。既而氛昏夜歇,景物澄廓。星翻漢回 ,曉月將落。感寒雞之早晨,憐霜雁之違漠。臨驚風之蕭條,對流光之照灼。唳清響於丹墀,舞飛容於金閣。始連軒以鳳蹌,終宛轉而龍躍。躑躅徘徊,振迅騰摧。 驚身蓬集,矯翅雪飛。離綱別赴,合緒相依。將興中止,若往而歸。颯沓矜顧,遷延遲暮。逸翮後塵 ,翱翥先路。指會規翔,臨岐矩步。態有遺妍,貌無停趣。奔機逗節,角睞分形。長揚緩騖,並翼連聲。輕跡凌亂,浮影交橫。眾變繁姿,參差洊密。煙交霧凝,若 無毛質。風去雨還,不可談悉。既散魂而蕩目,迷不知其所之。忽星離而雲罷,整神容而自持。仰天居之崇絕,更惆悵以驚思。


信步而走,不覺漸入深林,幾聲鶴鳴,方回過神來。怎到了古澤邊兒了。此間雖然聽聞絕美,四處流沙陷土極度危險。既來之,則安之。何不趁此刻細細瞧瞧,只要小 心謹慎就好。此景只原夢裡有,盎然生趣是仙鄉。一時薄霧轉濃,雖然狐疑,終究不是久待之地。出林後,看那日頭,分明已過了晌午,得敢緊尋路兒歸。

………摘自《M♪o 之學習筆記本《卯》基件︰【䷜】水洊維心











『組元』 tuple 數理如何算??!!



  • CCyan = 青色,常被誤稱為『天藍色』或『湛藍』
  • MMagenta = 洋紅色,又稱為『品紅色』
  • YYellow = 黃色
  • K:blacK黑色,雖然有文獻解釋說這裡的K應該是Key Color(定位套版色)[1][2][3],但其實是和製版時所用的定位套版觀念混淆而有此一說。此處縮寫使用最後一個字母K而非開頭的B,是因為在整體色彩學中已經將B給了RGB的Blue藍色





理想的CMY三原色油墨/墨水/彩色碳粉其印出成品的結果應該完全等同RGB三色光的補色,但目前現實世界裡一般彩色印刷/噴墨/雷射所使用的 CMY三色色料不論何種廠牌實際上均有不同的色偏現象,一般「青色」均略帶洋紅而偏藍,「洋紅」一般同時帶青與黃而偏紫,只有「黃色」僅略帶微量洋紅而略 微偏橙;此外以三層CMY疊印產生黑色不僅不容易立即乾燥、不利於快速印刷,三色疊印也需要非常精確的套印,用於表現有許多細小線條的文字十分不利;直接 以黑色油墨替代不純的CMY三層疊印所產生的不純黑色,也可以大大節省成本。故此「黑色」雖非「原色」,卻成為彩色印刷必備的色彩之一。



印刷和電腦螢幕顯示,分屬兩種不同的色彩模式(電腦螢幕為發光體,遵循RGB「三原色光模式原 理」;印刷為CMY+K油墨或墨水疊印、混色,遵循的是CMY「色料的三原色原理」),加上一般油墨印刷各原色網點色階為0~100%,而電腦螢幕各原色 光色階為0~255,兩者產生的色彩數差距甚大:CMYK僅有101³+101共1,030,402色,而RGB卻有256³共16,777,216色; 加上前述印刷油墨並非理想純色,實際形成的色彩空間也小於RGB,使得不管哪一種RGB模式都超出CMYK的色域範圍;故而印刷廠一般都會強調不能以螢幕上所看到的色彩要求輸出成品的色差。













t_{RGB} = \{R, G, B\}


t_{CMY} = \{C', M', Y'\} = \{1-R, 1-G, 1-B\}
\min(C',M',Y')=1,則 t_{CMYK} = \{0, 0, 0, 1\}


t_{CMYK} = \left\{ \frac{C' - K}{1 - K}, \frac{M' - K}{1 - K}, \frac{Y' - K}{1 - K}, K \right\}




Subtractive color

A subtractive color model explains the mixing of a limited set of dyes, inks, paint pigments or natural colorants to create a wider range of colors, each the result of partially or completely subtracting (that is, absorbing) some wavelengths of light and not others. The color that a surface displays depends on which parts of the visible spectrum are not absorbed and therefore remain visible.

Subtractive color systems start with light, presumably white light. Colored inks, paints, or filters between the watchers and the light source or reflective surface subtract wavelengths from the light, giving it color. If the incident light is other than white, our visual mechanisms are able to compensate well, but not perfectly, often giving a flawed impression of the “true” color of the surface.

Conversely, additive color systems start with darkness. Light sources of various wavelengths are added in various proportions to produce a range of colors. Usually, three primary colors are combined to stimulate humans’ trichromatic color vision, sensed by the three types of cone cells in the eye, giving an apparently full range.

Subtractive color mixing



Standard RYB Color Wheel

RYB (Red, Yellow, Blue) is the formerly standard set of subtractive primary colors used for mixing pigments. It is used in art and art education, particularly in painting. It predated modern scientific color theory.

Red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors of the standard color “wheel”. The secondary colors, violet (or purple), orange, and green (VOG) make up another triad, formed by mixing equal amounts of red and blue, red and yellow, and blue and yellow, respectively.

The RYB primary colors became the foundation of 18th century theories of color vision as the fundamental sensory qualities blended in the perception of all physical colors and equally in the physical mixture of pigments or dyes. These theories were enhanced by 18th-century investigations of a variety of purely psychological color effects, in particular the contrast between “complementary” or opposing hues produced by color afterimages and in the contrasting shadows in colored light. These ideas and many personal color observations were summarized in two founding documents in color theory: the Theory of Colors (1810) by the German poet and government minister Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and The Law of Simultaneous Color Contrast (1839) by the French industrial chemist Michel-Eugène Chevreul.

In late 19th and early to mid-20th century commercial printing, use of the traditional RYB terminology persisted even though the more versatile CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) triad had been adopted, with the cyan sometimes referred to as “process blue” and the magenta as “process red”.

CMY and CMYK printing processes

In color printing, the usual primary colors are cyan, magenta and yellow (CMY). Cyan is the complement of red, meaning that the cyan serves as a filter that absorbs red. The amount of cyan applied to a white sheet of paper controls how much of the red in white light will be reflected back from the paper. Ideally, the cyan is completely transparent to green and blue light and has no effect on those parts of the spectrum. Magenta is the complement of green, and yellow the complement of blue. Combinations of different amounts of the three can produce a wide range of colors with good saturation.

In inkjet color printing and typical mass production photomechanical printing processes, a black ink K (Key) component is included, resulting in the CMYK color model. The black ink serves to cover unwanted tints in dark areas of the printed image, which result from the imperfect transparency of commercially practical CMY inks; to improve image sharpness, which tends to be degraded by imperfect registration of the three color elements; and to reduce or eliminate consumption of the more expensive color inks where only black or gray is required.

Purely photographic color processes almost never include a K component, because in all common processes the CMY dyes used are much more perfectly transparent, there are no registration errors to camouflage, and substituting a black dye for a saturated CMY combination, a trivial prospective cost benefit at best, is technologically impractical in non-electronic analog photography.



RYB color model

RYB (an abbreviation of redyellowblue) is a historical set of colors used in subtractive color mixing and is one commonly used set of primary colors. It is primarily used in art and design education, particularly painting.

RYB predates modern scientific color theory, which has determined that cyan, magenta, and yellow are the best set of three colorants to combine, for the widest range of high-chroma colors.[1]

Mixture of RYB primary colors

Color wheel

RYB (red–yellow–blue) make up the primary color triad in a standard artist’s color wheel. The secondary colors purpleorangegreen (sometimes called violet–orange–green) make up another triad. Triads are formed by three equidistant colors on a particular color wheel. Other common color wheels represent the light model (RGB) and the print model (CMYK).


The first known instance of the RYB triad can be found in the work of Franciscus Aguilonius (1567–1617), although he did not arrange the colors in a wheel.[2]

In his experiments with light, Isaac Newton recognized that colors could be created by mixing color primaries. In his Opticks, Newton published a color wheel to show the geometric relationship between these primaries. This chart was later confused and understood to apply to pigments as well,[3] though Newton was also unaware of the differences between additive and subtractive color mixing.[4]

The RYB model was used for printing, by Jacob Christoph Le Blon, as early as 1725.[citation needed]

In the 18th century, the RYB primary colors became the foundation of theories of color vision, as the fundamental sensory qualities that are blended in the perception of all physical colors and equally in the physical mixture of pigments or dyes. These theories were enhanced by 18th-century investigations of a variety of purely psychological color effects, in particular the contrast between “complementary” or opposing hues that are produced by color afterimages and in the contrasting shadows in colored light. These ideas and many personal color observations were summarized in two founding documents in color theory: the Theory of Colors (1810) by the German poet and government minister Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and The Law of Simultaneous Color Contrast (1839) by the French industrial chemist Michel-Eugène Chevreul.[citation needed]

Painters have long used more than three RYB primary colors in their palettes, and at one point considered red, yellow, blue and green to be the four primaries.[5] Red, yellow, blue and green are still widely considered the four psychological primary colors,[6] though red, yellow and blue are sometimes listed as the three psychological primaries,[7] with black and white occasionally added as a fourth and fifth.[8]

The cyan, magenta, and yellow primary colors associated with CMYK printing are sometimes known as “process blue”, “process red”[citation needed] and “process yellow”.[citation needed]



An RYB color chart from George Field‘s 1841 Chromatography; or, A treatise on colours and pigments: and of their powers in painting showing a red close to magenta and a blue close to cyan, as is typical in printing.




















直接照射的陽光亮度效能約有每瓦特93流明的輻射通量,其中包括紅外線可見光紫外線。明亮的陽光對地球表面上提供的照度大約是每平方米100,000流明或 100,000勒克司。陽光是光合作用的關鍵因素,對於地球上的生命至關重要。




  • 紫外線C(Ultraviolet C)或UVC的範圍跨越100至280奈米。紫外線這個名詞意味著輻射的頻率比紫色還高(因此人的眼睛看不見它)。由於會被大氣層吸收,因此只有非常少的量能夠抵達地球的岩石表面。這種輻射光譜的特性是有殺菌力,和使用為殺菌燈
  • 紫外線B或UVB的範圍從280至315奈米。它也被大氣層大量的吸收,並且和紫外線C一起導致光化學反應製造出臭氧層
  • 紫外線A或UVA的範圍從315至400奈米。一般認為它對DNA的傷害最小因此常用來曬黑和做為牛皮癬PUVA療法
  • 可見範圍或的範圍從400至700奈米。如同名稱所暗示的,這是肉眼可以看見的範圍。
  • 紅外線的範圍從700奈米至106奈米[1(mm)]。在到達地球的電磁輻射中它們是很重要的一部分,依據波常可以分成三種類型:
    • 紅外線-A:700奈米至1,400奈米
    • 紅外線-B:1,400奈米至3,000奈米
    • 紅外線-C:3,000奈米至1毫米




Spectral composition of sunlight at Earth’s surface

The Sun’s electromagnetic radiation which is received at the Earth’s surface is predominantly light that falls within the range of wavelengths to which the visual systems of the animals that inhabit Earth’s surface are sensitive. The Sun may therefore be said to illuminate, which is a measure of the light within a specific sensitivity range. Many animals (including humans) have a sensitivity range of approximately 400–700 nm,[29] and given optimal conditions the absorption and scattering by Earth’s atmosphere produces illumination that approximates an equal-energy illuminant for most of this range.[30] The useful range for color vision in humans, for example, is approximately 450–650 nm. Aside from effects that arise at sunset and sunrise, the spectral composition changes primarily in respect to how directly sunlight is able to illuminate. When illumination is indirect, Rayleigh scattering in the upper atmosphere will lead blue wavelengths to dominate. Water vapour in the lower atmosphere produces further scattering and ozone, dust and water particles will also absorb selective wavelengths.[31][32]

Spectrum of the visible wavelengths at approximately sea level; illumination by direct sunlight compared with direct sunlight scattered by cloud cover and with indirect sunlight by varying degrees of cloud cover. The yellow line shows the spectrum of direct illumination under optimal conditions. The other illumination conditions are scaled to show their relation to direct illumination. The units of spectral power are simply raw sensor values (with a linear response at specific wavelengths).



Illuminant D65

CIE Standard Illuminant D65 (sometimes written D65[1][2]) is a commonly used standard illuminant defined by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE).[3] It is part of the D series of illuminants that try to portray standard illumination conditions at open-air in different parts of the world.

D65 corresponds roughly to the average midday light in Western Europe / Northern Europe (comprising both direct sunlight and the light diffused by a clear sky), hence it is also called a daylight illuminant. As any standard illuminant is represented as a table of averaged spectrophotometric data, any light source which statistically has the same relative spectral power distribution (SPD) can be considered a D65 light source. There are no actual D65 light sources, only simulators. The quality of a simulator can be assessed with the CIE Metamerism Index.[4][5]

The CIE positions D65 as the standard daylight illuminant:

[D65] is intended to represent average daylight and has a correlated colour temperature of approximately 6500 K. CIE standard illuminant D65 should be used in all colorimetric calculations requiring representative daylight, unless there are specific reasons for using a different illuminant. Variations in the relative spectral power distribution of daylight are known to occur, particularly in the ultraviolet spectral region, as a function of season, time of day, and geographic location.

— ISO 10526:1999/CIE S005/E-1998, CIE Standard Illuminants for Colorimetry

Spectral power distribution of D65.